• Story: All Hallows Eve


    Author: Pony In Chief
    Description: Halloween has descended on the quaint, quiet town of Ponyville. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are in the center of all the action when launched unknowingly into a scavenger hunt that could put them, and the guest of honor, in peril.

    All Hallows Eve

    Additional Tags:
    Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Adventure, Creepy, Funny

    42 kommentaari:

    1. CMC Halloween story? That's a first.

    2. Scootaloo as Rainbow Dash made me laugh more than I should have. The pee... did not. At all.

    3. All Hallows seems to be early this year...

      Better read that story, quick.

    4. Just to see if they would have scootaloo dress as Dash there needs to be a halloween in season 2.

    5. This is a pretty good CMC story. I could see a plot like this working in the show, including the ending.

    6. Scootaloo as Rainbow Dash, it's so adorably creepy!

    7. I couldn't see Scoots dressing as anything but RD.

      As for the story, I liked it. It had that episodic feel, as if it could be a 15 minute Halloween special or something.

    8. >Sweetie Belle's disgusting face covered in bandages

      And thus, all was right with the world.

    9. Applebloom in a Trixie hat and cape? something that cute shouldn't wear something that has connections to that bitch.

    10. oh lawd that picture so hilarious!

    11. Nice cute story. But poor Sweetie Belle! Ever since "Ghost of Carousel Boutique", she seems doomed to pee herself when scary things happen.

    12. Dash seemed a little out of character, but other than that, it was a pretty good story.

    13. Oh my god. Just seeing that picture I want to see a Halloween episode for real.

    14. As others have said, Scoots going as Rainbow Dash is just adorable, creepy, and perfectly in character

    15. i love how scootaloo is dressed like rainbow dash lol :)

    16. Hmm. It was a good story but I felt it lacked some resolution. Like at least a bit about why Pinkie never handed out clues to other kids.

      I'm assuming it's because she wound up on a real spy adventure.

    17. Reading this with Halloween music... makes it 20% scarier.

    18. "Behind the grim and dark, and the dead trees and leaves, there were smiles and laughter and all manner of good times."

      I don't know, with the sheer amount of GrimDark we have here I find it quite hard to find smiles or laughter :l

      Great story by the way Also really loved the art work for this

    19. This story just made my day thanks :D

    20. Aww, that was such a sweet story. Really feels like it could be made an actual episode in season 2 also. *cough* "Faust you readin dis'? Make it happen." *cough*

    21. Glad to see that my first attempt at writing and Photoshop are going over well with the community.

    22. Too cute for words! I completely lost it at the part with Celestia and Luna. I really want to those two more in season two.

    23. Awesome. The pic is cute too. I do like that Other halloween pic more tho...

    24. I agree, urine jokes was unnecessary. Other then that, enjoyed the story enough. It does see ma bit odd that only the CMC were able to solve the treasure hunt though.

    25. @ Baree & ToonNinja
      Urine may be taboo, but I wasn't aware that it was a 'joke'. It's a legitimate part of the story.

    26. >It'd been modified to look like a mix between a gothic cathedral and a castle
      -Highly modifiable and adaptable mobile home ;). They are great for any holidays.

      >“Don’t ya worry none, Sweetie Belle, ‘t looks like ya weren’t th’ only one."
      >“Could you get out the mop, please?”
      -That, frankly, is terrible... and stupid... and adds nothing of value to the story.
      Seriously, it's a pointless detail that doesn't add anything silly, funny... Just a facepalm, for this ''oh-so-necessary'' addition.
      ('This' doesn't start the story on a good, or interesting note.)

      >“Sigh vause sou hates con tin ooer…?” >“Oh! That’s French!”
      -I speak French (Quebec-french), and I can't think of what the original phrase was supposed to be ?

      ...or, I could just suddenly find out, 10sec later after trying for a whole minute ?
      (Si vous souhaitez continuer...)

      >and proceeded to run away from a severely wall-eyed Ditzy-Doo
      -1) Ditzy Doo (no - ).
      2) Severely wall-eyed ? Kinda going a bit strong there... She just has a lazy-eye (and 'speech impediment'), that's all. Not a *SEVERELY* 'whatever'.

      >as they saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna behind the three fillies, all of them smiling from ear to ear.
      -Must feels odd to give candy to your own Princesses ? ;)

      ...Not bad, except for a few, quite unnecessary, details...

    27. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    28. The pee thing is a legit reference. Many animals including Equines, especially young ones urinate as a reaction to fright. Some humans too.

    29. How the hell do you play "rock, paper, scissors" with hooves?

    30. god damn i totally had a similiar idea for a drawing i was gonna do, i was gonna draw scootaloo as rainbow dash but i had different ideas for the other two.

    31. @DPV111
      You do know that we are talking about Magical ponies that can talk, and made a complexe civilisation, right ?

      I think ''peeing'' on itself is FAR from something remotely interesting to read in a MLP:FiM story (especially since it's doesn't add any interest or emotion to the scene, anyway.).

      Maybe it's just me ?

    32. @B-Man
      They all have malleable hooves... At this point, considering various stories, it's official fan-fact.

    33. @Nova25

      Half of their IC mannerisms come from the animal versions of real ponies. That's the way the show was designed. That don't act like animals because they are sapient, but the instinctual reactions would remain.
      I do agree that the scene in which this happened is significantly lower brow humor than the rest of the story and feels out of place, but I still consider it reasonably IC.

    34. I'm going to explain the urine scene just for you guys! Don't you feel special!

      The first and foremost reason for this scene is to put the CMC in order from hardest to easiest to scare. Before editing the story (twice), that was the ONLY scene where I had explained the different levels of fear. For that reason only, the urination scene is unnecessary.

      Second; it was the easiest way to get every other filly and colt out of the room so Twilight, Pinkie, Scoots, and Applebloom could continue their conversation. I guess taking the easy way out really is a bad idea, huh?

      At this point, I would tell you to consider yourselves lucky that I edited the urination scene at all.

      "Would you get out the mop please?" Might have been a little tactless, but it was in no means to be considered a joke. I don't know about any of you, but I'm not letting piss sit on my floor while I have a conversation with a child.

    35. @Pony In Chief
      >Don't you feel special!
      >I would tell you to consider yourselves lucky
      -What is the word that I am seeking here... oh right : condescension.

      I'm surprised by the lack of 'tact' from those words.

      ...DPV111 had a better, more 'correct', way to provide explanations.

    36. Ever perceptive, you are. I hope you'll excuse the fact that I don't insult people with tact.

      DPV111 may have provided explanations regarding real equines, but that has no place in either the MLP universe or, specifically, the reason why the scene is included.

    37. @Pony In Chief

      It seemed to be included for comedic purposes. I don't know if I would say its taboo. I just didn't seem necessary. But matter of taste I reckon.

    38. Ah, posted that before reading your second comment. Well then, guess it was not meant to be funny.

    39. @Baree
      It's 'essentially' what I said.

      'Not really necessary', and 'not quite of good taste'.

    40. It's as sad as it is ironic that the tradition of Halloween is all but dead now. It's humbling to know that some people still pay homage to it.

    41. InB4 knowing about Nightmare Night.
      Inafter ridiculous flame war.
