Author: Stonershy, Co Author: Pacce
Description: After a strange book is found in the depths of the library's basement, a mysterious entity from a dark and forgotten chapter of Equestria's history is released unto the unsuspecting population of Ponyville. As Fluttershy recovers from near crippling depression, she finds comfort in a new friend who is not quite what she seems. Twilight Sparkle will find that the answers she needs don't always come from books or teachers, and that there will come a time when the road must be walked without guidance. Everyone is forced to leave their innocence behind as the very foundation of their world is shaken, and the bonds of their friendship are tested. The sun will set on an era of peace. War is on the horizon.Blood is Thicker than Friendship (New Parts 11-14)
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 1
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 2
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 3
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 4
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 5
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 6
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 7
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 8
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 9
Blood is Thicker than Friendship Part 10
Additional Tags: Fluttershy, Mane 6, Everypony, OCs, Vampirism
Fan Art
source |

Oh dear, so much grimdark being posted. looks nice tough its a pit i cna't read grimdark at all.
ReplyDeleteFir- aww damnit!
ReplyDeleteAny way, is that a Limbo screenie?
I love grimdark! Alien, The Thing, 40K, anything Lovecraft, Fallout, Gears of War, Resistance and Killzone, the weather channel...
ReplyDelete@Shoggoth For true grimdark you need to watch C-Span.
ReplyDelete"..the weather channel."
Oh man! That comment made my day! xD
Well...hello LIMBO.
ReplyDeleteshoggoth made a funny /)^3^(\
ReplyDeleteanywhooo black comedy!
ReplyDeleteL..L..Limbo? Oh my god, please someone make this. I just want to play Limbo but I want my character to be a pony!
ReplyDelete*Remembers the gruesome deaths*
Erm... maybe not. It'd be fun, and I'd still like it, but maybe for the death let's have a bunch of flowers go everywhere :D
Man alive this is good!
ReplyDeleteso why was this posted? i have it on good authority that it was not supposed to be posted yet..... Sethisto, i am disappoint. And by good authority i mean that i have Stonershy next to me telling me that Seth was not supposed to post this yet.
ReplyDeleteThis fic is just epic. I like how each of the chapters are so long, it really makes the prospect of waiting for another update less agonizing. I like how the plot's developing, and I eagerly await Ch. 4!
ReplyDeleteI think we need tags more specific than grimdark. It's too broadly used and scares away sensitive ponies who want to avoid horrible horribleness (rape murder torture) when often it's merely used for action oriented violence and ponies or others getting hurt or depressed.
ReplyDeleteWell there is plain [Dark]-tag. But yeah I agree with you, the [Grimdark]-tag should be separated to individual tags for death, violence, gore etc.
Damn fine story, but how the hell does this have a comedy tag?
ReplyDeleteThe artwork at the top seems to be from the flash game Skinny ( It too, has a dark story to it.
ReplyDeleteIt's (an alt of) the title screen for LIMBO. Almost certainly. Just look at the ladder.
Also...I need to stop abusing the comment system...and I need to read this story...*shame*
Oh, poor Fattershy.
ReplyDeleteThis fic's pretty good, hoping that it won't be too long for an update. :)
Was that thing trying ti kill Macintosh? I hope they put that thing down before anyone dies.
ReplyDeletePony Limbo? DO WANT
ReplyDeleteThis is a really surprising fic. I mean, at first I was all, "Why is Fluttershy fat what," but this guy's doing all kinds of things really well, things like shipping an OC with a mane character that would normally be laughed at. Loving it!
ReplyDeleteI'm loving this. Yea, it's creeping the crap outa me, but i'm loving it. I feel like watching Van Helsing now.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete^_^ I can't wait for more, i'm really loving this grimdark /)'3'(\
ReplyDeleteThis is simply fantastic, and I'm urgently awaiting more, Stonershy. Even if it isn't perfect, and you didn't want it posted, it's better than tons of super completed fics.
ReplyDeleteGreat work. Though I resent you for giving Fluttershy such a sad story. Her coltfriend lying to her and cheating on her. It made me so sad. Next chapter better feature some side story where Rainbow Dash mentions how she kicked Lucky's ass.
ReplyDelete[Lucky's covered in bruises and blood.]
Rainbow Dash: "You ain't so lucky anymore, huh bitch!"
Hurry with next chapter please, the suspense is killing me
ReplyDeleteI've actually got 4 and 5 ready to go, I'm just waiting on the new cover page.
Because everyone thought the story was about Limbo.
Screw the cover page, RELEASE PL0X! Will do anything for it, been waiting too long >.<
ReplyDeleteOkay fine jeeze. I'm only submitting chapter 4 though :A
I'll use another placeholder until the real one is ready.
ReplyDeleteNo, but in all seriousness thank you, I've been waiting so long and wanted it so bad. It's weird for me to do that about a fanfic. I just craze your wonderful work.
Jesus H. Christ on a graham cracker that is the single creepiest fucking picture I have ever seen in my entire fucking life
ReplyDeleteNew pic. Is terrifying.
ReplyDeleteShe's like a satanic rubber ducky.
I can't get behind this story. The first three chapters t feels like everyone except Twilight is carrying an idiot ball or otherwise refusing to put 2 and 2 together or at least use a little basic common sense to realize that there is no such skin condition that changes color immediately when exposed to sunlight, that dragon eye pupils and fangs are not part of a ponies anatomy, and that maybe with a bloodsucker on the loose they should exercise some basic skepticism.
ReplyDeleteThen there's the fact that even though the only reason Fluttershy started liking Mahara (sp?) was because of some sort of hypnosis, she hates the animals, and that she has essentially been tormenting Fluttershy in her sleep and hurting ponies Fluttershy cares about you seem to have some absurd drive to force this ship to sail.
Also, I can't seem to find the item which allows you to rate a story. What happened to it?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI wish more of the comments were half as good as yours. Thank you for giving me legitimate criticism, and I appreciate you taking the time to read even if it ultimately wasn't your thing.
I would however like to argue that the idea was, after everyone realized how foolish they had been about Zecora, they would be willing to give strangers the benefit of a doubt, even if they seemed a little sketchy. I admit I probably pushed that a little too far.
Also not everyone knows what is or is not a legitimate skin condition.
Mahara also does not hate the animals so much as they want nothing to do with her. I'm also not sure tormenting is the right word so much as subduing her the one time. Fluttershy doesn't know that Mahara is the one hurting anyone, either.
That said, again, I respect the fact that you don't really care for my work, and I thank you for giving me something to think about.
And I have no idea where the rating thing went.
Oh man, that was really, really well done. I've been glued to my screen, trying to figure out what, exactly, Mahara is. Of course, now that the beans have been spilled, I still want to know how, exactly, Twilight and the others are going to deal with her.
ReplyDeleteDo want next chapter, plz.
New chapter! Gonna read it now!
ReplyDeleteSo far this is pretty interesting all the deceit, the wonderful plot thickening goodness. In a way if everything Mahara said was true I do feel bad for her in a way. Yet I figure if they did turn her in to Celestia she would just banish her unless Twilight gave a reprieve.
