• PAX Stuff!

    Source: Penny Arcade
    Hey! Penny Arcade finally did a comic with Derpy Hooves.  This was during their audience suggestion thing they do each year.  Apparently an overwhelming majority asked for Derpy to be included.  Have a quote from the Penny Arcade Site:
    "The strip we made at the Create a Strip Panel, complete with a Derpy Hooves crowd request, is somewhere in transit as I write this.  When the show closes down, it’s like a disaster movie in a lot of ways; a lot of people running to escape debris which is falling in slow motion.  I think Kiko has it, but I can’t be sure; my only hope is that he made it out alive."
    Pinkie Pie paraded around Seattle too at one point, along with a bunch of PMV's showing up during various concerts.  Sounds like we are slowly taking over the convention scene!


    1. The shape of her face makes her look like a diamond dog D:

    2. Saw this on their site awhile ago. derpy made it more epic.

    3. Penny Arcade is Awesome
      Derpy is Awesome

      Put them together and we get an absolute singularity of sheer awesomeness guaranteed to make everything in your life at least 20% cooler!

    4. Uhm... Derpy looks like a diamond dog.

    5. We got Penny Arcade to draw Derpy Hooves.

      We are unstoppable.

    6. Penny Arcade, 33 Million Views. No doubt the sudden increase due when the Trailer for Season 2 comes out...

      Yeah, I'm expecting us to hit 40 Million before Season 2 starts. Lets go for it.

    7. Saw this earlier. Was like: "Derpy! What are you doing there? Get outta there! Silly pony."

    8. I helped build that pony. Good times

      Highlights with Pinkiequest Seattle; Spontainious parties (including a DJ), Interupting the Lando Calrissian Society's march of awareness, getting kicked out of westfield center, and making random Seattleites' days a little pinker.

    9. Also, we asked almost every panel "what is best pony" Reactions ranged from good natured, as the Penny Arcade guys were, to "sit down and shut up, this panel has nothing to do with ponies!"

    10. Ok, Derpy is in the comic, yes, that's awesome, but there's no real reason. She's just there, and if she's somehow part of the joke I'm not getting it.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. In a Dash, I would Flutter across the street, offer an Apple in exchange for a Pie, then catch the Rarity of a Sparkle in my eyeas I hugged Pinkie till the Pink-One's bearers were far too disturbed.

    13. so I'm assuming this is a popular comic for it to get its own post? neat

    14. I was at PAX. MC Frontalot had pony clips going during one of his songs. I saw the pictures of Twilight and Celestia at Unicorn Theater. There were a lot of people with pony pins and shirts, and a few cosplays. It was good times. Somehow I missed the giant Pinkie, though. Anyway, that was one of the greatest experiences of my life and I recommend anyone go to a con, especially PAX if they ever get the chance.

    15. @Namefag Anon
      PAX stands for Penny Arcade Expo. So yes, you might say it's popular.

    16. I feel awesome knowing that PAX and Penny Arcade recognizes MLP and Bronies.

    17. To the people that don't get it (I wasn't there so I am not sure if I get it) but I believe that they were making a comic live at PAX, in front of a crowd, and they asked the crowd what to add into the comic, and apparently the crowd wanted Derpy.

      Why did they have to use THAT Pinkie Pie vector?

    18. Very cool. And yeah, you'll see ponies at almost all conventions that run along the lines of gaming/fantasy/anime, etc these days.

    19. I actively read Penny Arcade and I honestly didn't expect this nice surprise.

    20. Hey! I saw that at the penny arcade site! and now it's here as well!


    21. I was TOTALLY at the PINKIEQUEST, and yes, it was AMAZING

    22. @showmetheblueprints

      THAT vector was used because it was specifically PinkieQuest IRL. The guy in the Big Mac tshirt put Pinkie Pie together, had a portable boom box that blasted the BronyQuest music on a loop, and passed out those little party tooters so we could TOOT along with the song.

      We even had the people carrying Pinkie Pie rock her back and forth to simulate her walking animation.

      TOOT to you too, good sir.

    23. You know, I'm not sure whether to be proud or ashamed that I found the second link before it was posted here.

    24. I got pics of Pony Cosplayers, pics of whiteboard drawings of ponies, and a pic of the questing Pinkie. I love living in Seattle.

    25. Darn, I looked but couldn't find the giant Pinkie. Ah well, even without that, the pony presence at PAX was insane.

      Insane I tell you.

      I figured, "ok, there's a pretty big overlap between bronies and gamers. I'll have to look out for any." First 30 minutes without actually actively looking, 5 bronies.

      In. Sane.

    26. this is what DINKY look like if she was a diamond dog

    27. Today Penny arcade, tomorrow the WORLD!
