Have stuff!
Fallout: Equestria Steam Group
If you are a fan of Fallout Equestria, there is a new steam group up specifically for the story. Kkat already joined, so uhh, might be a good idea !
You can find it here!
Ponychan OC Pony Contest Coming to a Close
For those of you interested in creating your own ponies, the OC pony competition over on Ponychan is ending on the 13th of August. You can find it here!
Economist Brony's Financial Report
Some crazy economics brony always sends me cool stuff to post, so I'm adding a section just for him to nightly roundups! Have his copy paste based on these investment documents.
So, I got some time to dig through Hasbro's recent quarterly report, and thought I might share some snippets. MLP wasn't mentioned much in the report and there's no discussion of 'unexpected market developments' for the brand, there are two bits that are rather relevant:
Firstly, the decrease in the 'girls' segment of Hasbro's business still decreased about 11%. However, the explanation is as follows:
"The decrease in the girls category was primarily due
to decreased sales of LITTLEST PET SHOP and EASY BAKE products partially offset in the quarter
and six month periods by increased sales of MY LITTLE PONY products and in the six month period by
increased sales of FURREAL FRIENDS products."
Accordingly, yay.
The second bit shines a bit of light on the Hub (note that this is in $1,000's, so $1,800 = $1.8 million)
Other (income) expense, net in the quarter and six month
periods includes the Company’s 50% share in the (losses) earnings of THE HUB. During the first half of
2011, the Company recognized losses from THE HUB of approximately $1,800 compared to earnings of
approximately $400 during the first half of 2010.
That about covers it!
Monopoly Pony Figures

For those of you who went all out with that monopoly board a while back, a group on Shapeways is selling figures for it. Have some copypaste!

- 4th Floor Productions has made a bunch of mini figures based off the
KP-ShadowSquirrel's 3d models.
- There are 1" Monopoly pieces of the mane six, which come in plastic for
about $4, or metal for about $10. There are also some 2" toys for around
- The actual figures are much smoother than the demo pictures show
- Fourth Floor is going to try to donate $1 from each of
the figurines we sell to the Bronies for Good foundation.
- You can find it here!
Another Brony WoW Guild
If you haven't already been absorbed into a WoW guild dedicated to pony, another one has popped up on the US server Nazgrel, horde side, going by the name of New Lunar Republic. If you are interested in joining, contact the following: Galosengen, Vaitos, Sweetiebelle, Hipsterhoovs, or Adamaster.
Terraria Brony Forum
Another forum is looking for more people to fill out it's community! Apparently a bunch of Terraria bronies set it up, so knowledge of the game might be a good icebreaker. You can find it here!
Hasbro Appearing at Toronto Fan Expo 2011
Hasbro is showing off some toys at the Fan Expo in Toronto. For those of you in the area, you might want to check it out!
Midwest Brony Meetup #2
Another huge meetup is planned for the midwest bronies. If you are interested in attending, hit up the Facebook page!
Another Dragon Nest Brony Guild
For those playing the Action MMORPG Dragon Nest on the Gerrant Server, you can find yet another guild to join simply called "bronies". If you want to join, send a message to Starstruckk or CuddlyPotato in game.
Brony Groups Shut Down on Google Plus
All three of the major brony groups have been terminated on the new Google Plus system. Included in the purge are:
+Reddit Brony
+Brony Central
+Pinkie Pie
Sadly, it is technically against the ToS, and unlike Facebook, they are cracking down pretty hard on fake names over at the Google offices.
There's always Flankbook!
Doctor Doom and MLP
Over at the Mightygodking.com blog, Doctor Doom has apparently succumbed to all things cute and colorful. Or at least the author did. You can find it here!
UK Boomerang FiM broadcasting time Change
Looks like FiM wasn't doing so hot at it's 3PM time slot over in the UK, and has been dropped down to 7AM. At least it isn't 10:00 AM like it was here, when kids are in school regardless. Though I'm not too sure when classes actually start over in the UK...
Bronycast Opens a Website
Another brony podcast is up and running. They opened up a site to store their episodes (3 so far). You can find it here!
They are still working some bugs out, so a few links are garbled.
Pony Dating Sim Cancelled
I shouldn't be disappointed, but I...am. The person working on the dating sim game chimed in on this thread over at Fimchan.
Oh well...
