On that note: I think some of you actually thought Spiderses was a serious story submission. Hopefully you realized the truth after reading a few of the comments. A story called Half Life: Full Life Consequences was released a while back, and each fandom has tried to emulate it's amazingness in their own style. While Spiderses does come close, I don't think it's possible to top it, but the valiant effort and ridiculousness of it warranted a nonsense post.
On that note again: Please don't send more fics like this in an attempt to take the title! Spiderses sort of built it's own mini community pre-post, so it was passed on to me by the masses. It wasn't actually "submitted".
Anyway have a live reading!
74 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI AM READY
VastaKustutaI tried my own dramatic reading.
VastaKustuta...I didn't make it past the second chapter without breaking down into tears...
Well... that was... something.
VastaKustutaSpiderses was a pathetic pile of horseshit "joke" that fails even as a fucking trollfic. It isnt funny bad, or so bad its good, it doesnt make sense, not even if you take it with a tonne of salt. Its not worth any amount of time, and frankly, id like to see a real trollfic, or at least one that pretended to take itself seriously. Something that emulates my immortal, with neon alicorn sues falling in love with luna, or rainbow dash, facing off against trollsetria, all while being mocked by "jelaus faggys" Something that works as a trollfic.
VastaKustutaFirst you burn out my eyes with this? Now you make my brain fluid slowly leak out my ears....
VastaKustutathanks guys
VastaKustutaI find it incredibly sad that people like you can not enjoy something as genius as Spiderses, but I guess that's what an author gets for being far ahead of his time...
Meh, wasn't that dramatic. I expected a booming voice full of confidence that what was being read was the greatest thing ever written and made me believe despite all logic, reason, common sense and sanity.
VastaKustutaCheesus Christ, at 17 minutes I don't think I'll be making any videos of THIS!
VastaKustutaReally Seth?
VastaKustutaI am further Disappoint.
Oh thank you for this. I don't know how long it would have taken me, if I had tried to read it on my own.
VastaKustuta@Ihaveanamebecause? Ha ha praising a trollfic, get over it.
VastaKustutaCome at me Brony!
VastaKustutaWOOOOOW! I was laughing, crying, and bleeding from the ears. Good job!
VastaKustutaThis is the work of Dark Energon.
VastaKustutaSo... if I were to read this as though i was reading the compiled works of Shakespeare using every ounce of acting talent nobody would listen to it? Darn, somebody beat me to dramatic readings... CURSE MY LACK OF MICROPHONE!!!!
VastaKustutaClearly the author of "Spiderses" is the Devo of literature.
The world is not ready for him yet.
I can die a happy brony now
VastaKustutaThis masterpiece is better when its read aloud.
VastaKustutaAnd then Spike went onto the platform and got WEPON.
VastaKustutaThis needs to be read by ManWithoutABody. He has a hilariously dramatic and epic voice.
VastaKustutaMan, now I can't go to brony meetups anymore because I'll likely be beaten to death for spiderses.
Drug is one hell of a cocaine
VastaKustuta@Argembarger Really now I've got a nightmare because of Spiderses, I dreamed about posting my first fic and when I looked at it again it would've been as bad as Spiderses.
VastaKustutaNo, just no.
VastaKustuta@ArgembargerOh dont worry, I dont hate you, I hate the motherfucking jackasses who continue praising it like the works of fucking Shakespeare
VastaKustutaI got to 3:03 before stopping and laughing like an idiot.
VastaKustutaOnly got to 1:40. Couldn't do it.
VastaKustutaMy body is NOT ready...
VastaKustutaI did enjoy reading it more than hearing it. But after readin the beautiful prose of ComicNix, nothing really compares. Ever PeterChimaera has a tough time next to ComicNix.
VastaKustutaIt would have been better if the spiderses sex scene would have been fleshed out with more cliches. GOESING AMYNORE.
My body is ready
VastaKustutaIn the words of Joseph Ducreux: "Art thou incensed?"
Ah, I so missed the days when people got angry over fan fiction all the time and I got to watch. I'm glad they're back again. :D
I still think Doom: Repercussions of Evil is a better troll fic that Half Life: Full Life Consequences.
Back on topic, I honestly think that Spiderses failed as a trollfic. It just felt it was trying to ape D:ROE (the trollfic, not the Doom 3 Expansion) and HL:FLC but it just, I dunno, didn't do it right.
