This has been DECONFIRMED
It was fun at least!
Someone actually sent this last night, but it didn't exactly look like the most legitimate thing I've ever seen.
But people keep sending it, so I'm going to report it! This is completely unconfirmed season two information as of right now. This guy is supposedly a background voice actor for FiM, and set up a tumblr last night (Which has been deleted) leaking information about season two.
Obviously if it is legit, there are some pretty massive spoilers. You can find it all after the break!
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158 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI'm not even going to read this, so maybe that means it's my chance to get a first? Anyway, I can't wait 25 days, I want it now!
VastaKustutaThis doesn't make waiting until September 17th any easier...
VastaKustutaI'm not sure if I want to read this.
VastaKustutaTempting.... yet do not want... why you do this to me Seth? WHY?!
VastaKustutaI can't read it. Or, at least, will not. September isn't that far away, I can wait.
VastaKustutaAmerican Doctor whooves?? oh well, ok
VastaKustutasweetie Belle looks adorable in that picture, staring at the butterfly like that.
VastaKustutaThe Anonymous leave but the firsts are still here! It's all good though because we have NAMES. I'm not going to read it either...
VastaKustutaGilda... is going to appear again? Did not expect that!
VastaKustutaMore Trixie?? More Octavia?? Heck yeah!
VastaKustutaAaawww I really don't want to look at any spoilers, It's always better not to know before hand. So when season 2 does finally premier, I can explode from excitement :D
VastaKustutaJust as American as in his LAST speaking role, I'd reckon. Duuh.
I think it is fake, Im not going all out ARG THIS IS SO F'n FACK! but I do think it's fake, sorry.
VastaKustutait'll be *gasp* moment for any Brony references in the show
VastaKustutaNot really much information in there to be honest.
VastaKustutaOCTAVIA!!! Wif lines!! I am freakin out, man!
VastaKustutaMy computer physically won't let me read it, after the break all it shows is white. I guess it's for my own good....thanks computer.
VastaKustutaHmmm, well, I suppose I can
OMG OMG OMG OMG, must not click, do not fall into temptation, oooohhhhh just keep saying to your self, if you read it celestia will banish you to the moon. if you read it celestia will banish you to the moon. if you read it celestia will banish you to the moon.
VastaKustutaOhhhhh i dont think its working, somepony restrain me.
And that's why you are very careful about what you give out about upcoming things pertaining to the show. lol Can't really divulge delicate info.
VastaKustutaAnd shoot, I know who that was kinda now that I see the blog.
and ppl fought "first" will be gone. lol yeah right.
VastaKustutawell, if this was true, seth must be giggling with joy right niw >_>
VastaKustutaOtherwise, it was a gamble for me to read through it, but I'm glad it did. Rather than spoiling, it merely affirmed my hunches, and now I can't wait even more than I already couldn't wait!
... yeah, that made sense.
Seriously do not want to read. Good thing curiosity killed the cat, and not the Brony...right?
VastaKustutaHowever, this would be a nice break from my homework...maybe I'll just take a quick peak...
Look at a little bit of the top, but I don't want to read the rest.
VastaKustutaI'd prefer to remain mostly unspoiled so I can experience the story for the first time during the episode. That's what made it such a joy when seeing S1 the first time.
Hmmm... Interesting. There really weren't a lot of specifics about episodes, just character appearances.
VastaKustutaNot too much of spoiler like real spoiler in there, a few questions about character appearances, so I guess it doesn't matter if read it or not, for those who are worried
VastaKustutaFor now I'm going to assume this is fake, I mean why would he be able to reveal all this information?
VastaKustuta>"will Trixie make another appearance?"
VastaKustuta>"she will appear again"
surprised you didn't mention this in the post Seth. anyway
>referring to Derpy as Ditzy
that really grinds my gears
>"does the Doctor Whooves voice actor have a British accent?"
>"not much. mostly normal American"
>"does Princess Celestia finally reveal her trolling nature?"
>"sometimes she would"
oh god wat
It's not spoileriffic, people. Just saying some stuff about character appearances. Notably Luna.
VastaKustuta^ Gonna agree with you, as far as spoilers, this one is pretty tame, more of this pony and that pony, and the one big definitive is something we already know. Not entirely sure if it's even kosher, given that it's a new and now gone Tumblr alr alr, and if the leak is at the VA level that could seriously spill, they're kinda out of a job. I think someone set us up the bomb on this one, and if it is legit, it not really worth our time.
