I wish my job took 10 seconds.
Have a whole bunch of news!
San Antonio Meetup
Someone needs to talk Cereal into this one!
Copypaste below!
Date: Saturday September 3rd, 2011
Time: 5:00 pm
Location: We will meet at the Starbucks inside the Target at Park North. Park North is at 410 and Blanco where Central Park Mall used to be. If the starbucks has been removed, we will be iether near the front entrance, the restaurant in target, or the pony isle.
Contact: [email protected] or applejackfan on the rainbow dash network here:
Website (Optional): http://rainbowdash.net/group/sanantoniobronies
Additional Information: We will be looking around target and then maybe looking around other stores. then we will be going to eat at Jim's, there are other restaurants at the same place so if yall want to eat any thing else it would be fine, we will be making paper-craft pony's, and just hanging out and talking about pony's, pony episodes, and all things pony! I will have a Trixie plushie, so look for that to find us!
Canvas Bag Thingy!
![]() |
Source: Magnet X |
This one was found at a Target in Brisbane, Australia.
Apparently its filled with G3.5 merch. I cried a little bit. Cool bag though!
Pinkie Pie Invades College Newspaper
Someone named Tommy, working on the newspaper team for the Indiana Daily Student, plans to sneak pony stuff in throughout this semester of school. This was his first one. Pretty awesome!
Copy Shop in Vienna Giving out Free Rainbow Dash Post Cards
I don't know of the exact shop, since it wasn't included in the email, but apparently these are being handed out for free! I've never been to Vienna, so I don't know how many copy shops are actually in the area. Have fun hunting though!
This news was brought to you by the esteemed well researched news only found at Equestria Daily.
Web comics With Ponies
Hub Fall Schedule
We all know season two Ponies is available in the early morning of September 17, but apparently its also up at 6:00 PM.
You can find the full fall schedule list here!
My Little Peggle: Fever is Magic
For the Peggle fans out there, a new mod is available! It adds a few new custom backgrounds for you to play around with. You can find it here!
Hitchhikers Guide Live Reading Project
A new project has arrived for a live reading of the "So Long and Thanks for all the Pony" Story.
For those if you with voice talent that want to lend a hand, hit up the video here for information.
Ponies in Dues Ex: Human Revolution
Massive coincidence?! Probably!
Hasbro Isn't Creeped Out By Us!
I'm so happy. Now I need to go learn how to animate so I can work on FiM!
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash Pony Cupcakes
I remember as a kid when I though each color actually tasted different, and absolutely refused anything other than blue frosting.
Those were the days...
Pinkie Pie Cupcakes
Rainbow Dash Cupcakes
Synchtube Daily Episode Marathon!
Every day at 11:00 PM EST, the Synchtube Commanderjesus channel is planning to play one episode all the way up to Season two!
More info in the image below!
(inb4 everyone else does too)
BroNYCon Charity Tickets Sale!
Have some copypaste from Purple Tinker!
NEXT 5 DAYS (until Sunday night): Get admission to BroNYCon September for just $25! You just have to pledge to donate 5 cans of food to our charity drive. Go to <a href="www.meetup.com/Bronies-New York is going to be crazy. I can't wait.NYC">www.meetup.com/Bronies- NYC</a> and sign up!
Rainbow Dash Cake
This cake is [::::::]
Season Two Tribute Video
It just needs to come out already... confound these days, why must they go so slow.
Have a video.
Five Year Olds DO watch FiM!
![]() |
Source: Samantha Age 5 |
Can you imagine growing up with something as awesome as FiM? This show makes Darkwing Duck and Tailspin look like Steamboat Willie.
Season One Retrospective Series
This dude is writing episode reviews every day until season two! You can find them here!
Pony Balloon
I think I posted this a long time ago, but I don't remember, so Nightly Update it is!
Have a 35" pony balloon.
Washington DC Brony Meetup Writeup
So many cupcakes....
Have a writeup!
Ebay/Merch Stuff
Twilight Sparkle Painting
Custom ANYTHING Commission
Equestria Daily News
My Nightly Roundup editor went to bed, so feel free to yell at me with anything wrong up above.
Tomorrow is Rarity day, because she has never had a day.
