Author: CoffeeGrunt
Description: Octavia is part of a rare breed, a pony that can create beautiful music, despite lacking the horn unicorn musicians love. Her love for music is rivalled only by her love of fine whiskey, but not on the rocks, what kind of charlatan are you?Allegrezza Part 1
Allegrezza Part 2
Allegrezza Part 3
Allegrezza Part 4
Allegrezza Part 5
Allegrezza Part 6
Allegrezza Part 7
Allegrezza Part 8
Allegrezza Part 9
Allegrezza Part 10
Allegrezza Part 11
Allegrezza Part 12
Allegrezza Part 13
Allegrezza Part 14
Allegrezza Part 15
Allegrezza Part 16
Allegrezza Part 17 (New!)
Allegrezza (All Links)
Allegrezza (All Links 2)
Additional Tags: Don't take this seriously bronies
Fan Art
383 kommentaari:
Been waiting for this one to pop up.
VastaKustutaNice tags... have to read this one tonight. DAMN YOU, TAGS!!! YOU REMOVE YET MORE SLEEP!!!
VastaKustutaAt least I can use motorcycle.
I always love Scratch fics.
Vinyl Scratch is looking into your soul- and she is shocked and offended. ;)
VastaKustutaNow to read...
This is actually very interesting adn well written. It's good enough that I'll add it to my bookmarks for further surveillance.
VastaKustutaHehe, Drunktavia. Keep this up, and we'll have another alcoholic in the fanon.
VastaKustutahi bungie bronie here
VastaKustutaPoor Octavia. Being denied her single-malt whisky. :( She needs a 20 year old Jura for that. Or a good Talisker.
VastaKustutaReally not a fan of shipfics at the moment, but at least in this one the shipping is only implied. Those damn fillyfoolers.
VastaKustutaI know this is much more likely to end up with 5 stars, but I think that it's gonna get six. :D
VastaKustutaSo far, so good. Looking forward to the rest :)
VastaKustutaSomeone's going to be confused when she wakes up tomorrow morning ;)
VastaKustutaLooking forward to more.
Ok I know this is nitpicking a little but Octavia isn't playing a Cello. Cello's have a long spike at the end of them forcing you to sit down in order to properly play them. Octavia is playing a Bass, it has a shorter spike meant for balancing it while standing up. It's a little detail but it urks me so much. Either way this was really nice
VastaKustutaDammit, can we go over a single Octavia-related thing without starting the damn "cello or double bass" argument?
VastaKustutaOh, and a nice start, CoffeeGrunt.
Bassello. solved.
VastaKustuta*Rewrites story as Octavia the bassellist.*
VastaKustutaThanks for all the positive comments everybody! It was nice to write something simple that didn't have people waiting on a new chapter. Now I've ruined that, I'd better make sure the next chapte is good. XD
I'm in love. Can't wait for more.
VastaKustutaI think this one is going great so far, I would love to see more. The dialogue and description flow well without getting jumbled.
VastaKustutaall my stars for, if absolutely nothing else, Octavia's love of fine whiskey... I'm a bourbonite myself, I can certainly relate (nopony appreciates whiskey for what it is anymore, always chilling it or tossing ice in... yech.) . Great short, a fun read.
VastaKustutaI don't think it's a one-shot.
Tag reads as incomplete, and the google doc has a C1 in the title, as in chapter one.
@Coffee Grunt
VastaKustutaVery nice, very sweet. Looking forward to a more fleshed out interaction between the two.
My adoration for the story aside, that was a masterfully written fanfic. 5 Stars
VastaKustutaIt's good but I could see it becoming great if you took it seriously.
VastaKustutaDash shipping in a story not about her?
These two are my favorite backround ponies and you wrote them excellently! Octy was just as I'd expect her, but hard to tell how good you wrote Scratch since she only had liek a paragraph.
Anticipating next chapter!
i just realized something...
VastaKustutathe bow of string instruments is made out of horse hair, so every time octavia needs a bow she has to find a pony that's willing to sacrifice some of their hair
gah! mark down yet another awesome vinyl/octavia story that only has one chapter!
VastaKustutahope to see more soon
Well, I'd keep rolling with this. I quite enjoyed it. It gave me a little bit of a happy back after reading a few grimdark fics.
VastaKustutaI shall now refer to the next one of my friends who gets drunk as 'gazeboed'. :D
VastaKustutaOoh, chapter two. I like where this is going.
