• Nightly Roundup #69

    Applejack hasn't had a nightly roundup in a while!  I've always considered her an early to bed, early to rise style pony though. 

    Have some news!

    Pony Size Theory #2!

    They are...so tiny.

    Summer Sun Celebration, Massive Pony Convention Planned

    Another huge convention is being planned out in Michigan.  Have some copy paste!

    My fellow bronies and I from Canterlot.net are planning to host a large convention at the Lansing Center in Lansing, Michigan but in order for us to do so we need help from the community. There is nothing we want more than to have all of you that are interested to be able to come and enjoy the festivity's we are planing for this two day event, but in order for it to come to fruition we need support.

     All the information you need and more can be found at: http://rockethub.com/projects/2659-the-summer-sun-celebration-brony-convention

    If any of the information is lacking and you want to know more, you can e-mail me at [email protected]

    Notice: This is not a simple meet up, this is a full blown annual convention in the works, we expect to have over 1,000 people make the trip for this, but once again I can not stress how important it is that we gain your support.

    Colbert's SuperPac Word Cloud

    We kind of snuck in.  At least some of our keywords are hangin out.

    You can find the actual page for it here!

    The Writers Block

    I get a lot of short stuff I can't do a whole lot with for the sake of not filling the front page with...short stuff.

    So have it!

    First off is a Trixie poem based on Makkon's Waltz for Trixie.  You can find it here!

    And Poultron has created a short expansion to Quest for Friendship Stones.  You can find that at it's story post here!

    Pony Cake! 

    Or image macro cake?  I'd kill for some chocolate cake right about now. 

    GoComics Posts Ponies?

    It might be a subtle non-g4 related shoutout, but ponies did pop up in Frankencuddles.  You can find it here!

    Pinkie Pie / Spike Tattoos

    These ponies are CRAZY!  I have considered a small Twilight Sparkle somewhere though...

    Console/Video Game Brony Groups

    A few new groups have popped up specifically for gamers looking for fellow pony lovers to blow stuff up with.  One is a steam group, the other is a full on website.  You can find both below.

    Console Brony Steam Group

    MLP "I'd Like to be a tree" Reddit Community

    For those of you out there who take part in the cannabis consumption scene, a MLP reddit has been set up specifically for you! If you feel like watching FiM with your fellow Stony Ponie's, you can find the page for it here!

    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Major League Pony Shirt
    NMM Watercolour Painting 
    Pinkamena Diane Pie

    Equestria Daily News

    This will be me in 6 hours. 

    I apologize to those of you who are at the receiving end of my morning email rampages. 

    Update Queue
    Merely a Mare (Update 4th Interlude!)
    The Eversleep (Update Parts 7!)
    Bridled Fury (Update Part 10!)
    Of Gods and Demons (New Part 5!)
    Blazing Glory (Update Part 12)
    Sunshine and Fire (Update Part 3!)
    The Romancing Quest (Update Part 11!)
    Progress (Updated Complete!)
    A New Breed (Update Part 15!)

    122 kommentaari:

    1. I'm more of a night person than a morning person...

      Good round up too

    2. So, using a rough estimate: Foal ponies would be three apples tall?

    3. They missed "Little" in the Colbert Cloud.

    4. showmetheblueprints17. august 2011, kell 04:15

      MLP "Tatoos" = drawn on with markers

    5. Small, maybe. But easier to pick them up and hug them then, right? :>

      Hmm, a full blown convention in Michigan. I've lived in MI before. Kinda miss it. Then again, I've been all over for work and all. lol A thousand people though, whew. That's a tough goal to accomplish. At least for a first year. For any convention. I wish them all the best with it.

      Yeah, I saw someone mention the Colbert Word Cloud earlier. Good chance after the Brony shout out, they just kinda snuck that in there to see if anyone would notice it. ;)

      I really liked the Trixie poem. Thought it was quite nicely done.

      More delicious pony cakes. I absolutely love the words on it too, hilarious. Anyone keeping track how many cakes we're up to now? lol

      And that already is me right now.

    6. Sweet, I've always pictured the ponies being about waist high; nice to see my assumptions back up by visual evidence.

      And that is one awesome cake.

