• Minnesota Mall of America Meetup Compendium

    There are so many of these going on lately,  I might have to start a compilation thing up.  This one happened on Saturday over in Minnesota at the Mall of Amercia.  I really want to check that place out some time...   Have some copypaste after the break!

    "From the census, everyone had a good time! The other admin and I only thought we'd have ten or fifteen people attending, but at our peak, the group was at 48 people!
    The meet was at the Mall Of America and started around 11am. The first thing we did besides meet each other was raid the toy store next door in the pink aisle. They had ponies there! When we finished that, the other admin came back with nametags, which was especially helpful since we were such a large group. @_@
    We walked through Nickelodeon Universe, up some escalators and to the food court. We had an idea to seat people by favorite pony, but the group was just too massive and we couldn't organize it quick enough, so we just went ahead and ate. This took up a good amount of time, though!
    So, to make up for what we wanted to make as an ice-breaking lunch, we decided to gather in a circle and have everyone go one by one, saying their name, favorite pony and any added stuff. We really had to yell in order for anyone to hear! The guards were watching us, but let us finish up...
    Right after this was probably a lot of peoples' favorite part: pony-izing the Best Buy computers! Eventually we had everything from episodes, to fanfics to Equestria Daily up. Eventually we left when the staff started getting annoyed, though. ^ ^;;
    Then we wandered around, got some free sample cheese, went to a magnet store, to Gamestop and to Barnes And Noble. I had to leave right after Barnes And Noble, but I heard that everyone gathered around to watch Sonic Rainboom on a laptop and went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner at five!
    Again, everyone had a fun time and we're hoping to do another meet-up sometime soon!
    If you're a Minnesotan brony and would like to suggest ideas for another meet or just get information and talk to other bronies in the area, our RDN group is here: http://rainbowdash.net/group/mnbronies
    Thanks for attending, guys! c:"
    Video Log of the Event
    More Videos Part 1 / Part 2

    273 kommentaari:

    1. I wish I could go to one of these things. We bronies are crazy!

    2. Oh god why are they all so ugly? it just keeps getting worse.

    3. I can only imagine how awkward these meetups are

    4. ..the day AFTER I go to MOA? god dammit...

    5. lol at a guy at the back with Twilight sparkle t-shirt

    6. Is that a roller coaster inside of a mall? Wow.

    7. mother of celestia this is awful.

    8. COOLIO
      Can't wait for the brony meet and meat in Northern California :D


      just saying :D

    9. Kinda agree with anon3, with all this meetups i'm starting to think what i watching >,<

    10. ^yep...its a whole theme park, actually. Biggest mall in america. (I live in Minnesota)

    11. There all white no black, Asian, or Mexican and they all look like nerds. I'm from the Marines and it feels like I'm the only one from the military that watches My little pony.

    12. The looks on people's faces is priceless, i know i would make those faces when i see these bronies. So awful it makes me cringe a bit.

    13. You guys need to stop being so darn negative.

    14. People on average aren't super-beautiful so don't focus on that too much. I've also seen bronies of other ethnicities as well. This is a small group and not representative of the entire fandom.

      It's nice to see more meetups, thought I wish they could be bigger in size. Oh well.

    15. Jelly, I want to go to a brony meetup

    16. Wow the awkward tension on the videos is unbearable. i wonder how the people reacted to this group of bronies.
      must have been bad

    17. that guy on the left needs to lose some fucking weight

    18. Unbelievable, I cannot believe the amount of rudeness going on in these comments. These people in minnesota actually have the balls to go out and meet other bronies, and most of you guys are judging on appearance and making fun of em. Let's grow up here and show some respect for everypony.

    19. ya'll who havent been to a meetup, dont make comments on how it 'must have been'

      you dont know.

      now, I wasnt at this one, but I did just get back from one in Portland, and it was a BLAST. hanging out with fellow bronies is good times for all involved. If you want to know how it's truly like, why don't you go to one? You'll have fun.

      and wow, lots of anon in here ;)


    21. I wonder if there is anyone in JPN who's seen MLP? I'm a Jap but never seen any other Japs talking about it (online)

    22. fat people, please lose weight before attending social gatherings. you're making us look bad

      same goes for the pizza-faced four eyes, wear contacts or something

    23. Yep, I'm sure these are tons of fun. I went to a meetup/tournament for WipEout games twice and it was a blast, I'm sure this is the same kind of thing. Except there are more people.

      I'd go if it were at all possible for me to, but I live in a different country.

      As long as you had fun, it's all right.

    24. Oh my. I think we need a few models to be bronies for us. Any volunteers?

    25. @Namefag Anon

      Thats a blunt way to put it but i kind of feel the same. After i seeing some of the pictures from previous meets and actually attending one myself i feel like some bronies need to make an effort in what they wear. Seriously you are going into the public to represent our community we got it bad enough so why make it seem to others that we are a bunch of weirdo basement dwellers.

    26. @Anonymous
      You want them to be BIGGER? Jesus, this one was like 50 people. How damn big do you want?

      I wish there were more of the smaller local "come to my house this weekend if you're in the area" deals, and less of these giant events (like NYC... I am not going to migrate half way across the country to watch a cartoon, that's just freaking weird). With that many people there's no real chance of actually getting to know anyone else there. It's just a big clusterfuck, not a social gathering like these things SHOULD be.