(Even if it means nothing)
Fic report for Tuesday, August 23, 2011
- Fics received today: 9
- Fics that received Feedback today: 14
- Fics still awaiting feedback: 14
- Fics approved: 5
- Total new fics scheduled for posting: 6
- Total fic updates scheduled for posting: 8
- Fics sent back for revision and/or proofreading: 10
82 kommentaari:
Oh, my, those Rainbow Dash postcards look fancy.
VastaKustutaAs does the cake...
Hell, anything Rainbow Dash is just plain awesome.
Damn, I want one of those postcards.
VastaKustuta*has a sudden mental image of a Darkwing Duck/MLP crossover*
VastaKustutaIf it could be written well, it could have some definite possibilities.
Should hire another editor, I'm sure a whole lot of fine people would stay up to deal with you, Seth.
VastaKustutaSynchtube post "More info int he image below!" Might wanna fix that ;)
I sense that the custom plush will end up being a terrifying sum at the end of the auction, if the Fluttershy one was any indication.
VastaKustutaRD cupcakes? Can't. Unsee.
VastaKustutaAlso Seth dearie,
VastaKustuta"Apparently its filled with G3.5 merch. I cried a little bit. Cool bag though!"
Between the period after "bit" and "Cool" extra space or two.
I wasn't implying anything above, was I? Dohoho.
~looks around~ Oh crap, Nopony has done it yet...
VastaKustutaFIRST! er.. second?
oh and... Cant wait for season 2!
My Heart rate increased when i saw
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie Rainbow Dash and Cupcakes in the same sentance
It'd be nice to now exactly which air times of MLP are the new episodes and which ones are re-runs. Oh well, looks like I'll just have to watch all of them. ^.^
VastaKustutaYeah, our situation here in Brisbane/Australia is pretty woeful. We don't have the Hub/Boomerang, so technically we don't have Gen. 4 ponies at all.
VastaKustutaYeah, Seth, reason it's filled with 3.5 merch? Australia's looking like it will be the last place to get the cartoon, so we'll also probably be the dumping ground for all their extra 3.5 merch if they finally decide to get their asses in gear and make g4 stuff.
VastaKustutaone of those fic updates scheduled better be past sins
VastaKustutaWell Celestia be damned, an Aussie brony beat me to it.
The only bronies from Aus I've met are my group of friends, I swear, there appear to be no others in Brisbane.
Darkwing Pegasus and his arch-nemesis Negapony?
VastaKustutaGet on it!
Haha. The X at the end of my name was a signoff on the email Mr. Seth. Its just 'Magnet' :P
You should have posted my daughter's zombie ponies :P
VastaKustutaThank Luna
I thought we were in small numbers.
Nicholas is the name, my stoppen grounds are the Riverina region down in upper Victoria and lower New South Wales
Its so nice to see some Aussie Bronys around, we get shit all down here eh?
I did hear a rumor that ABC 1 or 2 was going to pick it up, but i haven't heard a thing since.
VastaKustutaAnd *you* should have posted the link.
VastaKustutaRAMBO DASH
oh god i lold so hard
someone draw this
Different colored frosting doesn't have different flavors?!
VastaKustutainorite? She's just missing the M60.
Nope. Sugar is Sugar.
VastaKustutaPlain hot golden cupcake is the way to go.
"Wish my job took 10 seconds" Don't we all, Seth, don't we all... lol
VastaKustutaI'd so go to that San Antonio meet, but that's a pretty long ways. The Dallas meet is already a good drive for me.
Canvas bags look nice. But yeah, G3.5 stuff, ugh. Bag I am disappoint.
Pretty cool on the college newspaper. Hope to see the rest he sneaks ponies into as well. Like how he did it too, nice and subtle. ;)
Ooh, RD postcards! Hmm.. somehow I don't think swimming across the ocean would be a good idea though... but nice.
Those cupcakes and that cake made me hungry. And that cake is simply awesome. Way over 20% cooler. I so want that cake for my Birthday next month.
I saw someone else mention that one episode leading up to Season Two idea too. Fun little idea.
That Season Two tribute video was cute.
Of course 5 year old's watch the show, Seth! lol They are the target audience and despite our large numbers, they also have large viewer numbers. :P That pic makes me giggle though. :>
And Rarity has never had a day? What blasphemy is this?!
Gonna' hit that SA meetup like a boss.
VastaKustutaWell, I hope this finally puts the kibosh on all this "Hasbro hates us!" and "Hasbro doesn't know about us!" nonsense that a few people have been insistent on.
