Poor girl, she can't even solve a Rubik's cube anymore...
Anyway have some news while we reverse this.
EVE Guild Looking for More
Another MMO guild is looking for more people, this time over in EVE online going by the name of [The Equestrian Royal Fleet]. Some extra copypaste info:
Extra info that might help:- The Royal Fleet is anti-pirate- Will take any in-game race- Loves both Celestia and Luna- If they cannot find the corporation using the search function, they can message me in-game under the name "Atticus Lepidus"- Any player interested in joining EVE:Online should also message me at "Atticus Lepidus"
Stanford Proves that Giggling at the Ghostly is The Best Way to Deal With Fear
A new study at Stanford University on the effect of jokes on negative imagery, and the results are pretty Pinkie Pie.
You can find it here!
Pony Collaboration PMV Looking for People to Join In!
A group over on Youtube is trying to do a "Multi Editor Project" style PMV for video creators. If you are interested, you can find the entire description at this link!
Yet Another Pony Podcast Episode 5
More podcast stuff, find it here!
Or the new itunes page here!
UK Pony Toys Reports
Kayleigh over in the UK found pretty much every pony toy at a store called TK Maxx Included in the available toys are:
Cheerilee sea Pony
Sweetie Belle Sea pony
Pinkie Pie bedtime
Sweetie Belle cookingSweetie Belle Sea pony
Pinkie Pie bedtime
Rainbow Dash so soft
Starsong brush and grow
Ponyville outdoor activities (I somehow forgot to get a picture of the front of the box, sorry!!)
Ponyville Ferris wheel
Ponyville picnic set
Fancy Drawings
Twilight Sparkle's Twinkling Balloon
You can find a facebook gallery of everything here!
Beatles Cover Album Brony Colaboration
The beatles album project is still under way, have a copy paste!
Me and a couple other bronies are working on a collection of Ponified Beatles Songs. (Ponychan Thread Here: http://www.ponychan.net/chan/collab/res/13630.html ) To close off the album, we want to play Sgt. Pepper / The End (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHY28R-JnR0&feature=related )
. Now, The End's guitar solo was originally recorded as a guitar duel, but instead, I want to get bronies from all over to do their own little piece of the solo and then edit them all together! So, if you can play guitar, whip up a 2 measure long solo based on this track: http://soundcloud.com/ dylan1kenobi/sgt-pepper-the- Once you've done this, post it in our thread: http://www.ponychan.end-solo net/chan/collab/res/13630.html
Can't wait to hear from all of you!!
Twilight Sparkle Balloon Half Price at Big Lots
Complete with cardboard cut-out Rarity! Hell yah!
Pony Toys Available in Costa Rica
Looks like ponies are now available in Costa Rica. The selection is a bit limited right now, still being dominated by g3.5. You can pick up the giant Celestia though!
Fillydelphia Commission Section
For those looking for an artist, Fillydelphia now has a commission section. You can find it here!
Twilight Scooter Showing Up
I don't remember Twilight Sparkle using a scooter...
Have one anyway though!
Instant Rarity Button
Equestria Daily News
I'm just gonna stick with the blogger comment system for now. Disqus is too slow.
Story Updates
My Little Western (Update Part 8!)
Age of Terra (Update Part 3!)
The Sun Is Tired (Update Part 10!)
A Tangled Web (Update Part 3!)
Manec Depression (Update Part 3!)
Skies of Equestria (Update Part 3!)
Butterscotch's Adventures in Equestria (Update Part 2!)
Luna's Best Night Ever (Update Part 5!)
Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons (Update Part 10)
Moldbreaker (Update Part 5+6!)
stayed up just for this!
ReplyDeleteSticking with Blogger? Guess I got that Disqus account for nothing. D'oh well.
ReplyDeleteTK Maxx has ponies? I'll have to check....
ReplyDelete*Yawn* *Rubs sleep from eyes* Well, this is a nice way to start the morning!
ReplyDeleteI got all excited about the sea ponies but then I noticed they were G3.5...waaaah D:
ReplyDeleteSticking with blogger? I'm cool with that.
