On to the (early) news! I'm totally reading Past Sins tonight.
Twilight Joins the 2011 Internet Allstars
And gets stomped on by Captain Falcon. Poor girl... You can find the video here for what it's worth! At least she was worthy.
Webcomics with ponies: THE MASTER COLLECTION
42 web comics have joined the herd so far. That's also the secret of the universe for those of you who are into knowing everything. Coincidence? Maybe...
The collection of all of them can be found here!
Another Professional Pony Article
I'm not sure if I need to report on these anymore, so nightly roundup it goes!
Jezebel.com has dropped an article about MLP. You can find it here.
Northwest Bronyfest Starts Today
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A huge convention is planned to take place between today and tomorrow. Have some Copypaste courtesy of RoyG.Biv
It's time for NorthWest Bronyfest! August 6th & 7th, bronies from Canada, Washington State, California and Oregon will be invading Portland, OR for a weekend of celebrating ponies! The bronies will be gathering and invading to do tourist activities Saturday the 6th until 5 PM when everyone is meeting at the Red Coach (615 SW Broadway, Portland, OR) for dinner and to meet the special guest Eurobeat Brony! There will be video games, pony music, pony standup comedy and toy trades all during the night.
Then Sunday, August 7th, thrill to an all day potluck BBQ in Gabriel Park (SW 45th Ave & Vermont St) from Noon until whenever! There will be lots of food, and bronies are asked to bring something to share if they can afford to do so to help feed everypony. The day will be spent playing outdoor pony games, socializing, listening to pony music, doing pony art, watching episodes and just having a general fun time.
Also, during the weekend, there are planned stops to go pillage Targets for pony merchandise, visiting Voodoo Doughnuts to watch them attempt a Guiness World Record and much more! Feel free to visit http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-Portland/ or http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-SeaTac/ for up to the minute updates and surprises about the entire weekend!
Also lots of merch stuff will be available. The image above shows off that pile.
Dash Drives Raffle for August Begins
Over at Dashdrives.com, this month's raffle has started up for a custom engraved 250gb external hard drive. You can find it here!
A live stream for last month's raffle winner will be held at 7:00 PM EST tomorrow. You can find the channel for it here.
Pony Toys in Denmark
A brony over in Denmark raided various stores looking for pony toys. It looks like the essentials are all available now, including Twilights Baloon, Giant Celestia, Rarity's Carousel, Applejack's Barn, and the various singles/sets that most other places have.
So go buy stuff!
Twilight Sparkle...Teleports Everyone Into Pre-Schoolers Flash drive.
Uhhh...yah, someone did it. It's too short for a normal story submission, and I was too lazy to read it, so you all get to be pre-readers tonight! Yay~
You can find it here!
PDF Gallery Editions
MaximillianVeers has updated the PDF gallery. You can find it here! New editions below.
Some Ponies Play D&D
The Logical Option
Elements of Friendship
Treasure Trove
Spirits of Harmony
Order-naries: Z'nai
Order-naries: Vacation
A Tangled Web
Equestria Hockey League
Common Sky sequel "Fragments" (added to the file for Common Sky)
Silent Ponyville sequel "Silent Ponyville 2" (added to the file for Silent Ponyville)
Past Sins (Revised)
Argentinian MLP Community
For those of you over in Argentina, a group has formed up for everyone on Taringa.net. Currently they have 100 members and are looking for more! You can find the site here!
Left 4 Bronies Synchtube Marathon
Another Synchtube Channel Marathon is starting up tomorrow at This Channel.
It starts at 1:00 PM PST tomorrow, and the password to join is "Gummy". I don't know why it's password protected.
My Little Pony Beats Terrorism in Canda
Get owned terrorists.
Ebay Stuff
Equestria Daily News
Upcoming Events:
Garys Mod Video Competition
I need some ideas on this one. What would be a fair duration for videos on something like this? I have never tried recording movies with Garys Mod, and i've recieved various responses for how difficult it is. Some say it takes a month to create a good 3 minute video, others say its ridiculously easy and they can bust out something great in a few hours. Any ideas?