VastaKustutaRarity never had a day? We cannot let such a crime against fabuloscity go uncorrected!
VastaKustutaI would prefer a crossover with Rescue Rangers, Fluttershy would have a literal fun filled fullfilling field day with them and Foxglove would scare Pinkie without trying.
Also has anyone forgotten the 'negaverse' episode and the cake that leads to it in a bakery... IN A BAKERY...(not a subtle hint)
Come on pony fanfiction writers! You've overused the Twilight teleport excuse. Ever try the interdimensional cake idea before? For more Originality make a pony go down the donut hole at Pony Joe's.(At least make it a Funnel Cake if you just have to have cake for humorous effect)
VastaKustutaAw, those are adorable! I should take some pictures of my son's custom ponies sometime, he makes them into boys by cutting off their hair and painting them :) They actually look kinda cool.
WHAT the FUCK is 'Dues Ex?' No, seriously, I will not stand for this horrific mangling of a great game series, no matter how much pony is in it. Grrr.
VastaKustutaApparently, Rainbow Dash tastes good in everything.
VastaKustutaugh... and I just moved from san antonio to the east coast.
VastaKustutaGoosebumbs! loved that show as a kid =]
VastaKustutaAnd are there any syctubings of the episodes for us bronies who don't live in the USA/Canada?
Really sorry to ask but is there anyway you could include my new brony page for Australia in tomorrows round up? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bronies-Of-Australia/193115470754523 would be much appreciated :P
VastaKustutaI expect the "little kids don't watch Friendship Is Magic" argument to totally get blown out of the water in a few years from now, when many, many young artists start showing up online with a strangely familiar style. :)
VastaKustuta"Can you imagine growing up with something as awesome as FiM? This show makes Darkwing Duck and Tailspin look like Steamboat Willie."
VastaKustutaGah! I'm in Austin, but that's the night that they are coming to give me access to the Hub. Cruel, cruel world - making me choose between ponies and bronies.
Rainbow Dash Cupcakes eh? - with just a touch of rainbow right?
VastaKustutaPlus Cereal.. go to that meetup.
I'm allergic to meetups.
VastaKustutaSeptember 16, me, couch, laptop, pony marathon!
VastaKustutaWait, Batman: The Animated Series is gonna be on the Hub now too? That channel is now even MORE awesome.
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie Cupcakes & a Rainbow Dash Cake that isn't a lie, today is a good day ~
VastaKustutaDoes anybody else think Rarity's hot in that pic? Or is it just me? X3
VastaKustutaFor me, Season 2 is going to suck. Netflix replaced TV for me, so I'll have to wait until the eps get on You Tube (If they do). :/
The earlier time slot is going to make me miss half the episode! :(
VastaKustutaThank the stars for YouTube bronies. Looks like I'm going to be relying on you guys this season.
-Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria
Season two is probably going to take aaaages to air over here in the UK. I never get up early enough to actually watch any of the episodes, though, I should probably record them
VastaKustutaAnyway, I'll be relying on YouTube... I don't like the fact that I have to watch it on there, but I need my fix, dammit!
Rainbow Dash cupcakes? *gulp* That story has ruined me...
VastaKustutaThose muffin actually look quite good.
VastaKustutaRainbowdash... cupcakes? ;_;
VastaKustuta>dat five-year old drawing
VastaKustuta...why can't I help but think that this was done by an adult anyways?
Thanks for posting about my radio show of the So Long and Thanks for all the Ponies. hopefully I'll get some voice talent now!
VastaKustuta"Copy Shop in Vienna Giving out Free Rainbow Dash Post Cards"
VastaKustutaIs that Vienna as in Vienna, Virginia? That's like 5 miles from where I live. If I had the address I'd be there in 10 seconds flat
Hey, even my 5-year old niece watches FiM! When she was at my place one day, I saw she had a MLP baby doll (gen 3.5, sadly) and asked her if she wanted to watch MLP with me. Sure enough, we watched Ticket Master all the way through to Boast Busters, and she loved it. She's even mentioned the Gweat and Powahful Twixie outside of the show! I'm... I'm so proud.
VastaKustutaI'm jealous of the kids who get to grow up with this show. I taught a class on web design for kids this summer, and I managed to get most of them to love the show, especially the girls. Then I realized... target audience. Makes sense. They don't know how lucky they are.