VastaKustutaAnd oh please let this be real.
VastaKustutaHonestly, it seems like a ton of his answers are vague and too good to be true. I don't see how a placeholder actor has that much access to the show post-production unless he works at the studio as something else.
VastaKustutaI'll believe it when I see it.
~Buddy Vox
More Derpy, this is the important thing
VastaKustutaREEALLY don't want to get my hopes up for nothing, but I can't help feeling antsy! :D
VastaKustutaCan't say I believe much of this- wouldn't really bet on all of those guest and background ponies returning.
VastaKustutaMostly I just want the story on the Bank Robber Man.
MY BODY.. Was not ready for this news!
VastaKustutaThis is undoubtedly fake.
VastaKustutaKinda prefer it if info wasn't leaked
VastaKustutaI'll believe it when I see it but... I have to admit, if this guy is telling the truth, then I am SERIOUSLY pumped for Season 2!!
VastaKustutainteresting,If all this stuff he says actually happens...This will be the best thing ever...
VastaKustutaMust... resist... the temptation... FOR SPOILERS!!!
VastaKustutaAh, this wasn't too bad. Glad to hear even more info on the Luna episode(s). Hearing that our favorite Background Characters making re-appearances with dialog is exciting, to say the least.
VastaKustutaHopefully, they won't give us much more info than this. Even though what they said weren't really spoilers, this is about all else we need to know at this point.
Based on some of the answers, I think its a bunch of hay. I personally think the background ponies should stay in the back and have little interaction with the cast; I'd like to think the writers would think so, too.
VastaKustutaNot to mention they created and deleted the site within 24 hours.
More Trixie? More Der-Ditzy? More Gilda? More OCTAVIA?! More Lyra?! Background Characters with speaking roles?! Luna-Centric episodes AND episodes that feature her?!
VastaKustutaExcitement THE FU-*Head explodes*
I think I remember seeing something else about Rainbow Dash going off to Couldsdale in the first episode, coinciding with this.
VastaKustutaSo we have more support about the "Discord" thread on ponychan, with this guy confirming his existence and saying that RD "Dashes off to Cloudsdale" like in the thread, meaning that the stuff in the thread is made more likely to be true.
VastaKustutaF*CK YEAH! New villain! Background ponies with lines! More Derpy! The return of Gilda and Trixie! Krastos the Gluemaker versus Slenderma— no, wait, made that last one up. But STILL!
VastaKustutahaha "dr whoof" isnt canon shove it up your milky licker arses see
VastaKustutaI will take this information with a grain of salt this Star Dream fellow seems HIGHLY suspect
VastaKustutanot reading
VastaKustutaHmm. All the answers seem to be aimed at appeasing us.
VastaKustutaThis either means this will be a super awesome season, or its fake. He does seem knowledgeable, but at the same time offers nothing to back up his claim who he says he is.
I'm tentatively accepting this as true. I have to spoil one part though. He mentions that almost all the background ponies now have the accepted fannon names! I so hope this is true! Lyra, HAS to stay Lyra. Same with Berry Punch and Octavia!
Only interested in airdate, thanks. And that still is unconfirmed.
VastaKustutaOh, and volume doesn't make truth. A lot of people submitting the same thing doesn't count as confirmation.
First Ponychan, now Equestria Daily... No where is safe! Dx
VastaKustutaI'm thinking not-legit. Sounds too good to be true.
VastaKustutaHoping his info is accurate, but I don't believe we could luck out to that degree.
This is all just so awesome!! Yay~
VastaKustutaI thought it was some sort of forbidden document with the script of an episode and I couldn't hold myself from clicking that link.
VastaKustutaThen I readed a few lines and after realising it wasn't such a thing I found myself closing the tab, I'm perfectly able able of not spoiling myself with little bits of (unconfirmed) info like these ones.
Having said this I shall abandon the thread.
*Trixie escapes.gif*
Even if this may not be legit, I don't think it was such a good idea to post this, Seth.
VastaKustutaSpoilers are never fun.
Not reading it. :\
I'm conflicted with these leaks and spoilers, one the one hand it's nice to see little snippets of what might be in Season 2 but on the other it kind of deadens the excitement of waiting for me.So I dunno
VastaKustutaI will blindfold myself until September. I shall spoil nothing for myself.
VastaKustutaSeth, they are sooooooooo making you a background character. :D So for all future reference I called it first.
VastaKustutaKingGummy is pleased with this.