ReplyDeleteI am curious to know if Fluttershy ends up being the permanent 'blood doner' for her hah. Seeing as despite what has happened she still has legitimate feelings. I await the next Ch.
Well here goes the rest of my night...
ReplyDeleteCan't Wait to read :D
This really needs more exposure... so few comments for what is a very epic story right now, and only planning to get bigger.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't I hold /more/ five stars?
So happy! I love this fic, going to read these new chapters and then go back to waiting for more.
ReplyDeletethe fic name just screams F.E.A.R 3 crossover.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Celestia, THAT PICTURE. GAH.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if anyone realizes this... but in reading this... something screams vampire story. I guess reading Dracula helped me somewhere.
ReplyDeletei've seen this damn picture....the story itself looks interesting but the picture looks too damn creepy
ReplyDeleteThis is genuinely freakin awesome. The writing is on a par with Fallout Equestria and the fight scene with the Hydra was absolutely epic....and in equal measures horrific.
Cannot WAIT for the next part!
Oh my god that picture is creepy O_O
ReplyDeleteohmyfuckinggod that picture. o_O
ReplyDeleteI got chills during the hydra part. Man, this guys writing is good.
ReplyDeletesame here, I hate that I'm left wondering now though of mahara will live or die. The fight was great, but I wonder if there's a way to save mahara and what of applejack.
ReplyDeleteGRRR I hate waiting! I can't wait to read chapter 6.
Okay. I can't read this until it's daylight since I'm a chickenguts (despite my love of grimdark...), but holy crap that image is gonna give me nightmares. Ohhhhmygod. o_o
ReplyDelete@Drwhoof I totes agree!
ReplyDeleteespecially the fight sequences(namely, the one at fluttershy's cottage), the acceptable/believable amount of shipping, slightly more profane versions of the characters(at first i was like ?{not sure if want}, then when sweetie belle asked what a d*ck was, I died, also, pinkie pie's surprise part during the hydra battle made me rofl)
And pinkie pie's other part(the one where she was watching fluttershy and mahara sleep and was like "I want a best friend who's more than a best friend who does secret tongue shakes and shares sleep hugs with me.")
Finally, I think this is a great story, most of the characters are in, well, character, so to speak. then there's the parts with the fillies and colts that didn't seem too fitting{twitht being the extheption for telling thkootaloo and thnails to sthop sthwearing!}
Keep it up, guy who writes this, Ah'm a waitin' fer moer
P.S. The picture with mutant rubber duckyshy will haunt my nightmares forever. and the person who came up with the term LISP was an evil bastard
I read through the entire thing and YOU ARE A MASTER OF WRITING! Every consider writing a book? Your style is just so interesting and t the same time professional. I could rarely find a single mistake as I find myself doing in so many other fics. So thank you or taking the time to write this masterpiece. It is amazing
ReplyDeleteThe reason why I find books to be more interesting than movies is cause of our greatest tool. Our imaginations, and with your story I can see every moment that had occurred and I simply rate on not only the plot, but the visual concept within my imagination. With that in mind...5 stars granted because of such an appealing fan fiction. This fan fiction was no doubt in my mind worth reading.
ReplyDeleteYour writing style is... Interesting.
ReplyDeleteIt is very very reminiscent of kkat and the way he writes Fallout: Equestria, You always write with just the write amount of details and don't go overboard when it comes to this Grimdark type of story.
You also seem to take your time while writing your stories, but I don't like spelling errors as much as the next brony. So i say take your time with these chapters.
Just not to much. I'm itching to find out what happens next.
@Trollestia I read it, it isnt gross or really sad or anything just exciting and a bit surprising i cant normally read Grimdark but this is fine :)
ReplyDeleteIs that where it ends? Or is it going to continue because this is really good and I want to see what happens to Mahara and AJ.
ReplyDeleteAsdafsafa I want to see the ending of this. It is so well written.
ReplyDeleteY'all poor souls waiting for the end...
ReplyDeleteChapter 6 was amazing. I just hope Celestia will take her pleed for forgiveness lightly but I do see Zacora and her fighting later. Which i believe will end the story with two dead monsters and one upset fluttershy.
ReplyDeleteY'all are forgetting something.
The summary promised us something.
This is JUST getting started.
This just gets better and better.
ReplyDeleteI applaud this author for having the skill to write this amazing fic, as well as his skill to have the patience to write long quality chapters.
This fic is easily the one I've enjoyed the most in my time as a brony.
I eagerly await the next chapter. :)
Honestly I am a bit torn, Its a good solid read however, due to Luna's ties, and need to clean up her mistakes, wouldn't she be the better alicorn to handle it, plus there are probably now ways to get a vampony's blood supply.
ReplyDeleteThis seems like its going to lead to Mane 6 death which is Just damned awkward.
I'll be honest, I read the start of your series on a fluke, unsure if it would be any good. But six chapters later I can say with great certainty, you are nothing short of a genius when it comes to putting this story together. I applaud your writing style and eagerly await to see where the next chapter will go. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say, keep doing what your doing because your doing a helluva job. Nice work!
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying this story so far, really interesting way for them to get infected. I am "dying" to read more XD
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I didn't like about the latest chapter was that Celestia... kinda just let 3 guards get killed. I just fell like she could've used her magic or something to, you know, NOT let 3 ponies get slaughtered before her while she just kinda stood there. Although this does set up the fact that there is literally nothing, barring the princesses, that can stop Mahara.
ReplyDeleteI've just ended 3rd chapter and discovered that it is simply "Let me in" crossover. Funny thing =P
ReplyDeleteOh. I hate Zecora after chapter 5. She acted like savage!
ReplyDeleteI got the distinct impression that this whole encounter lasted seconds. Sometimes, stuff goes wrong.
So I don't know how you guys feel about FiMchan, but I have a thread on the fic board there where all my rough drafts get shot to hell before I post them here.
ReplyDeleteIf you want sneak peeks at chapters in the works before they show up here, that's where to look.
Point is, this story is often subject to small, insignificant little changes in wording, but sometimes, like today, I'll make a larger change to a scene.
Specifically, the fight at the end of chapter 6 has been altered somewhat. Oh and I started chapter 7 the other day.
@Stonershy ["There is indeed a toll to be levied," [...] "but I'm your life is not the payment I desire.]
ReplyDelete^ A mistake I caught near the end of the re-worked fight scene, when Celestia was talking to Zecora.
I like the changes, though.
lol somebody watched Black Butler
ReplyDeletePump out MOAR! NOW!
ReplyDeleteThe scenes in chapter six where Pinkie ponders death to herself are absolutely amazing. It is like seeing a 5 year old starting to understand where her gold fish is laying on it's back.
