We can now see Twilight Sparkle grinning like a mad pony in glorious 480p. Look at that face! She's about to whoop Discord's ass purple unicorn style.
Anyway, you can find the download link below, along with the youtube video after the break. (I highly suggest the download link, as always Youtube compressed it some.)
The Hub Fall Lineup Commercial
66 kommentaari:
SO MUCH WANT!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaAwesome. Time to take screencaps and make avatars and reaction shots out of GRIMlestia.
VastaKustutaWait, 420p? Did stoners invent a new resolution? :P
VastaKustutaYay, much better.
VastaKustutaDiscord has no chance against our better-quality Twilight!
I'll admit it, I'm pretty hyped for season two.
VastaKustutaHey look, they recognize us.
VastaKustutaThanks Hub!
VastaKustutaSeen this commercial at least 50 times now and it NEVER STOPS BEING AWESOME!
VastaKustutaYep, I squeaked like a fangirl.
VastaKustutaSorry, Twi, Pinkie's still got the awesomer hero pose.
VastaKustutaI hope that the American bronies will take pity on their peers and stick the eps on YouTube as soon as they are able, since we still haven't had Season bloody 1 yet. Not on the tellybox, at least..
VastaKustutaThey have chosen their ponies well, s'all I gotta say.
@Cassie Truman
VastaKustutaNot to worry, my foreign friend! Episodes are usually up on the YouTubes within an hour after air time.
High quality uploads, within a few days.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Cassie Truman
VastaKustutaMLP has been airing on the Boomerang channel (assuming you're from the UK).
To all of our brother and sister Bronies across the world! We wont let you down guys, those episodes will be up lickity split! Remember that's how a lot of us here in the states get our Pony fix as well. My cable providor doesn't even offer the Hub...dang them...DANG THEM TO HEY!!!
VastaKustutaCelestia has an evil look on her face O.O
VastaKustutaAs much flack as regular ol' Celestia gets...she's an awesome pony in the Canon and I love her to bits for being a Prankster Princess of win!
VastaKustuta(And I say this even despite being a Luna Republic kinda pony! :P)
That look on her face dictates that SOMEPONY gonna get got - watch out, Discord!
So much want.
VastaKustutaCelestia is so badass. <3
Only two seconds of ponies?
VastaKustutaI'm hooked already.
That scene with Celestia... I can only wonder. What's behind the door? Where's Twilight and Rainbow Dash? WHY ISNT THE NEW SEASON PREMIERING SOONER?!?!?!?!?!? I'm starting to go through pony withdrawal, I need more soon!
VastaKustutaSo we are getting season 2 AND a Aquabats show?
VastaKustutaSo much win...
Seems like we'll have at least one story like the two first episodes of season one.
VastaKustutaYay !
Its going to be intense... this fandom didn't get a big following until the end of and after season 1. This community is going to explode during season 2
VastaKustutaAnimators! Why u tease us! We NEEEEEEEED These ponies, And we'll bother you until you give them to us, even if it takes.... FOREVVEERRRRR.....
VastaKustuta@bronydash By the looks of it, the mane 6 are behind her. I paused it at the point where the doors were widest, and you can see Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie stood behind Celestia with their eyes closed.
VastaKustutaWhatever's on the side of the door we're looking from, I hope it's awesome and badass.
In the words of Twilight Sparkle: Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!
VastaKustutaFinally we can look better at the face of the mane 6.
"Brow Rain" will fall in Equestria.
VastaKustutaAhh this is much better detail! Now you can REALLY make out that scowl on Trollestia's face!
VastaKustutaAh yeah, Celestia still gonna up and kick someponies ass.
VastaKustutaI have a sneaking suspicion that good ol' Pinkie knows EXACTLY what's behind that door, and that's why she's hiding her smile with her hoof.
Let's imply that these episodes come from the the opening episode/2-parter.
VastaKustutaUpon closer inspection (Please don't kill me if this has been already pointed out), on the Twilight shot you can clearly see that it's NIGHT TIME and ponies usually don't stay up late unless there's an emergency/something special going on. The window is exactly like the window that Twilight has in her bedroom, so we can assume that she's in her library and that she's quite probably talking to her friends or spike only and not herself as it's indicated that she's got a well-kept and sane looks so she's not in the over-drive mode. Quite possibly the expression and the stance may be a sign of confidence, determination and/or battle-readiness, although it's just a completely blind guess based on the tons of cartoons and anime I've seen. I guess it is a scene from the first episode the same day that Discord broke from the stone prison (by day I mean in the 24 hour span), the reason why I believe she's boosting morale is basically because for some reason she reminds me of Kamina (;_;) in that shot. Although be warned that this might not come from the Discord episode/s.
Upon closer inspection of the second shot I can confirm the following;
Celestia looks badass (but it's rather opinion-based), a strong look of determination and desperation on her face, battle-readiness for sure.
She's not entering the room, which means that it's not A ROOM but a closet of some sorts, which explains the darkness.
