• MLP Online: Art Update

    The creators of MLP Online have sent us an email full of art updates on the game for you guys.

    The email says they're shooting for a beta before season two begins. I gotta say, it's looking pretty incredible so far. If you agree, and would like to help out the noble cause of making a pony game for us all to play, the team is looking for vector artists that can emulate the style of the show. If you're interested, the email says to apply on their DeviantArt page, here.

    After the break I have included the rest of the pictures they sent me in the email. Check em out!

    32 kommentaari:

    1. Wow these look really buckin' good.

    2. so is this game gonna be 2d isometric?

    3. Wow, these just get better and better, looking very slick. Wish I could help but if you guys need a vector artist I suggest hitting up Snowflame from Ponychan and seeing if he's at all interested, that guy is a pretty hardcore vector artist.

      As always, keep the updates coming Urimas and co, this is definitely looking to be one of the top games coming from the community.

    4. Looking damn fine. So much Pony related content is being worked on I just hope some of it actually gets "Released". Tired of all this tease.

    5. OhmigoshOhmigoshOhmigosh! *true reaction*

    6. Yup, these are all looking pretty nice so far. Can't wait until it's released.

    7. Whoa thanks for the awesome plug, Sethdude!

      It's shaping up good, and soonish we're getting a pretty awesome looking website up if anypony's interested on keeping up with this outside of DA. c:

    8. I would play this. My gamer mind will get me to play this ALOT!

    9. They look nice now, but just imagine these small areas when a crapload of players are in the room at once

    10. @mushl3t
      Indeed it is. With 2d sprites in pixel art form!

    11. oh man, im a Vector Artist.. but i cant be tied to a project right now. as much as i would love to help...

    12. It looks perfect!

    13. It's... It's beautiful.

    14. This looks So awesome! /)939(\

    15. itsbeautiful.jpg

      Really, that's some high quality shiz right here. I can't wait to see it put to use :D

    16. This is the sort of project I've always wanted to work on. Too bad I never took the time to properly hone my coding skills. ;_;


      Do you/did you ever post on GameSpot's forums? That name sounds familiar...

    17. It's so.....so... *pinkie pie smile*

    18. Wow, Its really coming along. I really hope that they finish before season 2 comes out cause if they don't, I think there is going to be a long delay before we see anything. It is going to be awesome. Can't wait to see this up and running.

    19. Oh, where's Library? Looking forward to this whole thing

    20. Seems like it's coming along well. Can't wait for it to be released. *will completely buy my way in there*

    21. Damn, looking good, although I can't help but feel the playstyle is going to be similar to habbo or zOMG... which Im not sure if I want... Oh well A PONY GAME is going to be awesome anyways cause ponies.

    22. I just told my Team that I am currently in about this. A few of them are quite excited (Me Especially) Hope this works out well!

    23. WOW! The quality of this took me completely by surprise. Looks amazing! Can't wait to actually test it out.

      @DJ Midli
      Reminds me of Club Penguin.

    24. wow so detailed and official :D

      i wanna help but i don't know jack about vectoring =/

      -watches for updates- o.o

    25. If that's the proper arrangement of the buildings around the town hall, the lighting looks off to me. =/

    26. If you guys are interested in this, come over to our site and check out a 3d online pony game called Equestria Online!


    27. I hope this becomes something big!

    28. The Carousel Boutique looks simply marvelous. The other interiors look fantastic as well.

    29. Looks awesome, I can help with quests and dialogues... but not animation. :'(
