They must have different ink prices out there, because a colored Luna of that quality in the states would be crazy to pay for.
More images and a short writeup piece after the break!
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Have a quote too:
"Each evening many people from surrounding camps, or just passers-by would join us to watch ponies on the screen. We'd get visits from members of Karachan (polish 4chan clone), from a neighbor family with little children, from random punks not believing what they are watching and why are they liking it, rocker girls enchanted by magic, missing concerts to watch ponies, and all kinds of Woodstock's colorful folklore just stopping by to watch ponies with us. Thanks to fan translation, the language was not a problem. So at about 5-7 episodes a day, with 4 last ones supplemented by fan-made pieces "Night of the Pony" and "PONIES the Anthology" ending the show we managed to air the whole season over the few evenings.Looks like it was fun!
As a last accent, one of the bronies who was with the news crew took the Derpy Hooves banner to a press conference and got it signed by Jurek Owsiak - the head organizer of the Festival, a major music world celebrity, a charismatic leader of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity*, and a true bro always living true to the Woodstock spirit of love and friendship. As the news guy said later, Jurek's face while seeing the pony - priceless."
--Random Blank
Second also awesome
ReplyDeleteThis warms my heart in many a happy way.
ReplyDeleteAre those printed on vinyl? Because that's actually a pretty awesome idea.
ReplyDeleteThe Derpy one especially is kick-ass.
ReplyDeleteThey must come from "Brony" all of them...
ReplyDeleteI bet whichever artist drew that Luna will be somewhat overjoyed when they see it'd been used IRL.
ReplyDeleteI want that Luna...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePonies are dominating the world!
ReplyDelete>mfw they use a picture of Derpy I made over the hundreds of better alternatives.
Although they both look pretty awesome blown up like that.. especially Bamboodog's Luna.
that luna is very detailed.
ReplyDeleteWow thats amazing, especially watching ponies outside and drawing a crowd, many converts were probably made that day!
ReplyDeleteGoddamnit I'm from Poland and I missed Woodstock cuz of work :C
ReplyDeleteFFS! But at least it's awesome that ponies are so popular even in my country ^^
/me is proud of being Polish now.
ReplyDeleteat first i felt a little out of place here, but now hippie ponies!? I'm home!
ReplyDeleteI take back all the Polish jokes I ever made.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are all right.
And the poster of Derpy hangs in my room. Hell yeeah
ReplyDeleteDitto. Polish pride is reaching critical levels.
brofist to the Polish bronies, that's manly shit right there
ReplyDelete...Few of my frends where there and i refused to go with them.
Polish bronies time!! whoohoo!! :D
ReplyDeleteHi, one of Woodstock bronies here!
ReplyDeleteBeing there and watching ponies with all those colorful people was pure joy. During evening shows, everytime I turned around I saw new, happy faces, who joined just to watch ponies with us. Some of them joined with loud laugh, others in silence and really big smiles. And there was at least one happy punk who yelled "I'd hit that!" during first appearance of the Great and Powerfull Trixie.
Bunch of people asked some questions about the show and I’m pretty sure, they might watching it just now. And if guy with the mohawk is reading this, I hope your daughters are loving the show!
We also took some opportunities to spread pony outside our camp. Thanks to sms and mms greetings we could send, on screens under the Big Stage appeared:
- Kucyki pozdrawiają! Woodstock is magic! (Greetings from ponies! Woodstock is magic!)
- Dear Princess Celestia, Woodstock is awesome! Your faithfull student. (there should be video with it somewhere!)
- Photo of Rainbow Dash
Also the Big Stage was decorated by charming Lyra and Luna later, full with our signatures.
Woodstock: love, friendship, music AND magic!
ReplyDeleteThere are hundreds of Derpies in all kinds of weird, cute poses, situations, doing weird stuff. But this is THE Derpy. Generic, default, clean Derpy; Derpy of First Contact. Done correctly, flawlessly and with no unnecessary parts of any kind. If you shout out to newcomers, this is preferred over all the fancy stuff. Thanks for it, too!
@TenchiFreak5 Yes, commercial-grade banner printer. One of the guys has some friends in advertisement agency. The encampment in the first picture is made from an expired campaign banner that occupies a building wall. The actual cost of these prints is not all that high, it's getting to the right people to circumvent interest on the service that is the tricky part.
ps. there was a race to take Derpy in the morning, good that Lemurr got it, because he could get it signed by Jurek. We also went to take Luna but someone seemed to DO WANT before us and she was gone from the scene in the morning after the concerts.
I figured considering the show is on a crappy channel in Poland, there wouldn't be as many bronies, but I'm glad there are. Polish brony living the US here.
ReplyDeleteThis is just awesome, brohoofs to all the polish bronies. You guys kick flank
ReplyDeleteEuropean Woodstock- Ponies and Friendship
ReplyDeleteAmerican Woodstock- Limp Bizkit and setting things on fire.
Europe, thank you for being awesome.
brohoof from Poland :)
ReplyDeleteThe inclusion of ponies was a necessary improvement in order to bring about a 120% difference in overall trendiness thereabouts.
ReplyDeletelovin everday lately
ReplyDeleteWoodstock + Ponies = Awesome.
ReplyDeleteConsarnit! I was supposed to go there, but my dad said 'no' day before....Anyway, I'm proud of you, Polish bronies!
ReplyDeleteJesteście wspaniali, nie miałam pojęcia że u nas kucyki też są tak popularne! Pozdrawiam wszystkich polaków! -brohoof- :D
DO wszystkich polskich bronies.
ReplyDeleteKucyki w Polsce są i są popularne - po prostu nie jesteśmy odpowiednio zorganizowany tylko porozrzucaniu, ha, na forum fanów Warhammera 1/3 userów to bronies ;) Polecam wspomagać polską inicjatywę w postaci dla przykładu!
Poza tym, kurde, Polacy Rodacy, klikajcie w przycisk "Ponychats" po prawej i pokażcie, że są również Polacy na kucykowych czatach!
Now we just need to go back in time to the original woodstock and share ponies with all the hippies
ReplyDelete@fireant You made mistake, link should be
ReplyDeleteDerpy looks AWESOME with that hair style
ReplyDeleteWoodstock is an extremely gay event where the worst trash and filth from the whole Poland comes to, but these posters are indeed very nice.
ReplyDeleteWell the Luna poster looks like its printed with a A0 inkjet printer. So not that expensive to make. I have one at my workplace but its too old to make decent quality... still its a paper roll so I could print something 81 cm wide and as long as the paper lasts... maybe 20m? Dunno how long one roll is. Still awesome... hey isn't there a town in Poland called Brony?
ReplyDelete@Vadios83 - mine is like 1,8m wide, and it's NOT a paper roll - it's printed on vinyl
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, there is such town in here :P
So, so much yes.
Soooo... proud :)
ReplyDeleteGood work!
Jesteście super :)
ReplyDeleteNext year i'll be there, there is no way of stopping me now. Damn, I didn't even knew about that. Polish Bronies Unite! Brohoof everyone!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! Just the crazy fact people of all kinds of personalities and backgrounds are drawn by curiosity to a cartoon with cute, pastel colored ponies at a music festival and loving them.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing that Luna poster by the main stage. I was like: "WOW!" Our attention on ponies will now increase even further. Go, fellow Polish bronies!
ReplyDeleteomg how awesome! i've also heard from a broniecamp in wacken(germany/HeavyMetalfestival), if anypony has some pictures of it please upload them! *-*
ReplyDeleteWow, I am proud:)
ReplyDeleteWhat? Ponies in Woodstock? omfg, ponies just taken the world.
ReplyDeleteOf course I didn´t know about this event, but I feel so bad for missing it.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that I'm surprised by this - knowing people from Woodstock I should've expected it.
ReplyDeleteStill, yer awesome guys! Big wub from Zgierz!
Kurwa... rozpłakałem się
ReplyDeletethis page - fukken bookmarked.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of everyone right now. Not just the Polish bronies, but the readers. I looked at the images, expected a drama storm, and there was none to be found! Love and tolerance <3
ReplyDeleteYou all seem to have missed the fact, that all this was done by a polish furries. Or you dont mind?
ReplyDeleteThe luna one looks like a photoshop to me. The signatures are too crisp, there is a odd outline around the person's hands, and the marker is blurry.
ReplyDeleteThe last derpy one looks like a shoop too.
@Anonymous Of course they're photoshopped, they're just ordinary digital posters printed in high resolution, what did you expect? lol.
ReplyDeleteIndeed it is.