ReplyDeleteI'm still holding out for a happy ending, but I know that that may be asking too much. Right now I am most interested in seeing what happens to Fluttershy. Now that SPOILERS SPOILERS she is a monster like Mahara (or a vampire, lets not kid ourselves here)and Celesetia has made it clear that banishment from Equestria is the LOWEST form of punishent, I'm wondering how each of the friends will stand by her. I think Twilight will be the most conflicted, wanting to stand by Celestia but also knowing that Fluttershy is still her friend (and she seems to be warming ever so subtellytowards Mahara), but I think that she will eventually side with Fluttershy.
Brilliant, gripping read by the way.
I refresh EqD every 10min and as soon as I see a story updates post I cry because this isn't on it.
ReplyDeleteThis is really fantastic. Changing of narrating characters is at the same time irritating as I need to wait what happens with given ponies but at the same time in sucks me more into the story.
And Mahara... She may not be the most original character in the history of literature but is portrayed in great way. Somewhat like characters in antic tragedies mixed a little with rebels from the mid XXth century - she's forced to do things she doesn't want to but she also grew accustomed to them to the point, they are somewhat of a neutral nature to her though she's completely aware of its ethical aspects at almost all times; all her decisions are always wrong, not to her fault but it doesn't change much; she's deeply empathetic but at the same time capable of even crude manipulation; interactions with community made her kinda bitter, also a little of a confronter but still she doesn't despise the "general population".
If I'd need to point out some flaws, I'd say that Fluttershy seems to be getting many things extremely lightly. It breaks her character. I thought that after Mahara explained her lack of initial actions in the hydra crisis resulting in heavy casualties, it would take more than 7 seconds for the pegasus to ignore that. Also all the manipulation - Fluttershy was suspicious in early chapters and it was presented as deep concern. Generally, when such suspicions are confirmed, emotional people react kinda differently.
Another thing would be Celestia. She's acting like a "lawful-evil" character, using D&D terminology, using all available resources to exterminate Mahara, even when it means to recruit Zecora as a tool in her current state. On the other hand, we are being told that Mahara was a victim of Luna and Celestia wanted to help her but failed. Reader can conclude also that imprisonment within a diary that was allowing some kind of glimpse in normal life, wasn't a form of punishment but rather the least cruel containment possible for the greater good of all. It doesn't really add up. Especially if we add to the equation current actions of Mahara including not only destruction of hydra but the fact that nobody was really hurt or deliberately changed. Another thing is transformation of Zecora - Celestia knows the mechanism of spreading the curse and assumes that Mahara deliberately changed the zebra what wouldn't really make any sense? Come on!
I hope that I don't sound as if I knew better how to write it than you, Stonershy. If I do, please blame my linguistic shortcomings as english isn't my native language.
Is there any chance that you'll post expected release date of another full chapter? I wouldn't want to pick into unfinished work as this spoils a great deal of fun from reading.
Thank you for this great fic!
Unhhhhhhh alright fine I'll post another comment.
ReplyDeleteChapter 7 is currently at 23 pages, and seeing how I'm shooting for 30ish now, that means I have another scene or two before I'm ready to start revising. The biggest issue right now is that I'm approaching/in the middle of finals season. I've got one essay down, but there are still three more in my way, the last of which is ten pages and due December 1st, plus a web page. It miiight be a while, but I'm trying to get it done as fast as I can with all this coursework.
You have probably one of the best understandings of Mahara out of anyone I've talked to. I'm trying to write her in a way that allows the reader to decide whether she's good or evil, but honestly I think she kind of drifts between the two. The funny part is that I'm actually fully okay with people hating her. She does some really, really awful things, and pretty much every decision she makes has terrible consequences.
She can't do anything right!
I realize that I probably could have done a bit more with Shy's revelations in 6, but I like to think that it was more or less shock (hydra, mahara coming back to life, oh by the way I hypnotized you also I accidentally infected you) that kept her from reacting in full. You'll see her giving everything more serious consideration when she has the opportunity to really stop and think about it.
A lot of people were like "Ughhh Tyrant" and I tried to fix that with the revision to the end of 6, but I'm really hammering it in with 7. I'm can't think of anything to say about Zecora without writing spoilers, so you'll just have to wait and see.
Your English is fine, and I honestly love getting constructive feedback. Thank you very much for taking the time to think of things to point out to me. Worst comes to worst, when like, chapter 10 rolls around, I can pull a Past Sins and overhaul areas that need work. Like I said though, I'm in the thick of finals, so the next update might take a little while. On the plus side, I graduate this semester, so after that, I'll be able to pour a lot more time into writing (in theory).
Anyway, I know my story isn't perfect, but I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has stayed with me this far. Also thank you to everyone who has given me feedback or helped me make revisions, and generally kept me from ruining my story. You're the wind beneath my wings! We have a looooong way to go, and I hope you'll all enjoy the ride!
Thanks for this long info!
To be honest, I created a blogger account (I think it was blogger) just to be able to write to you here. And I managed to make a typo in my own nick... Fixed already.
I understand how you coped with Mahara and Fluttershy's honest discussion - there is no time to save roses (the lying part and hesitation to help villagers) while forest is on fire (spreading curse). You could have fallen into a never-ending drama in this situation. Though, at least in my opinion, it doesn't go with Fluttershy's personality to so easily jump from extremely uncommon for her anger/rage and despise for Mahara even if it was superficial and caused by extreme agitation (110% justified by the plot!) to merry sucking of Rarity's blood.
I also used some time to rethink the encounter of Celestia and Zecora and I must say that I see it now in different light. It was much deeper than I realized though the final outcome is still quite shocking for me. But I think I managed to discover, in which direction you will be taking it and what were Celestia's motives behind all that happened ;)
Ok. Enough of my rambling. It's time to patiently wait for another chapter.
THANK YOU again for all your work and for the best Fluttershy I found so far in all the fics I had read.
Is it even possible to hate Mahara? Bollocks. I'd say that she's the most likely character for readers to identify with in the story.
I'm only worried that stories with characters like Mahara have only bad endings or lame endings...
May as well start replying to everyone I guess. If Kkat does it, then so can I.
@Sigurd Mjøllnersson
I've never seen either of those. Honestly, Blood is more closely inspired by Bram Stoker's Dracula and the (vastly inferior) 1992 film of the same name. Anything else is pretty much coincidental.
Ugh I know I'm trying to get this done as fast as I can. On top of the school work, though, Skyrim just dropped and I pretty much made The Ugly Tuco
Thank you very much! :3c
My first stab at the Pinkie contemplating death scene apparently ruined the entire mood of the chapter, so when I say I'm glad I have people to keep me from ruining my story, that's more or less what I mean. Like Mahara, I do not always make the best decisions. As for an ending, I'm not really sure how this will end. I have a vague idea, but that's about it. Hold that thought about friends picking sides. You're onto something.
The best Fluttershy? Really? You flatter me~
I'm not entirely sure I'm following you on the bit about eagerly drinking Rarity's blood though. Once she's got her teeth in it, yeah, blood lust takes over and she almost loses control, but before that, Rarity has to encourage her several times before she finally works up the nerve. And honestly I dunno, I guess I expected people to hate Mahara for A)All this Fluttershipping B)Being an OC and C)Causing all kinds of problems. I'm gonna try real hard not to have a bad or lame ending, so don't you worry.
