Huh, that would explain all the prophetic dreams I've been having lately. Once again ponies have answered one of life's many riddles. And kudos to Dr.Horrible.
I feel that Hardware Store is one of Al's best original songs and the World of Warcraft version was my favorite video of it. Until now. This was done SO well that 20% cooler isn't even enough to describe it! Big ups to the creator of that one!
The Dr. Horrible one was good. I love NPH and Felicia Day, so seeing them sort of ponyfied makes me happy. :) If you check the recommended videos at the end, I guess the person did all the songs it would seem.
Another Weird Al song, cool. Love Hardware Store. And I like the video too. Was great. Especially the matching salt and pepper shakers with Rarity, cute. :P
Hah, Gay Bar. That song is just.. oi. lol Video was alright.
First one was amazingly edited. Third one could use some work, but I like the fact that Twilight was used for Penny. It seems almost fitting. I didnt really care to watch the third one.
Hardware store wins forever. End. :D On the Rise was so good. I especially liked that it wasn't just music set to ponies, but that it had an implied plot.
1.:D i haven't heard that song in ages! 2. YOU! I'M GONNA TAKE YOU TO A GAY BAR! >:D 3. i was wondering when they were going to make another dr.horrible pmv.
This post is full of WIN! On the Rise is one of my favorite songs, Hardware Store was well made and had me smiling through the whole thing, and Gay Stable... do I NEED to say anything about how ROFL- worthy that was? -Doctor Smirk
oh my god my video got put on equestria daily. :D and was overshadowed by 1 and 3 (which are amazing by the way)... oh well at least I got posted on here. that's something right? time to go get better at making PMVs. xD
I'm glad people are liking Dr. Horrible + ponies! If you haven't seen the original Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog, DO EET! It's only 45 minutes long and really hilarious. :)
Also, I've done the first four Dr. Horrible songs too and they can be found on my Youtube channel (LM1313). :)
67 kommentaari:
oh my~
VastaKustutaHardware Store Blocked by SME here, hurray.
VastaKustutaOh god first was amazing.
VastaKustutaThe hardware store one was AWESOME. And hell yeah Cow Tools!
VastaKustutaThe hardware store PMV was fantastic, very well done.
VastaKustutahardware store gave me a wingboner =D
VastaKustutaOh heck yes Dr.horrible. This pleases me.
VastaKustutaI love Weird Al. #1 was brilliant.
VastaKustuta"Eat Sugar, See the Future"
VastaKustutaHuh, that would explain all the prophetic dreams I've been having lately. Once again ponies have answered one of life's many riddles. And kudos to Dr.Horrible.
Hardware Store was fantastically edited. It made a remarkable amount of sense.
VastaKustutaOn the Rise was pretty well done, and also Dr. Horrible. So yeah, pretty much pure win.
wow, #1 was WAY too well done and #3 was awesome as well!
VastaKustutaLove Electric Six!
VastaKustuta#1 is quite possibly the best PMV I've seen so far.
VastaKustutaHardware Store was great
VastaKustutaGay Stable was tacky
Dr. Horrible was good.
#1 finally buffered. its really well done, fits almost perfectly.
VastaKustutaBeing a big fan of music videos for Hardware Store, I approve of 1 greatly.
VastaKustutaTypical, best one's are blocked in my country. Fortunately, that doesn't stop me from watching them.
VastaKustutaSweet, everyone's overwhelmed by number 1 and it's blcoked in my country.... RAAAAAWR
VastaKustutaI feel that Hardware Store is one of Al's best original songs and the World of Warcraft version was my favorite video of it. Until now. This was done SO well that 20% cooler isn't even enough to describe it! Big ups to the creator of that one!
VastaKustutaThe Dr. Horrible one was good. I love NPH and Felicia Day, so seeing them sort of ponyfied makes me happy. :) If you check the recommended videos at the end, I guess the person did all the songs it would seem.
Are we counting the pokemon videos done by Niconico? Because I haven't seen a ponified Matroyshka yet. ...Not that it wouldn't be awesome.
VastaKustutaThird one was amazing. I love that series of videos.
VastaKustutai saw hardware store on the title. went all hyper thinking it was my version but it wasnt. xD anyways that one is good
VastaKustutaOOOOHHhhhhh wow... Dr. Horrible has some voice to him.
VastaKustutaOh man! #1 was totally...
VastaKustuta...Blocked in my country by SME.
Twilight Sparkle + Felicia Day's voice = Bliss.
VastaKustutaWeird Al and mlp is the greatest combination ever.