Man, I can't wait to tell this to my cousin.
Polscy Broni, jesteście Za-Je-Bi-Ści!
Pozdrowienia dla wszystkich z obozu!
ReplyDeleteQUIET, YOU! Don't turn this into a fight!
ReplyDeleteThe marker is, if you haven't noticed, metal. That's why it reflects sunlight in such a way.
@Toy Soldier Scratch
ReplyDeleteThat is not, in fact my goal. I just think it's not sort of entirely legit, with them wanting to promote furry community and whatnot instead of brony community. Love and friendship yes, but animal sex no. You have to promote such shows gently, or else bronies in Poland shall be soon known as some sort of freaks.
ReplyDeleteAlso: Great job out there, guys! -:D
ReplyDeleteMore photos. It would be tricky to shoop them all...
Just realized the whole thing was made by Polfurs (polish furries).
ReplyDeleteI have a sad.
Fuck, i was just about to go there. I jelly of my sister
ReplyDelete@Anonymous of 12:46
ReplyDeleteJestem Kurwa z tobą
@fireantwydaje mi się że po prostu "kucyki" nie brzmią tak zajebiście jak "ponies"
ReplyDelete@Random Blank
ReplyDeleteYep, just proving my point. The fact that this was fur community doing leaves a really bad aftertaste. They are not BRONIES- they are furries. They just use pony fad to get attention. Shame, tho.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Tobacco Smoke
ReplyDeleteDude, stop feeding the parasprite. There's been no evidence of the furry community that I've seen so far in this post, he's pulling it out his ass to troll.
ReplyDeleteNo evidence?
The word on the luna poster?
The phrase "polfurs to magia" (polfurs is magic) on the Lyra poster?
Looks like furries to me.
@Tobacco Smoke
ReplyDeleteOh, now I'm almost really angry. More amused, to be frank. Pure and gently? Then why is there a link to a fur community site? OK, you organized it. But why is there no link to a MLP website? I don't deny you the right to organize it: we're all free. If I was there I would sit down with you and share joy of watching this great cartoon. I just want it clearly stated in the news: it was organized by the fur community. NOT the bronies. Do you think media would differenciate between bronies and furries? They would just follow the link and ,oh woe what monsters all bronies would look like in the news. It is a new and emerging culture here in Poland. It would suck to have it scarred and frowned upon from the very beginning. The point is- this article is wrong. On the risk of sounding like Spider Jerusalem- that's The Truth and I'm stikcing to it.
Well to be frank furries are mostly unknown in poland so it's not like the word "furry" is automatically understood az zoophile... yet.
ReplyDeleteLooks like it was a whole lot of fun. Wish I could've been there. Would have been awesome.
ReplyDeleteLoving the big pony posters strung all about. I have one too, probably about the size of Derpy there. Fun stuff. :)
ReplyDeleteMy point exactly. Besides the post being wrong, I don't want these two cultures to be merged together in Poland.
ReplyDeleteYeah but the problem is... Bronies have little to no organisation and many furries consider themselves bronies so the two things are likely to merge unless furries manage to scare potential bronies off for good.
ReplyDelete"They are not BRONIES- they are furries. They just use pony fad to get attention"
How does being a furry mean being unable to be a brony? Am I missing something?
"They are from a community I don't like, so they must be faking liking something I like". Seriously?
I'm just saddened that, of all people, some BRONIES still cannot accept furries. They're just people like you and me, so please, stop your biggotry. They're not hurting anyone, and seriously, don't deserve most of the hate they're getting. You don't have to like them, but please, just tolerate them.
That is the Way of the Pony, after all.
If you really think that a group of adult men watching little girls' cartoon would be accepted by mainstream media anywhere, you are retarded, my dear anon. At best, they would look at you with disdain, at worst there would be massive backlash against potential pedophiles.
ReplyDelete@Toy Soldier Scratch
ReplyDelete"How does being a furry mean being unable to be a brony? Am I missing something?"
That's a misinterpretation. Maybe I was unclear, but the fact is: furries watch a lot of cartoons, while bronies watch mainly MLP. The term "brony" is simply more...narrow, if you see what I mean. Might as well try to argue that "being a mammal means being unable to be a human". These are just more precise terms I'm trying to use.
'"They are from a community I don't like, so they must be faking liking something I like". Seriously?'
