• Nightly Roundup #66


    Have some news!

    Minecraft Giveaway

    ShadowArk on Ponychan is giving away two copies of Minecraft, both for pretty much nothing!

    The first copy will given out randomly to a pool of people who email him at Shadowoftheark@gmail.com.

    The second will be given to the best drawing of the CMC in their Showstoppers outfits. 

    The deadline for both is August 31st.

    Again, all submissions go to Shadowoftheark@gmail.com

    Celestia Radio Fanfic Readings

    The people over at Celestia Radio are looking for suggestions for live fanfiction readings on Fridays.  If you want to suggest something, hit up the comments section here

    Pony Sculpture Events from Eneha! 

    Have some copy paste from Eneha over at the free custom clay pony forums!
    -The winner of the sitting Lyra giveaway is the brony TechnoFox. I'll have another giveaway next month, and will post a thread about it on my forums when I have an update (http://eneha.forumotion.com)
    -I have another raffle, but this time people can only buy 1 ticket each at $1, so everyone has an equal chance. ^^; It's for this filly Derpy with her muffins: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/192/f/5/filly_derpy_by_eneha-d3n6piv.jpg Details will be posted on the forums/my DA
    -I'm holding a "silent auction" for my Gilda sculpture http://eneha.deviantart.com/art/Grumpy-Griffon-221243576 All you have to do is email me your highest "bid," and whoever bid the highest by Tuesday wins.
    -Last but not least, I have a Doctor Whooves and Dalek sculpted pair on eBay for a 5 day auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260834821078&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

    Trixie Chrome Theme

    Best pony? Yep.

    You can download it here!

    Friendship is Magic: KZSC Radio

    Another radio station is going to be playing a bunch of pony stuff today at 4:00 PM-6:00 PM Pacific Time

    You can find the website for it here!

    Crochet Ponies for Charity

    Socchan is doing a charity thing for Crochet ponies over on Livejournal

    If you are interested in joining the auction community, check out this link!
    You will need an account in one of the following to participate:  LiveJournal, Facebook, Twitter, OpenID, Google, Mail.Ru, or Vkontakte.

    PDF Story Gallery Updates

    You can find the gallery here!

    The Eversleep
    Luna's Day Out
    A Broken Bond
    My Little Metro
    The Somber Colection (5 Oneshots by Somber)
    Jack and the Ponies
    Calling the Shots
    The Natural Order
    First Light of Dawn
    Elements of Discord
    Two Truths and a Skye
    Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons

    New Abridged Series Looking for More 

    Another Abridged series needs more people to flesh out their cast a bit.  You can find their opening video with information here!

    And some copypaste:
    This is My Little Equine: Friendship is Worthless, an abridged series I have been working on with  editing by zbchopss. This is to spread the word around of the new series, and also to give other ponies a chance to be apart of it. We need quite a few different voices, so anypony can audition for any character you want. Feel free to adlib as well, it'll only help us understand your interpretation of the character. As of now, the auditions are completely open so get out there and show your stuff! All submissions must come to THIS video as a video response, as a Youtube PM to either ThePonySadists or MontHenryKnitly, or as an email to either ponysadists@gmail.com or monthenryknitly@aim.com

    Thank you, and enjoy the series!
    Also, WARNING: this show will be pretty vulgar, especially the first episode. So this isn't for the little Fillies out there. Thank you for your time! -MontHenryKnitly

    Comic Con Brony Report

    CapitalBrony has created this short report on the goings on over at Comic Con a few weeks ago. 

    You can find it in the google document here!

    Doctor Whooves Tops Today's Big Thing

    Over at Todaysbigthing.com, the Doctor Whoof animation has taken the number 1 slot for August 12's Entertainment section. 

    Yay Doctor Whoof. 

    You can find it here!

    More Potential Pony Holidays with Specific Ponies Attributed to Them!

    A while back I posted a bunch of potential pony celebration days (Because you all love celebrating so much).  Someone created yet another list, this one with much longer descriptions and information on each.  You can find it in the google document here!

    Mane Styling Barber

    Just in case your favorite pony friend/waifu needs a bit of touching up in the mane department, this barber shop located in Epsom, UK is open for business!

    (I realized after creating this that barbour means something else entirely, but I'm sticking with mane styling cause its cute so yah)

    Ebay/Merch Stuff
    In the Beginning Equestria Was Born

    Scratch Hat

    Rarity Designs
    Yaaah images was a bad idea, back to links!

    Custom Lyra/Bonbon Auction
    Rainbow Dash Painting

    Equestria Daily News

    Colgate Day! Now with 100% less nurse costume. 

    Update Queue
    Brotherhood of the Moon (Update Part 7!)
    Ask Nightmare Moon (Update Episode 2!)
    The New Dawn of the Old Night (Update Part 4!)
    MLP The (Abridged) Mentally Advanced Series (Update Episode 9!)
    Trading Places, Hooves and All (Update Part 4!)
    The Empty Room (Updated Part 17!)
    Irreplaceable (Update part 16)
    Time Heals All Wounds (Update Chapter 5!)
    Gryphon A Second Chance (Update Part 2!)
    The Sun's Song (Update Chapters 14!)

