• My Little Brony Sneaks to the Top of Youtube?

    I admit, my Youtubefoo isn't that amazing.  I usually click browse, and hit up the science category... ignoring everything else.    The videos on the top of this page are almost always completely unrelated to what I'm interested in.

    Imagine my amazement when My Little Brony was up there.

    I'm not sure how critical this is, but talking to my more YouTube savvy friends on steam and hearing their seething pony hatred bubble over after sharing the screenshot seems to point to it being positive (For us at least). 

    Feel free to yell at me if they have some sort of video matchmaking outside of the main Youtube page.  I was under the impression that these were specifically picked out though. 

    32 kommentaari:

    1. Whoo, well isn't that something else?

      Nice to see more ponies slowly taking over the internet.

    2. Actually, they tend to be MADE for that page.

    3. Had to refresh the page a few times, but it's there.

    4. Not sure what qualifies a video to go there, but the fact that it's there is awesome. Well done, bronies!

    5. I just click the browse button then there it was "My little Brony"

    6. I can't believe no one has commented on the irony of Sethisto of all bronies having pony-hating friends.

    7. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.


    9. I've refreshed the page countless times and nothing.

    10. I don't see how that is the top video. What criteria goes into that?

    11. I dunno, there's always ponies right there when I go to Youtube. Probably because it makes up about 90% of everything I watch on there though. ;)

    12. Found it, just had to refresh 5 times. :D

    13. This is awesome.

      We're gonna' change the freakin' world, you guys know that right?

    14. We are gaining a foothold over youtube. Now to conquer all other sites the GREAT and POWERFUL GOOGLE controls!

    15. Wow...just wow I'll show it to my friends so they can too form a seething pony hatred bubble XD

    16. Wonder who that brony hero is....

    17. It's actually a "featured" video. How they pick those is beyond me but it's not due to viewcount.

    18. What my little pony needs is one of the top youtubers to admit they love the show like Shane Dawson, then once he says he likes it, a million of new fans will be introduced to the show, then all the other top youtubers will watch and enjoy the show. Then ponies will invade youtube. Then the world as we know it. It's genius. Now we need to find a way to make a top youtuber admit / discover their love for Friendship.

    19. 2:26 - Tsk... "Bronies" doesn't come from "/b/" + "ponies", it comes from "/b/ro(ther)" + "ponies".

    20. I found myself smiling thru out the whole video =D

    21. All haters going down in 10 seconds flat ^^

      Activate it.

    22. @Decayed

      ...but maybe it would be better if *that* kind of "top YouTuber" didn't touch it. I mean, we'd wind up with an influx of kids who are all geared up to flood the fansites with their bad grammar and trolling. :O

      Let's get FreddieW on it. He's the man.

    23. Well, I had a longer comment, but Blogger ate it.
      Basically, James@War could work, because hes known to be silly.
      Smosh has posted ponies, but I'm not sure if their YouTube famous or famous from something else.

    24. They're*
      Wheres the edit button when you need it...

    25. apparently I have to sign out of Youtube to see the actual Youtube home page, otherwise it just shows my subscriptions videos...

    26. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    27. I personaly use to hate ponys. I thought it was to girlish. Then a couple of my friends went "Brony" and I didn't know what it meant so I searched it up. Bro+pony=brony. I watched a my lil pony show still thought it was gay and girlish. Two years later I watch it again and somehow it had an effect on me. Thus I am brony.