Minnesota Brony Meetup
Some bronies over in Minnesota are forming a meetup. Have some copypaste!
Facebook page for the event:
RainbowDash.net group page:
Info on event:
Time: Saturday, August 6 · 10:00am - 6:00pm
Location: Mall Of America
Meetup spot: Lego Land 10:00am - 11:00am
The Brony Show Apology Letter
Apparently they screwed with all of you yesterday. Those FOALS! (Or 2 days ago. Is it really tomorrow already? This site makes time go by way too fast...)
They are sorry though, so have an apology coypaste.
Dear watchers of The Brony Show,
On this weeks episode, our beloved host Circuit Mane was away with food poisoning, and we toyed with the situation in the wrong way. We pretended that Circuit was in a critical condition at a hospital. At the end of the show, we told everyone that it was mostly a joke. The Skype group and I thought it was funny, as well as a few of the viewers. However, many viewers were hurt by this. To those viewers and anyone else who found this act to be in bad taste, I want to apologize. I was hosting this week, so I am taking full responsibility for what happened. Tehfoxxy is sorry as well.
Again, I apologize to any brony out there who may have been hurt by what we did. You will be glad to know that Circuit is on his way to making a full recovery, and will be taking back over the show next episode!
Equestria Daily News
Story Update Queue
Bridled Fury (Update Part 9!)
One Last Quest (Update Part 12!)
Tabluna Rasa (Update Complete!)
A New Breed (Update Part 13!)
Strange Bedfellows (Update Part 3!)
A Dark Sky (Update Part 3!)
Elements Of Friendship (Update Part 3!)
Fallout: Equestria (Updated Part 35!)
Macintosh (Update Aftermath+Complete!)
The Vagabond (Update Story 2, Part 6!)
The Lion and the Lamb (Update Part 6!)
The Struggle for Power (Update Chapter 8+9!)
Ebay Stuff
Derpy Hooves
Luna Blind Bag
Luna Blind Bag Commission
Crazy Pinkie Pie
Awesome roundup! About time, too! Time for bed.
ReplyDeleteNot first
Pretty sure it's NMM, as Nyx doesn't have a cutie mark.
ReplyDeleteBut then, NMM without armor and with an innocent looking expression?
I don't know which is stretching it more.
Confound these Roundups, they drive me to insomnia.
ReplyDeleteThe UK head back to school the first week of September, I wouldn't say it's a bad time slot, especially for those getting ready for school or work. Not that I have Boomerang anymore to enjoy re-watching MLP D:
ReplyDeleteAlso according to Toys R Us, The MLP toys are supposed to be released this month and I know on Play.com the gift set is available August 5th so if the toys aren't released on Friday I will be a very sad FiM UK fangirl :(
So, is the investment report news good or bad?
ReplyDeleteHey Seth, you forgot my article. ^^
ReplyDeleteIt's Nightmare Moon in the file name so I'd say yeah, the article image is Nightmare Moon.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, good share of news. I don't know why it just hit me but we, a pony fan site, have been going for 56 consecutive days with this nightly news thing and rarely has there been a night without a decent chunk of interesting FiM related news. That's pretty awesome.
The dating sim is dead?
Tis a shame. It had potential to be cool.
ReplyDeleteWell at least we got a 'slice' which wasn't decent but it was still edible. =3
Well, judging by the title of the pic and all in the URL, I'm assuming it has to be Nightmare Moon.
ReplyDeleteThe little Monopoly pony pieces are cool. It'd be fun to have a little set of metal ones. Which is kinda pricey at $10 a pop. But at least they're donating $1 of it to a good cause.
Yay, more WoW pony guilds. I haven't had the time to play WoW in a while now. But someday, I'm sure.
Kinda sad to hear about Google cracking down on pony-related names and groups. But it's understandable. If it's in violation, it's in violation.
Hah, Dr. Doom as a Brony. This show is just too manly for me I think. lol
Rather disheartening to hear about the pony dating sim being cancelled. Could've been a real fun game. But at least there's other pony games in the works to still look forward to.
Most schools around Britain usually start at 9am. Most I know tend to get up at 7am, although the time varies with certain families.
ReplyDeleteIts not Nyx silly Seth. Nyx don't have a Cutie Mark (so far)
ReplyDelete"During the first half of 2011, the Company recognized losses from THE HUB of approximately $1,800 compared to earnings of
ReplyDeleteapproximately $400 during the first half of 2010."