    27. Holy shit these guys are embarrassing! I'm tellin ya, ugly people are an insult to everything they stand for. Don't let them represent the Bronies! Especially with how they all act like aspies or something like that.

      I know I'm being mean, but ya gotta think for other people too yknow. It's not just for you. It's for all of us, take more care on your outer appearance. By going out there, you represent us. You need to leave a good image. yeah?

    28. Mall of America? I loved that place! Awesome!!!

    29. Wish Mesa had a mall like that we could invade... Stupid desert...

    30. @jongyon7192p

      And what're you ey? The epitomy of how a brony should represent? Ze Master Brony? Ya? Should we start wearin jack boots n walk around with our hooves in the air while you observe from a podium above? Heil whateverthehellyournameis?

      Stop hatin. This fandom ain't like that.

      And yes, I just likened you to Hitler. Deal With It.

    31. Wow, I can only imagine how socially inept and awkward these people probably are. Not to mention, they aren't very nice to look at...

    32. someponies need to have some self respect in what they wear. I know you guys were being yourselves and i can tolerate that, but the reason others don't tolerate our fandom is because of the way we present ourselves. How can anyone take us seriously when all the bronies in these meets look like they can barely dress themselves or even take care of their hair and hygiene.

    33. GLaDOS must be posting as anon, with all these weight-related insults goin around.

      seriously? Can't tell if parasprite, or just stupid.

    34. I used to live out there in Burnsville, I miss MOA so much, it was one of the greatest places to visit!

    35. OK, but really, that guy should lose some weight for his health.

      Anyways, don't these people know to send the tall people to the back?!

    36. It is hilarious how all the anons on here go on about how the bronies who go to these meetups need to look better, or take better care of themselves, so we're better represented to the general public, and don't seem weird.

      One: these events aren't meant to "represent bronies". They're just meant to be fun for those involved.
      Two: if the bronies involved are really basement-dwelling nerds, then its great they got out of the house, even if it is too parade their Cheeto-stained fingers around the food court.
      Three: Stop acting like we will EVER be viewed as anything but nerds. We're adult fans of My Little Pony. Trekkies have been around for decades, and despite their development into an almost mainstream concept, they have NEVER shaken the label as a bunch of nerds. Dealwithit.gif

    37. Guys, you need to put some effort into how you look. Get some haircuts, shave if your facial hair doesn't fit with your style, buy some good clothing, and stay clean.

      Appearance and hygiene are the most important things in first impressions.

    38. I was at the Mall of America 2-3 weeks ago. I wish I was there when the meetup was there. Glad there's one here in Florida coming soon.

    39. Sometimes I feel like the only brony that doesn't look like a basement dweller. I know I'm being a dick right now, but in every picture of meetups I've seen, there have only been a couple of people that don't have glasses, long greasy hair, neckbeards, horrible acne, or double chins.

    40. @Timber
      Now now, just have average looks! It's not that hard! You can see everyone can do it with little effort. You don't even need to lose weight (although recommended for your health). Don't change who you are, that's not what I want. Just be you except with better looks :D

    41. @Punchline
      because treating everything and everyone nicely and never saying anything negative turns you into a human doormat

      this is mostly the reason why /co/ hates ponychan, because you fucktards can't handle anything remotely negative and go crying to the mods to get rid of it

    42. I attended this event, and it was a lot of fun. There weren't too many people that were over 21 (like me) but there were a few and we all went to the bar and talked about ponies. I had a great time at it.

      The picture you're seeing is only like 15 people also. Here's more (as well as a whole album), if you guys want to see more pictures.

      http://gs135.photobucket.com/groups/q159/RKYWN54F3M/?action=view&current=IMG_20110806_122224.jpg (I'm in the purple shirt, next to the Derpy Hooves guy.)

    43. @doctor dapples
      While I agree with you on your many good points, you obviously see where we're coming from with our comments on these bronies and how bad it represents the rest of us.

      Seriously, though, it seems to make sense that the fans of a show about a loner bookworm who learns about making friends would be all the folks who obviously need friends...or at least better friends.

      And then I remembered how utterly lonely I am and why I watch the show.

    44. should people care about their hygiene and weight, and attempt to take care of themselves for their health? Yes. Of course.

      Should anons go around and cyber-bully people based on their looks? No. Absolutely not.

      That's pretty much as basic as 2+2. Now I know some of you anons are SLOW, but I'm sure you can handle that.

    45. I live in Minnesota and I would've liked to have gone to this if I didn't have to work that day.

    46. @jongyon7192p Oh I see! Just change our genetics then huh? Its just that friggin simple is it? Well hot damn. You've solved the problem. I congratulate you, good sir buckwit. You just get right on that genetics manipulation that anypony can use, and we'll get right on looking better.

    47. i live in Burnsville
      it's like a 20min drive to Mall of America >.<
      wish i know about it
      i would have totally gone D:

    48. Why did I not know of this!??

      I'll have to sign up on their website, poste haste!

    49. Right now I've got that feeling I get when I see someone posting naked pictures of themselves online and I have one of those moments of horror and think 'this might have been someone I knew back in high school'. Its a feeling I never thought I'd associate with ponies.

