Does this happen to you? Does your Game Night involve dinner for one? Yeah, mine either. Isn't that silly? You're so silly Luna, go in the other room and play with your friends. While you're there, you should bring a copy of this nifty new RPG!
Wow, that segue was twisted. Moving right along! We were sent a very interesting project from somepony credited as 'Fionacat': a fully developed, 53 page tabletop pony RPG system! It's got a very simple resolution mechanic, using a d6 dice pool to roll for a given number of 'successes' relative to the difficulty of the task you're attempting. And if that doesn't make any sense to you, there's also something in there called an 'Awesome Success', and I think any game with such a mechanic deserves at least one look, don't you? Check it out below:
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The Game
The game.
ReplyDeleteLuna looks so sad in that picture. The game looks nice though i wouldn't play it.
ReplyDeleteWas it really necessary to make me lose the game?
ReplyDelete> New post on Equestria Daily by Phoe: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - The Game (http://tinyurl.com/42yrrlr)
ReplyDelete>The Game
Why... Did you have to make everypony lose the game? Cruel.
ReplyDeleteThat type of resolution system it's exactly the same as White Wolf's "World of darkness" saga of games like Vampire: The Masquerade and such the only difference is That White Wolf uses a D10 system, but Nice rule book i'll try it later
ReplyDeleteI sent this to a DM, we are going to play this SO GOD DAMN HARD.
ReplyDeletePoor Luna...
ReplyDelete>MLP Game
ReplyDeleteOh neat!
>53 page tabletop RPG
Oh... umm... yeah... I'll just go play some more video games then.
That pic has depressed me.
ReplyDeleteCan we please stop posting sad Luna stuff? it's awful.
That pic gave me a feel
ReplyDeleteRemember Phoe
ReplyDeleteTHE GAME!!!
Awesome! Now if only I actually had friends to play with
ReplyDeleteD6 dice pool system? Sounds like it'd play a lot like Shadowrun. If it does, that is all kinds of okay with me!!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to peruse this thing...
Doesnt sound all that dissimilar to Dark heresy (WH40K). DH runs off percentages (2 d10s), and uses degrees of success to measure... success. I play a mod though, which runs stat-checks primarily off the stat modifiers (tens digit).
ReplyDeleteAlso wik: I like the term awesome success, but Critical-win'd will always be my <10 rolls xD
Saaaaaaaaay.... I should put together a DH pony mod...
Thanks, Phoe...
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot.
Picks up her cards and goes back to her room.
ReplyDeleteComon, ponies, have a positive attitude! You just won the game! You're winning right now! Every time someone says you 'lost' the game, reject their lies and win! Now you win 'the game' forever! :D
just got back from DnD, my next time lord session is postponed until i play this. party, if you see this make characters and pm me
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly.
...skimming through the rulebook, I'm going to say it's unclear and poorly grammatically constructed.
ReplyDeleteYou know...if someone really wants to...Ponies could be implemented into the Queen's Blade game.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I want to save all that on my comp...so how do I go about doing that?
It's hard to play alone.
... why phoe why?! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
ReplyDeleteYou HAD to have done that on purpose, didn't ya Phoe? xD
ReplyDelete"The game..." oh, you're so silly.
@shiko try to find a good online group
ReplyDelete>somepony proofread for conventions
ReplyDeleteYay! :D
>"until you all shared it's magic with me!"
Tabletop RPGs are always fun though. I'll have to check this out.
Honk honk.
ReplyDeleteI think that picture broke my heart... :'(
ReplyDeleteI'd be sad too if my leg was growing out of my face.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Pretty much this.
ReplyDeleteSystem seems a bit odd too. Not sure I understand why all pony types are so heavily dipped into Intelligence. Yeah I know, Friendship is Magic, but it doesn't quite explain why the distinctly-non-magical earth ponies have more counters in Intelligence than any other statistic. It doesn't seem like the structure of Equestria was adapted all that well to a tabletop system here.
DnD just got 20% cooler...
ReplyDeleteThis is very remicent to DnD. I would definantly get a few friends together on a friday night and play this.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting effort into trying to make a RPG with a unique rule system to it. My biggest dislike would be the ability to switch around your points in the harmonies with just a dice roll; I'm much more used to having the attributes of my characters in RPGs be, for the most part, set. It just feels a bit too open to exploitation otherwise, and makes the starting values of how many points each pony type has in magic and others seem a bit superfluous if they can be moved around fairly easily otherwise.