ReplyDeleteKinda a slow news day today.
the disqus wasnt too bad. meh no preference. also, i totally stayed up just for this. curse work at 8am. ugh.
ReplyDeleteTrixie! Resist the urge to just peel off and then replace all the stickers in the 'right' spots! There is always one sticker that will refuse to go back on, and will fall off at the very worst time, making you look like the cheating scum that you are in front of all of your friends and family!... Not that I know this from personal experience, mind you. Nope, not me, nuh-uh. That was somepony else.
(You're not buying this, are you?)
Aw, sticking with blogger? But I was having ever so much fun with the Disqus comment system. Ah well.
ReplyDeletewhy are large colorful buttons so tantalizing?
ReplyDeleteHonest opinion, I'm perfectly okay with blogger, Seth. Disqus *does* carry some nifty features but *is* a royal pain in the flank - and cache.
ReplyDeleteScrew this, no UK blind bags?
ReplyDeleteI've never been able to solve a rubik's cube.
ReplyDeleteHoly Shit!! Just started EVE online 20 days ago... that game is so hardcore my imagination lacks the capacity to imagine ponies in it. Quick someone do it for me!!!
ReplyDelete>I'm just gonna stick with the blogger comment system for now. Disqus is too slow.
ReplyDeleteDO NOT WANT—oh, wait, how did I not notice the OpenID option earlier?
testing 1-2-3
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSilly Trixie, a Rubik's Cube isn't a pinecone!
ReplyDeleteLet's wait till someone puts a Rarity cutout in his/her hot air balloon. Them I'm gonna buy it off that person so bad.
ReplyDeleteSo was I the only person to notice Seth's different gmail statuses today? I think that was the real news, lol.
ReplyDeleteSilly Seth, of course she can't solve a Rubik's cube ! Her usual solving method is peeling the colors away then putting them back at the right place. She can't use that magic as a filly !
ReplyDeleteSlow? I for one can only see a minor difference
ReplyDeleteTK Maxx. Are you kidding me? That's quite possibly the UK's largest seller of sub-par designed clothing, and THEY are the ones to get all the poni? This is ridiculous. I'd give all my money to my local toy shop if they stocked it, but hey-ho, they can't.
ReplyDeleteYAY! I'M ON EQUESTIRA DAILY! FUCK YEAH! *cough* (I'm Kayleigh btw. :33 I found the ponies in TK maxx :D)
ReplyDeleteI live in the UK and never heard of TK Maxx >_>
ReplyDeleteBut from googling,they appear to be a clothes shop. Wut?
Oh well,off to use the store locator.
Poor Trixie. It's okay, I still love ya. *hugs Trixie* <3
ReplyDeleteHuh, TK Maxx. Also known as TJ Maxx over in the States. I've bought my clothing from there many a times. Though a lot of it looks like G3.5 stuff, with a little G4 thrown in as well. Interesting they're carrying this stuff. Though the TK Maxx's might be slightly different than their US counterparts in what they carry.
For the Twilight scooters, I could have sworn I saw some at Toys R Us a little while back. But I could be confusing it for another closely-related pony toy.
Heh heh, I like the Rarity button. Well, I like all those fun buttons. <3
And yay for Blogger! I prefer Blogger myself over Disqus. Though I will admit Blogger lacks in some features Disqus has. But oh well. If only Blogger would allow editing posts, I'd be happier with it. But its fast. Looks and runs smooth. And those are very important too. I, for one, welcome our Blogger overloads.
According to that FB page,the only g4 thing is Twilight's balloon?
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to understand Gmail atm and where do I see someone else's status.
Ehhh! Apart from Twilight's balloon, it looks like the TK Maxx stock is all G3.5. I've seen a couple of places selling their G3.5 ponies at knock-down prices though, so plentiful supplies of G4 goodness can't be that far off.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I can only assume that the cardboard Rarity in Twilight's balloon is Spike's doing. He's even more creepily obsessed in the merch than he is in the show.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot, Seth, you made me look at G3.5 abominations. :p
ReplyDelete... they call T.J. Maxx T.K. Maxx in the UK?