Is this saying that HUB/HASBRO earned 0.4 mil last year and lost 1.8 mil this year?
ReplyDeleteThis, your fancy mathematics confuse me.
Did it say that Hasbro lost $1.9M on HUB and earned $400,000
Also, it seems fairly obvious that MLP sales increased, with a new generation and all, I imagine it increased greatly, though..
Curse you bronies, making news and crap, you add 20 minutes to my morning routine.
Typical UK school times:
ReplyDeletePrimary Schools: 9am-3:25pm (3pm for the youngest years)
Secondary Schools: 8:45am-3.25pm
And no one lives near their schools these days, so we have to leave 15 minutes to half an hour before to get there on time.
ReplyDeleteReplace the 1.9mil with 1.8mil and that's what I was getting from it.
I know the toys are selling decently. But this isn't my field and it's early. Too early fer yer "fancy mathematics".
Where's my frappuccino? lol
That timing for the UK would probably be good....if is wasn't the summer holidays.
ReplyDeleteOh God so much news.
ReplyDeleteThat FOE Steam group's been around for a while now, but I suspect it'll experience some explosive growth now that EqD's mentioned it...
Also, that financial report... I don't get it... is Hasbro making money or losing money? It's so hard to tell, CONFOUND THIS ECONOMY, THEY DRIVE ME TO (ATTEMPT) FANCY MATHEMATICS.
It also seems like there's a lot of brony meetups happening in the US... makes me think if NZ should try and organize one.
Wooooo! Global Equestria!!
ReplyDeleteGlobalEquestria Rules!
ReplyDeleteWait, wasn't there a report here about a month ago saying that MLP was doing well at the 3.00 time slot? I think there was. Its clear that its move to 7AM time slot is for kids before school but why do it at the start of August? They could be trying to make people aware of the time change before school start. I just hope they keep advertising it. I don't have Boomerang to check.
ReplyDeleteI'm tempted to let my alt leave a lvl 25 WoW guild just to set up a UK Brony Guild. Should I?
ReplyDeleteOn the UK time change, it's a really odd move. They're probably not aware of the mature audience and so don't know that all the teens are going to be asleep for at least another half a day, so they're not going to watch it.
ReplyDeleteThe odd thing is? It was at 3 PM before, which is when a lot of schools finish so a lot of kids aren't going to be home before it starts. So they change it to 7 AM which is before school starts so they might watch it in the morning. It makes sense, except for the fact that this is right after school finishes for summer, so it makes no sense. The people who would be in school are going to lie in and miss it, so schoolchildren are STILL going to be missing it.
I just think that's a little odd.
Normally 3pm is a really bad slot because in the UK no school finishes before 3:15 most at 3:45.
ReplyDeleteAll we can do is hope that people who run networks are better at getting value out of the show than we are!
@Firleycat yes, that horrific alliteration advert is still running =P
Guys... Nyx is just a possible portreyal of NMM, her name is just an alias Twilight thought of...
ReplyDeleteme likey ^^
Whoooo Fanexpo! I'll have to try and find the booth.
ReplyDeleteNo, better stay with your guild and turn them to bronies!
I dont care about the Boomerang timeslot (I have Sky+ anyway)Im more concerned about them showing up to episode 13 and then repeating it from episode 1 for some reason. Hopefully in the 7am slot they will actually bother to finish showing the whole series.
ReplyDeleteAt least some advertisement is better than none. If they had really hated the show and this change was to get rid of it, they wouldn't even advertise the show at all.
MGK started the "Dr Doom loves MLP" gag well before the FIM reboot and I always found it quite funny. I look forward to seeing what he'll do with the new stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe one about Johnny storm melting Doom's MLP collector's glasses is still the best IMO.
Don't trust her! It's all uh trick tuh take-over Equestria! An evil plan full uh d'awww and socks!Don't trust her! It's all uh trick tuh take-over Equestria! An evil plan full uh d'awww and socks!
ReplyDeletedammit Hasbro, making more (and much more show accurate) Transformers instead of ponies
ReplyDeleteIt's just Luna. Nightmare Moon had "dragon eyes".
