• Pocket Ponies Round 2!

    So Great and Powerful~
    Honestly I think background ponies are growing on me more than mane cast ones at this point.  I think overall their fanon character growth has completely trumped the mane 6 in this awful draught of ponylessness.

    I'd suggest hitting the DA link here for various sizes!

    27 kommentaari:

    1. Yeah, think you're probably right on that, Seth. Which is part of the reason everyone loves'em so much. :)

      These are cute. And Pinkies... lmao.

    2. I can't wait to cut these out... and then immediately throw away Doctor Whooves! :D

    3. ponies and pony accesories FOOOOORRRRRREEEVVVVVVEEEEERRRR

    4. So Great and Powerful Indeed. I would have laughed my ass off though if Pinkie and Trixie's place would be interchanged.

    5. I have a new mission for myself....

      Print these out and put them all over my school.

    6. I saw these the other day. I am defiantly going to use these, they are just awesome :D

    7. Pinkie, your plot is showing

    8. Yes!! finally that AJ and fcourse Ditzy

    9. The Doctor Whooves and Derpy Hooves ones are particularly awesome, but all of them are great.

    10. Lyra and trixie are getting cutout asap.

    11. Sir,

      'Drought' is the word you seek; I find it hard to imagine how we shall get ponylessness into our beer.


      Also, Pinkie Butt is random.

    12. @chachonimrod

      why in the name of Celestia would you go and throw away the Doctor? o.0

    13. Glad y'all enjoy em! I got Octavia and Pinkamena all done for the next set, working on Big Macintosh atm :D
      The list of pocket pony requests is growing by the day, so i do my best to cut it down to size :D

    14. *face hoof* i should expected nothing less from Pinkie pie.

    15. I can't wait to try and find more places in my room to hide these! Derpy would deffinately be hanging upside down out of a poster.

    16. I looked around my room and I have no idea where to put these :(
      Not to mention my printer is b/w...

      Oh no, this won't hold me back. I get it printed on heavy, thick paper and if I don't have a fitting spot for them in my room, I make one !

    17. @River Cocytus
      Not totally random. Well, it IS Pinky Pie, but I mean I think she's made for two pockets. You use the back end in one pocket, and other where she's popping back out the other one.

      -Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria

    18. My boyfrends gunna flip about these. I, on the other hand, am sad because my printer is meeeeeeeessed up.

    19. Dat plot! Pinkie broke the fourth wall with her butt.

    20. Does anypony else feel a draft...?