VastaKustutaI thought the same thing. Somehow it seems exaggerated. :P
Deus ex is an amazing game.
VastaKustutaDeus Ex: Human Revolution is an AMAZING game from what I have played so far, I didn't notice the pony refrence though. That makes it 20% cooler.
VastaKustutaMen In Black animated Series
Next they're gonna say they scored the syndication rights to Jackie Chan Adventures...
And My Little Pony, while still awesome, does not make Darkwing Duck look like Steamboat Willie. But I'll agree with TaleSpin made to look like an old Mickey Mouse short.
The kid's drawing was cute... But as so many children's drawing often do, the young little artist draws outside the lines and has an interesting perspective of... no uniform perspective. The thing that catches my attention the most, is my own brain has become so effected by it's epic nature, that I can't look at this exquisite drawing by a dear young fan, that I am immediately reminded of "The Spiderses" by these fine images.
VastaKustutaWhat. Is. Wrong. With. Me?
San Antonio meet up! I'm so there!
VastaKustutaSo glad the SA meetup was posted. And cereal you should consider coming. This is our first meeting. Plus if your allergic just take some claritan d and come hang out.
VastaKustutaI collect postcards! I want the Rainbow Dash postcard! But, I'm about as far away from Vienna as I can be :( :(
VastaKustutaHowever, I heartily approve of Rarity Day.
Sadly those 5 year old's drawings are better than what I can do.
VastaKustutaDude, Seth totally linked to my So Awesome video. Sweet!
VastaKustutaOn a group i made on facebook i tokd all my friends i expect a rainbow dash cakr for my 18th birthday. And they bettet get me one too >:U
VastaKustutaI thought I'd share the short link to the Washington DC Brony Meetup Writeup. It's http://oat.nu/cootaloo
VastaKustuta(Also, http://oat.nu is a MLP-themed URL shortener.)
Love those drawings.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSethisto. I feel that you went too far with talespin/ darkwing duck comment. I don't want to have to get dangerous on you
VastaKustutaWas i the only one who was horrified at the mention of Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash and cupcakes?
VastaKustutaI always loved that pic in the EQ daily news spot... THe greyscale pic with Rarity. I also hated it for not having any color. You cannot have a mare as regal and fetching looking as her in just plan ol greyscale. I went and added a little splash of color to it. Mainly her mane, tail and eyes. Really tho, why has that pic not been fully worked on and colored?
VastaKustutaAwesome news is awesome. I would like a few of the free post cards O.O tho I dont live there.
Hasbro likes us. HAY YEA!
I want an RBD cake like that O.O I would have SOOOO much trouble eating it though
VastaKustutaIf somepony would please set up a brony meetup somewhere in the Florida Panhandle, that would be nice. That is, if you want to... If it's not too much trouble...
Screw that crap. I'm willing to believe that David Serif loves himself some Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaI see no difference between the 5 year old's drawing of Rarity and the Show's rarity, they both look like puffy Marshmallows.
VastaKustutaAs I regularly read Furry Experience... I approve so very hard <3
VastaKustutaSilly 5 year old, Twilight doesn't have blue in her hair!
VastaKustuta*joins the general Brisbane residents whining about lack of G4 ponies chorus*
VastaKustutaI want to go into a toy store and purchase a Pinkie Pie, dammit.
That said, I am officially covetting a 3-year-old's birthday cake. This might make me a bad person.
Why must you insult my beloved Darkwing Duck? I had a very happy childhood thanks to Drake Mallard, thank you very much!
VastaKustutaDarkwing duck wohooo! Rarity day wohoooo!
VastaKustuta"I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the batteries that are not included."
So awesome stuff.
I find it amusing that the plushie artist made such a high quality Fluttershy that ebay actually pulled it for copyright infringement. So now he/she has to list the auction in a round-about fashion to keep it from being removed again. My money says the winner will want the Fluttershy design.
VastaKustutaFrom an Aussie brony:
VastaKustutathe other day i was walking through school, and i just happened to be whistling "winter wrap-up" as i walked. i went past one of the art rooms that had a senior class in it (i'm in year 9) but i just kept whistling. i glanced inside to see one of the students had turned in his chair and was staring straight at me with a huge smile on his face. good to know im not the only brony in a guy only school of about 1300 students /)^3^(\
except steamboat willie is awesome.
VastaKustutaActually.. some guy at DA already did Darkwing Dash a month earlier: