I enjoy the campaign-style poster for the Magical Pony Party. As for Luna's Army..."These are the voyages of the Starship Luna. It's continuing mission -- to explore strange new pastures, seek out new ponies and new herds, and to go where no quadruped has flown before!"
#2 My hooves are tied The billions shift from side to side And the wars go on with brainwashed pride For the love of Goddesses and our pony rights And all these things are swept aside By bloody hooves time can't deny And are washed away by your genocide And history hides the lies of our civil war!
43 kommentaari:
I've never been one for the musics, but Luna's Army caught me. All Glory to the Lunar Republic!!
VastaKustutaThat Rainy Mood. Its so...Calming.
VastaKustutaAnd Bladder relieving at the same time!
VastaKustutaDat last video
VastaKustutaOoh jazz remix /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaNote to self: Sethisto like jazz. Make more MLP jazz parodies...
VastaKustutaLoving these songs, especially the jazz cover of WWU!
I enjoy the campaign-style poster for the Magical Pony Party. As for Luna's Army..."These are the voyages of the Starship Luna. It's continuing mission -- to explore strange new pastures, seek out new ponies and new herds, and to go where no quadruped has flown before!"
VastaKustutaThat damn Jazz Remix, SWEETT
VastaKustutaAhhh, ponies, jazz and rainy mood. Brilliant.
VastaKustutaI've always been a Jazz fan. And I have to say the Winter Jazz Up one was simply beautiful!
VastaKustutaDat smooth jazz.
VastaKustutaThat rain site is amazing! Now I don't have to wait for a storm to relax! :D
VastaKustutaJust great... ANOTHER way winter wrap up can get stuck in my head
VastaKustutaThis could be an award winning post, wow.
VastaKustutaDeploying Smooth Jazz in 3...2...1...
VastaKustuta>mfw Sethisto also likes listening to jazz with rainymood.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutameh, meh, yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!
VastaKustuta#1 Awesome
VastaKustuta#2 My hooves are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of Goddesses and our pony rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hooves time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil war!
#3 Great way to mellow out.
Wow, damn. The first and last are pure awesomeness! Indeed Keneticpest is right! This is one hell of an awesome post!
VastaKustutaWinter Wrap Up as Jazz.
too awesome for me
Whoops! Sorry, I meant Weirdplatformer.
VastaKustutaI like the third one, but WAY too loud on the vibraphone. Otherwise, nice.
VastaKustutaJazz video is amazing.
VastaKustutaThat jazz remix was incredible.
VastaKustutaPony jazz, and an adorable Sweetie Belle & Vinyl Scratch pic!
VastaKustutaI'm ok with this.
First one was kinda fun to listen to. Nothing amazing, but I liked it.
VastaKustutaSecond song was okay.
Third was nice and soft. Was a decent listen too.
jazz remix needs to be live. that version sounds a little to fake.
VastaKustutaRainy Mood, <3 that site.
VastaKustutapretty much #3
Seth, there've been at least three jazz remixes by now, one of which is from Odessy.
VastaKustuta1. too pop-ish for my liking
VastaKustuta2. Luna fanmusic that isn't emo and depressing, a nice change of pace
3. now this...this is classy. very good
first on is ok... second one is great but the jazz one is Amazing
VastaKustutaLove the jazz, but I had to stand and salute the Luna song.
VastaKustutaI love the jazz, but THAT PICTURE! You had to go and pick what is quite possibly my favorite pic ever posted. Thank you.
VastaKustutaThat jazz one made me jazz in my pants.
Srsly tho.
I'm sorry, but the jazz one sounds like crappy elevator music. Jazz is about improv and spontaneity, not simply including a sax.
VastaKustutaWow. I really liked the jazz one. It was great to relax to. And I have now favorited "Rainy Mood."
VastaKustutaSo when do we get some Pony Ska?
VastaKustutaIt's smooth jazz.
Can't wait till Season 2 starts, but this original music will definitely hold me over until then.
VastaKustutai enjoyed each one.