    63 kommentaari:

    1. July: Ponies in socks.

      August: Ponies in pants.

      March, 2012: Ponies in full businesswear.

    2. Dangit Seth!
      This ones only 66!
      Two derps in a row does not make a right. :P

    3. not sure what to comment.

    4. I approve of tonight's header picture.

    5. My pony with pants folder is seriously lacking.

      Don't fail me now artists.


    6. I love the new site banner! Berry Punch has somehow become my new favorite background pony... must be all the drinking that waiting for season 2 drives me to!


    7. PANTS!

      I have to admit, I laughed.

    8. they should do a live reading of spiderses

    9. Seth, you didn't put Silent Ponyville Part 7 in tonight's update que!

    10. Ponies in pants!

      I swear that Ego lady is some kind of trend setter.

      That sculpture competition looks neat! We've been seeing a lot of really nice mods/sculptures in the fandom, hope to see more!

      Otherwise this looks to be a pretty quiet day. :B

    11. Live reading? Definitely Spiderses. In full, bombastic, Doom Comic-style voiceovers.

    12. Pants are the new socks. Lyra shall lead us to panted glory!

      Yay sculpture ponies. The Dr Whooves already has a couple bids and is at almost $50. Seems like Dr Whoof sculptures and customs fetch some of the most out of anyone. Then again, a lot of them go for insane amounts so often. lol

      Someone made a Trixie theme for Chrome? That was fast. lol I already have Trixie as my heading in FF.

      Hmm, another abridged series looking for voices. That could be fun.

      Hah, I love that Dr Whoof animation. Go Dr Whoof! Yayy~

      Huh, Applejack Day is right after my Birthday. Yay, two things to celebrate. Though I hardly even celebrate my own Birthday. lol

      Also, I like nurse Colgate. :( But a Cheshiregate Cat is fine too.

    13. @TenchiFreak5

      I imagine it'd be more suited to Brian Blessed m'self... only I don't know how to contact him, I'm not sure he has a Twitter.

    14. *Looks right*
      *See's ad with a pic of a Cupcake*


    15. @Ace2401

      I'm pretty sure it's because it was uploaded at 3 AM so it'll be part of the next update queue.

    16. Ponys in pants?
      I'm ok with this
      Bring forth zee art!

    17. @Radimir


    18. Tears of a Valedictorian13. august 2011, kell 06:47

      I'm not sure if the comic con write-up link works? It might be failure on my part, though.

      Inspired by all the comic con write-ups on here and on culture sites, I might go to MCM Expo, which is like the London Comic Con, this year. The people-watching alone sounds worth the price of admission.

    19. Pantz, this must become our new meme.
      That is all.

    20. @Tears of a Valedictorian

      Thanks for the heads up. In my lack of sleep at 2:30am last night I forgot to change the doc settings in the sharing.

      It should work now! Just woke up, getting ready for day 3 of Chicago Comic Con now!


    21. Comic Con Chicago Brony Report (Aug 11/12/13/14th, 2011)

      CapitalBrony has created this short report on the goings on over at Comic Con YESTERDAY!

      You can find it in the google document here!


    22. One note about Lyra. I can't believe that no-one seems to have noticed that Lyra was the only unicorn in cloudsdale in the sonic rainboom episode. Twilight and Rarity had spells that allowed them to walk on clouds, but Lyra had no such spell.

      Look near the end of the episode, behind Celestia, and you will see her. EVERY other background pony in the episode is a pegasus except for her.

      I only noticed when I re-watched the episode, and put it on pause to go for a drink. When I came back, BOOM, there is Lyra! One of the people from the show must like her.

    23. The best thing about the Trixie theme, is that you get a confirmation window that says "Install Trixie?"
      Unfortunately my computer screen isn't tall enough to fit all of Trixie on the new tab page.

    24. Gah, I wish I had that good mic now. I'd love to do some VA'ing for the latest parody. (It'll be a first.)

    25. Lyra Lyra pants on fyra

    26. Tears of a Valedictorian13. august 2011, kell 08:35


      It's a good read man, love the Dash road movie picture too. Who is Rachel Swanson, btw? Some amazing merchandise.

    27. I am more than okay with my birthday month being Pants month.

    28. @RadimirAt least we're all nice and classy about it.

    29. Well obviously we *need* a nurse costume for Colgate, now don't we?

    30. That Google doc of pony holidays comes up short. There are three canon holidays and six previously proposed holidays that represent the Elements of Harmony and their pony avatars. So it works out like this:

      There are 6 Elements of Harmony holidays, celebrated on the 6th day of every second month.

