• Ponies Awarded For Epic Hacking Fails

    This article, originally posted on Gizmodo, details ponies being used as a rather tongue-in-cheek award. Too bad they're not G4 ponies.

    Here's a snippet:

    A Pwnie award was given to Sony at last week's Black Hat computer security conference's Pwnie Awards, which looks at the past year's hacking efforts and awards them with My Little Pony trophies. Sony's major security breach from earlier in the year was the only hacking incident to be nominated for the top prize.

    If you thought LulzSec and Anonymous would've done a clean sweep at the awards 'do, think again—the Stuxnet worm won the "Pwnie for Epic 0wnage" category, beating out both interchangeable teams of young hackers.

    31 kommentaari:

    1. Awesome award! and that filly is cute!

    2. I was wondering when you guys were gonna catch on to this

    3. the ponies... they've breached Equestria's and have made they're way into the lives of everyday citizens...

      twilight sparkle/spike 2012?

    4. I don't get what is going on. Their giving ponies to the best black hat hackers? Does that mean these people have to come forth to claim their reward, and felony charges, or does someone claim it on their behalf? Seems dumb either way.

      If I'm ever rewarded any pony, it better f-en be G4, and preferably a Pinkie Pie!

    5. Dear god, that image freaked me out a little as she has the exact same face as my mother, but different hair... D:

    6. Dear Cereal:
      We don't care about G3 ponies!

    7. Ponies that aren't G4 are ugly.

    8. It is clear to me now.

      We need Season 2.

    9. @KShrikehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFlOZFSIsMQ

    10. Hackers...being rewarded?! Doesn't that mean the cops get to find their sweet hacking asses and put them in jail? i don't get it..

    11. These people get awards for demonstrating hacks and bringing them to attention, thus spurring companies to patch the holes and have a safer products. I'm sick of this whole hacker == criminal idea we have going on.

    12. Wow. Anonymous and Lulz sec were having some fun, but Stuxnet made some serious dust. They made an open-source key-to-the-world essentially. Forcing a lot of people to shut down until the locks are changed. And they key can always be modified. It's really quite impressive. can't wait to see who tops it next time.

    13. I've read this on Origo early today. Didn't quite understand what was going on, cause of TL;DR.

    14. Not sure if want.

    15. I was wondering when you guys were gonna catch on to this

    16. Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.

    17. heard about these awards a couple weeks ago.
      you'd think they would use G4 toys, considering how they're internet haxxors and all. we should spam them about that

    18. Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.

    19. Well G1-3 toys makes sense for dubious awards actually. G4 is too cool for a dubious award.

    20. Am I the only one that thinks the G3 pony (the style shown in the pic) toys are really cute? Obviously, the show/movies tied with them are shit, but I like the G3 toys even better than the G4 ones. And the customs made from them are fucking amazing.

    21. @Anonymous

      I don't like the (more realistic) longer snouts in g3. Guess it helps that I don't like real horses

    22. I dare anyone to say the old gens are ugly after looking at these:




    23. why didn't they give a Pwnie to Aaron Barr of HBGary Federal?

    24. I dare anyone to say the old gens are ugly after looking at these:




    25. Well G1-3 toys makes sense for dubious awards actually. G4 is too cool for a dubious award.

    26. If Stuxnet didn't win that prize I would've likely had a heart attack from pure shock. It is the most revolutionary and destructive malware ever created. It was able to physically destroy centrifuge machines in a uranium enrichment facility in Iran, and is thought to have been created by the US government for that purpose. It was also released over two years ago and was only recently discovered by coincidence. Not to mention that it took multiple high ranking experts months to decipher, While most malware takes a single individual a few days at most, and that's for the few pieces of malware that even require an actual person.

    27. Nthing that Pre-G4 ponies are creepy and deformed-looking.

    28. The only pony gen I find outright ugly is 3.5. Those are just...wrong. Everything else I am more than willing to collect as a toy collector (though, the G2s look pretty weird).
