• PMV: Dash With Rainbows / Watch Me Fly / Dash will rise

    Rainbow Dash PMV time.  My folder for thee is pretty packed right now, so I figured I'd group them by pony!

    1.) Dash With Rainbows
    2.) Watch Me Fly
    3.) Dash will rise

    My Little Pony - Dash will rise from Nimble Force on Vimeo.


    1. *gasp of air* -yay-

    2. That first one. Epic. ^.^ *BroHoof!

    3. So much Rainbow.

      First was alright. Didn't really get into it much for some reason though.

      Second sounds like a nice little song.

      Third is a nice song and video too.

    4. This is the 3rd PMV post in a row. I'm not sure whether or not that's normal, though...

    5. So much rainbow dash.
      1. Someone already said it. A wild Rainbow Dash appeared.
      2. /)^3^(\
      3. I got nothin'

    6. #1 was a nice surprise, haven't heard that song in ages
      #2&#3, meh

    7. 1 was pretty good, 2 was meh, couldn't watch the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, the sequencing was good, but I hated the song. With a fiery, burning passion. I personally thought that #3 was pretty good.

    8. I always get disappointed when I listen to music on Equestria Daily. . .

    9. I request a download for the first song, that was kickin. Also the second one is nicely paced but the song just drew me away, it may be my personal preference but I love fast paced songs and think that dash should be associated with fast songs only seeing as she boasts 10 seconds flat.

    10. The first one is my favorite of the bunch.

    11. So much Dash, how can you go wrong

    12. #2: Crush 40 + Rainbow Dash = Yes, my dork-music-meter skyrocketed off the charts. ^.^

    13. When you put 80's rock with Rainbow Dash, I can't help but think her mane looks like a mullet.

    14. Ooh I really liked that third one. The overlay of the two rainbooms was not something I have seen before.

    15. oh damn this is so much good stuff for me D:

    16. CRUSH 40 AND RAINBOW DASH TOGETHER ASDFSJFKJDGKJSDFVMKLAVWNN:VRAWML:RV100010010101000100010101011110100101010100100101010110101001 {Warning. User has shut down from epic overload. Please have the nearest Fluttershy nuzzle him to counteract with D'aww.}