ReplyDeleteStill, thank you Fionacat for making the effort and being brave enough to share it.
Well, for an initial draft there is always going to be errors. Especially for a 1-person job. But hey, better to get it out, and get public opinion and work with the people to make it better right?
ReplyDeleteAll about friendship and spreading the help ^^
This RPG sounds cool. A little hard to follow, but cool. You can roleplay with the episodes or fanfics as formats for example. That is as long as you give credit where credit is due.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I can convert some people to the Brony movement, I am so going to spread this around. :3
ReplyDeleteOf course we get a bunch of The Game comments. Saw that coming. lol But ugh, it takes thinking. Can't I just simply rot my brains out with videogames? XD
ReplyDeleteLet's see. The elements aspect feels kind of forced. Honesty=strength?
ReplyDeleteAnother problem is, for things like the relative difficulty of challenges, the Harmony system and the Problems system, you're basically asking the DM to balance your game for you. The system has potential, but the elements system working in a way that potentially allows any pony to shine in any situation, as opposed to each pony having a role to fill, and the problem system being poorly defined and having no real downside, I'm sorry, but right now this is Mary-Sue OC: The RPG.
What I would have done during development, before release and after release, was create a thread about it, and discussed issues such as balance.
How to completely break the game:
Problem: fear of sunlight.
Problem: Fear of the dark
Rules as written, if I do anything in sunlight, or in the dark, I get 2 sugar lumps. Grow up automatically, get unlimited dice and counters. Become a god. Try to walk up a wall repeatedly, fail terribly. get unlimited Harmony. Force the DM to change the story every 5 minutes.
I haven't gotten too far into the rule book, but I have a couple of friends who're bronies and it seems... kinda similar to the WoD system (save for the elements of harmony portion of the stats) so I think I might set up a weekly meetup with a few of my friends!
ReplyDeleteWish us the best of luck! We'll need it x3
My picture was used for an article cover.
ReplyDeleteMy life is 20% happier :D
That picture makes me feel sad.
ReplyDelete*runs in and cuddles Luna*
@Laurence Brown
ReplyDeleteThankies Laurence, I did try working on an alternative mechanic where rather then the player being able to move the points in harmony around it was the rest of the group but from the very limited playtesting I wasn't able to find a way to stop it being horrifically abused if you were in conflict with another pony.
The example was during a race under the current version where you can change your own elements around you can put them into the elements you think you need most for racing where as if other players were able to control them and were also racing it would become a battle to move elements away from those that would help you win a race and that wasn't very cool.
ReplyDeleteWell yes the elements aspect is a bit forced, but I had to find someway to make it work and hey I quite liked this way ^^
As with all roleplaying games the lead pony has final say on what's allowed and the ability to alter the game at will, if you as a player took problem fear of sunlight and fear of the dark and weren't going to change them at all not no way not no how then the lead pony can come up with "inventive" ways to stop you gaming the system as suddenly ever single day is overcast and dull so you don't get your fear of sunlight problem and at night a plague of fireflies swarm in and light up the area so you don't get your fear of the dark either.
Every system can be broke if you know how, but hopefully from the way the rules are written that would be against the spirit of the game.
Until you shared ITS magic with me.
ReplyDeleteit's = it is
I lost the game
ReplyDeleteThis will be the first issue I address.
Seems cool.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I lost.
>"more then"
ReplyDelete>"more then" everywhere
ALL of the pictures look TERRIBLE. This isn't so bad for the most part, but the character sheet is barely legible.
ReplyDeleteThis seems like it could be a good idea, if it had a few more weeks worth of fiddling with and a comprehensive edit.
ReplyDeleteGood on ya for trying, though.
Looks like someone forgot the image source.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Luna have a front leg coming out of her head?
ReplyDeleteNeeds a bit o polish so that it makes a little bit more sense to the average reader, but I like the mechanics.
ReplyDeleteThe Game, you say?
Playing this with a friend, made our own campaign and everything xD
ReplyDeleteAn interesting game, like the detail put into it but the grammar needs a little work.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone Fionacat here (still) if you can point out specific grammar errors to [email protected] you will get lots of love and also a credit in the book v1.2
ReplyDeleteBecause I suck at art.
I'm currently working on a d100 system that is a mod of my porémon system.
Take a look test play. Keep in mind were are still in alpha. We also need people to help make it.