VastaKustutaEven if it is just rumors, there's gotta be some truth to it, right?
VastaKustuta> More Octavia
VastaKustutaI DIED
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaonce again, eqd posts something exciting as I'm about to go to bed. now I'm too excited to sleep.
seems legit-
VastaKustutabut now seriously i wouldn't believe any of this
when we get something from our bros at the hub or something else confirming anything i will only wait for airing date
I posted this on Ponychan.
VastaKustutaSoooo annoying to not know if it's legit or not.
I dont know guys, I'm not totally buying it...
VastaKustutaI'm leaning towards the "faked" camp myself, but if this is true... Trixie, Octavia and Luna, oh my!
VastaKustutaCould do without a return of Gilda though.
VastaKustutaDO NOT WANT.
Even if it's the tiniest bit of trivial info, I want EVERYTHING to be a surprise. If whatever the guy said happens to be true, I won't envy anyone who read his post.
*blindfolds self and continues sitting in a dark room*
If this is true Ditzy finally has a voice! I am both happy and sad as now Balddumborat's (PierceSmoulder) voice is not longer the "official" Derpy voice. Well unless they got them to do Derpy which would make it 20% cooler.
VastaKustutaColor me skeptical, because this seems a little bit too good to be true. Even if it IS true, there's still a very fine line between catering to the fanbase and letting the fans dictate the series at the expense of quality, and this sports hallmarks of being dangerously close to the latter.
VastaKustutaIf it were faked, there would be no harm in posting it. Fake/fictional pony info is everywhere it seems. The fact that it was pulled down so quickly makes me cautiously optimistic.
VastaKustutaStill crying manly rainbows over all of this
VastaKustutaI read it, there's nothing that is really heavy, but most will probably want to avoid reading it anyway to be safe.
VastaKustutaThat said, it doesn't give me the right vibes, it feels 'off'. Since my instincts haven't driven me wrong before, I'm going to say that it is very likely that this tumblr post is fake. And that anything that does occur in Season 2 that this post 'predicted' will simply be coincidence or because it has already been confirmed by other sources.
Most of the stuff spilled is very broad, and a lot deals with background characters and side characters. How one individual who did just backup voicework can know so much about all of the background ponies and side characters just doesn't add up.
He also dodges the question when asked to provide proof that he is legit.
I'm calling bullshit for now. Don't read the post whether you want spoilers or not, because if it's bullshit, you'll be annoyed you read it and gave the benefit of the doubt, and if it is real, you'll be annoyed that you read it thinking it was fake. So just don't go there until other sources confirm or deny the information in this tumblr post, or just wait for Season 2 to arrive.
VastaKustutaIt's just answers some questions about if some characters will return, which will have lines and some more about fan faves like Octavia and Ditzy. It's not really spoiler-ish.
VastaKustutaThis guy's a placeholder voice on FiM, but it doesn't sound like he types very good English. Reading all of that left the same impression I get when someone's chatting with a bot program. Seriously, you could have gotten those same answers from a magic pony 8-ball :|
VastaKustutaSo Derpy is now officially Ditzy Doo?
VastaKustutaI don't think its fake, the info is too tame. If someone were trying. To troll us they would "leak" things that are shocking or would get us rilled up.
VastaKustutaYou see, this is what doesn't wash with me. I recall that when Derpy was confirmed to have planned appearances in Season 2 all those months ago, she was also confirmed by the animators to still being a more or less voiceless background pony like she was before. This tumblr leak claims that Derpy now has dialogue. I'm more inclined to believe the animators than a sketchy 'anonymous' "leak"
Goddammit, now I've convinced myself that this is all trolling and I've just made a foal of myself. And you all got to watch! I'd been doing so WELL not getting trolled lately...
VastaKustutaGuessing this is a fake. If it's true, well, I'll be jumping up and down like Pinkie.
VastaKustutaLike I said before, every little tidbit of info I don't read is another thing I get to enjoy while others are just "meh" because they knew it was going to happen.
And BTW, just going off of straight logic here, the entire situation I'm calling fake.
I call shenanigans, this appearing when it did is highly suspicious. I doubt it's real.
VastaKustutaYea. Me saying I'm cautiously optimistic is basically admitting that its too good to be true, but GOD I wish it was.
VastaKustutaAfter doing a bit of thinking, I'm starting to think this is fake too. Some of it does seem too good to be true...
VastaKustutaIt's confirmed, Derpy is a cannon.
VastaKustuta(For those who don't know, "canon" is the term for something being official. "Cannon" is the gun.)
