Have some news.
Wowhead: Friendship is Magic
One of the largest WoW database websites on the internet has dropped a pony reference in their bar thingy that I forgot the technical term of (EQD journalism right there!). You may have to refresh a few times to see it. Still pretty neat!
You can find the site here!
Pony Countdown
For those of you who love watching countdowns, an entire site dedicated to it has been completely revamped for Season 2. You can find it here!
Italian Episode One Part Two
Yesterday I posted the Italian episode one, primarily due to the unique opening. For those looking for a followup, and the other pony voices, you can check out the newly released part two here! (I can't imagine watching only 10 minutes of pony at a time, poor Italy =[)
Bronies of Norway Facebook Page
Yep! Another Facebook Page! Find it here!
Portuguese Subtitles Episodes
More subtitles for those that need them, this time in Portuguese! Episodes 1-12 can be found here, and episodes 13-23 here!
How to be a Famous Brony On The Internet
Someone that sounds surprisingly like Arnold Schwarzenegger has released a guide to becoming famous in the pony fandom. You can find it above!
Ragnarok Online Guild
Name: Equestrian Royal Army
Server: MaiaRO
Contact to join: Donja / Email
D20 RPG in the works
For those of you intereted in good old fashioned dice role style RP, a new game is looking for testers.
If you are interested, head to the post here!
Twilight Sparkle Eyeliner
Crazy pony! You got your colors mixed up with Trixie!
For those wondering what to use your bran new pocket ponies for, someone created a gallery of ideas! Check it out here!
LuLu Luck on Hasbro.com
Those crazy recolor ponies are finally popping up on Hasbro.com for those that want them. You can find LuLu Luck here!
Rhode Island Brony Group
Have some Copy Paste!
Bronies in the Rhode Island area (or anywhere really, we don't care if your from here or the moon *snicker*) are welcome to come to any of our future meetups. We don't have an actual meetup scheduled yet, but I will keep you posted! Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any suggestions, and be sure to visit/join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/193694777364817/ and Rainbowdash.net http://rainbowdash.net/group/ ribronies. Okay everypony, you know what to do! Spread the word!
French Giggle at the Ghostly
Apparently Pinkie Pie says "Tease the Zombies" and revenants/vampires in this one, which is actually really awesome. I hope there are revenants, zombies, and vampires coming up! Halloween Special anyone?
You can find it here!
Least I Could Do Pony Comic
Or at least it has a pony in it.
Winter Wrapped Up In Australia
I honestly didn't even know winter existed down there. Stupid American education system!
Equinox Luna Storybook Project Seeking Artist
A Project dating way back from March recently lost their artist. The entire Luna playlist is complete, they just need someone to pick up the slack!
You can find more information in the video here!
And the script for it here!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
CMC Customs
Berry Punch Painting
Fluttershy Painting
Rainbow Dash Plushie
Equestria Daily News
Fic report for Tuesday, August 30, 2011
- Fics received today: 17
- Fics that received Feedback today: 15
- Fics still awaiting feedback: 12
- Fics approved: 2
- Total new fics scheduled for posting: 3
- Total fic updates in queue for posting: 7
- Fics sent back for revision and/or proofreading: 7
68 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaThere is no link to the French version of 'Giggle at the Ghostly', because that's impossible. The French got scared of the Ghostly and surrendered.
VastaKustutaSweet! B)
VastaKustutaHooray for nightly roundups!
VastaKustutaItalian episode 3 (or better, 1.5) fresh out!
I am so glad that song got put to that animation... like it wasn't going to happen, I know, but still, glad to see it done.
VastaKustutaThanks again for all the news Seth!
I love the "How to become a famous brony" video, But asides from a Cupcakes reference, there was nothing on fanfiction. Over have the stuff on this blog is fanfiction and there are some very popular ones. The writes of those have become fairly famous.
you can find it here!
VastaKustutawhere's here? you forgot the hyperlink, you ridiculously tired person you!
damn ninja fixd
VastaKustutaWoohoo! Keep on a spinin Vinyl! Good roundup as usual
VastaKustutaspinning scratch!! daw sensors overload!!!!
VastaKustutaYay, tiny Vinyl Scratch. Not only in our MP3 players, but also in our Nightly Roundups. :D
VastaKustutaHah, Wowhead made a pony reference. No kidding. Wowhead just became 20% cooler.
The "How to be a Famous Brony on the Internet" video, oi vey. No no no. XD I hope he's joking, I think he is anyway. E-fame is one of the silliest things in existence. Evar. And the only people who strive for it are attention horses. :P
Twilight Sparkle eyeliner... see? She's not just a nerdy bookworm. She can a Rarity too when she wants. lol
Pocket Pony action shots, yayy~ Nifty cute little things they are.
Think you may have missed something there with the French Giggle at the Ghostly section. :P
That's such a beautiful view in that shot of Australia. Looks like Dash is resting after a successful wrap up. :)
And oh goodness. I just KNEW somepony was going to put the adorable spinning Vinyl Scratch filly to that song. Absolutely had to be done. No doubt. :P Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!
Happy Australian Winter Wrap-Up day everypony! 8D
VastaKustutaIt's very nice to wake up to such awesome posts.
VastaKustuta*humming* You spin me right round, baby, right round...
VastaKustutaHow to be a famous brony on the internet... Be the first person to reskin OC ponies for Garrys mod...
VastaKustutaThat was me...
the most I can get out of the idea of a guild on ragnarok to question is;
VastaKustutawhat ragnarok am I looking for?
because it's not the IRO I normally play on, or atleast not the server I was hoping for
VastaKustutaGood heavens, I really did watch that through o.o"
VastaKustutaStill, Dead or Alive sounds way better than that newer version. I want to became a famous brony!
French Giggle at the Ghostie = Pinkie van Helsing.
VastaKustutaI can just see it now.
"Rarity", starring;
Rarity as Count Dracula
Twilight Sparkle as Jonathan Harker
Pinkie Pie as Abraham van Helsing
Fluttershy as Renfield
Applejack as Quincy Morris
Rainbow Dash as... ... Okay, no, this one stumps me.
And I've no idea who'd play all the other parts, but at least there's hundreds of background ponies to pick from.
Damn you, Pinkie, and your adorable French voice!
VastaKustuta> Giggle At the Ghosty
VastaKustuta> French Version
> In France ponies laught to zombies, vampires, specters and evil spirits
> Rainbow Dash sounds like she smokes 3 packs a day
> wearesobadass.jpg
VastaKustutaIt's like people forgot that France has historically been a major military power, and still is.
Its Also Winter Wrap-Up in New Zealand, here is a roughcut of Me and my friend doing it;
Wow, the Italians actually did pretty good with their NMM. That voice is slightly more terrifying then ours.
VastaKustutaD 20 Ponies? But they work so much better as Solar Exalted. You wouldn't even have to change anything (the system could even account for cutie-mark limit breaks)!
VastaKustutaRegardless, game on Bronies!
(Also, Spin made me LOL!)
Spring is here!
VastaKustutaAbout the Ragnarok guild:
VastaKustutaMaiaRO is a private server and as such, is illegal. You could get into a lot of trouble for advertising illegal private servers. =\
VastaKustutaSilly filly, that's not how you shout "SPOOOOOOOOON"!!
@Spikely Whiplash
VastaKustutaIt's like people forgot the United States needed France's military to become independent ;)
Also, anybody else missing their nightly dose of pony morphage?
Hah, I don't even play WoW anymore, didn't see that title yet on Wowhead. You can also find a 'you haven't found the secret title yet'-title, which I suggested they put in... and they did! :D
(P.S. There is no secret title)
What most of you ponies neglect to realise is that that picture of our Wrap Up was taken DURING the event. Not after.
VastaKustutaVinyl Spinning!
VastaKustutaAll I know is that to me
You look like you're having fun
So please come back to season 2.
Watch out here I come!!!
Pocket pony action shots? Dude, yesterday I wore my pocket Twi on my work shirts pocket. I'm a cashier at the local grocery store. That said, Twi got a lot of face time. Sadly, not a SINGLE person commented on her. -sigh- Guess I just need to get the mane 6 all on my pocket at once... I'm liking this idea.
VastaKustutaI am drinking right now in honour of winter wrapping up here in Australia.
VastaKustutai think the wowhead pony reference is called an easteregg
VastaKustutaSorry Applebloom, you has been dethroned.
VastaKustutaUnfortunately if you become too famous of a brony you get targeted by trolls and the false flaggers.
VastaKustutaI could not tell if I liked French Pinkie Pie's voice or not :/
Lol, I already did the same thing with those pocket cutouts. I put them all over my dorm floor XD.
VastaKustutaI wake up, come to EqD, and I get to see Scratch spinning around on a turntable. Today is going to be a great day. :D
VastaKustutaHow to be a Famous Brony. Was funny. Also this week's Penny arcade has derpy in it.
Watch "How to become a famous Brony" Draw porn...*sit in the corner and cry*
VastaKustutahaha though it was a funny video XD
Also best song to the DJPON3 Filly Vinyl Spin.
VastaKustutaGlad I'm not the only one who saw them as door ponification fodder~ So far, my room is the ONLY one with door decorations on them other than nametags and whiteboards.
You'd think with all the art majors on my floor they'd be more creative.... Hell, I'm in a liberal arts college for goodness sake! Oh well, at least I know there are bronies hiding SOMEWHERE on the University of Montevallo campus.... now I just gotta find them.
VastaKustutaOhhhh snap!
VastaKustutaBelmont Pie :O!
I wonder if we in North America are going to do our own Running of the Leaves? All of you who are in shape are going to have to carry the load!
VastaKustutathat italian intro is so hot...
VastaKustutaMmmmmm... don't think the CMC are getting their cutie marks for being Marketers. Nobody ever clicks those ads as far as I know.
VastaKustutaCute way to make those annoying things entertaining though :)
That new wave music... predominantly male fandom... eyeliner... oh god the possibilities
VastaKustutaAlso, Smokey Diamond for best potential pony name.
Pinkie Pie's chattering sounds even more lightspeed when it's Italian. Twilight's mocking voice is highly amusing too.
VastaKustutaI want to hear more of Rainbow Dash's French voice.
Pony Countdown gets props for the random Rarity.
VastaKustutaOh yes, that intro is smoking. I demand it be the new English one.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaYou'd be surprised. As a lot of the ads tend to be pony related, at least one of them has had well over 1k clicks. I don't get paid per click though, so that doesn't make much difference to me :P
If you can't think of a good visual for your PMV then put spinning Vinyl and win.
VastaKustutaMeh, slow news today really.
VastaKustutaI wondered when someone would make that pmv xD
VastaKustuta@Spikely Whiplash
VastaKustutaIt's like people forgot that France needed help in both World Wars, and caused the Vietnam War by getting their arse handed to them by men armed with sticks (in comparison to what the French had).
France had it's time in limelight centuries ago, now, it is as much of a joke as crappy singers who show up to Pop Idol auditions every bloody year.
Yay! It's the first day of spring here!
Silly Australians, you cleaned up winter almost a month too early. When will you guys learn?
VastaKustutaOnce everyone is famous, then no one will be.
VastaKustutaMy youtube account is here, for Portuguese subtitles.
VastaKustutaLike Twilight said: yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!
Thanks, guys!
How to be a famous brony on ze internet: make an adorable .gif of a background pony doing something that fits their persona.
VastaKustutaYo dawg, we heard you like spinning vinyl so we put a spinning Vinyl on your spinning vinyl so you dawwww while you dance
How many pony blogs will be started today :P
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThe French version of Giggle at the Ghostie sounded beautiful.