• Pouches, Glimmer Wing Pony, and Train Car

    Source: Whellu
    Source: Shortyboo
    This is a pretty heavy merch day!  All sorts of random stuff is popping up.  Above is a pencil pouch found at Wal-Mart of all places, retailing at $3.97 (Canadian).
    Source: Shortyboo

    And for the Sweetie Belle fans out there, another part of that train set I posted a while back has popped up.  This one was found, once again, on Taobao... the goddamn matrix of the internet.

    Source: SoSilver
    And finally, an addition to the Glimmer Wings line of ponies.  Unlike Rainbow Dash, this one at least fits...somewhat.  At least she did at some point have wings in the show in this style. 



    1. I can just hear Hasbro now. "Bitch about inaccuracy, will you? We'll show you all! BAM! Rarity flutterpony, right there! What now?"

    2. that pencil pouch will be so amazing to carry around at college.

    3. @ToonNinja
      To which I would respond: "Where the hell is Applejack's REAL hat?"


      Only buy the Rarity Flutterpony if you're going to buy any at all. Your wallets are what will make Hasbro decide to make show accurate ponies.

      That or they'll be exceedingly stupid and think Rarity is the most popular pony, only make toys of her, suffer a huge loss when no one buys them and then shut down MLP forever.

      Judging from Hasbro's lack of consumer touch, I'd say it's about 50/50, but hey, better than nothing right?

    5. See, I will buy that Rarity. Not just because I like Rarity or for the concept, but because it was on the show. And even I can do terrible makeup.

      The staff made a great 13-hour toy commercial. Now where are my gala dresses and ursa plushies?

    6. @Shadow Phoenix
      I would so buy an Ursa Major toy. Bonus points if it was relatively to-scale with the toy ponies.

    7. There's the glimmer wing Rarity. I'm still not that keen on them myself, but she makes the most sense out of all of them at least.

      I like the pencil pouch as well, cute little pony accessory. Especially for the artists.

    8. I wants me that pencil pouch!!

    9. @ToonNinja

      What now? WHAT NOW?!

      TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY! *Purchase*

    10. Pencil Pouch... With 3 ponies on it... Rainbow Dash Fluttershy and pinkie pie... THE BEST 3 PONIES EVER!!! OMFOGMOMGOM TAKE ALL MY MONEY NAO!!!

    11. My current pencil pouch has been MacGyvered by me to keep working for a few extra years... (Seriously I keep my stuff FOREVER)

      Dunno if I should get this one to replace it. The design is one of the good types 'cause it can fit a lot of stuff inside.


    12. Want that pencil pouch...show my fellow engineering students what a real man uses to keep his drafting equipment in :D

    13. In b4 Sweetie Belle gets an ice cream cutie mark.

    14. @ToonNinja

      What now? WHAT NOW?! Make Celestia WHITE like she's supposed to be!

      Bring back the molded plastic pony packs - with an original, new mold for Fluttershy!

      Then you can take all of my bits, dinero, bread, paper, coin, shillings, pennies, currency, moo-la, and computer upgrade funds!

    15. It's Flutterpony Rarity! Hold her up to the sun and her wings burst into flame and disintegrate! Then you can send her plummeting to the ground for her UNFORGIVABLE HUBRIS.

    16. Untill they make Luna wearing a monocle and riding a penny farthing i shall not buy these toys

    17. >Rarity with butterfly style wings
      Hasbro might be willing to make show-related merch after all!
      >Hasbro proceeds to release the entire mane 6 with butterfly wings

    18. Aww, I'm so cute!
      Oh! Maybe I can get a cutie mark for train driving!
      Can I drove the train? Can I? Can I? Can I?

    19. NO Sweetiebelle you cant! The royal gaurd is still peeling the bodies off the road from your horific steam roller incident!

    20. Awww! How am I gonna get my conductor's cutie mark now?

    21. You couldent even conduct an orchestra without causing fatalities! Octavia still runs in fear whenever you walk by

    22. showmetheblueprintsAugust 17, 2011 at 6:14 PM

      Pencil pouch! DO WANT! Finally, some official pony merch I can use!

    23. I said I was sorry!
      How was I supposed to know that'd happen if you tried joining a tuba, trombone and a triangle?

    24. @Anonymous

      I admit it, I laughed.

    25. I would by the glitter wing pony, both Rarity and one of there recolors if the coloration looks nice. Anyone here know about the quality of these toys though? I remember the original flutter pony wings where extremely delicate and would implode if you so much as breathed on them. Are these glitter pony wings any more stable?

    26. @Anonymous
      Hasbro: "Just paint the damn hat brown!"

      Hasbro: "...That's a lot of money synonyms. We'll see what we can do."

    27. "Only buy the Rarity Flutterpony if you're going to buy any at all. Your wallets are what will make Hasbro decide to make show accurate ponies."

      More likely Hasbro would say, "Next time we're going to make the animators shoehorn EVERY SINGLE PONY IN THIS LINE into the cartoon so all the Glimmer Wing ponies sell."

      I'm pretty sure that's how it works . . . Hasbro comes up with the product concept FIRST, then tells the show people "Work this in somehow." The show people only put butterfly-wing Rarity in the show because it would be a pretty blatant "BUY OUR TOYS" ploy to suddenly give all six characters butterfly wings in an episode.

    28. Jesus, that's the THIRD Sweetie Belle toy released, and the zeroth Scootaloo.

      I'm not buying any of them until at least Apple Bloom shows up on shelves here.

    29. I know this might seem a bit off topic, but I must say that I LOVE Taobao because you can get ANYTHING from there as long as you have a taobao agent. They get most toys early, sell them cheep because their the ones making them, this is the same with clothing, shoes, and electronics. I buy Elegant Gothic Lolita clothing from taobao and I'm always surprised how cheap their quality clothing is, and I know quite a few geeks that have bought nice TVs for cheaper on taobao. Honest to god, I love Taobao more then it should be humanly possible to love an online flee market.

    30. my walmart better have that pencil case *shakes fist*

    31. @Sun Ray

      I know how you feel I want a spike but really don't want the sets he comes with.

    32. Looks like Hasbro read our complains about the Glamour wings Rainbow Dash and made Rarity.

    33. I want... uh... nothing. I'm just gonna buy the main 6 brushable, the cmc and maybe another thing.

    34. Why do you retard ass bronys buy stupid little kid shit like this. Buy something decent like car parts or blow it on designer clothes and then go to a strip club with $5000 ones.

    35. @Anonymous

      "OH hell yeah, i'm mr. Manlyness and you're all faggots and dumbasses cuz you buy things that I don't like."

    36. We need to start the revolution to crush Equestria Daily. We will not stop until this pathetic blog is erased from the internet.

    37. @Anonymous

      Well 1st, contrary to popular belief most of them are employed and can afford random merch. Given the show's popularity it may even end up being a worthwhile investment.

      2nd, I have actually been buying car parts for the past few weeks, just so you know.

      And 3rd, strip club, no. Just no. Not for me.

    38. I want that pencil bag in black, with the same three ponies on it please. I'll pay double price!!!

    39. I definitely want that pencil bag. I will be going to Walmart soon, and I will keep my eyes open, as I go to the pink aisle.