      February 6: Honesty (Applejack)
      April 6: Kindness (Fluttershy)
      June 6: Laughter (Pinkie Pie)
      August 6: Generosity (Rarity)
      October 6: Loyalty (Applejack)
      December 6: Friendship/Magic! (Twilight Sparkle)

      Season one gives us three other holidays which are variable, depending on which hemisphere you live in and when the leaves turn. In the northern hemisphere these would be:

      Winter Wrap Up: Starts at sunrise on the day before spring arrives, this year it was March 19.
      Summer Sun Celebration: Sunrise on the solstice, this year on June 21. It is also Princess Celestia's holiday.
      Running of the Leaves: Late September through October, depending on latitude and availability of galloping ponies.

      That makes nine. I like the idea of winter solstice being Princess Luna's holiday. That would bring the total up to ten.

      The dates for the pony-specific holidays in the google doc are all over the place and difficult to remember, whereas the 6th day of every 2nd month is easy. That the proposed (Google doc) date for Twilight's holiday falls on one of the noteable meteor shower nights is nice, but easy to forget and the meteors are probably not visible in both hemispheres.

      But I think I'll steal the Luna's Winter Night Celebration holiday idea. I just need a nice phonetic alliteration...

    31. @Frith
      Dammit! I meant Rainbow Dash on the Loyalty holiday (Oct 6).

      And I meant to say that the google doc only has 8 hloidays. Here you have ten if you add in Luna's Winter Night Celebration.

    32. "Equestrian" traditionally refers to a horse-rider or someone who likes horses, if I'm not mistaken. No clue what the fuck a barbour is, though.

    33. @BronyMike

      I took the picture, so I can tell you :)

      It's not a barber shop at all, but a place that does sell gear for horse-riders - among other types of clothing.

      I think 'Barbour' is some particular brand name.

    34. Why do I not own those Lyra and Bon Bon figures? Knowing I won't win that auction gives me a sad.

    35. On another note, it's too bad I use Firefox. I'll still take a look at the Trixie theme.

    36. Whenever I see these Lyra images I think of the song in The Little Mermaid. "I want to be..where the people are..."

    37. I'm bidding on that Doctor Whoof sculpture. Why you gotta go and display it to give me more competition.

    38. Lyra in pant somehow reminds me of Dexter's dad, from Dexter's Laboratory.

      Applejack Day on Oct 6th?
      Dammit, missed my birthday by 2 days.

    39. A lot of Doctor Whoof in the Roundup today. Not that I'm complaining, I love seeing him in stuff.

      In a bit of a note relating to last nights Roundup, I found pony toys in Ireland, Tesco's in the Jervis Center in Dublin. They had a lot of Applejack toys but I managed to grab a Fluttershy.

    40. @XEN gK

      No, no! That was a typo. It's Rainbow Dash day on October 6th. The Elements of Harmony follow the sequence of trials in episode two. Rainbow Dash's trial, choosing her friends over the Shadowbolts, was the second to last trial. AppleJack's trial was the first one, that's why her holiday comes first, on February 6th. It makes it easy to remember.

    41. nice-
      i like the barber!!!
      nice ponys days too-
      -the little pony (jelly)

    42. Hello everypony!!! I just wanted to point out some things about Rarity Designs (the picture of the apple jack with the grid on it) That picture is from one of the Dry Erase boards I designed!

      I sell, playing cards, buttons, temp tattoo's, dry erase boards, party invited. Each item is completely customizable! And made the way you want it!! You can even request a template and design what you want on it and have it ordered!!! :)

      WOOOOOO so yeah. Like mah page and browse my goods :3

    43. That picture of Lyra wearing pants is unsettling to say the least.

    44. I really want to know why you guys love Trixie so much.

      I mean, she was beaten by Twilight, and Twilight is my second least favorite pony. I think thats show how loser she is.

      But the theme is just fine. Installed on my chrome. Liked the colors :D

    45. Love the PANTS! Pony and the Equestrian Barbour Shop! :D

    46. Yes, Trixie Chrome Theme! :D

    47. The barber shop was pretty cool and that radio station is currently making pretty good background jam music while I write this in anticipation of pony music. C'mon radio. Don't let me down!

      All I will say about pants is that I'm not going to say anything about pants.

    48. I love that Dr. Whoof animation to death. And I want more. And Matt Smith should totally do a guest voice as THE Horse Doctor on MLP. Make it so, Hasbro!

      Make it so, Has-bro!
      Make it so, Has-bro!
      Make it so, Has-bro!

    49. Hunh! The MLP:FIM feature is on the main channel on KZSC! I assume that means it's also over the air. Maybe they'll play some of my favorites (like Notacleverpony's Winter Wrap Up)!

    50. Remember last time(last night) a radio tried to do a pony show...we broke it

    51. Where can you go 110 MPH in the states and not get pulled over!?

    52. Doubt if anyone from KZSC is reading this, but that was great, thanks!

    53. @ KZSC, who are probably reading: Yes, that was great! And thanks for heads up on SherclopPones' "Ceep Calm and Cup Cakes" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i8t2krmRfg ) Nice one!

    54. Celestia Night and Lyra Pants? AWESOME!

    55. So we're going from socks to pants? I don't even understand the whole sock thing, how am I supposed to comprehend this?

    56. You know, I just realized, Lyra is a pony. Shes standing upright with pants on. Thats kinda odd...