    50. As one of few girls who were there, I'd like to point out that they are all very nice guys and looks determine nothing about personality.
      Stupid Anons, stop hatin'. We're MLP fans spreading LOVE and TOLERANCE, unlike you.
      P.S That's my video :D

    51. Celestia H. Luna, guys. This is even worse than people one-starring fanfictions before they even get any comments; at least they don't embarrass themselves by being intolerant on a fansite for freaking My Little Pony. You know, that show that brought about the meme "I'm gonna love and tolerate thse shit out of you".

      @Anonymous Yes, that is indeed a roller coaster inside a mall. Mall of America is cool like that.

      @Anonymous There were only forty some people there, and Minnesota's on the Canadian border. You can't expect massive racial diversity from a small group of people who come from the latitudes in which Caucasians initially evolved.

    52. @Timber no, jongyon7192p just means look average. anyone can with some fashion style. rarity would back me

    53. @doctor dapples

      Oh please, these bronies are representing the community at large. They are wearing pony t-shirts so that they can be recognized for the community that they belong to. sure we will never be viewed as anything but nerds and thats mostly because of the way these bronies are seen by the public.

    54. Anon, shut yer pie hole. Rarity wouldn't go straight out n say stop bein ugly like he/she/it did.

    55. Oh wow. A fine representation of the spirit of ponies we've got going on here. So much for every pony loved. I'm almost tempted to stop coming here if I keep seeing more of these hateful anonytrolls. I probably could've been that guy in the middle. Glasses, abnormally skinny, and socially awkward. Is that a fucking problem? Anon at 11:05. Love and tolerate the ever living shit out of you.

    56. @Timber

      if you remember the episode bridle maids she clearly judged zecora for having "garish" stripes. Rarity isn't perfect.

    57. im not saying these people are ugly. NO. im saying they have untapped potential

    58. It's been years since I went to Mall of America, but I tried the NASCAR simulator. I actually got a decent score.

    59. Alright, anons. We'll stop bein "ugly" when you stop being trolls.

    60. Don't feed the trolls guys. They're just jealous that we actually went out and did something and had fun.


      Please tell me this'll be happening again...?

    62. @Necromas yeah, you're right... Love and Tolerate... No matter how big a douche they are.

    63. While I agree that many people out there -- a pretty large number, I've seen, in just about any kind of 'fandom' be it for video games, other cartoons, anime, whatever -- tend to be the type of people who absolutely, positively *should* put more time, effort and care into simple, easy things they could do to make their outward appearance publicly much more pleasant and respectable, I find it kinda funny that most of the scathing comments here are from anons that seem to be the same two people, or even one person changing up the way he types from comment to comment. I definitely think that a lot of 'nerds' out there really could do a lot better than they do and it would help them and all those around them in many ways if they cared more about personal hygiene and clothing, but thrashing at them mercilessly via anonymous comments over the internet isn't helping anything for anyone.

      And anon, don't get started on how 4chan being full of assholes is supposed to be some great, respectable thing that makes you 'better' than another place that would rather just not deal.

    64. @anon in the military---i was in the military for 8 years. served in iraq. met another brony at this meetup that just got back 2 months ago. met another airforce-brony who wasnt at the meetup but came up and said hi bc he saw all of our shirts.

      just sayin bronies come from all backgrounds, in all shapes and sizes :)

    65. @Timber

      Actually, these are straight up opinions. There may be some trolls in the comment section, but truthfully, these people are very ugly. When I think of MLP:FiS fanbase, this is what I see.

      You can call people trolls all you want to cover up the truth, but whatever.

    66. @David ReinoldYep! Just pay attention to the mnbronies group on Rainbow Dash Network and you'll get some idea of when the next meet up is. Not sure when the next one would be though.

    67. Man you pony folk really can't take some some criticism at all! "they made some bad comments about us that have some truth to them, MUST BE TROLLS". come on guys haven't you ever received some negative criticism? It can't all be approval, our community does have its flaws. no community is perfect.

    68. thats true, its probably like 2 people doing all the hatin here. w/e

    69. If I didn't know about Ponies I might have thought it was just a convention of aerospace engineers.

      Seriously though, I think the hygiene comments are unfounded. I don't see anyone that looks unwashed. Maybe they're not hip to fashion trends, but everyone looks like they showered.

    70. @Equinox Sky I think that when the main attraction to a community is "Love and Tolerance," that people don't expect people to be bashing one another.

    71. @Equinox Sky People being unnattractive is not an imperfection in the community that needs to be addressed and overcome by the community. It's a fact of life that some folks aren't attractive. I don't see how it could possibly be ruining someone's enjoyment of this show though.

      And even if it were an issue, I think more people took issue with the presentation of that opinion rather than the opinion itself. Some people said "You guys could clean yourselves up a bit more." Others said "OMG FAT UGLY PEOPLE IN MY FANDOM". There's a pretty big difference.

      TL;DR: One's opinion doesn't determine whether or not one is a troll. It's all in their attitude.

    72. Mind having another meetup in September when I'm in town? =D

    73. @Javadocs

      i guess so but thats only our motto that i doubt everypony takes it to its fullest meaning. To me the main attraction of it is the actually show, you know the thing that started it all?