I'd be hard pressed to class these as spoilers - tidbits of info to look forward to, but hardly anything that's going to completely ruin season 2 at all, imo.
VastaKustutaSee? There's just one thing I don't have to worry about. I couldn't care less if it's real or not, because I DIDN'T READ IT!
VastaKustutaWallow in your cautious knowledge, foalish bronies, while I, REN, continue my carefree life in complete, ignorant bliss! (insert evil laugh here)
More proof that once something's on the internet, it doesn't go away.
VastaKustutaI love my optimism in thinking that I might actually be able to resist looking in this once I knew it existed.
VastaKustutaAs if I've ever had that kind of willpower. Or ever will.
Regardless of whether it's real or not, it's still fun to theorise. I sent this to seth too.
VastaKustutaTaking it as sort of troll, but quietly getting excited too, because regardless of whether or not this is real, season 2 is quickly approaching.
Somepony needs to send this to somebody who we KNOW is on the FiM team. Then we can find out for sure if it's a fake.
VastaKustutaEh...this is right on that borderline between "I can see this being legit" and "there's no way this is legit". Some other commenters brought up an excellent point: there are a lot of answers here that seemed to be exactly what we all wanted to hear (i.e. Lyra/Octavia/Derpy having lines, Vinyl Scratch musical number, etc.). Granted, these weren't really incredibly damning "spoilers", any more than all the episode summaries from last season that were posted on Wikipedia before the episodes premiered. So it's...I'll go ahead and keep this in the back of my mind. I think it'd be cool to have a line or two from those background characters (especially Vinyl Scratch, just so I get to bitch about how completely different her voice is from what I imagined it to be), but I won't be terribly disappointed if it doesn't happen. After all, it's just one line if it does.
VastaKustuta...I'm honestly more intrigued about Gilda returning than Trixie, though. I guess I can just see the writers being able to add a lot more depth to her character, with Trixie being (pun intended) kind of a one-trick pony IMO.
This guy says he is a placeholder voice before the real voice actors do there thing, so it could be believable that he knows a good deal of the script just from doing the voices for it.
VastaKustutaOn the other hand he might simply be smart enough with his lies to pick a job that would make sense to know something about the script while leaving him being entirely unimportant to the show itself, his voices not even making it in past the first drafts.
Yeah when he said "Cloudsville" instead of "Cloudsdale" I narrowed my eyes and said, "Seems legit."
VastaKustutaThat Tumblr is still active and those posts are still on it if you go back far enough. As someone else mentioned, they really aren't much spoilers, they just confirm if certain background characters have more of an appearance then before and if certain other characters make a return, it says nothing plot oriented aside from Discord being an evil male pony that shows up.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta>best season so far
>only second season
I'm just joking around lol
If Vinyl Scratch gets speaking lines, what are the chances she'll be autotuned?
Sabrina Alberghetti has confirmed that it's most likely fake.
Lol... this is the guy we kicked off of the pony kart game for some reason (seriously though... I am not sure how I am still on the team). I remember him being very busy most of the time. A long time ago (Time goes by really fast now a days... it was probably a month or two ago or something) He said stuff about having done some sort of vocals for MLP.
VastaKustutaI WANT to believe this... i cant wait to see trixie again!
VastaKustutaincidentally it's since gone down again.
VastaKustutaLooks like it was fake after all.
VastaKustutaHe's trolling, Trixie was confirmed NOT to be in s2 and he says she is.
VastaKustutaProbably fake, everyone else has been super, SUPER tight lipped about giving out info, and they guy just answers like 30 questions in a row. I don't see that happening.
VastaKustutaThough as others have said, the better use the fan names for Lyra, etc. I would be all sorts of pissed if they introduce Bonbon one episode and call her something random like Candy Wraps
if they can call a pony 'cupcake' i'm sure they can call a pony 'bonbon'
VastaKustutaHey guys. I just got a confirmation this is all JUST a rumor. He said his brother was just trollin around and some troll-mail again. I know he's a good reporter of news but those answers are obviously not true. He said himself here.
I'm highly skeptical of this being real. And in the event that it is, it's approaching critical fanservice levels. I think the team's professional enough to avoid that.
VastaKustutaYes! This is awesome! I hope her name is Ditzy! Plus background characters having speaking roles. Octavia and Trixie returning! THIS IS AMAZING! I swear though if it is fake this guy nearly gave me an aneurysm for nothing.