Episode Movie Poster Competition
This is one I want to add actual rewards to, but I'm having trouble deciding on how exactly to approach it. I'd like to get a poster or 2 per episode, but I'm sure people will all flock to the more popular stuff (Sonic Rainboom will probably dominate it). I have considered splitting it into categories by popularity (So CMC episodes all together, since those will probably be the least used :p).
Pony Swag Verse Event
And the final one I have been toying with is a verse thing for Pony Swag. I get a lot of these, and it would be pretty neat if we could collect a ton of them and combine them all into one giant megamix. I created a thread over on the My Little Remix forums and it looks like they are all for it.
Story Updates (Does anyone use this?)
Pony Space (Update Chapter 8!)
The Elements of History (Update Part 4!)
The Romancing Quest (Update Part 9!)
Brotherhood of the Moon (Update Part 6!)
One Last Quest (Update Part 14!)
Giggle at the Ghostly (Update Part 5+6+7!)
The Catastrophic Case of the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Update 3+4!)
Of the Time Before (Update Part 7!)
The Empty Room (Updated Part 16!)
Past Sins (Update Part 14+15+16!)
ReplyDeleteYay for Past Sins! I'm sure you'll like it.
ReplyDeletethe earky burd gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese, SECOND
ReplyDeletegiiiirrrrr *performs hara-kiri*
ReplyDeleteWhere's Canda?
ReplyDeleteA Gmod event would sure be cool.
ReplyDeletePAST SINS <3
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Seth, I use the Story Updates section of the Nightly Roundups.
ReplyDeleteThe fuck was that USB story haha.. Good old spike..
ReplyDeletethere are ways to force games into windowed mode by the way, if you go to the properties file and add " -window" or " -w" after the .exe on the target, it could play in window mode
ReplyDeletenot always though...
"My Little Pony Beats Terrorism"
ReplyDeleteI want to see that as a newspaper headline.
...And now I need to read Past Sins, too.
I really want to see a Winter Wrap-up poster done up like a movie poster with the subtext "Coming this spring".
ReplyDeleteAnyone else notice Twilight had rarity's tail in the internet all stars flash? lol
ReplyDeleteTwilight has two tails in the allstars video: hers and Rarity's.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Past Sins... I'm re-reading that story so hard... But alas! Work calls tomorrow, and I shan't be able to read it tonight! The horror! The horror!
(favourite pony got stomped by Captain Failcon... So sad.)
I read the flash drive story and... don't ever put it in its own post. I didn't know one could DO that with a flash drive. (Funny, despite that, just a little saucy for my taste in more than one part.)
:( Aww. If I'd known about the northwest bronyfest a few weeks ago, I could have gone! But it's too late to cancel everything and drive to Portland now.
ReplyDeleteSomebody say Gmod?
ReplyDelete*RUNS TO STEAM*
I kind of feel sorry for pre-readers now...
ReplyDeleteThe flash drive story did make me smile, though, I admit...
Imma read that Jezebel article now. The sociology blog (Sociological Images) that I used to have to pull topics from for my sociology class tends to reference Jezebel a lot (and honestly, I was hoping to see a pony article from Soc Images first).
That story was interesting...
ReplyDeleteIt's almost like something I would write
Silly Seth, use two or more monitors so you will NEVER have to tab out to EqD [pnkpi]FOREVER!!![/pnkpi]. That or do what Anonymous said. Usually it works, but there are the times.
ReplyDeleteAlso, good job on actually getting the Roundup done by 2:00 AM Pacific. Always nice.
Past Sins why you make me care for OC Pony? I want NYX BACK WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! stupid bad pony for causing this whole mess. i want to feed him to the vashta nerada and then listen to his ghost try and figure out why its so dark. no wait death is to easy and you can keep people alive...... no i will not finish that thought cause then he wins. but my love and tolerance meter is getting really low when dealing with this guy.
ReplyDeleteforget Past Sins, that flash drive story was easily the best anypony is ever going to read.