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant to say was that Skyrim just dropped and I pretty much made, not The Ugly Tuco, but Katia Managan.
I didn't mean to put any rush in your mind =/ sorry. take your time man, just means it will come out great like it always does :D
ReplyDeletePre-revision, and with two scenes technically unfinished, chapter 7 is 29 pages, 17,542 words. Tomorrow might just see the rough draft, and then I begin the revision process.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you all for your patience. Now I'm going to bed.
Ooooohoohoohoo~ can't wait!
ReplyDeletemake another chapter, please, i would rather have Mahara bite me in the neck than wait this long! please, just a few more chapters!
ReplyDelete@Stonershy it's okay, take ur time, but if you need help, im a good writer, but only if its ok with you.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you only have a vague idea of how the story is going to end is actually strangely satisfying. It makes me speculate how it is going to end even further (and I love to speculate). it's nice to know that the story doesn't have a predestined ending, and that we won't know what will happen until all the cards are dealt out. And if the original Pinkie Pie contemplating death scene was vastly inferior to the one we got and a mood killed like you said, then buy the people who are "stopping you from ruining the story" some cigars or burgers or something, they deserve it.
Chapter 7 is pretty much in the refining stage. It's fundamentally done, but... The problem is that I have a ten page essay and a web page barring my path, not counting final exams.
ReplyDeleteSooo... I'm sorry to say, it's gonna be a while. On the plus side, this is probably the last wait before I finish college, so I'll probably be posting chapters much more frequently after that.
@Stonershy Yay! Take your time thoough. We don't want you doing poorly on your exams or paper! I'm so excited about the next chapter since things are heating up but your edumacation is more important. Good luck!
ReplyDelete@Stonershy This story is fantastic. Great job. I love the grimdark in it. I dont know why, but your story's like a drug that isnt quite killing me, but its making me feel somewhat less than myself without it. Hoping to see it in the story updates soon. Thanks and keep up the awesome writing. also; Good luck with college.
ReplyDeleteGlad you were able to finish the chapter. Great timing as it was just today I was finally starting to get impatient for more of this masterpiece.
ReplyDeleteThe chapter took a good period to digest, as usual, but nonetheless its interesting to see everything develop (including flutter's powers)
The story only promises to become more epic.
@Stonershy This story is absolutely killer. I can't wait to see the rest. But take your time, and keep up what you're doing.
ReplyDeleteI just randomly decided to pick this out of the story updates post because all other stories I'm reading haven't updated.(goddammit authors why can't you crank out 5k word chapters on a daily basis :V)
ReplyDeleteI am really glad I did; I basically wasted my day (worth it!) reading this. This was very hard to put down.
I had seen this updated 2 or 3 times before, but what kept me from reading it was the weird picture of fluttershy. You wanna know what made me go through with reading it? It was that pic of Mahara. I was curious to know what the fuck was up with miss bandage pony; the vampire tag also interested me too.
For some strange reason, I'm getting hellsing ultimate vibes from Mahara, especially at the scene with the hydra. It's like, hey here's a vampire who will blow your fucking mind on a quadratic scale so enjoy. Quadratic mind-blowery is something I have an occasional hunger for, and this is filling that craving.
I give this story 5 stars, though Zecora is kinda being an intolerant bitch. Hell I can understand her reasoning behind it, but shit even Celestia is more calm about it than she is.
C: We need to get rid of this bitch before she hurts innocent ponies!
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, Mahara IS a monster and sealing her away didn't work. And she only goes batshit once she is forcibly infected, which is understandable. Until then she was worried about shit spinning out of control and, well, it sort of is now.
been with ya from the beginning and let me say it's a wonderful ride, Thanks for the shout out xD.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll start writing some fanfic, you've inspired me.
Thanks for writing a great story, looking forward to the next few chapters.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo did Applejack really had her leg biten off by the hydra or is it still there but she can't use it or it won't function as well. I got confused while reading.
ReplyDeleteThat leg is gone from the hock down. Basically, the equivalent of losing everything from the knee down. Don't worry though, she'll get something just as good as her old leg, if not arguably better, eventually.
Also I started chapter 8.
It has been a rather interesting story so far. Touched some subjects I rarely see in fanfics.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know it'd be very unlikely to happen, but if It'd go in that direction, I'd love to see a "happy ending". Not in the semi-generic bittersweet happy ending we pretty much always get, but one where they find some ancient resurrection magic or whatnot. Ending with everypony happy for once. Even if it was some sort of "soul link" spell that cut down the lifespan of the ones linked with x years.
Just a general rambling, not aimed at this fic in particular. Just personally wouldn't mind a "sunshine and rainbows" ending every now and then instead of never. I mean, if people think it's reasonable for there to be dark magic, why not "light" magic? Anyhow, will be interesting to read what will happen.
inb4 mahara dies and fluttershy has to drink her soul or some shit.
ReplyDeleteIm k wit dat, cant wait to see what happens up till that point.
I marathoned this all day
ReplyDeleteI just could stop reading
But I am a sucker for fluttershy even if she's a little fluffy
ReplyDeleteNo promises! I don't believe in happy endings at the cost of story telling. Hopefully that doesn't turn you off to much to this one.
Whaaaaat? Soul drinking? Who do you think I am? Give me more credit than that!
Jeeeeze that's a lot of reading! Thank you for taking the time to tackle this thing, I'm flattered!
So I'm on page 20 and there's still a lot of stuff to say. Maybe chapter 8 will be ready mid January?
ReplyDeleteStruth, that is so upsetting for Applejack.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't suggesting it at the cost of story telling, technically. I just think it'd be neat to for once see a good "good" story ending that was happy. I however know how "way to convenient" it would be if a "resurrection spell" was way to handy or etc. I rather liked how Celestia was pictured in a fic I can't remember the name off: She had the power to bring back ponies to life or intervene in every disaster. But didn't since then ponies wouldn't appreciate life, they just expect everything to be handed to then. She only saved them from mayor disasters. Since there there was no way she could deal with all the small ones at the same time. It pained her, but she knew it was necessary.
Erh, anyhow. A "non-happy" ending wouldn't hit me to hard. But I honestly have to say I find it a bit hypocritical when stories (and before I continue, yours is not doing it as much as I've seen others do it, you're just a bit in it) contain some ancient and/or powerful magic of shits and giggles. And then it proves there is not even anything close to a counterpart. Like in this one fic, there was tons of necromancy, dark magic and stuff like that, but any sort of healing magic was to "unrealistic" and not fitting for the story. And that was just a "what the hay?" moment. So ripping out souls, raising dead and casting destructive spells apparently makes sense in the MLP universe and is logical for about any unicorn to learn. But mending a wound or anything even close? No, that is to powerful magic, Celstia can barely even close a paper cut. (was a bit extreme example of one of them, but I hope you get the point. Althou, I generally just trailed off again, so don't mind me to much haha.)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure there will be healing magic? I get your yin and yang thing here, but I'm not really sure how someone would counter vampirism in terms of magic. Consider however that the way the magic is used may be more important than its nature or origins.