    74. Ugly is as ugly. At anon. Whatever is right. There is no such as a truthful opinion. And that's not an opinion you're entitled to.

    75. the DJ pon-3 shirt is awesome

    76. Wow now I wish I din't take some of these pictures, with all of this hate on how we look.

    77. @Equinox Sky Wait?! There's a TV show based on MLP:FiM!? :P Of course we all started with the show, but we stayed for the community.

      "Main attraction" was probably the wrong phrase. Something like "Something this community promotes" would be a better description I suppose.

    78. man, ifs it really you who took some of the pics dont be saddened by a few jerks.

    79. As a person that went there, i have to say no one was unwashed, for none of them smelled. and there were good looking people as well. Anon, y u hate so much??

    80. We're not saying that there's nothing they can do about their ugliness. You can shave, you know. You don't have to wear those weird cargo shorts, etc.

    81. Tears of a Valedictorian8. august 2011, kell 13:06

      I think a meet up based on any shared interest will always be a little awkward, at least at first, even if it's something theoretically cooler, like a gig, or a paragliding weekend for handsome millionaires, or whatever.

      There'll still be that "oh, hi, you like that thing I like, ahaha" type vibe, but people can end up being great friends out of that sort of thing, and if people wanna meet up, why not?

      And I bet you anons all look like Don Draper. I mean, anonymous posting on a My Little Pony website? Yowza!

    82. haters gunna hate. Obvious the anons must not watch FiM, because they aren't gettin any lessons about niceness.
      XD I'm too shy to go out (and I have nice looks), so I'm jealous of all these guys who can go out and get together.

    83. Your right I should not be saddened by a few jerks.

    84. Guys, don't freak out. It's just Minnesota.

    85. i dont post anonymously because im trying to hide......sadly i just don't have any of the other posting options. no aim, no google account. (im actually one of the nice anons posting here btw)

    86. Some people watch the show just for the visuals. Not everyone listens to the morals and takes them seriously.... I mean, unless you go on Ponychan and like one anon said, they cry about anything negative.

    87. I wonder which anon these people are trying to talk to.

    88. To the nice anon: You know all those services are free right? No paypal needed. It that hard to open one? Or do you have too many other social systems to be bothered?

    89. @Anonymous

      And it's just some people getting together at a mall. Aside from the ponies and the fact that we were in a huge group, we wouldn't have stood out at all.

    90. its like a 50/50 of nice and mean anons

    91. Well, personally I don't think these people are that ugly. Maybe not the best looking, but no one is really "normal". Actually I'd like you to define normal, what makes a person "normal" and what makes a person "abnormal".

      Gotta stop repeating the word normal.

    92. @Timber

      pretty much what you said. i have alternatives to all these pretty much and its just annoying the ones i use aren't choices. so i post anon sadly.

    93. The people at this meet aren't ugly. The comments of these pathetic trolls, however, are.

    94. Tears of a Valedictorian8. august 2011, kell 13:22

      Footage of the Equestria Daily anon poster meet-up was actually used by R Kelly as the basis of the promo video for Ignition.

    95. I was there, and I must say that, aside from the few people on the left, nobody else was really that bad.

      I agree with the people who said "if you're going to go to a meetup, care about your outer image" or stuff like that. If you do go looking like shit, it leaves a bad image for others.

    96. And again I point out why I believe Anonymous users should be disallowed.

      Don't confuse 'Anonymous users' with 'anonymity'. Even if you sign up for a username, that username doesn't reveal your real-life name/address/phone number/whatever. It's just a username.

      You can have anonymity even if you have to register with a username. It's just that forcing people to register a username goes a long way towards discouraging trolls.

      Every time there is a post on a brony meetup, the trolls come out of the woodwork and go 'OH GOD THE BRONIES THEY ARE SO UGLY MAYBE I SHOULD STOP WATCHING THIS SHOW'. The overwhelming majority of these sorts of comments come from anonymous users.

    97. I'm right there with the anon at 12:12, I enjoy the show just as much as anyone else, but I don't make some kind of childish lifestyle out of it, preaching "Love and Tolerate the shit out of you" crap and going into Best Buys, changing the desktops to pony images, doing stuff like that is just embarrassing and you know it.

    98. Also, I'd like to point out that I've been to a half dozen brony meetups, and generally speaking, everypony enjoys themselves-- ugly or not.

    99. There needs to be a brony meetup in Utah, preferably Logan. There's a mall there. There has never been any meetups around this neck of the woods.

    100. I don't really care much about the looks of a person, I'm the last one to criticise ones looks (outside of hygiene).

      However, I can not shake the feeling of how awkward and tense these meetings must be, It's cringeworthy.

    101. Neat, looks like fun.

      From someone who wasn't there, just looking at the picture, I don't get where these negative comments are coming from.

      Some of you guys need to move out of whatever supermodel town you are living in, because most of these people aren't even close to ugly. ALL of them? Really? The fuck. And glasses do not equal ugly. I haven't heard someone being made fun of for wearing glasses since elementary school. Not everyone likes or can wear contacts. Grow up.

      As for clothing, I see jeans, T-shirts, shorts, and cargos. What a shock to see people of that age group wearing...pretty much what everyone else from that age group wears. Seriously. The only difference is that instead of random trendy logos, sayings, bands, or sports teams, some have ponies or pony related items on the shirts. Otherwise, completely normal.