ReplyDeleteAh, apparently this article is a ripple from the Observer article yesterday! It seems a little rushed, but it is pretty positive. Nothing really special here.
Something interesting to note, though, are quips in the comments about the ponies being skinnier. But I don't really see any hate here.
Please don't flood the comments, guys!
ReplyDeletesomeone told him about the pony toys in denmark before I could :/
Alt-Enter! Forces windowed mode onto any recalcitrant game. Very handy it is too.
ReplyDeleteSomeone ACTUALLY MADE a fanfic of the preschooler flash drive.
ReplyDeleteOk, new internet rule
Rule ####: If it exists, there is a fanfic of it.
It's official.
ReplyDeleteMy Little Pony is more powerful than the F.B.I.
Why is everything pony related on ebay so damn expensive!?
ReplyDeleteI found a link to the tumblr of the guy who did the art for the National Post's article about hipsters and cartoons, and he did a MLP graphic that didn't appear in the article.
My Little Pony and Ladytron, together at last. Also, that Powerpuff Girls/Weezer album cover is the best thing ever.
@Patriot Dash supply & demand, and there's probably a heck load of demand right now for high quality merch.
ReplyDeleteThe end of Past Sins 16....made me shed a tear D':
ReplyDeleteI love that Fluttersquid is going for as much as it is.
I was holding off on a plushy until Hasbro released something, but I'm starting to think the fan-mades will probably be better than whatever Hasbro ends up releasing.
Nexus bout' to get owned. Too bad I had to wait for that to happen.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it spelled Garry's Mod?
As for the preschoolers and the My Little Pony flashdrive thing...what is this I don't even?
ReplyDeleteBecause the GMod-Videos:
ReplyDeleteThe time you work on a movie depends on what you want to make , how good you try to make it and how much effort you put in the video.
This video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxeJePzAR_s) for example took me around a half day to make.
I'd say that around 1-3 minutes for a video are okay. ^^
Who can I contact about getting that webcomic list updated? Seriously, "This is Normal" has a whole load of MLP references:
ReplyDeletehttp://thisisnormal.the-comic.org/comics/455/ (Pre-conversion)
http://thisisnormal.the-comic.org/comics/463/ (Referenced in last panel)
http://thisisnormal.the-comic.org/comics/477/ (Rainbow Dash)
http://thisisnormal.the-comic.org/comics/482/ (Failed Cheerilee)
And another one's going up today.
If someone could add those links to the "This is Normal" part of the webcomic list, that'd be super.
Hmmm... not impressed with those 42 webcomics. Now, once Questionable Content or Bad Machinery jump onto that list, then I'll get excited. I would be bummed that I'm going to miss the Northwest meet-up... if I hadn't read all of the comments on "the post that never happened", and learned allll about the common brony.
ReplyDeleteLots of good and or interesting news tonight.
ReplyDeleteRaises the equivalent of a hand.
I use the story updates, if I've missed anything I was interested in previously. (Tonights interest was Giggle at the Ghostly and Past Sins. Thank You for going through the trouble to put all the recent updates up.)
Eep, late. lol I am anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe Internet Allstars video made me laugh. But poor Twi. Falcon Punch!
Wewt, 42! Seems like it was even more than that. But I'm sure more will come along still.
The article was good. Sounds a lot like the last one I read. Can't remember the source on it now without looking back. But it was still a good article. Even linked the first episode. Maybe that will help create more Bronies. ;) For the people too lazy to look up the show anyway. lol
I'm very jelly of the Bronies living in the Northwest right now. I want to go so bad. I have some Brony friends up there that will probably be there. I wish teleportation technology were available.
And of course, there's the ponies and some pre-schoolers flash drive. Lmao. And it's something alright. XD
Wow, MLP beat terrorism. See? That's how you defeat terrorists. Brightly-colored pastel equines! Now we know.
I like the event competition ideas. Combining all the Pony Swag verses into one big remix would certainly be... ummm... interesting. lol Yes, very interesting.
