• My Little Investigations / 3D Pony Game Updates!

    I want this Phoenix Wright pony game sobad.  Twilight Sparkle would be the best detective ever. All videos are after the break!

    My Little Investigations Blog

    This is a level design demo from the 3D pony game. He is also looking for voice help for the characters.

    All information can be found in the youtube video description.

    42 kommentaari:

    1. As always, I'm last

    2. Do want! That Wright game looks great!

    3. The Phoenix Wright game is looking better and better.

    4. Twilight Stocking? Awesome!

    5. So the pony 3d game is online? But a story one. Nice I guess.

    6. The second one looks AMAZING!!!

    7. That...really makes me want to pick up the Investigations game since it's the only one I haven't actually gotten around to playing out of them.

      This also makes me want to hurry up and start working on the Phoenix Wright version of my fanfic. Too bad I've got quite a few things going right now and I ran into a problem early on in making the game.

    8. yea twilight is stockings, now they need to make applejack panty.

    9. how is the 3d pony game related to ponies again?

    10. Is that the Northern Cave?

    11. Investigation game is looking good, is that pheonix wright music he uses? never played that series...

    12. And now that I watch it, the first is too!!!

    13. OBJECTION!


      That's not a "gameplay video", that's an "engine demo"! If it's not part of the actual game, it's not gameplay!

    14. The ponified Phoenix Wright game seems to be coming along nicely. Can't wait til it's finished and we get to play it.

    15. Oh man, My Little Investigations definitely has the heart and soul of the Ace Attorney series down, and mixes it with MLP spectacularly! I think this might just have to be the fan game I'm most looking forward to at this point. :D

    16. @NotAGoodUsername360


      *Taps Papers in other hand*

      Are you trying to say that squares are not rectangles?

      The video may in fact be an engine demo, but that does not mean it didn't show gameplay or was in fact, not a video.

      I propose that this was a "gameplay engine demo video"

      TAKE THAT!

    17. Yeah, that first game can have ALL OF MY DOLLARS.

      F*ck, WANT SO BAD.

    18. Wow, thanks for the post, Seth! Very much appreciated! :) And thanks all for the positive feedback!


      Partialy. The main theme playing is Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading, which was background music from episode 18. I thought it made a workable theme for Apple Bloom. The others are indeed Ace Attorney songs; the interrogation song is Interrogation ~ Moderato 2009 while the recollection song is Logic ~ The Way to the Truth.


      It's a game, and I'm playing it. That makes it gameplay in my book! :P

    19. Holy crap, thats what the Phoenix Wright games play like?

      I am sooo hiped for this game!

    20. the reasons behind the 3d game being in first person perspective is complete manure. to me it sounds like the designer is being lazy and just wants to cover it up. he simply doesnt want to bother with character animation or camera work.

      -you can put just as much detail in the level design in third and first person, your perspective has absolutely no influence on that whatsoever. complete bs reason man. we arent stupid.

      -theres two approaches he could take for the controls. the first would make the controls no more awkward than a standard first person game. he could make the mouse control the camera similar to source games when you type in the thirdperson console command. bam. easy to do, works great. the second would take a bit more work, but i think itd be better off in my opinion. make the camera follow you around, just like in good 3rd person platformers. kind of like mario 64 or rayman 2, where the camera would follow you like normal in most of the game, but sometimes be set onto a track to show you the the level better. (the spider part at the start of this level would be perfect camera work for that water rising part in the demo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTRvZvn12xw its about 20 seconds in)

      -less frustrating to play IN first person? how does looking down the edge of each platform to get the maximum jump distance sound less frustrating? the game also has a physics engine making it to be a dumb decision to miss out on physics puzzles. sure half life 2 did it great, but you had a gravity gun to distance your face from the block youre pushing. here youd be butting your nose against a block and you couldnt see where youre moving it. in 3rd person, you would be able to see your surroundings and therefore analyze puzzles better, and move them into the proper spot easier. remember ocarina of time? imagine most of the puzzles in that game in first person. doesnt sound like itd work at all.

      clearly putting the game in first person is just to cut corners. dont you want to see your pony in the game? it makes so much more sense. please dont do this to us. :(

    21. Better enjoy hearing constant blippy noises while you're reading a book.

      I don't get what makes that a game.

    22. @Fallin' Winter HOLD IT! I never said it wasn't a video; I'm simply saying that you can't call it "gameplay" unless it's part of the game!

      @GabuEx*shakes head*

      Sorry, but YOUR book isn't the one we're using here. WE'RE using the English Dictionary, and it CLEARLY shows *points finger* that you have been falsely advertising this video!

    23. I loved the Ace Attorney games
      This investigation game is looking great and looks like it will capture the same feel of the series pretty well.

    24. i want to save scoots right now. why is this game not out yet!!!!!

    25. @Anonymous

      Eh, it's not a game for everyone. You're not in the group of those who would enjoy it, and that's fine.


      *THWACK* But... but... OBJECTION! Your Honor, the prosecution is clearly trying to divert from the real issue at hand!

    26. @GabuEx Sorry, Gabu, but I have news for you: This is Investigations! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTar-_oPi7s

    27. @NotAGoodUsername360 Dude said it's tentative. That's very different from saying it's not part of the game. He's just covering his ass in case he has to change it later to better fit with everything else.

    28. It's so weird seeing videos from people I'm friends with. I never even knew GabuEx was doing a Pheonix Wright-type game. God, you never tell me anything Gabu, I have to find it all out from Seth.

    29. The investigations game is looking really good! I haven't ever played a Phoenix Wright game, but seeing it ponified is making me really want to pick one up...

    30. @NotAGoodUsername360

      But... aha! OBJECTION! Who said we're using the English dictionary!? Perhaps I'm using my own dictionary, and you can't stop me! I have immunity from your games!


    31. @David Reinold

      There's a thread on Equestria Forums about it under Creativity, silly! :P

    32. @Anonymous

      I'd rather play as a pegasus than play as a camera chasing after a remote-control pegasus.

      First Person all the way.

    33. @Star Whistle
      I'd have to agree with the anon here. First person really doesn't sound appealing for a pony game. Unless it was a shooter, but that sounds even less appealing.

    34. I'm a very impressed by the Phoenix Wright game!

    35. Both are looking good, specially My Little Interrogations.

    36. I have but a few questions, if youre going to try out for voice acting, is there any specific lines you have to say? is there a set character which they want you to be? can you make up your own persona? and finally, in the clip with your ACTUAL voice, im assuming you simply say a few random things, right?

    37. My Little Investigations: DO WANT.

    38. @GabuEx That may be true... however...

      *pulls out handgun*

      ...you don't have immunity to my bullets!


    39. @Anonymous
      Have you not read his comments. Apparently he is doing BOTH! You can change at any time to whatever you prefer.