      The pony hats are the only things I can see that aren't something any other person might wear.

      I see no one lacking in hygiene, so not sure where that came from.

      Anyway, disregard the hate. Continue having fun.

    102. @Anonymous troll If you weren't at this meetup, shut the fuck up. Seriously. Your mouth: Zip it.

      People keep going to these meetups, and they keep rating highly, and they keep coming back to MORE meetings-- so obviously they are enjoying themselves. Obviously, they don't care if people are "ugly", or if the meetups are "awkward". They're having fun, and they're doing it by something other than trolling, which is a sight better than I can say for you.

    103. Also, that guy in the blue with the hat in the front looks a bit like Jay from the Kevin Smith movies. Neat.

    104. @12:31 anon

      Seriously, I wouldn't be caught dead at one of these meetups, unlike most of the socially awkward people here, I actually do care what other people think of me, being a functioning member of society and whatnot...

    105. I don't know why everyone is complaining about the appearances of the people. Nickelodeon Universe is probably the biggest eyesore in that picture.

      Although I'm one of the purists from back when it was Camp Snoopy :D

    106. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    107. @Anonymous Yes, yes, you're such a "functioning member of society" that you have to spend your time writing anonymous troll comments on a pony website.

      Seriously, people like you demonstrate why John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory still rings true.

      Incidentally, I attend pony conventions and I have a job, a home and a girlfriend. I probably make several times more money than you do, too. If con attendees are supposed to be non-functional, I must have missed the memo.

    108. @Purple Tinker

      So every single criticism and every single opinion is trolling now? Try being civilised and take criticism constructively. You are being no better than the people you call "trolls".

    109. Eh I've seen much worse... at Anime conventions. And when you're at one of those, it can be pretty ugly, and its worse when everyone is dressed in ridiculous costumes.

      I'm in a shitty rock band with friends and I understand the need to keep an image that doesn't make people think "Do they ever leave home?" when I'm on stage.

      If your favorite band looked like a bunch of hunched over basement dwellers and just milled around the stage, would you want to see them live?

      Yeah, I'm gonna get a bad anon rep now, but that's what I think.

    110. @Anonymous Only constructive criticism should be taken constructively. "Oh god the bronies are so ugly" is not constructive criticism, it's mean-spirited schoolyard bullying.

    111. what are people in here even fighting about anymore? jeez

    112. I feel so sorry for these poor Anons, these paragons of human perfection who can't dare show a name lest we be smote from their beauty. Who keep themselves sequestered and away from social interactions within a chosen fan group as to not fatally embarrass all the horrid ugly folk at the meets.. they who are never awkward when meeting new people and thrive in unknown situations..and would rather leave nasty comments on a post about people having fun. They clearly know what fun should be.

    113. There is a difference between constructive criticism and being a jerk. Ragging on people for their physical appearance, being overweight and wearing glasses is unwarranted, because that stuff isn't always something you can "improve" on. Criticism is only a welcomed thing when it is offered for the purpose of helping someone, not tearing them down for the lols.

    114. hey anon / haters, one more thing

      a brony and i are organizing a new regular brony meetup group "My Little Problem: MN chapter"

      we had a blast at the bar we hung out in most of the afternoon, and i can say that for a bunch of barflies, we are some sexy mofos and we owned that bar with superior charisma :D


    115. i like how anon posts, nice or not. are automatically frowned upon haha

    116. Yes, because THE INTERNET is such a massive producer of supermodel quality people. *rolls eyes*

    117. These people are brave, attending at a brony meeting. i would never be able to find enough courage to do that.

      i take of my hat fillies and gentlecolts.

    118. im crying becauosue of you troles8. august 2011, kell 13:56


    119. @12:53

      I know its pretty silly, I mean come on, its a valid option to post anonymously, why do people get in a tizzy over it. If it were really such a problem, don't you think seth would've disabled it by now?

    120. @Sun Ray I'm a big enough man to admit my initial outburst was uncontrolled. It gets my goat that someone has the audacity to think that they can judge someone else by clothing alone.

    121. "What ever happened to our motto, to love an tolerate everyone?"

      Exactly what I'm talking about. Jesus fucking Christ. Stop with this bullshit. Not everyone who likes the show takes it this seriously. Really. A lot of 'bronies' just like the show for the designs and nothing more. Stop including EVERY fan of the show under your "love and tolerance" spiel.

    122. @Anonymous Love and tolerance is a pretty good goal, brony.

    123. Guy@1:07

      Amen brother.

      Seriously, amen.

    124. @Anonymous@1:11 Are you suggesting that there is something wrong with love and tolerance? Do you prefer hate and intolerance?

    125. Tinker, love and tolerance are good things, no doubt, but when its thrown around like some stupid motto inspired by a kids show, it starts to wear on the nerves just a bit.

    126. oh god these comments are hilarious. tumblrfag, redditfag and ponychan bronies vs /co/mrades and /b/ronies

    127. @Anonymous
      Translation: I like the show, but I don't want to have to stop being an asshole.