VastaKustuta1. This made me so happy. I haven't heard that song in ages, and the editing was amazing to boot.
VastaKustuta2. ...Okay.
3. One word: chills.
Rainbow Dash isn't gay, silly.
VastaKustutaDoes anypony know if the Hardware one is upped to somewhere else too?
VastaKustutaBecause Youtube wont let me to watch it. ._.
Good jobs on #2 and #3, both entertaining watches.
VastaKustuta#1, This is just a phenomenal video in every possible respect. Way up in it's own shining league of awsome.
#1 was thoroughly entertaining, excellent editing
VastaKustuta#2 was... meh, turned it off 40 seconds in
#3 was fun, nicely synced
fuck youtube and its copyright policies. here's the Hardware Store video. no stream though.
"Hammer... Hammer!"
(...the hammer is their penises)
More Electric Six PMV's please
VastaKustutaAnother Weird Al song, cool. Love Hardware Store. And I like the video too. Was great. Especially the matching salt and pepper shakers with Rarity, cute. :P
VastaKustutaHah, Gay Bar. That song is just.. oi. lol Video was alright.
Dr Horrible video was alright, like the song.
Absolutely lost it when the big purple sign appeared in #1.
VastaKustutaI love Hardware Store.
1. nicely made
VastaKustuta2. that was gay
3. needs more effort
Aw my pmv isnt up yet.
these were funny though, awesome.
Dr.Horrible, yey
VastaKustuta#1 was amazing...just simply amazing
VastaKustutaFirst one was amazingly edited. Third one could use some work, but I like the fact that Twilight was used for Penny. It seems almost fitting. I didnt really care to watch the third one.
VastaKustutaI work in a hardware store, and I've wanted to hear that song playing on our overhead for the longest time.
VastaKustutaAlso, Weirdplatformer summed up my impression of the Dr. Horrible vid perfectly. That song always sent chills down my spine.
1. Wow, that was extremely well made.
VastaKustuta2. Eh, not bad. That first one is a hard act to follow, though.
3. Incentive to finally watch Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog.
Hardware store wins forever. End. :D
VastaKustutaOn the Rise was so good. I especially liked that it wasn't just music set to ponies, but that it had an implied plot.
1.:D i haven't heard that song in ages!
3. i was wondering when they were going to make another dr.horrible pmv.
#3 - Yay Dr. Horrible! Been waiting for this one; I really like the song.
Flutterguy as Steve = epic.
VastaKustutaOh my god. A post with PMV's combining Pony with both Weird Al AND Dr Horrible?
VastaKustutaEpic. Just... Epic.
I'm uploading Hardware Store to vimeo as well, for those of you who couldn't see it.
VastaKustutaHardware Store is fantastic, one of the best PMVs I've seen in a while. The other two are pretty well done, as well.
VastaKustutaK, here it is:
Wow, "Hardware Store" just beat "Pony Polka" as the #1 MLP video EVER!
VastaKustutaOh god. "Automatic circumcisers". Look at the clip they used. I winced.
VastaKustutaHardware store is fantastically well done!
VastaKustutaThis post is full of WIN! On the Rise is one of my favorite songs, Hardware Store was well made and had me smiling through the whole thing, and Gay Stable... do I NEED to say anything about how ROFL- worthy that was?
VastaKustuta-Doctor Smirk
Oh my Trollestia.... #1.... PERFECTION.
VastaKustuta@Anonymous I'm glad somepony else noticed that lyric being used with that clip as well.
VastaKustuta1. Great PMV. And those subliminal messages!
VastaKustuta3. Love Dr. Horrible. The character assignments for the PMV actually make sense too, which I like.
Everyone is prasing that #1 is amazing.
VastaKustuta*Blocked in your county by SME*
Dr. Nasty's Whinny-Along-Ballad.
VastaKustutaYes. Just. Yes.
Yet another totally tubular Weird Al PMV.
VastaKustutaAlso, the "I've got something to put in you" part in the second video is pretty funny.
Number 1 and 3 are epic!
VastaKustutaoh my god my video got put on equestria daily. :D
VastaKustutaand was overshadowed by 1 and 3 (which are amazing by the way)... oh well at least I got posted on here. that's something right?
time to go get better at making PMVs. xD
I want some matching salt and pepper shakers like that...
I'm glad people are liking Dr. Horrible + ponies! If you haven't seen the original Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog, DO EET! It's only 45 minutes long and really hilarious. :)
VastaKustutaAlso, I've done the first four Dr. Horrible songs too and they can be found on my Youtube channel (LM1313). :)