A fire spell may be used to cook as easily as it may be used to burn down a house.
Oh also, I'll be at Bronycon on Saturday in case any of you want to tell me how much you hate me/my story/my dog in person.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify again: I was talking about all fics/stories in the fandom in general. And the ratio of "dark magic" to "good" (healing) magic seems to be close to ten to one. The only three I've really seen has been simple mending of wounds, snapping bones back into place and a "bamf overglow spell" by Twilight doing a "don't you dare die on me" briefly after somepony died. And if I'd count my own "grey zone" soul link spell, that would make it four spells. As opposed to the around 50 dark magic spells I've read about, everything from necromancy, to plagues to curses to destruction spells. So as said, I find it quite silly that a land based on peace and harmony wouldn't have invested more time in healing and restorative spells then harmful ones. (once again, just overall statement)
And yeah, I don't mind spells with multiple uses, but things like facemelting or organ rotting, I have hard to see where their "other use" might have been in. And like in this one story, they had figured out how to have zomponies consume corpses to regrow limbs, organs to cease function with ex: heart attack spell and how to create foul material from thin air (ex: acid) but a spell that mended a small 1 cm knife wound? Nope, that was way to complicated to even begin to imagine even creating a spell for. And that made me just... "wat?"
And living in Sweden will not only make it very hard for me to get here, not to mention I'm broke, so getting there would be problematic. xP
When is Chapter 8 going to be done Im so excited to read more!
ReplyDeleteIt's technically done, it just needs a few rounds of revision. Before the end of the month, it should be ready.
After this story popped up on I decided to start reading it. I was instantly hooked. When the story initially came out here I was reluctant to start reading it, but it got good ratings and I am glad that I decided to read it. Good job on current chapters, good luck on future chapters, and I hope updates come quickly.
@stonershy WHY U NO UPDATE? :(
ReplyDeleteUgh I know. Please be patient (or read it on FiMChan or Ponychan). There's additional content relevant to this chapter that is in the works.
ReplyDeleteSo how long do you think before the additional content is ready? Also, is it important to the story, because I don't want to read and miss something.
I love the author now :3
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting so long for an update XD
I can see why it took so long to update...........but I must say that the wait was worth it. There's gonna be another update right?
ReplyDeleteRarely does a story ever make me lose my concrete composure to the point where it affects me physically, but I got 1/4 way through this new update and My trademark Pink shades cracked along the left rim. It moved me more than the taste of Juicy Fruit, and the last time I had a piece, I had to take a bus home. Beautiful Story.
ReplyDelete*stands up and starts clapping with tears of win*
ReplyDeleteAuthor of the additional content here.
It's relevant, but it's only referenced in this chapter twice.
It will be ready in the next day or so.
ReplyDeleteAlso relevant to chapter 6!
Thank you all so much! You’re the wind beneath my leathery wings! I guess I should probably get started on chapter 9 now.
As I’ve said many times before, this is only the beginning. Chapter 10 will be the conclusion of the first arc of the story, but there is still a lot of story to tell. Basically if you want to get out before it’s too late, now is your chance :P
[Occasional-Grimdark]?!?! mwaaaaaaahahahahahaha EQD doesn't know what the fuck to do with its Grimdark labels
ReplyDeleteBTW, I've avoided this because......well........I've never been into vampire-anything except Blade (1 & 2 only, fuck everything else)
But this fic gets SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much love, I gotta check it out.
@Stonershy Get out? Your fic is exceptional! The only thing I'll be getting out of is anything trying to stop me from reading the next part!
ReplyDeleteThat one was my call actually. This isn't a consistently dark or violent story, but, there are moments with intense levels of both, hence the occasional nature.
Blade is a good action movie, but I don't like cannon fodder style vampires.
A vampire is, in my opinion, an elegant monster, relying on deception and cunning even though they are capable of supernatural strength. See Bram Stoker's masterpiece, Dracula, for the best example of this.
i cant wait to see what happens next. my attention is fully absorbed by this story. some art work or maybe a graphic novel form would be awsome
ReplyDeleteAll day today I realized that half the things that I did make me think of this fanfic. I think I'm addicted..... Is that a bad thing?
ReplyDelete@Azure Sprinkle
ReplyDeleteI gueeeeess I could draw some more stuff. Someone may also be doing fanart in the near future and I am so excited :3c
I powerhoused the first 20 or so chapters of FoE in trying to get caught up, and had FoE dreams as a result, soooo… I’m flattered I guess!
I never was into vampires, but I ended up reading this for nearly two days straight, and can't wait until the next update.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting, I love it. And best of all, its the first story I've read about vampires that doesn't remind me of a CERTAIN OTHER BOOK... In a long time, I eagerly await the next chapter.
ReplyDeleteReally awesome, truely. If you need any editors or prewriers let me know. I've also got some ideas cooked up in my head too.
ReplyDeleteSo what is eta for 9?
ReplyDeleteStarted writing it today, so, who knows!
A while at the very least.
I recently have been having the urge to re-read this. I have to admit, its likely because of the lack of good AppleDash ships out there.
ReplyDelete(Firstly, just gotta say: This is written by me when tired, expect some odd things xP)
ReplyDeleteOnce again I still have to say it's rather odd that a civilisation that have under hundreds of years lived peacefully, studying magic to help other ponies. Yet they have not discovered a SINGLE healing spell, but one, technically several, lethal spells, very dark and necromantic, was totally understandable for them to have invented? I find it sorta odd that they wouldn't have healing spells, when the "vampires" have several healing abilities. It just seems very odd that they would have not made a single healing spell under a 1000 years... or even before that.
Not to rant or anything, but this is a problem I find with all the "evil spells" in any of the fics that contain them. I just don't find it reasonable for them to have all these evil spells, from centuries of PEACE, to only have made "bad magic", or a great majority at least. Not just racking at your story (as mentioned before) but like I said: It's not much sense that they'd have tons of evil and necrotic spells, yet not a single healing or resurrecting one? When one single being technically has all those and more? Plus as said, a demi-god is powerless to do shit against anything? Might be trailing off a bit, but I find it rather silly how many fics that include things similar to this. I know it's fics, but it goes against the general pony lore.
Anyhow, now to stop the trailing off: xP I found it a quite neat touch with that Marah had a slight hint towards being a semi-Twi or however to explain it, with the alicorn-acolyte relation. And the "oh noes, my first (possibly) and only crush/true love, I will never find happiness again!" scene (I over-exaggerated a bit, but I personally find that whole thing rather silly, possibly since I've never done it myself) And ah, the old "abuse in hope for affection". And hum, they have to feed rather often tbh, if I recall regular vampires, they don't have to feed that often. And found it slightly peculiar that there's be zebras in the town, but then again, it's rather plausible. And tbh, as soon as she mentioned "street performer or bum", I had a good suspicion over whom it'd be. And I was quite right hehe. Althou, I can't remember: Was Fluttershy even there in that episode? But hum, Marah showing another side of her, or well a few other sides technically.