    128. lets all just abandon this post. neither side is chill. its just a giant flame war here. i think everyone here needs a nice long posting break. or a rainbow dash is best pony break

    129. @doctor dapples Bravo, doctor. Bravo. Nailed it.

    130. @1:17 nope. Can't have a Rainbow Dash is best break. Twilight is best, with AJ right behind.

      FLAME ME!!

    131. Tears of a Valedictorian8. august 2011, kell 14:20


      I agree in that I taking it as a philosophy or a lifestyle or whatever is taking it a little too far, but the fact that the community is based around being nice is pretty cool, to me.

      I mean, people still have the rest of the internet to be a dick in, so why not have one place that's an oasis from all that?

      Maybe it's the fact that parts of my town (London) are currently being firebombed and/or looted, but having one place devoted to friendliness doesn't sound like the worst thing ever.

    132. @Tears of a Valedictorian
      wow. when you put it that way the whole love and tolerance thing does seem less horrible.......no joke.

    133. I would like to agree with the Anons who posted at 1:07 and 12:24.

      You guys should all know that there are such things as taking something too far. I am not going to hate of course, because I enjoy this show. Fandoms always have people of all types and backgrounds.
      But seriously, there is such a thing as trying to not appear as lowly basement dwellers. Preaching the "love and tolerance" thing draws ire. I can respect individuality and being yourself. Still, there are limits that must be enforced.
      Enjoy the show for what it is, like I do. Just please don't go absolutely nuts. Then again, this is a fandom about My Little Pony...

    134. @Purple Tinker

      I agree with the no more anon comments, even though I would not be able to comment any more.

    135. @doctor dapples

      well i dunno if the way you put it is what he meant. Not many are able to be loving and tolerant the whole time. I mean seriously you are gonna hate someone sooner or later just like some of you ponies are hating on the opinions of anons. It would be truly amazing if everyone could love and tolerate each other but sadly even the people who are preaching it in the comments are also not tolerating peoples opinions. You want to love and tolerate then by all means respect the opinions of these "assholes" like you ponies should have done in the first place.

    136. Wow I can't believe how negative the comments are. What happened to the love, bronies?

    137. true, if love and tolerate was followed too a tee, then this whole thing would be a lot less hypocritical.

    138. Love and tolerance is cool, but it's annoying when it's rammed up your asshole by people who attach it to a show for five year old girls. Watching the show and enjoying itself is okay, but when you really have to get your MORALS from it.....wtf?

      It's even more annoying when anything SLIGHTLY negative is met with, "REMEBER GUIZ LOVE AND TOLERANCE!" or "What would Twilight Sparkle do!?!?!!"

      I'm not being a dick. I'm being realistic and blunt. You guys are putting all fans of the show under an umbrella that they don't want to be under.

      inb4 omg asshole troll! ignore them theyre jus parasprites loolololololl

    139. The only thing I really have to say to the commenters is that, if you really feel the urge to stop watching a show simply because you think that other people who watch it are physically ugly, then maaaybe you're in the wrong fanbase.

      At any rate, sounds like a great time was had for everyone there. Cool stuff. :)

    140. AAAARGH This comments thread makes me so fraustrated I could just SCREAM!
      It makes me really sad seeing all of the hatred going on in this... is 'thread' the right word?
      Come on guys, all of you people making a big deal out of the fact that a couple of the guys in the above photo don't quite fit your platonic ideal of beauty. Shock horror!! Let's face it people, we're nerds. If anything the so called "fat" bronies should be applauded for coming out in public to celebrate ponies with a bunch of like-minded individuals, regardless of their self-conciousness. I for one am thrilled they had a good time (sounds patronising, I know, but true) and I know that these guys are far braver than me; I'd never be confident enough to parade my love for ponies in public with a bunch of total strangers like these guys did.

    141. @Equinox Sky

      I might be full of it, but absolute tolerance sounds indistinguishable from apathy.

    142. NO MORE PREACHING. lets just talk about the EVENT. looks like they had a good time. never been to the mall of america, looks like a crazy place

    143. @Sun Ray

      so now the definition of a brony has changed? so by being negative some times you can't be a brony? i originally thought that being a brony just meant that you loved the show even though you were much older than the target audience. since when did we have to abide by a code of being unrelentingly nice? if thats the case then none of you people are bronies as you have hated on each other this whole time. can we just go back to the original definition of just being a fan of the show?

    144. Obviously, no one is forcing it on us. It's the ASSOCIATION that bothers me.

      "Post positively or don't post at all. By doing otherwise you're simply trolling and can't really be considered a brony"

      God that made me laugh so hard. As if I care that you guys wouldn't consider me a brony anymore. What's funnier is that, you insinuate that I either agree with you or don't post at all....otherwise, I'M TROLLLING. lol

      I'm sorry if it looks like I'm cyberbullying you or trolling or whatever other ridiculous claim you'll use, but this whole thing is laughable. And I'm not the only who thinks so.

      Go ahead, love and tolerate...and ignore everything that I just said so that you can live in your fantasy pony world where everyone is nice and anyone who says something negative is a BIG MEANIE TROLL BULLY.

    145. @Purple Tinker
      I'm pretty sure you weren't at the meetup either. And according to my research, U MAD.

    146. Okay, I sat through all this flaming and I'm gonna throw my 2 bits into the fire:

      Negative anons, be kinder. You can legitimately hurt peoples' feelings with your criticisms, especially picking on looks.