I guess I'll be joining you in reading Past Sins then!
ReplyDeleteAbout the story updates section, it is pretty useful. I personally don't use it, bit that's because I have 3-4 files dedicated to fanfic organization. I plan to read evey story on this site! 6_9
just re-read all of Past Sins... 4:45 a.m.
ReplyDeleteconfound these ponies, they drive me to insomnia
Garry's mod competition?
I've never used it, but I can't wait to see the results! ^^
I want that Dr.Whooves toy so badly...
ReplyDeleteWhat do you call yourself, if you're an MLP:FIM fan and you're a girl? Does the 'Brony' part still count, or do you call yourself a Filly or just Pony?
ReplyDeletei am now up to speed on past sins. the word retribution makes me clap my hooves and cheer cause some pony is about to get pwned. also my love and tolerance meter broke and i had to send it to the shop to get fixed, so if y'all don't mind I'm gonna sit here and think of all the ways i could be making nexus' lifr miserable.
ReplyDeleteThere's going to be a gmod video event? Good job I was already working on one!
ReplyDeleteThanks, I added it to the list. If there are any more that I missed, just write it here in the comments.
That flash drive story was alright, but of questionable blog appropriateness. Lots of not that thinly veiled references to sex. I dunno. It's questionable content at best.
ReplyDeleteBrony is generally regarded as a gender neutral term, although I've herd the terms "filly" and "pegasister" get tossed around.
My Little Pony managed to beat Terrorists in real life. This proves, if we ever needed it, that the meaning of the Giggle at the Ghosty song works in real life.
ReplyDeleteArgh! I would totally go to that brony con in Portland but my band has a gig on the far side of Washington on the 6th... Sad day.
ReplyDeleteDanish Bronies you say. I wonder where they're located, I know at least 8 in Jutland ;)
ReplyDeleteYou won't be able to sleep, if you read Past Sins, just sayian
ReplyDelete"Ha ha! Someone actually did that flash-drive story?"
ReplyDelete*Reads story*
ReplyDeleteFreefall dropped a ref a while back.
Tonight's edition of iWant brought to you by: Doctor Whooves Blind Bag Custom.
ReplyDeleteMy money. Take it all.
Awwww yeaaaaaaaah, a GMod contest!!!! That would be sw-eet!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for linking my Taringa community, we truly appreciate it!
My Little Pony: Better than terrorism ^-^
ReplyDelete@KShrike Need a country destablized?
ReplyDeleteLook no further, we're your guys!
We got snazzy suits and ties,
And a better dental plan than the F.B.I.'s!
@Not A Good Username 360
ReplyDeleteYeaaaaaaah! It's a party at the C.I.A.!!!
I know the feeling on not-windowable games, but I found a way thru it.
ReplyDeleteEvery game has a file where all the start-up infos are written, like framerate, screen size, and alot of other gibberish.
they usually come with the .cfg extension (silent hill homecoming has "vars_pc.cfg"). You open them with any txt editor and find the variable "FullScreen=true". Change the value to "false" and you're done :)
@AnonymousFirst he will spend a year in the incinerator room, then 2 years in cryogenic refrigeration, then ten years in the chamber I built where all the ponies scream at you. Then I'll kill him
ReplyDeleteThanks! Now we have 43 webcomics converted (although penny-arcade doesn't really count with the G1 pony, so it can still be 42 for those who prefer this number ^^ )
Oh Seth I'm SO with you about the game !
ReplyDeleteBeing able to play games in window-mode should be a unwritten LAW of the video game industry.
Not having that feature is a huge downside in my opinion.
I run two computers, so I only play games full-screen.
ReplyDeleteOne to thwack things across the head with a ball, the other to hit refresh every second, or just watch the birdy.
According to the article, and one it references, anypony who calls themselves 'brony' is automatically a colt.
Glad I've never called myself one. Last thing I need is to get hit with a Derpy brand anvil and turn into a colt.
I don't wanna be the next Hoity Toity, I wanna grow up and be like my big sister.
