• Music: Undeserved Sins (Past Sins Tribute) / Serenatina for Twilight Sparkle / Call Of The Cutie Score Extension

    How the hell is Pasy Sins still #2 on the side bar after a week of no updates? 

    Confound this Nyx! This has to be some kind of voodoo!

    1.) Undeserved Sins (Past Sins Tribute)
    2.) Serenatina for Twilight Sparkle in C# major (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    3.) Call Of The Cutie Score Extension

    74 kommentaari:

    1. i still don't understand the whole nyx thing.

    2. Still haven't gotten around to reading that yet... Is it really as good as everypony's making it out to be?

    3. Cue the storm in 3... 2... 1...

    4. @Colt - From the story Past Sins. It's a must read.
      @ Lemonite - It IS as good as everypony says. Give it a go. I promise, you'll be addicted.

    5. Nyx is a character from the "Past Sins" fanfic, which is quite popular.

    6. Very good fic. Fallout Equestria tier. Well, almost

    7. @Lemonite
      I'm a fan of it, at any rate. It's pretty high quality compared to most stuff you'd find, and it explores some ideas like parenthood you don't see much here. It's attracted a large hatedom, sadly, because the people who love it talk about it at every oportunity they get, and that's annoyed a LOT of people who don't like fanfics/the fic itself/etc.

      It's ironic - the backlash from the fic in the fandom is like a microcosm of the internet's backlash against bronies as a whole.

    8. I never liked Past Sins..it was to predictable for me. From what I read of it though it was ok..

    9. @rafeind I really would like to read Past Sins but i just can´t start. Nothing calls my attention. Is it that good?

    10. Yeah, Past Sins is pretty good. That, and [normal] = can appeal to frikkin everyone. Can't go wrong in reading it.

    11. Ah ok. Thanks everypony. I may give it a try.

      Even if I haven't rad it, though, that tribute was a really good listen. I felt a lot of personality from it.

    12. Is that I kazoo I hear in Undeserved Sins @ 3:22 to 4:00? That is awesome :3
      It seems to capture the essence of the plot up to this point in time. Well done.

    13. I don't understand how a 4-star story can get so much attention D:

    14. @Freekles1245

      Just read Past Sins already. If you're disappointed fine you gave it shot and didn't like it.

    15. Ok well I DO have to say that the Undeserved Sins song is really good..almost makes me want to give Past Sins another chance...meh...I don't know..its just to predictable...UHHG, my head hurts..lol

    16. #1 was pretty good i liked it.

      #2 not bad at all.

      #3 I love it.

    17. It was a lucky break for me that it stayed in the popular posts, I finally read it earlier in the week and I regret nothing. I can also finally appreciate all the art/music made for it.

    18. Really, and I mean REALLY liked number 1, the tone of it and the general feel (also the way it changes), doesn't help that i find little nyx adorable.

      #2 was nice and fitting.

      #3 was pretty good part from the one fairly repetetive bit but i liked it all the same.

    19. Also, the kazoo, it fitted brilliantly.

    20. Oh lord Seth, what have you done!?!

      In all seriousness folks, I never thought Past Sins would get as popular as it has. I was at best hoping for the same level of success as Better Living Through Science and Ponies.

      So for those who are tired of seeing Nyx, I apologize. For those who make fan-art and fan-music of Nyx, I am eternally grateful.

      Because that song is awesome.

    21. I have to say that I liked all three. The latter two were a tad short (especially the second), but they were beautiful.

      And the first makes me want to read Past Sins even more.

    22. @Kim Fluttershy Dykas
      Lol, aren't you a fic reviewer? Not mocking you, just saying.

      Basically, Nightmare Moon as a filly is a simple but intriguing idea. It's an original plot hook to get people interested in reading it.
      The plot is predictable, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when much of the first half of the fic focuses on slice-of-life moments. There's an overarching thread of discovery that creates a lot of tension in these scenes which heightens the reader's emotional reception to the simple life scenes.
      It's also very focused - in essence the only necessarily characters are Twilight and Nyx (protagonists), Celestia (secondary character) and Nexus (antagonist/plot device). The fic knows what it wants to do and is competent enough to deliver it.

    23. What I meant by it being a 4-star story is that as a reviewer, I've gone over it, and other reviewers over at /fic/ has too, and it's a 4-star story. It's a good read though.

      It most certainly is not a 6-star story, even though most seem to think so.

      Alas, these are all opinions and everyone is entitled to them. Everyone is different.

    24. @Idle Drifter Ok, i´ll give it a shot. Thanks

    25. Don't get the Nyx thing, might read the story eventually, though. But the spamming of low-quality Nyx images has got to stop. In fact, anything that is low-quality, such as cut-n-pasting a head into an advice dog format, has to stop. It's only made to be annoying, which is not what the fandom based itself on.