And Trixie becoming an alcoholic? While it's been done a few times before, it technically fits so... and the swearing... well, it can fit. And was quite sure Trixie would have said something about sex, which technically makes sense. Althou personally see the ponies as having a quite decent welfare system, most likely. And on a side note, I still find it a bit peculiar that Aloe would be among the casualties, doesn't seem like the type of pony that would be stupid enough to hide in a house, or brave/foolish enough to attack. Then again, about everyone is a cardboard heh. However, rather interesting take on Applebloom. Not many fics with her in... puberty? And would say it could need a few more times with the mention of "anypony/somepony" ;P Dash turning to alcohol, also quite common, but it works. And once again, have to question the magic and medical care of the ponies. And where'd the bodies go? Sure they got eaten, but they should be inside the hydra's stomach, I know it exploded, but they were scavenging scales and bones, so something should be left of them. Then again, not wanting to show mutilated corpses is understandable. And was that a possible hint at a m/m relation between two guards? Nice touch if so in that case. And hum, sort of expected Trixie to be a prostitute. That was a quite interesting "job" she had. Rather like the overall ending/cliffhanger/whatever to call it" thou.
Well, hope it's readable despite the "being written when tired" over it heh. And will hopefully not just be ramblings.
ReplyDeleteI think you're forgetting about Zecora's use of herbal alchemy to make a healing tea in chapter four!
Additionally, think of the vampire healing trick like a form of blood alchemy harnessed for regenerative purposes.
Seriously though, chill about the healing magic. I haven't, nor do I plan on using any instant death spells, so it follows that there won't be any instant fix spells for fatal wounds. That's just bad story telling. As Zecora demonstrated though, there are quick fixes available for cuts and scrapes and there's still blood alchemy to explore.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm semi-awake again xD
And yeah, that's sorta what I am getting at here. AJ lost a leg, and Dash is acting like it is permanent. I'd honestly be quite surprised if they hadn't discovered restorative magic by now, seeing how they have canon confirmed that they can replace/regrow entire hips.
But yeah, sorry a bit for trailing off. I tend to get ticked over allot of bad fics, logic and reasoning, then when I fine one that is decent enough to actually read, I tend to rant with all the previous fics in mind. But *ahem* anyhow, I would actually have to object to the "bad story telling", I have to say it would just require a bit more delicate and professional touch to write properly. I guess technically Harry Potter or Star Wars could be used as examples. I'm not asking for like, "~1 second cast death/rebirth spells", but some more logical channelling over time. I sorta base my "logic" around D&D and whatnot. (althou Eon is my favourite) In Eon, it takes around ~15-30 seconds to successfully stop bleeding from ex: a chopped off arm, and a few days to properly re-grow it with magic. (or some hours from a really powerful mage... or some minutes/hours to simply re-attach it and get it fine again, depending if a regular/powerful healer.) And if it's a god that does it, it takes just a few seconds. And with Celestia being a demi-god of "light", I'd see her as capable of at least saving someone with grievous (perhaps even mortally critical (althou possibly not from a slit throat and missing all limbs, plus being disemboweled, that is on the "possibly..." pile, depending how "recent" it was, seeing as they max live a few seconds with said injuries, it might be a bit late to both spark the life back in them and mend their body. (which once again, I love Eon for, if you try to just revive someone in a battered body, they risk dying once again if you haven't restored the wounds it had when they died.) And dang, sorry, I trailed off again. But yeah, it's your story to do with as you see fit. I just felt like I had to vent/ramble for a bit, sorry if it upset you or anything in any way.
Cant wait for new chapter. Hope it's done at least before April.............the chapters are so long but so good and the wait between them is simply agonizing. I'm given far too much time to think about what could happen next. I love it. is the conclusion of THIS arc? You mean there's a part 2? yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA lot of fanfics I've read have a higher ratio of attack spells compared to healing spell. Breaking something is easier than fixing it, and even then it will not be perfect. Siting FoE and FoE: Project Horizons, the only way a limb could be regrown is to have the victim either Drink a Healing potion (similar to what zecora makes in this story), drink Hydra, getting immediate help from an alicorn, or get bathed in taint. Seeing as it is unlikely for most of those to happen in this fic, and there being even more malicious spells, I think that it's fine to (at least for the time being, I don't know if Stonershy wants to add another plot element) have her lose leg. (Not that I support pony's legs being eaten off)
Hi um....i I think that this book is well uh.... Awsome If you dont mind me saying of course but um I didnt finish reading it yet im gonna read it tomorrow the last part or uh part 8 um... I think that fluttyershy and mahara make a great pair *starts to smile*and I hope they make it oh I almost forgot plz could you condider the posabilty of writeing another book about flutter shy and if anypony knows if he/she did could you email me a link to([email protected])
ReplyDelete@TimeForSP Yes, but as said: You also have to think of the world it's set in. In this case, it's a peaceful one, so what do you think they would focus the most effort on and actually try to invent of the following: A fireball to blow shit up, or a mending spell to hear a wound cause by some working accident?
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, as for FoE, I've read both that and PH. And a regular unicorn can actually do the job as well. It's just generally hard to find an educated one in the wastes, or one with more then one spell. Regenerative spells are not unheard off, just rare and hard as fuck to both find and cast. And then there's also surgery or augmentation. Both of which are also hard as fuck to find. But before the war? Not really hard at all to find.
this story is so utterly EPIC! I cant believe this! I just cant stop reading, and to get me reading you really need to have a good story. and to make me not want to stop reading it needs to be beyond epic. SO amazing! How long does it take for chapter 9 to come out? does it take about a month? (it's definately worth the wait) Its just... im speechless!
ReplyDeleteAbout a month if the conditions are favorable and I'm not a lazy piece of shit. I'm three pages deep in chapter 9 as of this moment. Your enthusiasm flatters me! I'll try and get it ready in a timely fashion.
Glad you like it, too, but I'm not sure I understand that last bit.
I'll try to get it done as soon as I can, but yes, this thing is going to be a long story. Chapter 10 is not the end by a long shot.
And I'm done discussing healing magic.
Sorry stonershy I uh didn't mean to confuse you with that last statement.Also plz forgive my grammer,you see im useing my phone to read this so its kinda hard to type and spell check with this lag.Forthere more I love the plot of this book,you are an awsome writer and I cant wait to see chapter nine,also this is the fist thing I clikced on this blog,but again keep up the good work.
ReplyDelete@Stonershy Don't worry, I wasn't talking with you... althou seeing how it is technically your thread, discussing it with someone else might be a tad bit rude...
ReplyDeleteIt's fine if you want to discuss it here, but I personally have already said all I care to say on the matter.
@Stonershy Ah okies, good to hear :P Was just replying to the other person as said.
