I bet he's not even watching the movie right now. I bet he keeps fidgeting and feeling the need to watch over his shoulder should a random brony find him and appear out of nowhere and give him a "hug" (Pinkie Pie Style)
So this is what it has come to. Me, a straight 19 year old male, is going to pull an all nighter, just to hear a song for a show about pastel colored ponies, otherwise known as "My Little Pony".
I'd normally be all for staying up till 4 AM but I have to go get a case and screen protectors for my phone. AND I'll be doing that during my usual catching an episode of MLP on The Hub. CURSES!!!
Yup, I figured this would probably happen. Dan is sitting at over 6,000 right now. lol Might not be able to hit that 9k or 10k mark, but blew the goal by a mile and a half for sure. Those crazy, crazy Bronies I tell ya...
Posting here to stay awake instead of Facebook because if I post on Facebook my friends' home pages will be spammed w ponies and my parents will kill me for being up til 4 am for a freaking video.
Honestly, I'm really excited to here the song, but, I find it depressing that this has led to his Facebook wall degrading into a mass pony image spam.
I understand everyone is excited, but, it's no excuse for those who are spamming Daniel's page. He's the one who has to eventually deal with and clean up the mess (I don't know if pages work like regular FB accounts, but, I fear the amount of emails he may of gathered from this onslaught if email notifications are on for him) and this is no way for them to thank him...
But I agree, it annoys me how much people are spamming his page... prior to this Daniel's page was always a really orderly place where he actually responded to a lot of questions, now it's a steaming heap
That was pretty much one of the most amusing spammings I've seen. Though I do still feel sorry for Ingram. I hoped he cleared his wall before he got his eyes seared.
At least I had the chance to save all my favorite pics that popped up on the legendary "Spam Daniel Imgram's Facebook Page Until He Posts a New Song" day rush of 2011
I havent smiled this big in a long time. I'm genuinely entertained. I was afraid I'd be disappointed. Especially when it was 30 seconds...but I'm just filled with so much happy right now.
I regret nothing. The loss of four hours of sleep was definitely worth it :D
129 kommentaari:
Over 100 posts of people pissed, only to facehoof when they found out he was in a movie
VastaKustutaIt's a good thing I was planning on staying up till 4-5am anyways.
VastaKustutaalso first
It's not like we don't all stay awake fo hours on end posting ponies. this night we're just posting them on facebook. :p
VastaKustuta> 8 minutes ago
VastaKustuta> View all 135 comments
Looks like SOMEONE'S friends with Wolf Nanaki!
VastaKustutaArgh, why must I live on the East Coast?
VastaKustutaDamn you time zones.
VastaKustutaTell me about it.
Look like i have to stay up all night
VastaKustutaShes offering pony merch discounts for likes
I can't stay up till 3:30 AM goddamnit, guess I'll just be a slowpoke.jpg and hear it tomorrow morning
VastaKustutaHas anypony else noticed that Daniel Ingram has more likes than Lauren Faust does now?
VastaKustutaI'm going to stay up all night.
VastaKustutaStay awake and go to work tired, or go to sleep and miss the song when it first drops?
VastaKustutaI expect remixes by tomorrow morning west coasters.
VastaKustutaMy body is ready.
VastaKustutaTotally can't wait.
VastaKustutaI tried to find the original post, for twenty minutes, I gave up.
VastaKustutaBut I'm sure we'll do anything to get some more of that sweet, sweet, ear candy.
VastaKustutaIn all fairness, Lauren no longer works on the show, so we can put her on the backburner for now.
Oh thank god, it sounds like it will be out before I have to leave so that I can go to the movies.
VastaKustutaPlanet of the bronies ofcorse.
VastaKustutaSleep is for the weak!
VastaKustuta*falls asleep on keyboard*
Using a mobile phone during a movie? Shame on you.
VastaKustutaSweet! Guess I can call off the riot.
VastaKustutaI bet he's not even watching the movie right now. I bet he keeps fidgeting and feeling the need to watch over his shoulder should a random brony find him and appear out of nowhere and give him a "hug" (Pinkie Pie Style)
VastaKustutaSilly Daniel, underestimating us.
VastaKustuta@Kat Tishigiri
VastaKustutaIn light of recent events, that is completely uncalled for! For shame, pony!
So proud of being part of it...
VastaKustutastrange because I almost never use facebook.
So this is what it has come to.
VastaKustutaMe, a straight 19 year old male, is going to pull an all nighter, just to hear a song for a show about pastel colored ponies, otherwise known as "My Little Pony".
stay awake¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ all night must listen pony
VastaKustutaWhy do time zones matter? Real pony fans stay up until 8am for this stuff.
VastaKustutaDamn it, gonna have to pull another all-nighter. TOTALLY WORTH IT.
VastaKustutaDaniel Ingram has more likes than My Little Pony.
It's 5 minutes to 7 over here in the UK...;_______________; I can do it...I MUUUUUUUUST
VastaKustutaUgh. Why must Thursday be my morning shift. Any other day I would gladly be up this late.