SETH! NEW MARS POST! Applebloom/Sweetie Belle/Scootaloo/Luna will vouch for me, right?
ReplyDeleteDuring the first half of 2010, last year, the Hub earned 400k.
ReplyDeleteDuring the first half of 2011, this year, the Hub lost 1.8 million.
That worries me.
Aww no pony dating sim xD i am dissapoint honestly im not into those things but id totally try it out
ReplyDeleteI just realized that these ponies would be perfect for a new cartoon cartoon Fridays intro over at Cartoon Network. ESPECIALLY WHEN PINKIE PIE HOSTS!
ReplyDelete(DO IT)
@David Johnston
ReplyDeleteIn the Fanfic that recently was posted and completed in one post, "A shower of stars" I believe the author had Luna present herself as the "star princess" which looked similar to NMM but wasn't. I think the author played it out as what she would have looked like had her "development" not been stunted? by 1000 years on the moon. She more closely matched Celestia in this form. That's who I see this picture as anyway.
seth, what Im not seeing here is a certain name, with a certain agreement we have proof you agreed to. Come on bro, dont let us down with this shit, we're all torn up about this. 'We still love you, /co/'.
ReplyDeleteProve it already. It may not mean much, but if I dont see it pretty fucking soon im just not gonna come here anymore and you'll have lost all my respect and the respect of most of us over there. Try be a bit loyal, christ knows everyone else seems content with fucking ignoring where this originally came from.
come on bro, dont let us down here
I would just like to voice my anger but also forgiveness at the mistake The Brony Show made. We are all sensitive ponies and those pranks are quite hurtful. don't do it again.
ReplyDeleteSorry Kkat, I really wanted to join the steam group but this damned computer can't handle the friggin extra bull crap that they want me to install....
ReplyDeletemonopoly pony fiures? YES!!! I collect monopoly sets so this is a huge win for me!
ReplyDeleteCan someone tell me this:
ReplyDeleteIt depends on what you wish to do. If you are going to do one, which realm will it be at?
The accounting bit should be clarified:
ReplyDeleteThe loss they suffered was only what they spent on the Hub Network, not the overall figure of what they earned/lost and it is not clear to me if the 400k mentioned was profit from the Hub or a loss from the first half of 2010, but is was probably a loss.
Bottom line, I didn't read the report, but they probably didn't lose money overall, and certainly that is not what the snippet says. They just lost money on the Hub, which everyone knew they were going to anyways so it isn't a big deal.
>Midwest brony meetup
WTF, that's not midwest. It's practically East Coast!
I wish I could make it to that MN meetup, it's like 40min away, but I'll be up north that day. :(
ReplyDeleteu mad brony?
For that OC contest, did we have to post it in the ponychan thread, or did we have to e-mail it?
ReplyDelete... Was the contest where we had to e-mail info a different contest than this one?
I've never posted on Ponychan before, but I'm very tempted to enter that OC contest. Don't wanna make a foul of myself over there if I say something stupid :\ Like I'm gonna win anyway >.> I guess I can always mod a brushable toy into my ponysona/OC...
ReplyDeleteIn THAT thread? No one (except maybe a wandering troll) will judge you, or at the very least, post their judgements of you.
Thats nightmare moon not nyx, see nyx in nightmare moon form has no cutie mark.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has a Google + account, it does change the name of the ownership on your Google Docs, so if people are also signed in and looking at your fic from their main page, they're able to see your real name (if that's been used in G+).
ReplyDelete>Upset at cancelled dating sim
ReplyDeleteSeth confirmed for clopping to ponies
ReplyDeleteWho isn't confirmed for clopping to ponies?
Has anyone ever noticed that the coloring on Nightmare Moon's flank where her cutie mark sits has that splash of Luna's purple coloring, and Luna's rear has a splash of Nightmare Moon's black?
ReplyDeleteSo, does that mean some of Nightmare Moon still exists? Awesome. Also, Luna is best and only two-tone pony!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what that thread was about, but it's either fake or a clone. We, the makers of the original dating sim, promoted on this site, have absolutely NOT cancelled it.
Please check your sources, Seth.
As some others mentioned, that is NMM not Nyx. Nyx is a blank-flank.
ReplyDeleteAlso: That apology letter only makes me appreciate the Brony Show guys more. They keep it classy and know when to apologize. * respect *
@Anonymous 8:00
ReplyDeleteNyx is a central character in the fanfic "Past Sins" by the authors Pen Stroke and Batty Gloom.
