• Music: Evil Enchantress Remix / Luna's Fury Orchestral #4 / CMC Live Band Rehearsel

    Quite the mix this time around. First off we have the 4th installment of the Orchestral Luna series, followed by a CMC band doing their first live rehearsal, and ending with some Electronic remixy stuff!

    1.) Luna's Fury - Luna Orchestral
    2.) CMC Theme Live Band Rehearsal
    3.) Pinkie Pie & Flutterguy - Evil Enchantress (Electro House Remix)

    36 kommentaari:

    1. LOVE the first one.

    2. The live band rehearsal theme was pretty cool!

    3. DAMMIT IT!
      Would have been first but stupid computer crashed. Anyway love the evil enchantress remix

    4. I like the CMC Cover! A lil more finishing touches and it could def be performed at a meet-up

    5. Congratulations, commenter #1! Your post has succeeded in both containing the word "first" and being perfectly legitimate!

    6. to be honest the band kinda sucked

    7. Oh dang!!! 00:33 on the third vid was…just awesome! XD

    8. Electro-house remix is sick!

    9. #1: Love it! Soothing sounds.

      #2: I don't find it good... I felt embarrassed listening to it.

      #3: Love the remix!

    10. Woohoo Dethonator... i might do a cover XD

    11. I do enjoy the first one. Should I be saying something like 'You wont like me when I am angry' or something? I do not have good speakers for the second one. the third one made me laugh. I am tempted to try and get an mp3 of it to play at the next convention dance. See how many bronies are there doing the same moves as pinkie.

    12. First one was alright. I liked this one more than the last two of theirs.

      Second was okay. Needs a bit of fine-tuning however. But they look pretty young, so I'll be lenient. ;) Also, is the singer wearing a woman's shirt? I'd swear he is. Not that I'm against it, just saying. lol

      Third is a pretty cool remix. I like it. Fun little beat.

    13. #1 Got some final battle boss music going on here? Kinda cool.

      #2 I thought it was pretty awesome. It instantly brings back memories of the CMC at there play. =D

      #3 Wicked!

    14. Can I get another solo? plz... that guitarist was just a little attention grabbing to say the least.

    15. 1 and 3 were amazing! didn't much care for 2 though.

    16. Pinkie Pie is way scarier than zecora.

    17. Definitly like #3...its right up my alley of music =). And #1 is good, though #2 I'm not fond of but good effort.

    18. 1.Yea it sounds like what you'd hear in a Final boss fight.

      2.Was cool they do need to clean it up a little but still sound awesome.

      3.Vid Scared me... but I liked it nice mix.

    19. wow the singer in #2 actually sings worse than scootaloo. amazing.

    20. #3 was great, definitely going on my DAP!

    21. 2nd vid was good. Guitarist was really good, the others needed some fine tuning.

    22. Luna's Fury - 64bit needs more love <3

      Cutie Mark Crusaders - The corny lyrics just made this epic.

    23. Already heard #1 prior to it being on EqD, but I liked it.

      #2 is a nice sound check. The guys know they need to iron it out more, so I can't say much by way of criticism.

      #3 Is awesome. It's also nice to hear a track that has an apprehensive mood that ISN'T in the Dubstep genre. As much as I like Dubstep, it can't hold a candle to a more dance-orientated track.

    24. Did anybody else get a Deadmau5 "Ghosts n' Stuff" vibe from #3?

    25. First one makes for great boss fight music.
      So do that.
      Make a boss fight just to use the epic music.
      I commandeth thee!

    26. The third, I found to be a little too repetitive for my tastes.
      I did like how they used Flutter's voice, though.

    27. #1 Reminds me of Legend of Zelda, great music.

    28. 1. so much Luna music...pretty good though
      2. metalhead bronies covering the CMC? best
      3. ahh, trash techno shit

    29. wow.... #3's drop is amazing...

      and yet, fl studio. :(

    30. @Alternate Pinkie Pie
      I thinks that's how you're supposed to feel about the second one, have you ever seen the episode the CMC sing the song? It's funny because it's bad.

    31. #3 i like. confound these bronies, they drive me to DANCE MANIACALLY.

    32. Hmmm...

      #1 - was okay
      #2 - was really good. I think they should of microphoned their amps and drums for better quality, though. Deth on guitar live was wicked! Vocals and other instruments could use some work.
      #3 - I blasted it through my speakers! Love the autotune!