    26. Oh, one more question, is it finished?

    27. every time I considered reading it, I was stopped by the page picture of twilight being hung.
      Except for one time where I read the prologue, which didn't really seem to be the style I like.

    28. About Time the Past Sins Tribute gets on here.
      I positively love that song.

    29. 1: didn't really do anything for me

      2: very pretty

      3: i'm liking this one :)

    30. @Mattatatta In all fairness it's kiiiinda what the fandom is based on. We've just matured beyond that, but internal flame-wars makes foals of us all, I suppose.

    31. Music posts are my favourite thing.

      #1 I love this. A song based on one of my favourite stories by one of my favourite pony musicians. Cool. Coolcoolcool.

      #2 What a pretty little piece. I like this a lot too.

      #3 Very nice. The background music in the show is great, and I love it when people extend it.

    32. Wow, number one is does an impressively good job of summing up Past Sins' plot so far in music. Well done!

    33. 1. I don't read fanfics, so this probably doesn't do as much for me, but I liked. Runescape-esque
      2. was never big on minimalistic music
      3. very nice
      >Pasy Sins

    34. Yay Past Sins! Cant wait for the next update. And #3 was pretty nice.

    35. I love Past Sins, is the story predictable? Very, but that's because people like that kind of story.

    36. you really have to do this to me? i thought that was the last update not some fan-music... cool anyway

    37. I've not read Past Sins myself.

      But I did really like Undeserved Sins up there. Was wondering why it seemed so good, until I saw who made it. lol Nice work as always.

      Second sounded nice, but didn't really do anything special for me.

      Third was alright. Little mellow for me maybe, but it was decent.

    38. Oh my god I melted when the kazoo kicked in in #1.

      But, in all seriousness, I think the song is kind of all over the place. At times it's epic, at other times it's a kazoo. But, when the could have made this epic, they..... Didn't. I dunno if it's intentional or what. It's just not something I would listen to while reading the story, not that this is a bad thing. It just won't fit ALL the time. Not that I'm sure it was MEANT to be like this, but still.

      (Actually, looking back on it, I have a weird sense of what I WOULD listen to while reading it. I mean, I listened to the Song of UnHealing during the 'MOMMY!' scene.)

      (Wait, looking back on THAT, the Elegy of Emptiness has NOTHING on Nyx. Plus it IS fitting. I guess. Why not?)

    39. @Pen Stroke Haha, thanks. I love the concept of fans making content based around other fan-made content across different artistic mediums. Nyx is an example of that. I've wanted to make a song based around a fanfic for awhile and when I read the prologue for Past Sins, I knew that's the story I wanted to try and capture in music form.

    40. @Freekles1245

      Thank you for giving Nyx and Past Sins a shot.

    41. #1 Oh.Hell.Yes. I love Past Sins! Great piece of music
      #2 It's so soothing and calming
      #3 I really liked the ending

      By the way,we had the annual August 20th fireworks here in Hungary, and the EqD banner has fireworks on it...coincidence?

    42. 1. Nice throwing the Celestia theme and the CMC theme in there. did I miss any other themes from the show? This is definitely different than my Past Sins song... mine focuses less on the story as a whole and more on twilight's conscience issues in the first few chapters regarding filly NMM vs Nyx. Good song over all. I have some stupid criticisms... but this post is long.
      2. WARNING TROLLING: Why C#? D flat would have B double flats for a lowered 6th... and B double flats are so coooool. WARNING OPINIONS: I don't think it fits twilight. This is a good song regardless.
      3. Can't say I remember it from the show (which is the case with a lot of underscore in the show) This was a good listen.

      I was impressed by all of these. I LOVE ORCHESTRAL BRONIES. They need to all get in the MLR skype chats. (Actually I think that orchestral design doesn't know what MLR is in the first place... I could be wrong)

    43. I really, really liked #1 & #3. Great work.

    44. Confound this EqD. It keeps me from finishing the editing on Past Sins so all you bronies can get your Nyx fix. :P

    45. Goodness. If you'd asked me a year ago if I'd ever be brought to the verge of tears by a kazoo in an orchestral arrangement based off of a fanfic about cartoon ponies I would have considered you a crazy-person. Now I am the crazy-person.

    46. @Overkillius

      Your right I have no clue, care to elaborate for me?

    47. 1. Very nice work. The piece has great momentum. None of the themes outstay their welcome, and all of them are introduced pretty naturally. Plus, kazoos!

      2. Good tune. Sounds a bit melancholy and introspective.

      3. Another very good arrangement. I guess this is really an extension of a variation of the CMC theme?

    48. Originally lost all interest to read Past Sins when the massive redo to serious development scenes with Celestia, Twilight and Nyx of and addictions that I gave up on it for awhile. I since a few days ago went back and just hit up chapter 14 and onwards, and the only changes that felt different were talks of how she handled the infiltration of the castle, and some talks with Luna.
      All was fine so for those that did lose interest at first, while there is a lot of repetitive self loathing and other belittling scenes with NMMNyx that can get a bit exhausting to have to reread almost every other sentence or paragraph, it has been a great read and almost as emotion filled as the first original 13 chapters.