ReplyDeleteWriters of all my other favorite fics appear to be taking breaks XD so I am really bored right far are you/when is next ch. ready?
ReplyDeleteLove the new fanart btw
ReplyDeleteThe very top of page 7. That's almost 1/4th of the way right?
It's cool though, I've gotten all the Skyrim and Minecraft out of my system for the week. I am ready to create.
Also yeah, the fanart was such an awesome surprise :3c
"conclusion of the first arc of the story"
ReplyDeleteForgive me if I'm understanding this wrong, but does that mean this is going to be something really big (even bigger than now)? Like a trilogy?
I wasted two afternoons and evenings/nights reading this story, but it was time I truly enjoyed wasting. Thank you.
I first avoided this fanfic because the Twilight-series pretty much tainted my image of vampires. And at first, Mahara reminded me of this... book I'll never read. Speaking of books, that first scene with Mahara crawling out of the book scared the shit out of me, goosebumps, hooray! Mahara herself is a very controversial character. You can like her, then hate her in the next moment and like her again a few pages later. Right now I ended up liking her, but let's see if that will change again.
Fluttershy was well characterised, her breakdown and the resulting chubby appearance in synergy with my own headcanon (and actual canon stuff, too). But it was a bit odd that she didn't complain that much about Mahara's late interference during the battle with the Hydra, resulting in unnecessary casualties, but couldn't just leave Trixie on the muddy roads of Manehattan.
I have to complain about Twilight (Sparkle) too. Right now, she seems to be quite OK with the thought of Celestia killing/banishing Fluttershy. Does the judgement and approval of her teacher mean more to her than the friendship with Fluttershy and co.? But, I guess that will show in the next chapters.
Also I'm puzzled why they don't ask Luna for assistance. She was the one who started the whole thing with her "Children of Nightmare". Maybe she even does know a cure? Again, maybe in the next chapters...
And why does Mahara call Luna "Luna" and not "Nightmare Moon"? Yes, she did know her before and loved her, but does that maybe mean the Nightmare was Luna, after all? Maybe just a disguise, a ruse to shake away the blame for what she has done? Damnit, I have too many questions, I'll just stop right now.
About this healing-magic-thing:
Killing/hurting something is easier than reviving/fixing it. So, I guess only the most powerfull of unicorns can cast such spells, narrowing the potential users down to Luna, Celestia, Twilight and a few others. The Alicorns weren't present when AJ got her leg bitten off, and Twilight most likely doesn't know the spell to reattach a severed leg.
Out of curiosity, is the actual storyline already set in stone or do you write what comes to your mind, without a red line to follow?
Keep up your awesome work, this story really enthralled me from begin with, save for the Twilight-references popping up in my mind (They died down quite quickly, though).
Thanks again, you're awesome.
ReplyDeleteFfffffuck that's a lot of comment. I love you for every word of it though! thank you so much for the time and the feedback!
To answer your first question, yes, this is going to be a very long story. You could arguably look at each arc like a separate book, but they're all part of the same, larger story. I'm also doing a lot of world building because I want to use the world I'm putting together for other stories that happen much, much later on the timeline.
As far as all your [spoiler] related questions, pretty much all of them will be answered, so you'll get nothing from me. Thank you for understanding about the healing magic too. It exists, it's just not common, otherwise there wouldn't be a hospital.
As for how I write this, there is a very thin red line, more like a thread, but it's a suggestion at best. I try to make this a character driven story, so really all I have to do is make sure they're present for certain events. What happens between those certain events is completely subject to change. Think of the hydra fight as a checkpoint and you're on the right track.
Thank you again!
and fuck stephenie meyer
Um...... YAY .cant wait for nine
ReplyDeleteUgh I feel like the bearer of the element of impatience for saying this, but I am nearly done reading FoE and really want to know how close you are to next update...............cant wait til it's here.
ReplyDeleteWeeeeeeell, I'm almost at page 15, and I've pretty much figured out the course of the chapter, so it's just a matter of getting it written now.
But if you just can't get your Stonershy fix, know that I stream every so often at:
@Stonershy So.......Soon? like within the next month?
ReplyDeleteBtw, just finished Fo:E and I would say your writing so far is on about the same level as Kkat. Good Job.
ReplyDeleteCelestia willing, yes.
And thanks!
Lolol I cant sign back in :(
ReplyDeleteWait. ....It signed dack in for me and um nice pun stonershy,if you dont mind me saying. ;)
ReplyDeleteUm.... Im realy srry but uh I just cant wait anymore,so im gonna reread all the chapters if thats okey with you.
Okay, near the bottom of page 20, nearly 12k words. So, roughly the half way point, maybe four or five scenes left to go. I'm getting back into my groove, and I'm feeling motivated as hell. Goal is to get the chapter done early March.
ReplyDeleteThis Story is so awesome...
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning i slowly read me in but after chapter 4 I could not stop reading.
I love it how you spare hard grimdark moments :)
You made me feel with the Characters and thats a rare property of a story.
I'm really hoping for a Happy End :P
I get the feeling that rarity is going to end up dead from donating too much blood.
ReplyDeleteHey um I was wondering that maybe if anyone wants to about them getting rid of derpy whooves and putting in ditzy doo,i heard so much about it from both sides and I wanna know what you bronys and pegisisters think. just while we wait.
ReplyDeleteIf thats okey with you stonershy,because you know what ever you want to do is fine to.
cmon weres part 9?!
ReplyDeleteA little more than halfway done. No progress was made last night because I was too busy fulfilling a fantasy I've had since high school.
I've not slept a wink, my dick is a little tingly, and I have plenty of memories, pictures and videos documenting what was, without a doubt, the best night of my life.
All in all, it was a good birthday.
Hey man, don't look at me. You do what you want.
Definitely not.
@Pinkie Pie
I don't believe in grimdark for the sake of grimdark. Everything happens for a reason beyond just because for that reason. I also don't believe in sacrificing story telling for a happy ending, but don't lose hope~
ReplyDeleteI think you misunderstood my definition of a "Happy End" its kind of an elastic term isn't it? ^^
I just don't want Mahara to die cause i like this Character pretty much.
so I'm not waiting for a everybody went home happy ending :P
now go and keep on telling a great story,
I'm sure you know what you do
I'm wondering if you'll have Vinyl pop back in sometime. That'd be nice x)
ReplyDeletehappy birthday stonershy.
ReplyDeleteTime for update! How's 9 coming along stonershy?
ReplyDeleteHi um I think I changed my name from shy commenter
ReplyDeleteYep it worck im no longer shycommenter
ReplyDeleteAny one wont an oc or cm hit me up on skype im sterling specter.
ReplyDelete34 pages, 19,861 words, currently writing the second to last scene.
Goal is to have the chapter finished by tomorrow, and start writing chapter 10 while I wait for people to give me revision notes.
@Stonershy yay! can't wait!
ReplyDeleteChapter 9 is done and in the process of revision. Tomorrow, as I wait for feedback, I begin chapter 10.