Where, exactly, did I say so? I explicidly stated that "I don't deny you the right to organize it: we're all free." and "If I was there I would sit down with you and share joy of watching this great cartoon." I'm just pointing out a mistake in this news- it was not pony community that organised it.
ReplyDeleteStill better than believing in animal guardian spirits and having the hots for Rarity
Printing in progress....
Hey TSS, you know who doesn't accept furries? EQD. I've got the submission rejection letters to prove it. Seth made up his mind to stop covering anything with ties to the furry fandom, because it never sits well with bronies. He dropped the ball here.
ReplyDeleteLove and tolerance, except for furries. Deal with it.
For anyone complaining about furries. You're a bit late to the show. The two fandoms, Bronies and Furries, are already well-merged into each other. There are a ton of people who are both in the community.
ReplyDeleteFurries believe in animal guardian spirits? Well, that's certainly new. As far as i know, they are a bunch of people either walking around in animal costumes, jacking off to furry porn or both. They have no uniform ideology. Anyway, you didn't address my point - furries didn't damage bronies' reputation, mainly because bronies would be ridiculed or held in contempt by media anyway, even if furries hated ponies and not one of them watched them. Tl;dr: no damage was done, so let's live in peace.
ReplyDeleteDude's. I'm a furry. Not even a brony. And you can see my black shirt behind the car between the two guys on the photo. I watched, feeling how my balls shrink from each high-pitched sound. And I still ADMIT liking it. And Ponies Anthology is hilarious.
ReplyDeletePeople. Furries vs Bronies?...
How about you get a fucking job and stop caring about stupid shit like that? Also, Kudos for both Bronies(I can see why you like MLP so much) and Furs.
Did a damned Pole had to come here to set things straight? Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteAlso, this is complete bullshit... How did this article got here in the first place?
lol me and my friend took that big Luna poster, i have it right here in my room, I'll post some more pics if u want :D
ReplyDeletebut there is a sad thing, Luna is now some kind of fcked up by sprays and markers :<
ReplyDeleteAnother master of observation who wasn't even attending. It is a single marker, and it was signed by everyone attending the meet. It's a tradition, and usually the PolFurs logo is used.
I'd be glad, if you ask me.
Damn it, Woodstock's music is not my favourite, but had I known there would be ponies, I would've come.
ReplyDeleteAlso, do we really have to go through this pointless argument about furries? Feels like Poland already...
Leming, please...
ReplyDeleteU werent there u dont know, later Luna was hanging on bottom of the main stage, with lost of other posters, and anyone can sign on it, some of tags are from PolFur members, but some were totally random, and there is a big part of other tag made with spray all over the luna poster, tell me how i can contact You and I will send You pics nonbeliever !
Nopony cares about your gay furry poster. Keep the pics for yourself.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, simply wow
ReplyDeleteAw. AWWWW. Fucking furries ruin everything.
I'm digging that Dashie poster
ReplyDeleteAhh, everyone was happy and joyful until someone brought up the subject of furries.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't care who spreads the magic of friendship, rather I care more that the magic of friendship was spread.
Great job with this Polish Woodstock festival! I hope us Bronies can do more things of this nature. :D
As someone who is both a brony and a furry, I facehoofed pretty hard at this thread.
ReplyDeleteHello all, I'm Deimos Foxx, and I'd like to say that I am a furry and a brony. I got into the whole furry thing because of awesome webcomics and anytime from Warner Brothers. At one of the meets, just finishing up a game of MW2, one of my friends pulled up the first episode of MLP FiM. And like most of you, I said I wasnt going to watch it. But after a bit into it, I got hooked.
ReplyDeletePoint is, I wouldnt be a brony if it were for my furry friends, who are also bronies. Some of you think that there is a big difference between furry and brony, but there really isnt, at least I dont see one. Only thing I can see is that bronies watch just this one anthropomorphic show while furries watch a lot more anthroporphic shows. All of our personalities and ways the fandoms interact are pretty much the same.
I think it's foalish to say such incorrect things about those who make up a great deal of this fandom. And bronies make up a great deal of the furry fandom as well. At Anthrocon 2011, there were 4500 people who attended, and about 2/3rd of them loved MLP FiM. Hell, all the visualizations for the dance were gif's of MLP.
Anyways, furry or brony or somewhere inbetween, who cares? We're all here because we greatly enjoy watching the show MLP FiM.