      "OMG awkward" criers, shut it. Have you forgotten that you're posting on a FAN SITE about MY LITTLE PONY? Sheesh. Who decided you get to draw the line?

      Purple Tinker, I applaud your efforts to defend the dignity of fellow bronies, but you could ease off a little. It's not a personal attack - and if it was, you could still stand to be a bit more composed in your responses.

      "Love and tolerance" preachers, realize that not all bronies are going to espouse a whole lifstyle/way of thought just because they like FiM. They're likely to be put off by constant in-your-face repetition - especially if they don't give a sh*t about the slogans.

      Meetup bronies, I respect you and admire your bravery. I may someday join your ranks. That said, please make sure you're not annoying or disgraceful when you gather. No, I'm not talking about weight or acne or glasses. I'm talking about being an annoyance to others around you. Changing all the screens in Best Buy and P-O'ing the employees? Come on.

      Well, there's all I have to say. And for the record, I'm a normal college brony with a perfectly functional social life, and if you met me IRL you'd never peg me as weird, awkward, or ugly. I'm voicing my opinion as a neutral entity.

    147. @Anonymous

      Soooo....glasses are now a fucking BAD thing? What about those of us who DON'T like poking our damn eyes out just to wear some lenses in our eyes? B/ Fuck off, you jackass.

      @General thread: Jesus the fat shaming in here. :/ Not everyone can be god damn models. And these meet ups are for FUN. Not to represent the fandom. And Doctor Dapples has it right: we're ALWAYS gonna be classified as nerds and geeks, no matter HOW we look. You go to a gathering for Ponies, star wars, star Trek, some anime thing, etc, even if you look like god damn Angelina Jolie, you WILL be tagged a s nerd.

      I'm not gonna go by Dillards and by some expensive clothes that flatter my figure JUST to go to a fucking nerdy little geekfest about Ponies. If I wanna wear a pair of jeans, some converse, and a geeky t-shirt, I will damn well wear what makes me comfortable.

    148. @Anonymous No, I wasn't in Minnesota. But I'm not sitting here speculating on how "awkward" the meetup was or wasn't. Having been to a half dozen OTHER brony meetups, though, I would wager that most of the people there had a great time.

      You, on the other hoof, seem to have a great time by mocking people on the Internets.

      I'd say those "ugly", "awkward" bronies have you beat.

    149. @ActionScripter9109

      And thats how Equestria was made.

      thank you for putting things in a nice little packet that addresses all the issues in this thread.

    150. @Anonymous

      Just Minnesota? It's sickening how many people toss our state aside just because of what it is. I don't know if you meant to be rude or not, but I believe you're judging a bit too harshly here. Minnesota is a wonderful place, and has a beautiful landscape. Every state is special in its own way,a nd we MN Bronies know how to do it right

    151. IMO you guys need to grow up.
      Plain and simple, you're acting like bloody children.
      It ain't about fat, it ain't about ugly.
      It's about reclusive internet losers gettin jelly.

      Purple tinker's been owning your asses, now deal with it.

      On a more related note, looks like fun. I've met a couple bronies in the past while, I should meet up with them at some point.

    152. I am rather ashamed of my fellow bronies right now. Not only are you feeding the parasprites, but a lot of you are actually being worse than them. I won't deny that there's a lot of trolling from them, but some of them do raise some good points.

      That said, I'd like to agree with @GabuEx wholeheartedly. Physical appearance shouldn't have anything to do with ANYTHING. If you like the show, you're a part of the fanbase, and how the other fans look shouldn't affect that in any way, shape or form.

    153. And by the way, yes, I AM mad. I pump scads of my own money into running meetups very similar to this one (only in a different state), and everypony involved has a great time. Then I read Equestria Daily and see a bunch of adolescent keyboard-warrior fucktards taking a giant shit all over every single brony meetup group photo that gets posted, talking about how "ugly" and "fat" and "awkward" the bronies are. Meanwhile, those "ugly", "fat", "awkward" bronies are having a great time meeting up in real life and talking face to face, and you pathetic trolls are here getting your lulz by mocking peoples' appearances over the Internet.

      Congratulations: You little pricks are being less mature than the six-year-old girls this show was originally pitched at.

    154. we all like my little pony. period. what can we possibly fight about after a fact like that. haha :)

    155. Oh my god, the pwnage continues.
      From my 8-10 lecture, I applaud you tinker :)

      Also inb4 these people look in a mirror and realise the horrifying truth.

    156. @Purple Tinker

      "everyone should love and tolerate each other" yet you still call those who don't "a bunch of adolescent keyboard-warrior fucktards". yeah you sure sound hypocritical. please calm down man you are mucking up your message and sounding like the bronie haters on this thread.

    157. Not to mention, I have a feeling most of these anons ALSO dress in everyday jeans and t-shirts type outfits and THEY'RE making snap judgments over these people's everyday dress? I'm laughing. I'm laughing so hard right now.

      @The Meetup Post: This looks like so much fun. I wonder if we have a large Bronybase here in Memphis....The Wolf Chase Galleria would be a nice meet up place. :3

    158. Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be.
      As a friend, as a friend, as an old Enemy.
      Take your time, hurry up, choice is yours, don't be late.
      Take a rest, as a friend, as an old memory.