No, not Pinkie.
Twilight needs to learn some combat magic, and from what we seen she should be able to put herself back together after a falcon punch to the face.
ReplyDeleteSo is there some sort of reference I'm missing with the flash drive story
ReplyDeleteAnd I guess I can't read it now its telling me I can't have access to the story
... Do I even want to read it lol
OMG NO!! Poor Little TwilightSparklewithRarity'sTail sprite u.u so sad.... but I loved the flash video haha it was hilarious xD
ReplyDeleteFemale bronies = bronettes. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteNo UK news? I am dissappoint.
ReplyDeleteTheres a way to make any game windowed mode. =/
ReplyDeleteActually the rule is like so:
If Seth makes an inane comment about it, it becomes a meme.
Friendship will always prevail! Take that terrorism! lol.
ReplyDelete42 web comics is quite a lot to join the herd 8o
I'll expect to welcome more as always! (mmhmmMUAHHAHHAHAH!)
I've never posted here before, but the Gmod Video competition sparked my interest.
ReplyDeleteI'd say go ahead, but make the deadline a month at least. It depends on what you're doing. You can do it quick, but if you want to get that extra high quality it takes a lot more time to record and edit.
Also, if it has to be pony related then it'll probably be way too difficult.
That bronyfest sounds crazy fun!
ReplyDeleteIf only I had known about it earlier I would have made the drive...
Finally pony merch is coming to Denmark, about darn time.
ReplyDeleteIn response to your last question, yes Seth, I use the story updates list. (I've been waiting excitedly for ch 16 of the empty room :) )
ReplyDeleteI use the story updates thingy thing.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous There's also an option for some Direct3D-reliant games.
Pardon my incompetence (again), but I dont know where to go about this:
ReplyDeleteThe super Target near me, has a rather large MLP display up. Complete with life-sized(?) cardboard Celestia cut-out on the end-cap. Couldnt do much but walk past it (Must get license so I dont have to get rides with parents), but they had all the new stuff out.
Dunno if this is all the Super Targets or just mine, but if it is, I'll see if I cant find a way to grab some pics of it.
I seriously LOLED at the MLP beating Terrorists in CANADA thing.
ReplyDeleteAnyone read that article? Lol plot. XD Sorry, but it was just to funny.
ReplyDeleteHoly manure guys, I wrote that fanfic late at night when I was sleep-deprived, I never knew it'd be that good! I love all this feedback, though I get the feeling I'm about to start a manuremalestrom.(see what I did there? instead of ****storm. . . yeah, I'll shut up now.) Oh well, I had fun writing that, and dang it why is drawing bad quality so hard?! A friend told me once that it takes a lot of talent to make yourself look talentless, and that's why Trixie is best pony.
ReplyDeleteI use the story updates at the bottom to see if any storys I've been putting off reading became completed.
ReplyDeleteGoddamnit, I'm actually going to have to read Past Sins, aren't I? I'm expecting not to like it...
ReplyDeleteIm sorry, I just had to.
It seems there are more bronys here in Denmark than I thought.
ReplyDeleteFlutterquid and Canda. good jorb, seth. you're speelling is emproving
ReplyDeleteMan, yesterday just seemed to be the day for story updates. At least four different stories I was following had updates, including Past Sins (which was not just updated, but rewritten!). I have a lot of reading to do...
ReplyDeleteYou can stop trying to give advice about the game being in fullscreen. Command line arguments and settings files aren't generic, they are game specific.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I totally called the story. In fact, I am surprised that there was only one such story written.
Pony toys in Denmark?!
holy carp! terrorism gets owned? MUST BE THE NUTELLA! and fluttersquid is up on ebay? thanks for making mah day SETH!
if it doesn't work in windowed mode u can use Alt+Tab to switch windows while it's running
ReplyDeleteAnd it's steam.
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity, what was the game?
Canada's not too bad for terrorism. I had a box of un-burnt rocket motors in my carry-on last week.
ReplyDeleteWe win again.