• Story: A Better Life


    Author: Dashalicious
    Description: Princess Luna leaves Canterlot when she feels un-appreciated, and
    eventually winds up in Ponyville, where she winds up in the middle of a
    lesson in friendship that may be exactly what she needs.
    A Better Life

    Additional Tags: Lonely Luna, friendship, non-shipping relationships

    27 kommentaari:

    1. inb4 looks cute "3

    2. >non-shipping relationships



      ...the legends were true...

    3. I am just waiting for mah story to be posted...

    4. Nice, enjoyed the concept although the pacing does seem a little rushed.

      Keep up the good work :)

    5. a very uneventful story with a very bland character, Can't wait till we finally get to see how enjoyable Luna's personality truly is in Season 2

    6. I like the concept so far. But you've got a little too much "tell" and not enough "show" going on with the emotions the characters are feeling. For example, the very last line of the chapter.

      Looking forward to your next chapter!

    7. @Anonymous

      I don't often agree with Legion, but in this case, I feel I must. The pacing was incredibly off, and it was hard to get into Luna's character. And that's actually saying something, seeing as I read Lunafics the most.

      I'd try again with another story. I think you have potential, but it just didn't come out much in this story, I'm sad to say

    8. Not bad. Not great either. That's all. Go work more on Song in the Shadows.

    9. This is the first ponyfic I've read. thank you for making it a good one.

    10. Needs the help of a good editor. Too much switching between past and present tense, 'telling' instead of 'showing', the Trixie meeting felt out of place and odd, 'consolation' and 'constellation' are NOT the same word... yeah, this fic needs a lot of help. Has a good premise, but needs work to make it shine.

    11. @Gilliam Vespa

      There are much, MUCH better ponyfics out there. The first one I read was Circle of Friends. It was a good one.

    12. How is this comedy?

    13. Just read the fanfic 'cupcakes'... This story really cheered me up!

    14. Aside from a bit of weird pacing and the Deus Ex Machina Trixie, you have a pretty solid beginning. The part when Luna gets to Ponyville is when the story starts to pick up. I encourage you to keep improving and to use the next chapter as a launch pad.

    15. It's great how you incorporated the famous Lunadance into the story. I love you for that.
      However, the way the chapter ended seems suspiciously like it'll head into shipping. I'm normally okay with this, but not only is is Luna and TS, but it's a great story and making it into shipping would mess it up.
      Great work so far, but as said before the pacing is a little off. The speed at which Luna became friends with Trixie was a bit odd to say the least, along with how she left her so quickly.
      Sort out the pacing and this story will be legendary.

    16. Good concept, needs more work on the execution. the potential is there.

    17. @Anonymous
      No. No shipping. I'm sorry if it seems like it's going that way, but there will be no LunaXTwilight in this story >:|
      Also, I will put a lot of work into the next part and make sure it flows better and redeems the first chapter.

    18. Good Story want to see more, and I got no idea why it is rated below 4 star. It could use some work but so far it is quite nice.

    19. @Anonymous
      Mostly the pacing, and the unecessary, pretty much entirely pointless encounter with Trixie.

    20. Very happy with this, I needed a good Luna story and I think I found it.

    21. Although it would have been nice to see more, either as a Luna adventure or just her stay in ponyville

    22. @itsme

      I actually do plan on finishing this. I just got very distracted for quite a while.