Everypony is coughing which probably is a direct result of dust hovering in the air that we can see momentarily upon opening the 'Secret Closet', which indicates that it wasn't opened for a while. The characters looking away and coughing is a well-know tension builder, usually followed by going over what happened in the last 2 seconds, for upcoming surprise shock. Quite possibly it is something far older than ponies themselves or, what I bet on, a place where the Elements of Harmony are stored, which would make sense that it's dusted and we haven't seen them in the entire season 1 as Celestia wouldn't allow anyone to come nearby such important Artefacts, not even maids, therefore they were untouched for over a year.
My second guess is that that's where 'Discord' was kept, especially since it's been pointed out he broke out from a STONE PRISON which could result in the stone it was entrapped within to crumble, but these are mere speculations.
We can also see that it's daylight, therefore it's either directly after (most probable) the first scene or just before, although mind that these two scenes may be from completely different episodes.
We're also in Celestia's castle for sure, which even more strengthens the idea that it's after the first scene.
Twilight and Rainbow dash are not in the shot, which could mean that either they're not in the castle at all or in different room.
VastaKustutaPhew, that's one long scene analysis. I literally went over every frame of the video to squeeze as much as it was possible from these two scenes.
I'm digging this music.
VastaKustutaI finally have a reason to watch Saturday morning programming again
VastaKustutaSo Seth just has the Hub hook-ups now
VastaKustutaHere's a freeze frame of Twilight before the flashy background obscures the room she's in.
Twilight has a clock in season 2! And a window! Clearly, Twilight's love of both clocks and windows will be vital to the upcoming season's overarching plot. :P
As a fan of word-based gameshows like Wheel of Fortune and Lingo, a gameshow variant of Scrabble totally grabs my inner word-nerd.
VastaKustutaAlso, the Aquabats were kings when I was in high school, so them getting their own show to me has been a long-time comin'!
Lastly, Transformers: Prime didn't roll off to a particularly good start, but I'm hoping that season 2 keeps up the momentum they got at the end of the first season. It's definitely one of those shows that you have to give a VERY generous chance to begin to enjoy, but truthfully, I'm quite hooked now that my mind mentally blocks the very existence of Miko.
And of course MLP:FiM:S2. Of course. Wouldn't even be on this board without. From the little peeps and squeals I hear around deviantArt and Twitter from the show's staff, they seem genuinely excited by how it's progressing! If I push my excitement any higher, we'll be reaching god-like tiers of expectations, so I of course have to pull it back to suit the mortal realm...but that's becoming progressively more difficult as September 17th creeps closer one day at a time!
Needs more Rainbow Dash.
Contact with the actual people ... Seth I want your position. Just sayin'. Or 'just saiyan', to make a Twilight Sparkle-related joke.
VastaKustutaCelestia looks pissed... hope Luna didn't do something...
VastaKustuta*Sees Twilight's face*
Oh, my...
VastaKustutaThat background...
Is that Ponyville?
The higher quality video and a frame by frame analysis has led me to the following conclusions:
VastaKustuta(a) Based on her mouth and head motions, and her final pose, Twilight Sparkle is clearly saying "BUCK YEAH!" or some close variant thereof.
(b) Based on Celestia's movements and the poses and facial expressions of Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy behind her, Celestia has just released a God-Empress-level toxic fart, and is now leaving the room.
It's quite clear what's going on here.
VastaKustutaAs she opened the door, Celestia cut one.
Everypony is recoiling, but Pinkie has the giggles.
Actually, it kinda looks like Celestia has got a large magical glowy padlock hanging off her horn. That, or some glowy bandage over her eye, but there's definitely something there over the side of her face and casting the blue glow on that side of her body.
VastaKustutaJust look at ol' Celesty bein' all badass n' stuff! Me Gusta.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSerious Celestia in STUNNING HD. My fucking face when...
Season Two, why can't you just be my friend and come out sooner?
Am I the only one who kinda wants to see those game shows?
That face... it's nightmare fuel!
VastaKustutastill can't believe season 2 is less than a month away
Celestia looks pissed!
VastaKustutaUh, just sayin', you might want to censor that spoiler about the future episode plot...
VastaKustuta........... You mean her hair?...
@Dr. Orbital Death-Ray
Just saying, the Twilight clip is in her room http://postimage.org/image/1n63o0bno/
VastaKustutaMan, ponies and the aquabats, I love you Hub.
VastaKustutaWith these two shows and, Doctor Who this will easily be my best fall of television ever!
I hope this is real, cause this means MOAR TRIXIE!!!!!!
VastaKustutaHey look! The AQUABATS are there too! That would be an AWESOME crossover!
VastaKustuta@Specter Von Baren Yeah, you're right. I think it was the blue looking like it suddenly cuts off into green that was confusing me.
VastaKustutaThey actually put "20% cooler"? nice.
VastaKustutaCelestia opening doors LIKE A BAWS.