This is uhhh
VastaKustutaI didn't even read two sentences into the fic before giving up and writing an angry comment, but hearing this read with all the grammar and spelling errors pronounced out loud was just fricking hilarious. I made it about halfway through before it stopped being funny.
VastaKustuta"I don't really know where this metaphor is going anymore..."
Can't these commenters take a bloody joke? Good God, you'd think we killed their family or something. Calm down.
VastaKustutaThat video needs to be PMV'd up!
VastaKustutahey, I started something like this already last night on Ponychan. couldn't get past the second chapter without laughing my ass off at VAGitables.
VastaKustutaWhy am I strongly reminded of Caboose from Red vs. Blue?
VastaKustutaWhatever, I like it. I'm amused.
If you're not, whatever. Ignore it and go do things you like. :D
Could of been funnier, but was funny regardless.
VastaKustutaSeth I want whatever pathetic excuse for testicles forcebly ripped off, put into a blender and then fed to you
VastaKustutaThis needs visuals created via Garry's Mod.
VastaKustutaI was going to read it, couldnt get past the first paragraph. But now, I might actually listen to it and see how bad it is.
VastaKustutajesus my lungs they burn. my ribs are broken.
VastaKustutaI love how people are ranting about how Spiderses is a failure of a story, and that they're all apparently going to take it out on Seth. This is when you know a trollfic has done its job well: even after it's been announced as a trollfic, some people still take it at face value, or better yet get mad that the trollfic supposedly didn't troll them enough.
VastaKustutaMeh, after 'My Inner Life' I kinda got a thicker skin for this stuff. As a trollfic it's kinda boring.
VastaKustutaIt's too bad the internet doesn't have a filter for people who either a) keep their anger in check worse than 2 year olds (although those people are fun to watch usually) or b) suck at trolling.
VastaKustutaI for one thought this story was hilarious though I still prefer HL:FLC if only for the Garry's Mod version.
VastaKustutaI wish there was a way to turn off viewing comments because I don't personally seem to be able to keep myself from viewing peoples responses.
VastaKustutaIt's okay not to like something. It's even okay to be angry about being tricked into reading something as ghastly as this story.
But it's not okay to be a dick about it.
And then Twilight was tree.
VastaKustutaThe best MlP:FiM trollfic was the one i saw as a comic.
VastaKustutaIt was Twilight Sparkle reading a story (the pictures were of her reading the intro) and in the end you saw her filling a glass, like she wanted to remove what she read by alcohol.
And the story was similar to this Doom 3 trollfic and the last line was "And then Twilight was tree".
No Twilight, you are the spiderses!
VastaKustutaI came
VastaKustutaStopped at 3:45 due to the awkwardness of Spiderses or something like that... :creepygusta:
VastaKustutaFrom what I skimmed of Spiderses, I still don't think it has anything on My Immortal levels. I just might try watching this dramatic reading anyway, like I did for the aforementioned My Immortal.
VastaKustutaPlay this on lower volume in the background.
Like Anon3 said, a trollfic consists of crappy plot and some grammatical/spelling errors here and there. Spiderses was the computerized form of illegible chicken scratch. Think Stephanie Meyer, not 2 year old with 3 fingers and a broken crayon.
VastaKustutaI tried to have a laugh, but my brain melted.
VastaKustutaNow imagine all of that with the voice actors.
VastaKustutaTHERE'S the part part where it gets somewhat intelligent.(plodded, intercepted, melancholy)
VastaKustutaI've been posting comments as I watch the video.
VastaKustutaGot to 8:26 i can't take it
VastaKustuta5 seconds in, I have decided it's time to pretend I'm Berry Punch. Time for some [content censored by a dramatic pony who has gone too long without EqD... 3 days]!!
VastaKustutaAlso, confound these ponies...
VastaKustutaOK... next development, it needs to be animated... Crudely...
VastaKustutaI listened to the whole thing, one sitting and loved it! What is WRONG WITH ME!!!
NOT in before Spider Sex art... What is the world coming to... oh spider sex art.
*looks over what's become of this community in response to this fic*
VastaKustutaArgembarger, I found Spiderses to be an entertaining stab at trollficing with a twisted premise and a delightful sense of humor. It made me cringe, stare, and laugh until I was actually crying a bit. So thank you for the experience.
Now, please never EVER do it again.
And Seth....I dunno. Bad Seth, I guess. Stick to posting random Trixies at 5 in the morning?
VastaKustutaWait, what? This, this is just,... I don't know to be angry, or to laugh akwardly and never speak of this again or - Oh hey! My gun! I know what to do now!