ReplyDeleteYeeeey! You make me soooo damn happy! you cannot even imagen how happy I am that you finished it! It's is my all time favorite fic and it's so damn epic! I just can't wait! w00000000000000000t!
Even if you just said it's done and in the process of revision, i'm just now starting to think im done reading this.
ReplyDeleteI love the context, the way you write, but the time it takes between updates kills me.
ReplyDeleteDownright murderous, I know.
I'm going to experiment with smaller slice of lifeish things between chapter 10 and chapter 11 since about a year of time passes between them, and a looooot of stuff happens.
Oh my. -w- sounds interesting.
ReplyDeleteWe need owlowicious up in here, 'cause i'm HOOked.
Chapter 9 is 41 pages at present.
ReplyDeleteAnd I still have to add things to three different scenes, plus write an additional scene for Scootaloo.
So, this chapter might end up brushing at least 45 pages when all is said and done.
I am so sorry.
On the plus side, (unless having a 45 page chapter to chew through is already a plus in your book), revision is very nearly done. Most of the grammatical and wording issues have been handled, and all the story related things are said to check out, save for the necessity of additions to three scenes and the addition of a new scene.
There finaly I have read the book three times an I still love it,also today marks my first week of bronyhood,it okey stonershy well still love the next chapter.BRONY ON /)*(\
ReplyDelete:'( and i was thinking that you were only a few days away of finishing when u said that revision was in progress... how wrong i was... ow well... I'm really happy that it's gonna be there anyway sometime soon ^^
ReplyDeleteI can't wait! It's killing me!
ReplyDeleteOh god I'm trying. I keep getting distracted.
ReplyDeleteDistraction... Our worst enemy...
ReplyDeleteactually, I have a little question: would you mind posting your utterly eppic story on as well? there is quite the lack of tracking stories on eqd and it is nicely done on fimfiction.
good luck,
Also, Saturday, the 17th.
You have my word.
OH MY CELESTIA YES! THE NEW CHAPTER WAS AMAZING!!! (its up on FiMfiction already)one of the best chapters yet. I can't wait for the conclusion. (By that I mean that this is just so aggravating of a cliffhanger that I would have been fine with waiting another month and having you release 9&10 together)But, in all seriousness, thank you stonershy. your fic is arguably my favorite out of the roughly 20 or s fics that I have read. (and that includes 3 versions of Fo:E and cupcakes.)Thank you again for your Incredible fanfiction, I can't wait for ch. 10.
ReplyDeletebtw if you want a hint at my reaction when i saw chapter 9 up early on FIMfiction, check out this link:
ReplyDeleteHahaha, people were threatening to stop reading if I didn't release the next chapter, so, my hand was forced. But yeah, fight scenes are a lot easier to write than dialogue, and chapter 10 is going to be half boss fight at the most.
Thank you for sticking with me this far. I've only just begun~
When u post here
ReplyDeleteGod, what a cliffhanger. This is one of the best stories I ever read!
ReplyDeleteWow.. Just wow... this story, by far, is one of the best I have ever read! I have recently been reading a lot of fanfics and this takes the cake by a long shot! I'm really glad that i found out about it so late because waiting for the 10th chapter is going to suck SOOO hard. Really just have to say great job! I never thought that i would be this into a fanfic before but I have to say that I'm happily mistaken! Thank you for writing this and I can't wait for chapter 10!
ReplyDeleteHey Stonershy...I was wondering: Since there's gonna be a sequel, could we get a hint at what it's gonna be, or would that be too much of a spoiler? dont say it if it will spoil too much of chapter 10!
ReplyDeleteIt's not a sequel so much as what happens next. It's the same story, just a year after the events of chapter 10.
@Fatal Flaw
Hey, no problem! Thank you for reading! Also I'm on page 8 and 4,303 words into chapter 10, soooo, you might not be waiting for too long.
Very cool~ Happy trails, I guess!
Cliffhangers are the best! And thank you~
Oh ok then. i like stories like that which answer all previously unanswered questions with a sequel that is hopefully just as good as the original. (for reference stonershys gonna have to work real hard to match the original. there are few things that can match this story.)
ReplyDeleteFinally managed to get around and reading again. Took my longer than expected tbh hehe. It however gave me pretty vague memories of the events happened. Some cornerstones were as said the discussing of medical stuff in Eqestria. Which with recent episodes makes me ponder between "likely much better" since we haven't seen any crippled ponies, but as they got wheelchairs, it's possible they're not just used for temporary use. And got reminded of my pondering about Aloe, (and the others) since she either was too brave and fought the thing, or too dumb/shocked to think, and didn't run. And due to lack of personality shown in show, like with the most ponies, it's impossible to make out the exact reason.
ReplyDeleteApart for from the author, since it's their alternate universe, canon, IC or lore doesn't have to matter at all, it's why they're called fanfiction anyhow hehe xP Nevertheless, will be interesting to keep reading and find out where this is heading.
Now lets see... can read comments before heading off to read the two chapters xP
@Stoner: Merry belated birthday.
And hum, got it semi-spoiled there will be a time jump, but that will probably answer quite a few things.
On a side note, actually found a fic that might have an happy ending, accounting for Celestia being a goddess after all. With other words: Will look at that for that, and let this take it's path of crossover thingy :P
Welp, back to the chapters. The talking was rather good as usual. You do a good alternate Zecora imo, got a good rhyme speech. And once again, have to say I like the concept of an overweight pony, it's rather rare to be done "seriously". Not entirely approving of the guns thou, especially since they haven't been made more accessible to ponies.
Heh, liked the singing part, and saw you included the flim-flam :P
... which reminds me,I totally forgot if spoilers were allowed, then again, how else would stuff be discussed? Anyhow, Scoots flying was kinda funny, although somepony ought to have told her before technically xP And okay... the Pinkie part was quite worrying, (and why is it always Pinkie xD) even if I'm quite sure she wouldn't "flip out". And takes some getting used to time jumps in stories again heh. And ah, good to know it you did Pinkie "properly". The part with Pinkie at the party with the guard was a bit surprising. And I was expecting the stare to be mention tbh. And gotta say unicorns seem a bit glorified in this fic imo.
Gargoyles? didn't expect that tbh. And while I can see the reason for training Shy, it's a bit contemplative. And nice to see a mention of m/m. And think this was the most described drinking scene yet, since it felt icky xP Nice cliffhanger in either case.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking, what if like, either mahara or fluttershy lost control and then bit Luna or Twilight and Celestia went crazy and became determined to kill Fluttershty\Mahara, and she (Celestia) tries to execute Rarity and Trixie for helping them. Try to put in more appledash plz, cause it's my favorite ship. PS, you didn't need to do any of that, just a suggestion, and yes, I am a morbid person. :P
@funanddiscord well stonershy's already pretty far into the 10th and final chapter for this arc. I might like to see some of that too, but it may be too late to include that. Plus I really want to see how stonershy chooses to finish this. ;)
ReplyDeleteHuh. Can't wait to read it, then!
Woot! We made it to the second comment page! Second on the second!