She also has a cameo role in the story "Creeping Darkness" by the same authors.
She's basically a miniature version of Nightmare Moon, but without all the evil stuff. This little filly has won over the hearts of countless readers, and has rapidly escalated toward the status of fanon, with currently a six page long discussion about her on the story's threads and a bunch of fan art already in existence.
-Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria
@Emil Björnfot
ReplyDeleteI was the one who sent him the link. I wasn't entirely sure whether it was the correct one or not. It did discuss some aspects about it. Sorry for the confusion.
The dating sim is cancelled? thank god. last thing we need is more clop fuel for the freaks.
ReplyDelete@Emil Björnfot Thank heavens!
ReplyDelete@Emil Björnfot Thank heavens!
ReplyDeleteFUCK YES, thanks "Economist Brony". These are going to be the most important parts of the Nightly Roundups.
ReplyDeleteThe Hub lost Hasbro 1.8 million? That isn't good.
Again, I'm sorry for that. I know I'm suddenly going to look like a faggot, but I honestly didn't know that there were more than one of them.
ReplyDeletePony Dating Sim Cancelled.
ReplyDeleteI'm okay with this. Seriously a Dating Sim? That's kind of...creepy.
Who in Celestia's name is Nyx?
ReplyDeleteNoooooooooooo!!!! I was excited to wait for that dating sim D:
ReplyDeleteNyx is a character who was first created for the fanfic Creeping Darkness but whose popularity exploded thanks to the (in progress) fanfic Past Sins. In this most recent version, she is a cute filly version of Nightmare Moon that Twilight takes under her wing. Her immense popularity seems to stem from the amount of weapons-grade d'aww that she generates.
I hope that kinda answered your question.
ReplyDeleteActually, there are currently over 8 pages of comments. People just keep on talking...
Joined the steam group.
ReplyDeleteIs their nothing that ponies can't make cooler?
ReplyDeleteThe Dr. Doom comics were hilarious, particularly the one where he's explaining to Reed about his rage after having his mlp tumbler glasses melted.
Regarding my earlier sentiment about creating a UK Brony Guild on WoW, the realm would be Auchindoun, but if there is interest, I could get a realm change.
ReplyDeleteOh boo hoo, someone made a joke. Grow a pair.
ReplyDeleteSo, The Hub made Hasbro $400,000 in 2010 but so far they've lost $1,800,000 this year?
ReplyDeleteThat's not a good sign.
Dragon Nest?! EFF! I'm playing the wrong Nexon game!
ReplyDeleteThat does it. I'm making a Brony guild on Windia Server, global MapleStory.
7:00 AM ponies? yeah I used to get up at 7 for school here in the UK. Sad to hear it hasn't done well- then again, 75% of kids who watch cartoons are boys so that would explain it.
ReplyDeleteDoctor Dooms a brony?!
ReplyDeleteThats it I'm moving to Latveria.
@Star Winged Brit
ReplyDeletePlease contact the Latverian Embassy, and have your passport ready. Applicants with an advanced knowledge of particle beam weaponry, or a hatred of RICHARDS! will be moved to the front of the queue. Any and all MLP items will not be examined in customs. Good day.
It's NMM because Nyx doesn't exist.
ReplyDeleteIt's Nightmare Moon because Nyx doesn't have a cutie mark. "Blank Flank"
ReplyDeleteI can help a little bit with this; I probably should have added a little interpretation to what I sent Sethisto.
In short, what it means is that the Hub lost a total of $3.6 million in the first half of 2011. Hasbro took $1.8 million of the loss because it owns half the network. In the first six months of last year, the Hub made $800,000, of which Hasbro took $400,000. For Hasbro, this loss isn't a problem so long as it makes up for it in sales of toy products (which it likely does).
It doesn't mean what they spent on the Hub (this would simply be reflected as an investment in their statement); it genuinely reflects their half of the total profit/loss from the network.
Minnesota? will Garrison Keilor succumb to ponies as well?
Minnesota? will Garrison Keilor succumb to ponies as well?
Doom is a brony. THE FINGER LASERS, Max from Assist Me series, human size blender and foot dive is what comes to my mind. Along with his obsession with Rarity.