VastaKustutaAnd i have tomorrow off so all nighter when im done with work it is muwahahaha
VastaKustutaPfft. Yet another problem solved by Mountain Dew.
VastaKustutaI think he underestimated the power of the Bronies lol. I can wait till he gets a chance.
VastaKustutaIt's ok, I'm 20. And tomorrow I'll be out finishing the brake rebuild on my car. After listening to the newest pony tune of course.
Gotta get up early tomorrow to take my bro to college.
VastaKustutaStaying up anyway. BUCK THE EAST COAST TIME ZONE!!! ITS ALWAYS PONY TIME!!!!
I hope Facebook doesn't do anything to him due to the rapid increase of likes and comments on his page. They might think it's spam and whatnot :(
VastaKustutabegging for likes just to release a music track, what a bitch move.
VastaKustutaSo excited!
VastaKustutaDamn time zones! >w<
VastaKustutaSethisto you should tell all the sickos to stop posting porn on his wall. Some people are so retarded I swear to god......
VastaKustutaI'd normally be all for staying up till 4 AM but I have to go get a case and screen protectors for my phone. AND I'll be doing that during my usual catching an episode of MLP on The Hub. CURSES!!!
VastaKustutaHe does not understand the POWER OF PONI
VastaKustutaShi...ain't even staying up on the west coast. I gots ta work, bro. Song'll be there in the mornin'.
VastaKustutaWe just turned his Facebook Wall into PonyChan. I feel bad for him.
VastaKustutamfw- 2:30 on the east cost
VastaKustutaFighting sleep out in Denver for dis song.
VastaKustutaTO OVER 9K!
VastaKustutaIt's six thousand, everypony. :D
VastaKustutait's OVER 6000 everypony :D
VastaKustuta> Make everypony stay up waiting for new song
VastaKustuta> Ends up being the CMC with Scootaloo lead
> Unstoppable shitstorm ensues
Dammit, getting tired. -___- Zzzzzzzzzz
VastaKustutaSo, when does this song come out? Like, what time?
VastaKustutaFuck yeah, my name is featured in a blog post pic!
VastaKustutai hope its a sweetie bell song
VastaKustutaYup, I figured this would probably happen. Dan is sitting at over 6,000 right now. lol Might not be able to hit that 9k or 10k mark, but blew the goal by a mile and a half for sure. Those crazy, crazy Bronies I tell ya...
VastaKustutaDoes everyone and their Grandma need to be posting pony on his wall page? It's really unnecessary and stupid.
VastaKustutaSo all that mountain dew i bought did come in handy :D
VastaKustutaI wonder which movie he was watching?
VastaKustuta3:32 AM....so tired....watching ponies on YouTube to stay awake for those one song....
VastaKustutaConfirmed, its the Twilight extended intro.
VastaKustutano it's not the twilight intro. he said a NEW SONG THE WASN'T RELEASED.
VastaKustutaso it's not gonna be that cause that WAS released.
got it memorized?
VastaKustuta*turning into a grumpy pony over here*
well i personly think that it could be anything!
VastaKustutai'm hoping to here some of twilight singing, or the CMC.
but it's not up to me. ( duh) so i'll wait and see! ( i'm so exited!)
Extended intro or not, it IS probably a version of a song we know already.
VastaKustutaAnd I'm OK with that.
again, he said it's new. so i dout it's gonna be something we have heard.
VastaKustutabut even if it is: it's a new song. so it works for me!!
still think it's gonna be new though. but that's just my thought. nopony else really cares what i think right now so.....
It appears I am blessed with *all* of Luna's night tonight.
VastaKustutaAnd what a night it is.
VastaKustutaand seth would flip.
It's a full on musical number with Luna as the lead part.
VastaKustutaWhy else would he post it late at night if it werent related to the goddess of the night?
VastaKustutalucky. i didn't get luna's night over here. i wish luna would put the stars out here for once!!
( she rarely does, i guess she just don't like washington state. ) hmm.
VastaKustutaI don't particulary care what I myself am thinking right now. In an hour or so it will be utterly irrelevant.
At 4 I go to bed. Song or no song (give or take 10 minutes)
VastaKustutaya i guess when it's this late most ponies could care less what they are thinking.
i'm thinking of ponies.....and sleep.... i mean! nope i'm awake!
ahh..... dreams of rainbow da..... i just said that didn't i?
he he, i skope to much. i must really be tired!!
Posting here to stay awake instead of Facebook because if I post on Facebook my friends' home pages will be spammed w ponies and my parents will kill me for being up til 4 am for a freaking video.
VastaKustutai'v never stayed up al night for a pony update. and well, nows the first time i will.
VastaKustutai WILL stay up for this!
i WILL not go to bed.
i WILL not dream of kissing rainbow d..... never mind. i did not just say that.
