• Soarin Papercraft

    Complete with PIE

    More papercraft template awesomeness from Kna! You can find the template below!

    Soarin Pattern

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Can't be a good Soarin' papercraft without the pie.

    2. > pie included

      This is the best papercraft. Ever.

    3. With me here, this post is now 20% cooler.

    4. Complete with PIE.

      All my yellow small circular pieces of currency. Take them.

    5. All he needs is a few more lines in the show to form a better personality and then we can ship him like crazy!

    6. ^ Soarin' doesn't need personality to be shipped. He is already shipped with his pie w/c is canon.

    7. Pretty cool looking, Soarin is probably my favorite wonderbolt. Mmm... Pie...

    8. This is so wonderful, I just don't even know what to say!

    9. Because it just isn't Soarin without his tasty apple pie. :)

    10. Voiced by the same chap as Ed, dont'cha know.

      It fits on so many levels.

    11. These papercrafts are brilliant, as they allow anypony to make their own little pony without having to go to the store. Heck, here in the UK the toys have only just (apparently) showed up.

      Plus, we get more characters than Hasbro are likely to ever produce, and they are much more show accurate!

    12. Gosh, papercraft with pies. PIES.

      I approve this.

    13. If only I had some proper paper to print it on...or any actual ability to put it all together..it's all so damn fiddly!

    14. Some printer paper, superglue and sticky fingers later http://i.imgur.com/IT1WN.jpg Have faith people, give it a go and you can have a herd on your desk too