VastaKustutaConsidering I posted this to Seth about an hour ago, it's up purty darn quick!
VastaKustutaI only just now realized you were writing this Coffee^^ Were you done with the Halo crossover? :P Anyway, I've been enjoying it.
VastaKustutaGlad to hear it Baree! This was just a side project that got a little bigger than I expected. (Comic series is also being made by another brony, first pages came out yesterday.)
VastaKustutaHalo fic's still running, just that the guy I got in to check my grammar/canon is on holiday, so that's on hiatus for now.
Was that deviantart link not there a minute ago, or am I just somewhat blind?
VastaKustutaI loved the first chapter but the second felt kind of rushed. I would have loved to see more of a reaction from Octavia after waking up in bed with a strange filly.
VastaKustutaAlso, it was hard to tell who was talking at times. The non-dialogue portions could use a bit more detail as well.
Ha ha, bassello. Take that pedants!
VastaKustutaI agree with @K. Chan
VastaKustutaI was hoping for more reactions from Octavia when she woke from Vinyl's bed. Although, we're not suppose to take it seriously so its cool.
I found the bassello funny. Now no pony would argue about Octavia's instrument being a Bass OR a Cello. Problem Solved B-)
Oh that is a beautiful, subtle little tip of the hat to Michael McIntyre. Correct? You just shot up another rung on the coolness ladder.
VastaKustutaI lol'd at Cheerileeos.
VastaKustutaI know I shouldn't of, but I did.
Octavia making fun of Vinyl is just as much fun to read as Vinyl making fun of Octavia. But we all already knew that, right?
VastaKustutaAh ha ha ha... Marrow knife
VastaKustuta@JR Nope. Just like burgers and glue, bassello bows in Equestria are made out of soy.
VastaKustutawell, ill just check my stories to see what i need to read tomorrow, and OMG UPDATE!
VastaKustutameh, who needs to sleep, right?
The GREAT and POWERFUL Trevor isn't completely likeing how the MIGHTY DJ-PON3 is being portrayed, but one still has high hopes for the story, and how she shall become more awesome! Please continue the good work on chapter 3! One loves being sucked into stories like this, so keep it up!
VastaKustutaWait..... That was a pinkie and daah ahipping mentioned in chapter one!! *victorioua cheer* and Scratch is being portrayed awesome...... Actually its like youve got a dj dash now that i think of it (−_−;)
VastaKustuta“Well hardly! Banging a stick on some bits of metal to make jangly noises like a confounded foal hardly takes any talent at all!”
VastaKustutaBITCH WHAT
VastaKustutalol I didn't even realise it was them until I read that comment!
Well written and enjoyable to read. I can't wait to see what kind of chemistry Vinyl and Octavia are going to have in the updates!
VastaKustutawoohoo a shoutout to neigh zealand! :D I am so happy
VastaKustutaAah... they have started reached the point in the friendship where everypony is referring to them as an arguing married couple... thus the vitriolic friendship shall progress into something more.
VastaKustutaThis shall be entertaining, to say the least.
Love the whovian reference at the end there. Great story and very well written. Can't wait for more.
VastaKustutaOh oh. Sundae pony and hoovesy pony references at 12 o' clock!
VastaKustutaI'd say that the whole 'abrupt' chapter ends are finally starting to become something I'm getting used to. I don't think they're BAD mind you, just something unfamiliar. Very little indicates the ending is coming besides just it ending.
VastaKustutaThat aside, I'm really enjoying it. Octavia's classy and somewhat elitist behavior is being met with an equally snarky and clever attitude from scratch.
And it's working 'very' well as a build up of a potential relationship, so kudos on a 'natural' feel developing behind it.
I love Octavia and Vinyl, but dude, these abrupt chapter endings and short, really concise plots are murdering me! I get all into the story, enjoying character dialogue and whatnot, and then BAM! out in the cold, waiting for updates...
VastaKustutaWhy can't there be like 20 parts to this already. I just wanna keep reading D;
VastaKustutaIndeed. This feels like the type of fic that I should be chomping through 50 straight parts, what with each bite-sized chunk ending like it does and the general style of writing. The main flaw of this is that I'm not still reading it, sooooo... the obvious plan of recourse should be to write more. Now.
VastaKustutaI don't know whether I should love or hate the endings. Need More, fast!