He posted one word:
Honestly, I'm really excited to here the song, but, I find it depressing that this has led to his Facebook wall degrading into a mass pony image spam.
VastaKustutaI understand everyone is excited, but, it's no excuse for those who are spamming Daniel's page. He's the one who has to eventually deal with and clean up the mess (I don't know if pages work like regular FB accounts, but, I fear the amount of emails he may of gathered from this onslaught if email notifications are on for him) and this is no way for them to thank him...
I just hope for his sake it dies down soon.
oh crap
VastaKustutaBut I agree, it annoys me how much people are spamming his page... prior to this Daniel's page was always a really orderly place where he actually responded to a lot of questions, now it's a steaming heap
VastaKustutaWay too late. Remember what happened to Faust's DA comment section? Yeah...
i think it's so lame how people that are getting a SONG FROM THIS GUY and want it bad, are spaming the page with PORN!
VastaKustutahow could you do that!? he's doing you a favor, and you give him spam!?!?
that is NOT love and tolerance bronies!
I liked it at first when it was just Bronies conversing, but then it just got changed to a Ponychan image thread with R34 mixed in.
VastaKustutaI think he really deserves a massive "thank you" letter from the community
I live in Hawaii, its currently 10pm...u jelly?
VastaKustutayou know what guys? i wouldn't be surprised if now he decides to not post it!
VastaKustutayou bronies need to be more nice and look at what he is doing!
( i'm sure a lot of this is NOT from bronies though!)
Oh good, he appears to have disabled all wall posts not by him.
VastaKustutaHoly crap.
VastaKustutaI think he just deleted every single post up to his latest one...
Yeah we really owe him a thank you letter XD and some cupcakes
uuhhhnnn. i just can't do it! i'm gonna go to sleep i think. i'll wait 5 more minutes.
VastaKustutai just must go back to my dreams of kissing rainbow dash-I MEAN! dreaming of being a pony and helping others.... ya that's it!
5 minuets till i leave here.
i can always check in the morning
And thus Dan did some page cleaning.
VastaKustuta*nukes it*
YEA. he cleamed it! that mean maybe he'll post it anytime now......
VastaKustutaHis SoundCloud account shows him as online. Incoming!
VastaKustutaI think the Emil Bjornfot guy needs to become a meme, what with his endless reaction faces.
VastaKustuta4:10 am. Consarn it! Just when I was going to go to bed, Dan had to post that it'd be soon, then clear his Facebook wall!
At least we know he's here.
VastaKustutaIt's two hours...
And I am very tired...
http://soundcloud.com/dannyimusic/mlp1-hop-skip-jump-song bam.
Nevermind omigosh omigosh omigosh!!!
VastaKustutaseth just went offline on his email, which only happens when hes updating it. ( or the rare times he sleeps!)
VastaKustutasi it should be here any second!!
This is awesome!
VastaKustuta@Daniel the Brony (Una nobis custodit! Towards a darker future.)
VastaKustutaI know right? That guy was pretty amusing.
That was pretty much one of the most amusing spammings I've seen. Though I do still feel sorry for Ingram. I hoped he cleared his wall before he got his eyes seared.
A hop skip & jump!
VastaKustutaAt least I had the chance to save all my favorite pics that popped up on the legendary "Spam Daniel Imgram's Facebook Page Until He Posts a New Song" day rush of 2011
VastaKustutaI rather liked the troll Danny ones
annnd it's 30 seconds long. Problem, bronies?
VastaKustutaI wonder how long until a remix of it shows up on this site. Knowing the fandom it might take tens of minutes, the lazy bum bronies.
VastaKustutaHop skip and a jump...
VastaKustutaLol, guys. Really did no one think there was a reason why it wasn't used? Now be nice bronies and wait till S2, don't bug the guy about this.
VastaKustutaA HOP A SKIP AND A JUMP!!!!!
VastaKustutawell. i thought it would be different, but it updated.
VastaKustutaGoodnight every pony.
and remeber, the only way to get places is with a HOP SKIP AND A JUMP!!!!
I havent smiled this big in a long time. I'm genuinely entertained. I was afraid I'd be disappointed. Especially when it was 30 seconds...but I'm just filled with so much happy right now.
VastaKustutaI regret nothing. The loss of four hours of sleep was definitely worth it :D
Wow...I was among the first 15 people to hear that. Weird.
VastaKustutaAnyway, that was nice.
Goodnight everypony. I expect 30 remixes to trudge through when I wake up at 8 am
VastaKustutaSweet, it wasn't a full fledged song like I was thinking, but, regardless, I love these behind-the-scenes things.
VastaKustutaI got my download and I got my happiness for the night.
And now, a hop, skip, and jump to bed!
I live in europe. U jelly?
VastaKustutaI live in Equestria. U Jelly?
VastaKustutaShe's no longer Executive Producer, but she's still lead writer.
Get yer facts straight Brony!
VastaKustutaif she wants more likes, i'm sure she has a few doodles she can bribe us with.