ReplyDelete-checks wikipedia-
lol. so as not to confuse the UK with already existing "T.J. Hughes".
Learn something new every day.
tk Maxx mostly sells last seasons stuff, so it looks like stores are clearing their old pony toys to make way for the new stuff. (i hope)
ReplyDeleteYou guys get the balloon for just $20?!? You lucky buggers! Curse these Australian mark-ups! $40!
ReplyDelete@PH Brony
ReplyDeleteIf you've emailed someone they'll appear in your contacts where you can find their status.
No sign of ponies in TKMaxx's online store, not *even* in men's accessories :-P
ReplyDelete(basically if there's a toy section in the physical stores it's not online.)
(what? i'm not going *into* one? It's probably been looted anyway...)
Twilight Sparkle should watch out for angry chickens... If you know what I mean...
ReplyDeleteSo that means his status is ******** *******! I see. Thanks!
Another question though.
How to see the old statuses?
@PH Brony
ReplyDeleteYou can't, and I'm sorry to say you missed the fun.
UK BRonies: I did go into the store. It was in a kids toy isle. It was pritty messy as they'd just stuff it all on shelves. Alot of it I had to hunt trough other boxes for. But it was there O.O
ReplyDeleteAtticus Lepidus. If you'd be so kind (if you see this message) contact me through my blogger account via PM. I'm interested to have a chat.
ReplyDeleteCan I get a transcript or something of what they were. I had to study. Confound them studies. They force me to study.
TK Max sells toys? Really? There is a shop here in Dublin but all I've ever seen there is clothes. Though to be fair, I've only gone in there when there is a sale on so I've never been looking for anything other than cheap hoodies and track suit bottoms.
ReplyDelete@PH Brony
ReplyDeletectrl+f my name in this post: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/08/pmv-how-far-theyve-come-canter-heroes.html
And then after you read those, sometime after my last comment on that page Seth changed his status to "yah i did, you got me" for a little while.
For the Irish Bronies (yes we exist I've met loads)
ReplyDeleteI've seen the brushables, pink celestia, twilight's balloon etc at the large tesco in dundrum.
ReplyDeleteWow that was well...disturbing.
Disturbing in a sense that WHY AM I SO JELLY GOD DAMN IT!?!?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!!!
@PH Brony
ReplyDeletePlease excuse me while I kill myself for just saying that.
@PH Brony
ReplyDeletelol, inorite?
I want someone to write a Twixeth fic now.
You're awesome Seth!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah thanks a lot BTW I forgot to say that. XD
Now where is that gun I specifically kept just for suicide.
ReplyDeleteTwixeth 0.o
I have a weird feeling he would like this very much...VERY much.
PS. Yes Seth is awesome.
PPS. Why am I still so jelly about it damn?
@PH Brony
ReplyDeleteWhat made the whole thing even funnier is that he seemed to change his status in response to those comments. I even emailed him asking if he did change them in respones to my comments and he said "maybe!", lol.
>Now avaliable in Costa Rica, but only 3.5 G.
ReplyDeleteReally? I was there for the summer, and I coulda sworn I saw some sea ponies in the toy store.
@PH Brony
ReplyDeleteIt's Trixie man, that's just what she does to our minds, turns them into mush.
I'm deadly serious about that Trixeth fic too. Someone get on that so I don't have to do it my self, lol.
ReplyDeleteSeth for 2012!
Pretty sure Trixie wasn't able to solve a Rubik's Cube to begin with.
ReplyDelete>cardboard cutout Rarity
Didn't see that coming.
De need a new comic to go with that creepy Applejack one now.
I prefer blogger's comments system.
ReplyDeleteIt allows posting as anon.
@Anonymous On it!
ReplyDeleteOh god Disqus? CELESTIA NO.
ReplyDeleteWorst comment system ever. I would probably stop coming here, because half the reason I read this site is for the comments and Dickus is such a pain in the ass. Also, no anon means no posting for me.
Blogger comments are fine, why was there even talk about changing?
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Seth already decided to stick with blogger.
oh wow! I'm in Costa Rica right now and have been for the past three weeks, there was no joy like the joy I felt when I was in the other room and I heard the mlp theme song playing alongside the ad for the Celestia toy! that was last week I think...