    7. Or, the apples are just very large...


    8. Wait..... isn't 69 suppose to be derpy? :/

    9. Wow, a pony convention is one of last things I expected to happen in my hometown. I guess Lansing isn't so boring after all. I might have to check it out.


    11. "Love" and "Tolerance" are also in the second picture, the "What I Heard" one.

    12. Applejack is best pony. Oh, and apparently itty-bitty, but she packs a hell of a kick.

    13. *notices Nightly Roundup number followed by picture of Octavia in the submission*

    14. Damn. I want whatever Seth is on. I'd do just about anything for 6 hours to be a pony.

    15. I always thought that the ponies would be around 3 feet tall. This is kind of based off seeing Shetland ponies as a kid. Looking at pictures of Shetland ponies right now, I'm willing to bet that they were at least part of the inspiration for Earth ponies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:289-o-Galant-SWE-71-SH-03.jpg

    16. Based on their relative size to other objects as I watched the series I always figured they are about as big as a medium-large dog when on all fours so this sounds roughly right, though I would lean a little closer to 4ft

      The scaling of the ponies in comparison to other objects is not always perfectly consistent, due to the fact it is a cartoon.

    17. why am i not asleep?
      Oh yeah...


      We love you Seth.

    18. I've actually always thought ponies are about the size of a medium to large dog... that analysis just about proves it.

      >Big pony convention
      >I live half way across the globe


    19. To the person who did the size chart,

      Just so you know 3D AKA real ponies/horses are measured in 'hands' and not feet. Also horses are only measured up to their withers which is the highest point above their front shoulders.

      I'm not trying to be a nitpick but having horses makes me cringe at a lot of basic things like this. It makes me happy though seeing all the attention to detail in the show each gait is done perfectly for the earth ponies.


    20. From personal experience, I can tell you that ponys are not much bigger in real life.

    21. What would Rarity say? D:

    22. showmetheblueprints17. august 2011, kell 05:20


      How is any of that relevant? It would be ridiculous to have that scale be in hands not feet, because then they would have to explain what a hand is.

    23. You missed "Tolerance" under "CONGRESS" in the Colbert Super PAC.

    24. 69?
      (Massive air guitar solo)

      (Ah, Bill and Ted, been a a long time since I watched that film. One of the few shows that did time travel right.)

    25. oh man I seriously hope that con happens....I would get on a plane for that. ;u;

    26. Wow, the potheads had to ruin a super cute scene from this great show too? Great...

    27. Re: Pony Size...

      3 foot 4in... hmm, around 100cm, or, to use the terminology associated with real ponies 10 hands (but that's to the head not to the whithers). Small, but Shetland type size rather than Mini...

    28. @showmetheblueprints

      There is an official measurement chart for horses... As the person above stated 10 hands to the head not withers. Not to mention the ponies heads in the show are always up.


      There you go. That's how the anon above is relevant.

    29. 69 the magic number. (The one that causes people's ears to perk up)

      The first thing that came into my head when I saw the pony size picture was AOOB!!!

      That cake is NOT a lie

      I wouldn't be surprised if every stoner in the world that could afford a TV watched MLP.

    30. Yay, the pic i inspired is round-up worthy.

    31. In six hours, Seth'll be a filly with mastery over thuh bass?

      Th're can be only one reason for this: Trixie!

    32. I always measured ponies by the universal cupcake scale, but I guess apples are more consistent.

      (That cupcake could just be a really tiny cake)

    33. I'm a morning person! Fear my ability to go to bed at 3am and wake up at 8am!! Bwahaha...

      The sizing chart is interesting, but I think I agree more with the last one I saw before. It was trying to compare relative size to that of a Human using the hands technique. I didn't save it (like a dummy) but it had Celestia in it too...she turned out to be huge. o_o

    34. It annoys me a bit that all the cons (Gencon, E3, etc.) are all in the US (near 20h flight from Australia. Awesome.) including the Brony one.

      If the collection goes well enough though, I might feel generous enough to fuel it even more. Much more. *wink*

    35. If that con happens, I'll be there. Yay living relatively nearby!

    36. Wow, I didn't thinking anyone actually read my Apple Scale size theory. o_O. This second one seems good, but the apples appear too small comparison to the pony.

    37. The problem with the size calculation is that it assumes that the apples are the size of our regular apples. However equestria is a bountiful magical land where is is possible for fruit to grow much larger in size, this is backed up by the reletively large size of the apples compared to the trees from which they hang. I'm more inclined to believe that they are roughly 5-6 feet high.

    38. Finally us stoners are getting some attention! I'm actually attempting to draw a Jerry Garcia pony right now.

      KNEW IT.

    40. If Apple Jack is 3'4 imagine how tiny her dog is.

      That's no border collie; that's a damn Pomeranian herding those cattle.

    41. @98abaile

      See, now the problem there is that there's been nothing to even suggest that apples are magically enhanced to be bigger at all. That's completely an assumption on your part. Given Applejack's proud nature, I'd be more inclined to assume she would purposefully keep away from such things and grow apples the old fashioned way.

    42. Dat Octavia!

      Here is the order of which pony I think gets up when in the morning.

      Applejack--ass crack of dawn
      Twilight--early morning except winter wrap up
      Rarity--early enough for market goers
      Pinkie Pie--10ish
      Rainbow Dash--noon.

    43. Well, now that we know what a regular pony's height is, what is Celestia and Luna's height?

    44. Hey, that's a really useful size reference!
      It allows me to answer a question I've had for a while: how much does a pony weigh?
      I estimated AJ's volume using those measurements:
      Her head is approximately a sphere with diameter 16".
      Her torso (shoulder to hip) is a cylinder 12" long with diameter 8", with an additional half-sphere on each end of 8" diameter.
      Her legs are each roughly a cylinder 16" long and 4" across.
      That gives a total volume of roughly 3820 cubic inches. Assuming an average density equal to water (the air spaces like lungs balance out heavier components like bones) and fetching the density of water at body temperature from Wolfram Alpha (0.03588 lbs per cubic inch) I come out with 137 lbs. So, yeah, you're not going to be scooping these guys up in your arms very easily.

    45. @pmcollectorboy
      I don't think Twi gets up that early. She's a night owl.

    46. @pmcollectorboy
      Sounds spot on, though Fluttershy would have a bizarre sleep schedule since I'm sure she takes care of nocturnal animals too. I imagine she power-naps a lot. Same goes for Twilight -- she's essentially a college student and they're not known for their reliable sleep schedules. Rainbow Dash would likely just sleep however late she wanted and nap at random, so long as her job is taken care of.


      There's my original Apple Scale chart, which I assume this new one is referencing. It's got the heights of the various Pony types listed, though I should probably redo it to be a little more concise now that I think of it.

    47. @Anonymous

      They didn't ruin anything. I don't take part in the pot smoking scene, but if people want to get together and watch ponies, let them enjoy themselves.

      Also, what up reddit? [](/c22)

    48. In other news: Brony State page is gone
      "This site has been suspended due to abuse"
      aw now what am I gonna do with myself on fridays?

    49. Apple/size chart is really cool....I'm always trying to find the exact sizes of characters as well. However, one thing I learned is that it's actually a bit silly, because scales like that are rarely accurate. 3' 4" would pretty much make them miniature horses, not ponies, and although yes, they do seem small when scaled with apples, they also seem large when scaled with certain other stuff. Who knows though....I don't think there's much point putting TOO much thought into it, as with many animated shows, the proportions are not always too accurate. :P

      Also, another very obvious factor is that the apples were almost certainly shown bigger than they would be in real life, so they would be easier to see. That, or maybe they just grow really big apples. I say we measure them up to things other than apples, because again, for aesthetic reasons, I doubt the apples are to scale. In either case, it's still a cool scale.

      Now I wish I lived in Michigan....

    50. Well Its ok they have migrated to a new domain

    51. I think Winter Wrap Up is the earliest anypony has gotten up Ponyville, even by Applejack's standards. So it shows Twilight has flexibility. I'm not sure when she got up during Bridle Gossip. Maybe she runs on cappuccino.

      @pony measurements. Surely the pegasus ponies can't be that dense. Also, the fruit could be growing bigger than real life through inherent magic of the land. Not explicit magic like Twilight. See Strawberry Shortcake(the new one doesn't count)

    52. @I Like PIE
      I used apples for my scaling because, as mentioned in the image itself, it was the only readily reliable item that was unlikely to be altered in overall scale. Hand (hoof?) made objects would naturally be designed to suit the size of their creator, so naturally-grown foods seemed to be the next best bet. It's an average and not meant to be perfectly precise.

      Naturally we have to allow wiggle room for the animators as well. The ponies' proportions and other objects shift sizes a lot, but I feel this is a safe approximation for their overall scales.

    53. @Kurogo

      That makes sense, although I think 98abaile made a good point: their apples are quite likely to be bigger than ones in 'our world'. I think it would be best to take a few more references first. After all, look at AppleJack compared to her dog (which is presumably standard size). :)

    54. @I Like PIE
      The qualm I have with assumptions on 'magic in the land' by 98abaile or pmcollectorboy is that there's been nothing in the show to support the idea. Applejack herself has said (in song, mind you) that they need 'proper care and sunshine'. Proper care may include magic, but seeing as how there's absolutely nothing to support that notion, I doubt it.

      Like I said though, I think I need to go back and take another swing at the sizing chart. I can already think of a few other natural-grown items I could use for sizing comparisons, which can either support or break my theories so far. I'll post it up on Ponychan later.

    55. @Kurogowell first off, I have to ask did you realize that the actual measurement for a pony is made in hand which are also 4inches? the average for a pony IRL is approximately 14 hands tall? wait if the 10 hands is correct then how tall Is Celly?

    56. @Rainbow_derp
      The whole point of the scaling chart is that we can't use standard real-world equine measurements to figure out the ponies' sizes. We can't assume they're the exact same size as real-world ponies; they are My 'Little' Ponies, after all. Besides, in my chart, I averaged the apples to be about 4 inches tall anyway, so the measurements still stand against the hand scale you offered.

      Check my link -- the scale chart has Celestia and Luna in it.

    57. In Ticket Master, the Apple was almost the size of Spike's face. I wonder how tall Spike is. Or maybe you could use the donuts of the last episode. Or the worm in Applebuck Season.

    58. Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

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      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

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      Seth is a furry

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      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

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      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

      Seth is a furry

    59. @pmcollectorboy
      I'm going to assume you meant the big shiny red apple he ate, which was significantly bigger than the rest. Not a good scale, nor are donuts or other baked goods since their sizes can easily be manipulated. Worms also vary wildly in size, so that's no good. Spike is about the same size as a filly though. I'll need to include him in my updated chart.

      I was going to use apples again, though I was also going to other natural foods that we've seen. Carrots and Lemons come to mind, though I'm sure there are more examples to be had as well.

    60. Okay.. so like one day, at magic camp.. Seth and I came upon Trixie behind the dining hall. It was so hot out.. you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. Well, Trixie.. she found the hose and was cooling herself off with it. Man, she looked soooo fine all dripping wet like that. So, before she could run away, Seth jumped her and held her down, making sure she couldn't scream for help as he unzipped and stuck it in her face. 'Take this hose, bitch!' he said as I slipped in behind her and....

    61. Oh I've got it. Use the bison of Over a Barrel. Or you could compare them against the apples as well if they're smaller than earth bison.

    62. Seth is cccd9

      Seth is cccd9

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      Seth is cccd9

      Seth is cccd9

    63. @pmcollectorboy
      That runs into the same problem -- there's no telling if the Bison, Cows, Mules, Pigs, Dogs, Cats, Birds, and other animals in Equestria are all the same size as their real world counterparts. If they are, then it further cements the idea of how small the Ponies are by comparison. In Applebuck Season, the top of Applejack's head comes up to just a little more than half a cow's height. According to Wikipedia, the average Holstein cow's height is 58 inches (about 4.8 feet tall) at the shoulder, meaning Applejack would be less than 3 feet tall. My scale put's the average Earth pony at 28 inches tall (about 2.3 feet tall).

      Maybe I should start a thread on Ponychan for this kind of discussion... it's terribly interesting.

    64. The "Video Game Brony Groups" news seems to be missing a link... might it be THIS perchance?


      Will be changing to THIS on Thursday at 4pm (U.S. Central Time)


    65. So the ponies are 1 meter tall? This was expected seems like a good round measurement. And to that Anon at 9:09 due to technicality we are all furries.

    66. It seems like a good size to me, honestly if the ponies were any bigger their proportions would be kind of freaky

    67. Of course the ponies are small!

      I mean, it's "My *Little* Pony", not "My Really Big Ponies".

      Besides, small is fine, that makes them that much more cuddly!

    68. Adult Ponies seem to average somewhere between 2 and 4 feet tall. We'll keep throwing science at the problem until we get a better answer.

    69. So how about pony cock sizes. I figured ponyfags would be experts in the subject.

    70. What the filly? Seriously. Do you anonymous preteens have anything better to do? Go back to pretending being good at Halo deathmatches makes you some kind of god.

    71. @pmcollectorboy
      Objectively speaking, it's a mildly valid question since we're discussing pony physiology. However, to keep in favor of a G rating, let's not feed the parasprite.

    72. @Kurogo

      Well, do you all walk funny? Or are they small enough that you don't have to?

    73. The ponies only have anatomy in the fanfics. ^.~

      I know Lauren Faust said that foals are made the old fashioned way when talking about the parents, but that's how I see it.

    74. @pmcollectorboy

      The old fashioned way? So you *do* walk funny..

    75. Yes I do. I lost my leg in an industrial accident.

    76. @pmcollectorboy

      Ohh.. so you have to use a stool of some sort while some pony is pushing your... well.. stool.

    77. They call that a wheelchair. Keep up with me now. Wheeeeeeelchaaaaaair. Want me to spell it for you? I'm sure you should be learning how pretty soon at your current grade level. And I'm quite capable of getting around by myself. I've got arms and a brain. One that's sharper than yours. What do you have besides anonymity and empty hate?

    78. @pmcollectorboy

      Ohhh.. so you don't need a stool when the ponies are pushing in yours? Okay.

      What do I have? Well, no ponies up my ass for one..

    79. Yeah. Nice try. But you're still using the same tired tactics based on limp wristed assumptions about us. You seem to have an extreme fascination with poop, though. Maybe that's what you have besides hate.

      Anyway. Moving along. I think I hear your wet nurse calling your name.

    80. @pmcollectorboy

      The only one with a poop fetish that I see is the pony that's packing in yours.

      My wet nurse? Great! At least she's female... not some male pony pounding my ass.

    81. So who's going to do something about this roach problem?

    82. Same tactics as before. Same assumptions. Again. I take it you specialize in voyeurism since you seem to know a lot about all of us bronies and me especially. "Ho hum. Look at me scoring points playing the game of trolling the bronies just for liking a show because my life is nowhere near as interesting because my cartoons sucked as much as my childhood."

      Is that you, Doctor Rainbow?

    83. @pmcollectorboy

      Sommmmewhereeee overrrr the rainnnnbow.. a pegasus is crapping on youuuu..

      ..and your car.

      Well not *you*.. cos you're packing that pegasus so tight. Returning the favor and all.

    84. Hmm. All out of parasprite food. Oh no wait. I've got cupcakes.

      I don't have a car. I have an automatic can am. The only thing Rainbow Dash does for me is act as copilot. My other vehicle is Airwolf. In there she's my radar officer and weapons specialist. I seem to have noticed a lot of pigeon poop around your baby stroller though and a lot of poop in your diapers.

      Okay NOW I'm out of food.

    85. @pmcollectorboy

      You're still going? Ha! You got more balls than anyone else here.


    86. Wow. Is there any other fandom that produces such a neverending well of talent besides Friendship is Magic? The videos. The songs. Proud to be a Brony. Now a waltz and a poem?

      Back on topic but this stuff is good.

    87. Stop feeding the parasprite.

    88. @pmcollectorboy

      Yeah. Furries. They do a ton of the pony stuff cos a lot of the bronies are furries.

    89. I always figured they were about that tall. Good then. My human in Equestria story that will never make it to the internet is secure. :)

    90. What? No Gulliver's Travels cross over? Giant ponies sounds amusing.

    91. Sean, the Forty-Something Brony17. august 2011, kell 13:07

      Stoner bronies, eh? I had always figured a cold beer or three was the preferred intoxicant for an evening of pony-watching. Eh, to each their own.

    92. I live in Michigan, but Lansing is a bit of a drive just to go to a brony convention... come to think of it, that sounds odd anyway.

    93. Kill me, I'm a PONY17. august 2011, kell 13:22



      WANT NAO (the real story (with all the satire transported to the ponyverse), not just Lilliput)

    94. hehehe...it says #69.
      *immature giggles*

    95. I figured they'd be pretty small. I'd have guessed like three-and-a-half, maybe four feet. Besides, if there's anything I learned from the American Godzilla movie, it's that size really doesn't matter: you could be as big as you f*cking want, but if you lose to the military, you're not the real f*cking Godzilla. Ponies, meanwhile, would very easily overtake the entire Earth, what with all the brainwashed minions that are spread throughout the populace.

      ...My God, they could make a movie out of that.

    96. Aren't real ponies about that big anyway? Makes sense....

    97. UNRELATED! http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/photos/24-disappointed-facepalms

    98. That cake looks delicious.

    99. A full blown con just west of me? That would be awesome! Long live MI and recall Rick! I mean...love and tolerate Rick.

    100. I was wondering if any one got a cap of the Colbert word cloud.

    101. I stayed up all night waiting for this. I fell asleep at 7:oo A.M. and when I woke up it was its 6:00 PM. Darn.

    102. @Kurogo
      >There's my original Apple Scale chart, which I assume this new one is referencing. It's got the heights of the various Pony types listed, though I should probably redo it to be a little more concise now that I think of it.

      That chart states that the red dragon was the largest creature depicted, but it wasn't that much bigger than an Ursa Minor, which of course was just a baby and by comparison made the adult mommy Ursa Major look Godzilla-sized. Any calculations or thoughts on the size of a full grown Ursa?

    103. As much as I love the thought that's gone into the height chart, I don't think there's too much point really over-analyzing it, as so much liberty is taken with most shows, and proportions are often inconsistent. Less than 4' is REALLY small for a pony, and even though they are 'little ponies', I still doubt they would be that small though.

      Someone like Celetia seems to be a fully sized horse (Twilight called the mice things in ep 26 'horses, and they are smaller than Celestia), although that's certainly something I can't prove, but the ponies still aren't too small compared to her.

      Either way, even though it is fun to think about, and try to figure out, I think that it's probably meant to be sort of ambiguous, and we shouldn't draw any conclusions. At least, not until comparing them to a lot of other objects.

    104. I accept this. Not all bronies are furries, and not all furries are bronies... but a few are both furries and bronies..


    105. Pony size theory, I applaud you for using the correct measurement of "hands".

    106. @Brongaar

      A few? Just the MLP:FIM group on Fur Affinity has 1100 members. It's a lot.. not a few.

    107. @KurogoI meant that it's a magical fairytale place where normal rules don't apply (like the weather), so it is perfectly possible that they could be larger than normal apples (even if grown organically).

    108. I bet Seth never has been laid ever. He is also forever alone.

    109. But that means Octavia is still too big to play cello standing up.

    110. Very clever of you to use natural objects to measure height Kurogo. I agree that it's pretty interesting to try and figure out this kind of stuff too, lol, even though it can sometimes be really hard, as a lot of stuff in animated shows will be inconsistent for various reasons.

      I'm not sure if apples are the best thing to measure with however, as even though they are natural objects, visually, they would probably be scaled up in size, just so they are easier to see. A pony holding a teeny, tiny apple wouldn't be nearly as aesthetically pleasing, and since they're used a lot, they must look good and be easy to see, no matter if the size is on or not (gotta pay attention to that silhouette, lol). I guess there aren't too many natural objects that are consistent in size to compare them to. However, I think Zecora could be a good candidate. The smallest zebras are about 3.5 feet at the shoulder, and the ponies seem to be about the same height as Zecora. So this would make them around 5 feet tall at the tops of their heads, at least, and possibly 400-500 POUNDS! So unless Zecora is a midget zebra, that does seem to fit, or at least come somewhat close.

      Again though, things like this tend to be very inconsistent in animated shows, and are by no means conclusive (if you've ever watched the SpongeBob episode with the chimps, you'll see what I mean....chimps as small as a squirrel? lol). I think it is probably meant to be a bit ambiguous too, so I think for that reason there's not much point thinking about it TOO much, although it is certainly interesting.