VastaKustuta(PS: This fic managed to get three musicians chatting through Google Docs - seriously, amazing)
These stories are like a bag of chips. They are bite-sized, granting immense pleasure that doesn't last very long, but there is (hopefully) more of them to go through.
VastaKustutaGranted, I love the gigantic chips in the bag. I always eat those first. Would love some longer chapters, but don't force it, because that would just ruin the quality and I'd rather have quality than quantity.
Loving these, will read. :P
I like it, its funny to hear their arguments! Also, for everypony out there wondering, Octavia's instrument is 7'7" tall using a cow as a measurement. Its a custom instrument.
VastaKustutaThis is a really enjoyable story, can't wait to see more of it.
VastaKustutaHonestly, the chapter endings are a result of my writing for my DA page before the EDaily page here. Each DA chapter is ~1000 words, because I prefer to write less, but more frequently. Also makes proof-reading easier.
VastaKustutaI just sorta...grab two chapters from DA and squish them together to make the EDaily versions on GDocs.
Glad to hear everyone's liking the fic by the way. Nice to see the Cello vs Double Bass argument being solved by the bassello.
Dude, I have to say:
VastaKustutaAs a manager of a liquor store, and a guy who enjoys a fine glass of wine, a fine glass of whiskey.. and the like:
I love this story. I love the references, I've had Jura (it's too peaty for my taste, I prefer highland/lowland malts in scotch like Gelnmorangie) and I fully agree with Octavia that New Zealand makes some wonderful Sauv Blanc (and some good Pinot as well).
I also love the bowtie Dr Who reference at the end.
The story is wonderfully written, and obviously written to my taste.
Keep going! Woot!
This series is making me giggle so much. Octavia and Vinyl are now my favorite pair of background ponies. Your portrayal of the two, despite the lack of screen-time, just fits their images so well. Though I don't necessarily "get" the alchohol talk, it still entertains me to have Octavia prattle mentally about "classy" things. Vinyl is about as outgoing and clever as I expected and is a nice counter to Octavia's somewhat haughty attitude.
VastaKustutaThe references I caught made me chuckle often. Was that a King of the Hill reference in the third chapter? "Ice cream and Ice cream accessories" oh lawl.
Keep up the wonderful work. This is truly a gem in a sea of generic teen-fics.
Realized in my last post I didn't talk much about the story in other ways. I think the flow and pacing is nice. It moves a long at it's own pace, it feels natural and not-at-all forced.
VastaKustutaI like how the shipping is moving slow - as well it should, and I think the chracters are spot-on.
I don't know... there's something weird about the dynamic between these two in this story. I guess I'd say it feels a little forced.
VastaKustutaI can see you're working toward a "Look Before You Sleep" kind of relationship, but I don't exactly understand what's holding them together long enough for that to develop. To all appearances, Scratch is a stranger who disgusts and offends Octy in every possible way, and there's not enough of a window into Octy's head to see why she's not just walking out the door and never going back to that bar rather than inviting Scratch to dinner. If she's finding herself strangely intrigued or getting glimpses of hidden depths in Scratch's music, it sure isn't coming across in the writing.
On the technical side of things, I'd like to see you stick to Octy's viewpoint a little more strictly. You tend to jump between her and Scratch at the drop of a hat, which is faintly disorienting and, I think, prevents you from immersing more deeply in either one. Scratch seems to be the sort to speak her mind, or at least be obvious about concealing something, so it shouldn't be hard to expose her thoughts to the reader via Octavia. It's often more fun if you make the reader work out what other characters are thinking rather than just saying it outright.
A very-well written fic, particularly with the fine alcohol references (coming from a guy who appreciates a good gin & tonic). I love how Scratch and Octavia bounce off each others' personalities without making the shipping unbelievable.
VastaKustutaI normally don't like shipping stories but this one is funny enough for it to be okay, well as of chapter three at least.
VastaKustutaI gave it a 5.
My Favorite Shipping Pair...
VastaKustutaFinished Chapter One And I'm Pretty Impressed.
The Descriptiveness Really Brings The Story Too Life!
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who got the skooma reference. Somepony's been playing Morrowind.
VastaKustutaI wish that I knew of some music like that. Classical, yet modern electronic.
VastaKustuta“Another story for the fans, Butters?”
VastaKustuta“Oh, you know me; I love the inspiration in the field.”
And a million ROFL's were had.
That Butterscotch Sundae reference caught me totally off guard! The most awesom reference ever! It damn right nearly killed me!
VastaKustutaQuite frankly, the best fanfiction I've read to date.
VastaKustutaThis story is entirely too adorable. Their personalities conflict so perfectly that it -makes- chemistry between them =).
VastaKustutai love this fic. The short exchanges and funny little situations and interactions are so great for the slow relationship building of the fic. I can't wait for more of this greatness
VastaKustutais anyone else wondering if "Allegrezza" actually means anything? well I took the liberty of trying to find out.
VastaKustutaas it turns out, "Allegrezza" is italian for "Joy".
Well, I took it for the musical term, which is closer to "heartwarming," meaning a powerful but light-hearted melody.
VastaKustutaGlad to hear everyone enjoyed the new chapter. I wish I could enjoy my humour as much as you all appear to!
This is truly shipping. I love the work the author has done with this. I cannot wait for chapter 5.
VastaKustutaNice HitchHikers guide refrence
VastaKustutaI open up the story, and Octavia's battle theme starts (no joke)
VastaKustutaI don't know if I should find this ominous, or just amusing.
Judging from previous chapters, I'm going with ominous
I love this pairing, mostly because I've been on a huge music kick this year, and since I am a rocker and a metalhead with a bent towards more complex, classical instrumentation these two are like my music tastes ponified, and making out. And ponies making out is adorable, and implied ponysex makes me giggle. Give these two some whiskey; and some Appocalyptica, or Korplikani, or Evulite, or Edguy, or Avanstasia, or Turisas, or Elvenking; and they'd either break into unprompted snogging or beat me for the idea.
VastaKustutaChapter Five channels Adams quite nicely by the way.
Love the Hitchhikers guide reference.
VastaKustutaPan-equestrian Gargle Blasters?
I didnt know whether to facehoof or applaud you.
I literally texted ppl to let them know Ch 5 was out.
VastaKustutaKeep writing, your fans demand it!!!
"Bridle White"?
VastaKustutaI don't get the reference.
VastaKustutaThe author i'm assuming was referring to Barry White, a popular choice for "romantic" endeavors
I'm really liking this fic, i like how it's not quite following the beaten path like most shipping fan fics, looking forward to more and hoping the story will be decently long. Keep the good stuff coming!
VastaKustutaPonies, alkohol, music!!! Awesom!!
VastaKustuta@Deltron zero Nope, I caught it too, though it's not exclusive to Morrowind, just the Elder Scrolls in general. All of these ponified things give me a nice chuckle; I need to read these types of fics to keep a light view on things, always need that reminder that not everything should be taken so seriously.
VastaKustutayay new chapter its always great to see another update for this fic i like how is going detailed and slow but every time i thing about this fic i agonized how long i have to wait till the next update comes out. While i do prefer a well written update then a rushed quick fix i do wish there was just a bit more in each update to hold me over at least a day (or maybe im reading to fast XD)
VastaKustutaAnyways keep the great work and looking forward to this interesting couple developing!
XD i just realised its only been a week since the last update yet it feels like forever, thats how good this fic is XD
VastaKustutaJust started reading. The fact that Octavia drinks Single-Malt has already won me over! Only ponies of good taste know how to drink real whiskey! Yay for Octy!
VastaKustutaThese two are excellent foil to each other.
VastaKustutaAh, yeah. That and the new Dust Mite civilization and political fun ensuing. It does seem like they got hit over the head with a lemon wrapped gold brick. Let alone the tuba.
We all read it for the plot XD
VastaKustuta^My pa used that as an excuse to buy Playboy mags...
VastaKustutaGuess it makes sense now.
I don't care if it's 11:40 at night with an early (ish) start tomorrow, I didn't realise the two most recent chapters were out, I am reading these NOW!
VastaKustutaKeep up the awesome work, I never thought that I could enjoy a shipping fic between two background ponies so much :)
Loving the story :3
VastaKustutaso much awesome is written into these
VastaKustutaAllegrezza: insert all the other fanons chapter.
VastaKustutaMan, Lyra's a real b***ch, it seems. I dunno if I like so much, I'm hoping to see a more positive side to Lyra as the story continues, but that's just me. At least BonBon's real sweet. And I'm still really loving this story!
out of the entire universe, Equestria is the only planet that has come up with the idea of edible ball-bearings. It's pure genius!
VastaKustutaWell that chapter ended to soon!
VastaKustutaStill loving this story, thanks!!
I hate you now that Lyras a big meanie in this one >:(
VastaKustutaPoor Lyra, she needs more non-Bonbonic love :-(
VastaKustutaOuch. Low blow there, Octy. C'mon now, you're better than that!
VastaKustutaSeems to me Lyra just carries a petty grudge - I'm sure she's still head-canon to the most of ya when she simmers down some.
At least we've finally reached the point to where we find out WHY these two musical mares still bother with each other. It's Octy who's willing to make the effort, ha! Love that; it makes so much more sense with her being the implied reserved type. So adorable. Looking forward to how their relationship blooms some more.
Bring on the next chapter soon, por favor!
Fun fact, I hate shipping stories.
VastaKustutaBut I love this one!
what does it mean?
I agree that Lyra came off pretty b!tchy, but I think that's just how she acts towards Octavia (in this particular fic). I'm guessing towards other ponies she's the Lyra we all know and love, who sits on benches like a human and doesn't afraid of anything.
VastaKustutaGood chapter! Low blow by Octavia when she made that remark about Bonbon. I like the way Vinyl manages to make that situation as awkward as possible for herself with the cupcake causing her to choke.
VastaKustutaSaw the artwork on DeviantArt (the comic). Now that I know it's based off a story, I've read the story.
VastaKustutaDefinitely impressed.
Although, I dislike the ending to the Chapter 7. In the sense that it's unresolved conflict going into an important event. AKA...
So many angry faces in the past few comments . . .
VastaKustutaI just got onto this fic and I love what's been done, you've managed to keep the flow consistent and the two characters seem to really have some depth behind them.
My guess is the twist is that Lyra and Octavia will end up both being chosen, and then the focus will shift a little away from Octavia and Vinyl to Octavia and Lyra. Which I think would make a pretty cool change, it'll show the story evolving a little and not just sticking with two characters. And after it could come back to Octavia/Vinyl.
VastaKustutaOh well, I look forward to see where CoffeeGrunt decides to take it =D
"More than tipsy, I suppose a posh pony like yourself would say...’gazeboed,’ or maybe just lampshaded?’”
VastaKustutaI bloody love you, bro!
Part 8!!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaMaybe it's a little bad that of all people, I still haven't really read this fanfic yet. lol
VastaKustuta@Octavia its fine, we wont judge you. We have only love for good ponies (people, whatever) like you
VastaKustutaMan I love this story. =)
VastaKustutaI like where this is going.
VastaKustutaWaiting somewhat impatiently for chapter 9 now.
UNF - this story is so much love, and I've enjoyed every darn chapter with a wide-as-heck goofy grin on my face each time.
VastaKustutaChapter 8 is where things are gettin' to the point...and I'm liking this lovely little rivalry going on!
Keep on rockin' dem words, Coffeegrunt!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSorry, I made a stupid mistake above, what I meant to say was: you rock
VastaKustutaThis is one of the very few shipping fics I'll read. CoffeeGrunt, I salute you for making me like this.
VastaKustutaI like where this is going :D
VastaKustutaChapter 8 is amazing; the chemistry going on between Vinyl and Octavia is really starting show, and it's getting good! It was so d'aawww at some parts that my pancreas was actually transported to an alternate dimension for a couple of microseconds. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! :D
VastaKustutaThis fic is steadily becoming my all-time favorite. Oh, whoops, did I say "steadily"? I meant RAPIDLY! =D
VastaKustutaPretty good.
VastaKustutaIt's no "The Vinyl Scratch Tapes," but the plot (and to a lesser extent the quality) of the story seems to be picking up and I'm happy to see it.
Always count on Lyra and Bon-Bon being the resident lesbian couple in shipfics. Always.
VastaKustutaHehe, totally called that twist. Though I'm guessing a lot of others did too XD I was expecting them (Octavia and Lyra) to be quite shocked, though =P
VastaKustutaI'm surprised people would consider Celestia to be against same-sex marriage, though, given the disproportionately large number of females shown on the series.
Yay, Octy!
VastaKustutaAnd the wonderful back and forth between Vinyl and Bonbon was fanTASTIC, might I add. That was a great inclusion.
VastaKustutaBecause she will banish you, then put you into a cage in the place where she banished you to. It makes completely sense. :)
This is great. The gradual chemistry between Octavia and Vinyl is really excellent. I've had a grin on my face the entire time I've been reading this.
VastaKustutaSeriously though, 'Hoofs Zimmer'? Couldn't someone a bit more, I dunno, actually classically oriented by parodied?
I knew as soon as "there are two string positions available" both of them would be chosen.
just read part 8 and i have one question: Why is it over so fast?!
VastaKustuta@Fabrazio: Jeah that's sad :( But it's gooooood. I think the Story will go on for only two or Three Chapters at least or?
VastaKustutaNope, it's about halfway though so far.
VastaKustutaThanks all for the positive responses.
Ah, I'm not too good with classical writers. And both Neighthooven and Mozcart are dead...
I never claimed to wow you with unforeseen and ingenious plot twists...
VastaKustutaI thought he was called Beethoofen ;)
Oh Celestia, Coffeegrunt your a bucking poet! I may be a bit late on commenting since I just tend to go from fic to fic when I finish but I just have to say that last half of ch 6 was just endearing cute and I laughed a good deal there.
VastaKustutaStill enjoying ch 7 (yes I been falling behind on my fics lately sowwy! <3) and I love rival Octy/Lyra bits I can only imagine, as I tend to do a lot, the antics a certain grey earth filly can gesture insults with but mere hooves at her disposal.
And how racist of that stallion to think poor Octy would do something, I mean she hasn't even been a shoplifter in a whole 5 years now for his pompy information!
This story is such that I can say without question 6 star gold. I love this story how as much as a certain other Twixie story I never seem to be able to shutup about. lol
Please please-please~ see this master piece through to it's end I hate being left dangling with great works that seem to fade away forever tagged incomplete ;^; (not that I ever see you doing that sort of thing! XD)
tl;dr OctyxVinyl your doing it right! (way to raise the bar!)
This story is absolutely fabulous.
VastaKustutasooooooo one thing when is the next update ^___^
VastaKustutafantastic, i laughed at the fact octi was wearing socks (i guess thats kinky in ponyville)
VastaKustutaThis is great, I can't believe how much detail is put into this. That's some huge depth on pony wines.
VastaKustutaLuna is for same sex marriage and her sister Celly is too much a stickler for traditional old school ways and sees it as a distasteful perverted way of life? This is bound to boost Luna's popularity to new heights within crowds vying for more freedom of speech and equal rights XD Luna is spreading Discord!
VastaKustutaAnyways that Octavia moment with Vinyl and the cheek stroking lol I'm with BonBon there that was just ADORABLE.
I find it funny with the seeming role reversal of Bonbon and Lyra's attitudes XD in the 2 episodes that Bonbon was in she alwa acted like a rude c*** and Lyra is always so easily amused and happy everywhere she goes XD
Anyways in the fanfic world I love the suppose bitter rivalry between these two! You could even tie in this fanfic with the part where Octavia came to pic her up in a carriage only to say some scathing remark about Bonbon that made Lyra hate Octavia and make her trip Octy into the Carriage and curse her out and slam the door! *takes a deep breath* OK nevermind that actually that comic was a bit overly cruel to both pony's images XD
Another great chapter Grunt. This one was filled with plenty of D'aww moments for a change way to kick the love interest between the two into gear!
Simply put: This is excellent. The story is engaging and I really do enjoy the banter between Vinyl and Octavia. I can't wait for the next part.
VastaKustutaAwesome read! thats the only title i can give this! how i can describe it as being well very well written and i also love the banter behind thoes 2
VastaKustutaloved it, the best part is hearing octavia going on about what "class" is, it adds funny to the story. make moar, and do not dissapoint
Well how about that, the chapter 9! *Shoves face into screen, reading.*
VastaKustutaChapter 9 (19 on da) does not disappoint :)
VastaKustutaAdditional Tags: Don't take this seriously bronies
VastaKustutaWhy the f*** not?!?!?
This is one of the best things I've ever read and you're telling me not to take it seriously.
VastaKustuta^^^ My reaction when I finished this chapter.
Love it. Beautifully written, and at that comment about Vinyl liking Octavia angry, for seeing the "cracks in her armour", it really made me notice how, over the course of the story, you've slowly stripped away that pompous, huffy attitude she had the beginning and exposed her for the sensitive, emotional pony within (or rather, Vinyl has, heh).
VastaKustutaAt the very end, I actually mis-read the last line as "Vinyl PULLED back" and was like, "NOOOO oh" when I re-read it in horror XD With that said, I am very eager to see where this goes next =D
VastaKustutaMoar for Trevor soon?
~ Magical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
there is no end to the diabeties i get while reading this >.>
VastaKustutaThat was awesome.
VastaKustutaSo. awesome.
Oh my God, the latest chapter was just... perfect. I giggled like a little schoolgirl. I think I can confirm this as my favourite fic of all time.
VastaKustutaHey CoffeeGrunt. Chapter 10 tomorrow, right, RIGHT? Must have more music pony shipping >.<
VastaKustutaIn case you didn't get it, I'm enjoying this story.
My Celestia, this is...this is a fantastic little story so far and I'm loving every chapter.
VastaKustutaI really loved chapter 9 - so cute, thought provoking and yet as intense as a dark black coffee on a cold winters evening - And just as addictive.
Come on, everypony, we need to 6-Star this shizzle!
Ok, everypony - if you haven't noticed, this story is still at 4.8 stars. Which is a crying shame, really.
VastaKustutaSo if you liked it, and if you haven't voted - you know the drill.
OMG i love this story!!!! keep posting!!!!!!
VastaKustutaThis last chapter is amazing! I absolutely love this story!
VastaKustutaStarted out as the rag-tag comedy of two opposites. Turns into a shipfic. I'm enjoying reading this. But does anyone else feel that the friends to romance bridge occurred rather rapidly? Same with the annoyed acquaintances to friends? Everything in between was lovely.
VastaKustutaPerhaps this is more of an indirect plea to the author to fill in-between the lines of plot points and character emotions that are otherwise implied. Not that it has to be purple pages of overly embellished nonsense. I do so enjoy well written characters that have natural interaction.
But at the end of the day, I really like this.
Still my favorite fic.
VastaKustutaAh, how sweet...I'm really enjoying this, and I generally dislike shipfics so that is actually saying something. Octavia's philosophy on love and life at the end there is really touching, and the description of it may just be my favorite moment of the story thus far as it manages to sum up Octavia's transformation over the whole story. Really well done there.
VastaKustutaIt made me d'awwww at the end. But other than that the entire story has been a pleasure to read. I usually dislike long, multiple-chaptered stories, I usually grow impatient, but in this case the amount of effort reading it is rewarded by great story telling.
VastaKustutaThat being said... On to Chapter Ten! I hate waiting.
*Clears throat* SQUEEEEEE! I have waited 8 chapters for that.
VastaKustutaThank you CoffeeGrunt. I have been waiting for that to happen. This is one of my favorite shippings and you have gone above and beyond what many others have done. This story has wonderful development, and actually has a real relationship develop instead of the usual "I love you" "I love you too lets make out" that a lot of the other stories that i have read do. I look forward to more and conclude this statement with a bravo.
VastaKustuta@Dragoon235 I think the best phrase to use is, "opposites attract," and in this case, it's especially true, they're like super magnets!
VastaKustutaWow. so that took a turn for the shippy rather... abruptly. I was kinda hoping it would take longer for this to happen. I liked the bits with them being sarcastic and witty opposites bouncing off each other and then becoming fast friends. Would have been cool to see that last longer, before the inevitable. Oh well... still one of my favorite fics to date. Bravo Coffeegrunt! chapter ten is eagerly awaited by all!
VastaKustutaGreat chapter! There're maybe three ship fics I've read that manage to hold back on the shipping for this long while keeping the story entertaining, and I've read lots of ship fics :D
VastaKustutaYou are completely deserving of the six stars, congratulations!
Ships away! tee hee. =)
VastaKustutaNice and sweet little chapter, looking forward to the rest of this story =D
fuck yeah part 9 - finally pulling the hoof out :D
VastaKustutaMy one of 3 most favorite stories on the blog. I have reading to do! *heads to read chapter 9*
oh and yes grats on 6 stars!! FINALLY!! (though we all knew it was even without the officialness XD)
VastaKustutaAnd suddenly Dr. Whooves?
VastaKustutaIs that going anywhere? Or was it just a random cameo?
Either way, chapter 9 is great.
VastaKustutaI just read the whole thing in one sitting. My god. I don't usually read shipping but that ending was bloody amazing! In fact, no. The whole thing was bloody amazing! I don't know if you receive lots of praise for these fics or not but all I know is that you certainly don't receive enough... Love it and am eagerly awaiting more!
VastaKustutaOH HELLS YEAH, PART 9! That was so damn good. There's so much I'd like to say to convey how much I enjoyed this, but I'm disappointed that my vocabulary isn't sophisticated to decode the feelings this gave me.
VastaKustutaTo the author, you are a wonderful person and you make wonderful things.
YES! It finally came! Such a long build up for that lovely moment but it was well worth it!
VastaKustutaThis is a amazing story!! I love it! if this was a book, i would buy it. I love the end of part 9! thank Celestia that's its not over.
VastaKustutabest chapter yet!
VastaKustutaChapter 9
VastaKustutaso much d'awwwww
Chapter 9
VastaKustuta(As the soldier from TF2 said) I LOVE IT!!!
Finished reading it just after getting back from work =D. This story deserves ALL OF MY YES <3.
VastaKustutaCongrats on the 6 stars! Totally deserves them!
VastaKustutaThat last section of Chapter 9 was just amazing. I keep going back and rereading it. I mean, it's been a day and I'm STILL going back and rereading it.
VastaKustutaThe problem I have with a lot of shipfics is they spend too much time worrying about the thought of love's confession and the fear of rejection. They're extremely stressful.
But a couple of romances here in Pony fanfic, like in Fallout Equestria (not saying any more to avoid spoilers), are beautifully done, treating it as a joyful thing and an escape from doubt and fear rather than a source of them.
What you've done here is shown a wonderful romance wherein two friends (whose antics we are subjected to and enjoy, rather than reading through angsty chapter after chapter) become closer and closer until they both just sort of realize it.
We've had fun with them. We like them; they've endeared themselves to us as characters. Seeing them this happy is wonderful.
Bravo. Keep up the good work.
Congrats on the 6th star, richley deserved.
VastaKustutaThe most recent chapter was adorable, and it was for me at-least realistic, it brought back some very fond memories.
That chapter 9... I just melted here. The emotion, the cuteness, the moment, the romance!
VastaKustutaYou are an inspiring author, mate...
Just take my stars, all of them.
@Pegasus Rescue Brigade
VastaKustutaYeah, I'm wondering that too. I was reading along... "Hmm... hourglass cutie mark... a little Whooves cameo." And then when appears a second time, he whips out the Sonic Screwdriver and seems to be observing Octavia and Vinyl! "ORLY? Something is very fishy in Denmark," says I!
And now, shipping. Ah well, I suppose it was bound to happen eventually! Though, with practically every pony romance trending same-gender... I fear a rather severe population drop during the next generation!
I read the newest one. Spoilers.
VastaKustutaGood lord, that kiss...absolutely PERFECT to me. I had to quit reading stories for a while to digest it. This writer is damn good and I can see where the 6-star rating came from. Magnificient new chapter!
Also, just on a note of Vinyl herself, the red eyes made me fall in love with this character on a pure design standpoint.
This is.. wonderful. That build up was so long, so natural. The writing was a bit.. verbose at the end compared to the rest of the story, but it kinda needed to be, eh?
VastaKustutaI love it. And I love you just a little bit for writing it.
would love to see more please bring me more vinyl
VastaKustutai have downloded all 9 fics and im going to take them home are read them agian and agian. maybe my sister would like thiem idont know yet anyway. i love every bit of you fic. please dont end it any time soon. thank you
VastaKustutaPlease, please, PLEASE keep writing! I have really enjoyed this fic so far, and it deserves the 6 stars its got through and through.
VastaKustutaShe DIDN'T!... PLEASE tell me that Scratch didn't just mess with Tavi's Sound System! O.o *Runs at speeds that would put RD to shame*
VastaKustutaMagical Trevor, Minstrel of Equestria
Very good story. I'd say it deserves 5 stars.
VastaKustutaBut how the hell does this get so much fanart?
OGAWD too short!!!!! Neeeeeed moooooaaaaaaar~ I can't wait to see what tavi does to vinyl. This is gonna be good
VastaKustutaOh well, their relationship lasted nearly a chapter.
VastaKustutaLoved the reference to The Vinyl Scratch Tapes.
VastaKustutathank you very much for updating, i've been looking for this one for a while
VastaKustutaOh dear... shirts are about to hit the proverbial fan =P