ReplyDeleteOkay, I had the weirdest little idea just now.
ReplyDeleteThe Cutie Mark Crusaders are in Carousel Boutique, and somehow transform Rarity into a cardboard cutout. Distraught, Rarity flees to Twilight's home to search for a cure--though she's not home. Desperate, she steals the balloon with hopes of finding her.
Twilight spots the balloon and Rarity, but doesn't notice she's cardboard and gets the wrong idea. In response, she goes to the Boutique to catnap Opalesence and also jacks Scootaloo's scooter as a getaway vehicle...
xD That might actually turn out to be an interesting fanfic or something.
Thank goodness the toys are available in Costa Rica, in the main toystores I suppose.
ReplyDeleteI've been checking for months for them with no avail, except in a particular store in a mall, but even they have very few of them.
ReplyDeleteKnowing this fandom the fic will be posted within the next week or so.
Look what I found!
- Giant Celestia - £25
- Twilight & Her Baloon - £30
- Sweetie Bell & Applebloom - £15
- Rainbow Dash Camping Trip (NOT PICTURED, Was 2 Left) - £15
This was at Horsham, West Sussex Tesco. But they should also be @ Gatwick Tesco (The stores are a mirror image of each other).
I'll add.. That they do actually loook pretty awesome in real life!
Eh, Seth: do you remember I sent you pics of Twilight's balloon like, you know, a century ago? Even I wrote a small review on it.
ReplyDeleteNow I find you published another pics of THE SAME FRIGGIN' BALLOON still in its package (yes: I actually had the balls to debox it and play a little with it).
From that study: "positive, optimistic humor is more effective than cynicism"
ReplyDeletePinkie was right all along!
>Me and a couple other bronies are working on a collection of Ponified Beatles Songs.
ReplyDelete>Me and a couple other bronies
I'm in the UK and want to go get a Dash! If only the country wasn't on lock down. =( Stupid rioters know NOTHING of friendship.
ReplyDelete... Implying Trixie was ever smart or talented enough to solve a Rubix cube in the first place.
ReplyDeleteEven aside from being G3.5 freaks, those weren't sea ponies. Those were hippocampi "mermaid ponies". Seth, you troll I...? :(
ReplyDeleteTwixeth. Never heard of a 3 way shipping name before. Just.... lol. Lol so bad. Bucking awesome.
ReplyDeleteWeird fo twilight usig a scooter a d not scootaloo...
ReplyDeleteOkay, "kitty rides in back!"? I think it's about time we get some brony-specific merch all up in here. I might actually be tempted to buy something if it didn't look like... I dunno. Just something really bad.
ReplyDeleteBtw Hasbro, TWILIGHT DOESN'T HAVE A CAT. And there's no way you'll convince me that that's supposed to be Opal.
Silly Stanford, telling us something that the bronies found out 9 1/2 months ago. Get with the times!
ReplyDelete1. I'm getting right on that guitar part.
ReplyDelete2. The WahaHA button....I think I'm in love. :P
Peeling stickers HAH! the quickest way to solve a rubix cube is to take it apart and put it back together solved. No sticker manipulation required, and it can still be unsolved again later.
ReplyDeleteThe Sgt. Pepper/Pony poster is cool, except that for some reason Fluttershy's in there twice. ???
ReplyDeleteDisqus is also buggy as The Moon. I've had it eat comments I've written before, have them not show up, throw up an error message...then come back 10 minutes later after I had re-written my comment using a different log-in method and post to find not only that the HTML formatting I had used got spit out, but that my original post went through with the HTML coding in-tact and functional.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Disqus forces Google users to display their actual identity rather than allow us to have a Google-based commenting account displaying only our screen name the way Blogger does.
If anything, I'd be much more enthusiastic about a changover to IntenseDebate.
ReplyDeleteDo it. Do it so good that it HAS to get submitted. XD
God fracking damnit. I just stood in a toy shop taking photos of Sea Pony Cherilee whilst the staff looked on disapprovingly, only to discover it's already been featured. Months ago. /facehoof