That Dragon Ball Z video was probably funnier than it intended to be. The ponies look like cardboard cutouts, they're so out of place I couldn't help but laugh.
#1 Good idea, I liked the part where RD and NM were fighting, but it think it only would work as a real animation. #2 WIN for Spike^^ I hope he will behave a little like that when he get's older.
Horse Outside is the only thing that the Rubberbandits have done that I like. They were kind of over blown rather quickly. A great video though, Fits perfectly.
1. Thanks for compiling the intros to most of the dragon ball z video games, now I want to buy raging blast 2... even though its probably just a scam for me.. 2. Ha couldn't barely understand the lyrics but what I did hear was absolutely hilarious 3. Reminds me of the song everybody loves a lesbian for some odd reason...
First one: I have always been a huge DBZ fan, so when I saw this I freaked...I'm a tad dissapointed, but I guess it would be hard to fuse DBZ and MLP: FiM...there two todaly opposite shows, but was a good effort so I'm not going to judge it to harshly...
Second one: Sorry..but I couldn't even get past the sound of his voice...
Third one: I was surprised at how good it was; I didn't like the song, but it synched so well its hard to make a decision...I guess its alright...not the best..but not the worst I've heard.. ;D
@showmetheblueprints YES! I was hoping someone would catch that. I don't even watch Doctor Who, but I knew that if any pony had to portray Billie Piper, it had to be a Rose joke.
Nice, that first one really makes me wonder what such a crossover might be like if they actually gave it a try.. ^^ ( MLP + more epic action possibly DBZ Style fighting? ^^; )
35 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta@Anon 9:02
VastaKustutaYou mean 2nd.
#1 Amazing. That's a crossover I would definitely watch. (Although the video seems to be unfinished yet.)
VastaKustuta#2 When I read Outside, I expected David Bowie. Now I am disappointed.
#3 I don't know...
Number 3 is truly amazing.
VastaKustutaThat Dragon Ball Z video was probably funnier than it intended to be. The ponies look like cardboard cutouts, they're so out of place I couldn't help but laugh.
VastaKustutalol at the dbz one
VastaKustutaWow, the Rubber Bandits in a PMV!? I never thought I'd see THAT.
VastaKustutaIf that's the the new dbz then no.
VastaKustutaAWESOME at #1 i've always said to myself that MLP needs more action scenes DBZ Stylish or even Kick Buttowski's stunts scenes
VastaKustutaAlso so totally completing my Rainbow Dash VS Nightmare Moon Fanfic, after i'm done with a Parody Fanfic
#1 Good idea, I liked the part where RD and NM were fighting, but it think it only would work as a real animation.
VastaKustuta#2 WIN for Spike^^ I hope he will behave a little like that when he get's older.
1. wut...and why so small
VastaKustuta2. never heard of the Rubberbandits, but nice PMV
3. how odd
"Uhh, beg yer pardon Rarity, but uh, we don't normally wear (pause) clothes."
VastaKustutaLove #2, it's a great song and Spike singing it makes it even funnier! :D
VastaKustuta#2 Makes Spike look like the champ that he always should be, very awesome video.
VastaKustuta#3 is weird as heck, but pretty creative.
Horse Outside is the only thing that the Rubberbandits have done that I like. They were kind of over blown rather quickly. A great video though, Fits perfectly.
VastaKustutaAnyone notice in #2 when he says "He looks like Billie Piper after half an ounce of Coke" Rose is shown. I love how many bronies watch Doctor Who.
VastaKustutaWhat a coincidence, I'm actually watching DBZ right now on TV
VastaKustutaThe battle between Pinkie and Pinkamina was my favorite part of the first video.
VastaKustuta1. Thanks for compiling the intros to most of the dragon ball z video games, now I want to buy raging blast 2... even though its probably just a scam for me..
VastaKustuta2. Ha couldn't barely understand the lyrics but what I did hear was absolutely hilarious
3. Reminds me of the song everybody loves a lesbian for some odd reason...
"Friendship is the ultimateg power" err typo :) am i the first one to spot this?
VastaKustutaHey, a Zappa PMV!
VastaKustutaFrank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention, always good to hear.
First one: I have always been a huge DBZ fan, so when I saw this I freaked...I'm a tad dissapointed, but I guess it would be hard to fuse DBZ and MLP: FiM...there two todaly opposite shows, but was a good effort so I'm not going to judge it to harshly...
VastaKustutaSecond one: Sorry..but I couldn't even get past the sound of his voice...
Third one: I was surprised at how good it was; I didn't like the song, but it synched so well its hard to make a decision...I guess its alright...not the best..but not the worst I've heard.. ;D
fluttermedic is scary
VastaKustutaThe first one was just subtle enough to keep me interested.
VastaKustutaThe second makes me think that we need more horse-themed PMV's (which kinda seems obvious). Also, 2:10 w/Rarity was perfect!
I feel like I'd need to know the source material better for this to be entertaining. Well done, but it just didn't do it for me.
1. Awesome, I must say.
VastaKustuta2. After you get past the accent, it's hilarious!
3. Interesting, yet fun.
Oh goodness, DBZ. lol Haven't been a fan of that show since I was around 15. :P Eh, video was "okay". Didn't interest me much though.
VastaKustutaSecond was okay. Don't know the song, but it's alright and the video was okay.
Third one was kinda cute. Funny little song and the video was decent.
After the picture on the top. all i could think of was
VastaKustuta"Angel! NO! It'z filtzy in zere!"
VastaKustutaYES! I was hoping someone would catch that. I don't even watch Doctor Who, but I knew that if any pony had to portray Billie Piper, it had to be a Rose joke.
#2 is absolutely awesome
VastaKustutaNice, that first one really makes me wonder what such a crossover might be like if they actually gave it a try.. ^^ ( MLP + more epic action possibly DBZ Style fighting? ^^; )
VastaKustutaGod, I watched the second one nine times before I could stop. That was fucking great!
VastaKustutaThe third seems like it would do well in a Monty python movie or show
VastaKustutaPonies and Zappa. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better...