Hail Luna.
Half of the brony fandom and its quality artwork wouldn't exist without furries.
ReplyDeleteI think you guys should be a little more appreciative/perceptive of what you are a part of. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteWell i miss out on most of it because i'm not a fan of R34.
I wouldn't mind having a smaller fandom if it would mean getting rid of these disgusting perverts. Bronies =/= furries.
ReplyDeleteWoodstock is now 20% more cooler.
ReplyDeleteCan't we get rid of people like you instead?
ReplyDelete@AnonymousI was fucking there, idiot. I'm Polish. And I still can spell better. I'm going to ignore any moron comments without proper grammar.
ReplyDeleteAnd please, do argue with me more. I just love people who seek the differences, not the similarities. And I can't even bet with any single one of you, I can just plainly shoot down any argument you present.
ReplyDeleteWho would want to argue with you? What if furrfaggotry is contagious?
ReplyDeleteYeah, cause all anthro art is porn
Thank you for reminding me to never take anything said by someone who uses "gay" or "fag" as insults seriously.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I don't even get why people who hate furries get so mad. It's not like there were anything furry related there, just FIM-related. As far as I can tell, the haters just can't get over the fact that *gasp!* they DARED to put their site url on a tent.
And that's the worst thing. Now they'll associate FiM with furries.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous're from zgierz? Near Lodz? happens...I'm also from there
Pozdro z Polski! :DD
ReplyDeleteBut... Why organized by furries? :/
ReplyDelete1. Not every anthro art is porn.
ReplyDelete2. Furries are not bad.
3. If you think otherwise, then consult Your God/parents/manufacturer/etc, because you may be aa part of an experiment of implanting jelly beans instead of brains. Jelly beans can perform the same functions, but they see only one side of each thing, or else they do explode.
ReplyDeleteBecause it always is, year for year, Furstock, a Furry meet-up at Stop Woodstock. And sorry to break it to you all... We were furries, we had fun, and it's hilarious someone watching My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic has issues with it. Look up 'Hypocrite'.
ReplyDeleteA little statistical reminder: correlation does not imply causation.
ReplyDeleteFurry Bronies or Brony Furries mean exactly *nothing* until proven otherwise. And that requires a very specific statistical test with a representative sample. Without that, whatever you say is just a personal opinion: pretty much meaningless.
I think we are all missing something here: Bronies are basically a sub-category of Furry. Furries are, in true honesty, those who enjoy watching cartoons with anthro characters, such as: Looney Tunes, Cats Dont Dance (Lauren Faust was the animator for the furry character Sawyer), and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Bronies are the same, except for they just enjoy watching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
ReplyDeleteEverything esle is pretty much the same. Most of the fandom is online, Bronies have pony-sonas (mine is Tech Hoof), and furries have fursonas. There are brony meets and there are furmeets, and guess what, theyre exactly totally the same. The media has protraited us as things we are not, and then incompetent foals like a lot of those who are Anonymous in this post believe it.
You know what we are? We (bronies AND furries) are the geeks, the nerds, the highly imaginative, the silly, the creative, the inventive, and the artistic who havent given up the love for cartoons.
@Tequila Sunrise
I'm glad to see a couple furry/bronies here who can back me up on this.
Don't fucking try to make all bronies look like degenerate furries.
ReplyDeleteYou make yourself look bad by watching something as cute as MLP and being angry with stupid shit like that, still.
ReplyDeleteAll we're missing here is just people raging about religion.
Sure, showing MLP to people is a praiseworthy idea, but that bunch of fetishists posing as "bronies" couldn't stop from drawing sick shit during the very same festival:
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know 'bronies' are not 'furries'... That's why I'm asking.
ReplyDeleteI'm an illustrator myself and I've seen a lot , so you don't have to give me lessons about what is anthro. ;]
And y'know what? Do as you like. :) I'm not here to argue with anyone. Peace.
ReplyDelete@SmittyG But your art is awesome! D: *is one of your many dA fans*
ReplyDelete@Toy Soldier Scratch Thank you... so much. This whole fight really got to me, but your reply made me happy again. You speak the absolute truth, and I appreciate it.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous There'll always be one. :/ But not all of them were fetishists. That's like saying every single Christian in the world is a tight-ass.
ReplyDeleteJust read the last "priceless" with Disqord's voice. XD