• Music: In Luna's Mind / Luna Acoustic Piano Cover / Luna Orchestral #8

    So... Luna music.  I'm starting to think it's just random music with Luna added to the title. 

    1.) In Luna's Mind (Fan Music)
    2.) Whitney's Miltank: 'Luna' Acoustic Piano Cover (original song by Eurobeat Brony)
    3.) Luna's Charge: Luna Orchestral (FEAT: Circuitfry, Prisonfishy and Foozogz)

    31 kommentaari:

    1. "It's just random music with 'Luna' attached to the title."


    2. inb4 last

      Epic pic of luna, btw.

    3. Honestly I feel like a lot of the mlp fan music is just random music with mlp in the title.

    4. 1. Make random music
      2. Add ponies
      3. ???
      4. Profit

    5. @GenericUsername
      Well most of them are likely inspired by the show or the characters, I don't think the musicians make a song and then slap "Luna" on it.

      OT: Really liking the second one, nice jerb mate.

    6. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    7. @GenericUsername
      I've heard several which take motif's from the background music, or use the instruments commonly associated with the title character.

      The thing is, Luna hasn't been in the show enough to have any established motifs =P

    8. Really, I'd say it's not as random as you think. It might seem like it but you don't see the 'inspiration' that spawned the music to earn that name.

    9. However, Luna got a very strong 'sad' feeling in the fandom, and is the sole and only pony in this case. The show is all pink and candy, excepted for Pinkie (and her breakdown, with happy-back-to-normal ending), Fluttershy (rage easily explained), and Luna (a god damn THOUSAND years! And possessed with that!). To me, she represents all the sad and tragic part of the show. Furthermore, her kingdom is the sky, the night and the dream. So you got melancholia, and that's the main theme for Luna.

      But it's not all! Since you can interpret her character very different ways (30 secs in the show, y'know, overanalyzing...), you also have all the 'rebellious' music, etc.

      So yeah, no wonder there's so much music based on what the musician imagines to be Luna.

    10. 2nd one made me get goosebumbs all over, like RD's 'At the Gala' part.

      Therefore, AWESOME!

    11. 3rd feels very floyd-ish.
      tear down the wall! tear down the wall!

    12. Oh boy...another song which has nothing to do with the real Luna...can't you people just wait till she finally gets her own song in Season 2?

    13. It's not "random music" just because it doesn't have things from the actual show in it.

      The music is INSPIRED by the show and its characters.

      Bronies, I am disappoint. :|

    14. @Lemonite

      It's kind of like movies. If it says "The true story of x," it means it's full of exaggerations for plot reasons. If it says "Based on the true story," it's full of outright lies. And if it says "Inspired by the TRUE STORY!" then it may as well be full of robots and wizards.

      These are "inspired by the show and its characters." Draw your own conclusions.

    15. >I'm starting to think it's just random music with Luna added to the title.

      I can see where you're coming from, but I think this is a bit disrespectful. Each to their own opinion, I guess.

    16. 1. Okay song, I guess. Doesn't seem...Luna-y.
      2. Nice pianaing, but the singing leaves something to be desired.
      3. Cool song, especially the choir and piano, but this whole 'Down with the tyrant! FOr teh lunar republic!' stuff is getting very old.

    17. @Shatara I was trying to express Luna's anger turning into regret...I even sampled her voice

    18. I can understand why some people think they're not pony-related at all because they don't have anything from the show incorporated, or ponified lyrics. I sometimes feel Luna songs in general are a bit generic and sound quite a like. But I also know that most are still inspired by the ponies in the title.

      Like the first one.

      Second one is so/so. The singing needs a little bit of work. Sounds like he's trying too hard. Perhaps trying to sound too much like Eurobeat.

      Third was okay. I find a lot of their songs to sound a bit similar. This one is a little different, and I like that.

    19. People have already said things about inspiration and whatnot better than I can, and I'm glad not everyone is a foal.

      I'm not one to quote and I stole this from the MLR skype chat anyway.
      "Any fool can criticize and complain, and most fools often do."

      That being said it IS possible that someone might slap Luna on something for more views/subscribers seeing as how it has become obvious that it is rather popular. I know for a fact however that the third submission at least was not one of these. (I've seen SupaSpeedStrut before and talked to him in IRC, but I don't think he is on skype... so I don't know about his inspiration. *looks at above post* oh, ok.)

    20. One thing I've never liked about basic string/choir patches is that they always sound like they're coming in late because of the long attack on the notes.
      My word of advice to anyone else doing stuff like the third one: mix those parts separately, and align them by ear. You'll know when it sounds "right."
      Otherwise, awesome.

    21. I didn't think that 'Luna' could sound any sadder, but the second video proved me wrong.

    22. #1
      Yea, that's pretty much what goes through my mind all the time.

      The melody is nice, but the lyrics are a bit out of tune at times.

      I would rather not be reminded of why I lost a thousand years of my life.
      I like the melody, but I wish somepony would do a new take on the whole 'Lunar Republic'. Instead of trying to take-over Equestria and dethrone my sister.

    23. @Luna
      I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not :( (and here I was thinking I knew your mind!)

    24. @SupaSpeedStrut
      Gave it another listen. Think I let the comments and not quite matching expectations color my judgements the first time, sorry.