      I will go back and probably reread the revised 13 chapters once the last 3 are released some time this coming week maybe? Who knows rl has a way of slowing things down unexpectedly.

      So to comment on the Video I love the transitions from being found and carried through the everfree forest and being caught in the rain, to the simple happy childhood and kazoo playing, to the NIGHT...SHALL LAST... FOREVER! NNM-Nyx flow was pretty nicely done. Not wholly original as obviously other peoples works were mixed into this tribute but great mix!

    49. Past Sins started out really well, but the moment... well, spoilers, but there is a major turning point which feels kind of rushed and forced. Dues Ex Personality Change.

    50. and other additions not addictions and crossout that 'of' before and at the first sentence. I some how trailed a bit from what I was looking at in another screen ^^;

    51. @Orchestral Design

      Put simply: MLR is a brony musician forum and home of the remix wars (speaking of remix wars, I still need to style swap with someone).

      And as far as the skype calls go... PM me (Overkillius) on MLR I guess.

    52. Let's not forget that Nyx originated from Creeping Darkness the Allan Wake crossover. Past Sins merely used the character.

    53. 1. dat kazoo! Loved how I could place what was going on in the story with the changing music.

      2. fits with Twilight's personality. Feels regal, yet with a tad of modesty.

      3. makes me want to go out and get stuff accomplished, especially the last 1/3 of it.

      Overall, I enjoyed 1 the best. That kazoo was an amusing addition and I loved replaying the story in my head to the sound of the music.

    54. Thanks for accepting #3, Seth. I like music that uses parts of the show, instead of just inspiration from it. If it is using segments of music or sound clips, I like it (unless it is hardcore dubstep)

    55. I absolutely loved the 1st one it fits so well. very well done.

    56. I haven't read Past Sins, but maaaaaan, Nyx is frikkin' adorable.

    57. Past Sins is in the tradition of a Shakespeare play. You can pretty much guess what is going to happen, but that isn't the point. It is more about HOW it happens. I think the self-loathing is an important character flaw, though it does bother me that nothing she does is good enough for her to allow herself redemption. It is frustrating, but that is kind of the point. The song is rather good, though glass harp would have been a nice touch.

    58. The first one was pretty good, although the beginning sounded like a bunch of notes randomly put in order to make accending and decending motion, much like how i play piano, which im not really good at. But towards the middle it was really ... Nice ... With the kazoo and shtuff.

    59. I am left speechless with the tribute, you capture the spirit of the story perfectly!

    60. Really love Undeserved Sins. The kazoo, hearing Nightmare Moon's quote, the whole thing is epic and totally reflects the awesomeness of Past Sins. If any pony out there hasn't read this, you really don't know what you're missing. God I need to read chapter 19 when it comes out!

    61. Yeah... only stories with 42 Stars are worth something... right...

      Also, Past Sins was 6 Stars before a bunch of angry-anonymous trolls passed by and voted 1...

    62. Fallout series are just too long for me to catch up now, so waiting for Past Sins

    63. I liked Past Sins, and recommend it to others. The writing is good (not incredible like Fallout: Equestria/Project Horizons, but it appeals to a much wider audience) and it deals with themes that you don't find much elsewhere. I would call it 4-5 stars instead of six, but it's still more than worth the read.

    64. Listened to #1, it is now on my phone. Love the story it's based on.

      @Kim Fluttershy Dykas:
      Hey! I remember you from the Past Sins comments. What do you mean by having gone over the story? Did you read the first few chapters like you said you should, or did you splurge your time and read the whole thing?

      Also, could you give me a couple of examples of fics that achieve 5-6 stars in your book? I like to have context, and it couldn't hurt for me to be exposed to what you see as true quality.

      Also, could you give me a synopsis of what your different ratings mean? What makes this particular story worth 4stars? What would earn a 3star or 2star rating?

      Pardon me for the interrogation, but I am always curious to learn how other people think. I'm weird like that. ^_^;

    65. #3 really reminds me of Final Fantasy

    66. OrchestralDesign's Call of the Cutie Mark score extension is by far my favorite here. Downloaded! My only regret is that it's so short.

    67. Past Sins is a lot of things, it may not be for everypony, but I can tell you one thing it most certainly isn't: something lazily thrown together without thought or care. Even if its not your cup of tea, you at least ought to be able to recognize an honest effort. And if it inspires other people to try to make something awesome too, I'm certainly not going to complain. (love the bit with the kazoo)

      Also, call of the cutie score was great as well. :)