VastaKustutajust waiting on seth to read the comments and mark it as fake then. heh.
VastaKustutaHe is from the philippines if anyone still thinks that this is real.
VastaKustutaObviously it's not. They said pre-production voices and animators are only in the Philippines. How could a person from Philippines go to the live show anyway.
I hate gilda
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutai gotta say though, this is good. we're getting used to trolling now.
VastaKustutaperhaps in a couple more attempts we'll all have 'not sure if troll' reactions to everything.
Guys, there are no spoilers, don't worry. All there is, is a QUINTUPLED ANTICIPATION for the next season, TOO PAINFUL to bear.
VastaKustutaBut there are NO SPOILERS. You can trust me on this. Unless... well they talk a lot about some ponies are appearing in season two, some ponies are not appearing. But I won't tell you which is which. That's good enough, right? At worst, they're light spoilers. And the guy insists that he can't spoil anything about season 2 continuously.
Oh, wait we're still talking about whether it's real or not. Ok then.
VastaKustutaLight spoilers are good. Major spoilers = bad.
VastaKustutano spoilers because it's fake anyway. hah.
VastaKustutaI'm not sure what'd be more, the level of disappointment that it's fake and troll, or the level of relief.
I'm in the level of relief.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta>gilda making a return
VastaKustuta>background ponies like Octavia with one or more lines
Pleasebetrue pleasebetrue pleasebetrue
>"Anonymous asked: Will there be more Derpy?"
>"Yes, there will be more Ditzy"
Wat. The purple-haired Derpy recolor?
VastaKustutaHoly crap nice find! It looks like a dragon to me.
VastaKustutaDifficult to make out, but I would also say if you mean the white thing in the middle it looks more dragon-like to me.
>Trollestia is canon.
VastaKustutaAhem, this is confirmed fake. Both by one of the team working on the show and the guy whose tumblr it was posted on. He claims his brother was using his account to troll people...
VastaKustutaThat guy? Uhh, I don't think so! He's asked Rarityanswers a couple questions and I've seen his blog, it's just roleplaying a background pony.
VastaKustutaShocked I've seen the guy before, though.
Now... we need seth to look at the comments and close this.
VastaKustutaLooks kinda fake tho
VastaKustutaI can't wait for season 2
Got four comments doen and said "screw this i'm rsading it even if it most likely is false" and all I can say for it is i hope to Celestia that guy is 100% honest or i have somepony to turn into cupcakes with Pinkie later.....
VastaKustutaWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW the ponys are back!!!!
VastaKustutaTrollestia be Trollest'n
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaGah hurry up september 17!!
VastaKustutaI'm just gonna say it. Looks fake.
VastaKustutaFake,Nuff said
VastaKustutaNo offence, people, but a background voice actor aka the guy with the moustache in the spike suit doesn't seem like legit info to it looks incredibly fake, why would he even try to remotely give out tiny and by tiny they're actually pretty big spoilers if he has a contract?
That's pretty unintentionally funny.
VastaKustutaat least we know ditzy is a cannon! XD Oh loardy...
Called it bitches!
VastaKustutaThe tumblr wasn't set up last night, more like a couple of weeks ago. And the guy has two tumblrs. The star catcher one and xeol or whatever.
VastaKustutaApparently he's a placeholder voice actor from the Philippines.
VastaKustutaAllspark Screencap! Holy crap-for-crap! That's my home turf!
Doesn't look at all legit to me. Looks like an attention whore.
VastaKustutaThis is not my surprised face.
Ah well, easy come easy go. Guess we'll just have to wait for the reOHMYGOD Lyra with a coconut drink everyone speculate!
VastaKustutaAll I can say is you'd think someone on staff would know that everything in Equestria has a horse-pun name, and the name of the town is "Cloudsdale," not "Cloudsville."
VastaKustutaI recognize my Rarity theme! :D Thanks for the free advertising I guess xD
VastaKustuta@Vegetalss4 "sweetie Belle looks adorable in that picture, staring at the butterfly like that."
VastaKustutaThanks! That's my Rarity and Sweetie Belle artwork. I'm ecstatic that it has been posted here again for a second time!XD *squeeee*
@Kill me, I'm a PONY
VastaKustuta>auto-tuned voice
>"Musta swallowed a bee or something~!"
link related:
I only hope there is development of returning characters instead of just season 1 re-hash. Keeping my fingers crossed for an awesome season 2!
VastaKustutaWere's the rumors? I wanna see what it was even if fake.