    159. who knew this innocent brony meetup would lead to such a gruesome...thread? (what do you call this?)

    160. @Equinox Sky Love and tolerance means loving and tolerating all good, innocent people, not loving and tolerating malicious trolls.

    161. When there's this much fucktarded-ness in one helping, I'm surprised she hasn't been MORE scathing. There's a limit to everyone's tolerance, and when people are attempting to be genuinely hurtful when they're associating with a brand/fandom/whatever that PRIDES itself on having proper values, I wouldn't begrudge her taking exception to this AT ALL.

    162. @Anonymous

      you call this the comment section. On youtube this would normally be the point that comments were disabled.

      I think perhaps this should be the point that anonymous posting be disabled. If it's possible.

    163. Also to the people who planned the meet, awesome location you picked. you had a better turn out than the meet i went to in d.c.

    164. @Purple Tinker
      im pretty sure it means be the bigger person and just accept that they(anons) are their own person, right or wrong. love and tolerate. you havent quite done that here although your heart is in the right place.

    165. @ActionScripter9109 Agreed
      Like action laid it out not everyone is going to abide by "love and tolerating" either because it's not within them to do it or they're fine with they way they're But the slogan is said so much it gets a bit old and always seems to cause a ruckus when brought up.

      As for the Best Buy screen changing I think that's funny. I have only heard and seen of one instance where this took place and the Employer didn't mind one bit. I haven't heard other accounts but I do get a little chuckle out of that.

    166. @Anonymous

      Do you really think we take our morals from a TV show? Most bronies just happen to be nice people. You'll also notice that nowhere in the show are the words "love and tolerance." While I doubt it and the other sayings are truly serious it doesn't necessarily make them bad philosophies. We can't always get along be but we can always try. There's nothing wrong with trying to make the world a nicer place to live.

    167. @Tears of a Valedictorian>
      my friend who is in london for a wedding has been talking about that. wow. he must be near where you are.

    168. They should've had the NASCAR simulator reprogrammed with pony graphics on the cars. Ooh! That would've been awesome.

    169. Right, I have another lecture to go to. Tinker, don't take it too hard. It's not like these idiots are going to stop ANYONE from continuing to enjoy the hell out of the many many meetups that are being organised at the moment.

    170. @Purple Tinker

      Love and tolerance is pretty easy when that person isn't doing anything hurtful, isn't it? I really can't agree with the idea that love and tolerance should stop when one begins to antagonize you. Bullying in general, of which internet trolling of this sort is a subset, is largely borne from fear and insecurity, so, heck, I would even assert that people like that are among the most pitiable and in need of love than most anyone else around.

      "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? .... And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others?" (Matthew 5:46-47)

      I mean no offense - heck, I understand perfectly well why you'd feel mad; I myself was bullied a lot in school and have found myself getting upset, much as I try not to let it get to me, at the comments like the ones in this thread. However, I really don't think that getting angry and spiteful at them is the solution. All that's going to do is encourage the ones looking for attention and alienate the ones that are sincere and might otherwise have been reachable.

      Love and tolerance doesn't mean you accept everything everyone does - what it means is that you divorce the actions from the actors and recognize that Fluttershy touched upon a truth much more profound that in initially appeared when she said that the dragon wasn't a bad person; he had just made bad choices. There aren't bad people, just those whose paths in life have led them to an unfortunate state of mind.

    171. @tink @2:13

      Obviously you don't know what the word "tolerate" means, hypocrite.

    172. Wow this has gone on a long time.... Too long. I'm bored.

    173. it was a hilarious thread though, for good and bad reasons.

    174. @otakugal15 Wouldn't that be Anonymi? Anons? Or is it like Moose and the same single as plural?

    175. Purple Tinker is only standing up for an injustice. Nothing hypocritical about that.

      Man flank this place.

    176. I don't love and tolerate petty trolls and bullies mocking innocent people. Never will.

    177. you all r a bunch of faggots justifying your faggotry. waaah waaah waah.

    178. Tears of a Valedictorian8. august 2011, kell 15:57


      Not necessarily, it's everywhere right now. Parts of north, east, south and west London are on fire right now, there's been nothing like this in my lifetime. Tell your friend to stay safe.


    179. Why do i think most anons here are the same.....

    180. I've gone to 3 meetups. I'm nerdy, but pretty well kept, so more of geeky. But the people I meet are a mix of A LOT of different people. Some are SUPER NERDY yes, but most are normal people, and most importantly we have lots of fun. Stuff like this makes it totally worthwhile.

    181. Wow. I could argue with Purple Tinker, but you know what? She's gone and missed the point. She's lost sight of what used to make this fandom special.


    182. @Purple Tinker

      What do you hope to achieve by antagonizing trolls on the internet? This isn't rhetorical; it's an honest question.

      Like I said, I entirely understand why you react in this way... but I'm concerned it's just a reflexive reaction, one whose ultimate outcome may not be what you might consciously want it to be.

    183. Good god, I have nothing against your opinions and what you guys think, but here's something that needs to be said REALLY LOUD.


    184. @Anonymous

      Hey, relax there. I'm an Airmen and I am pretty damn handsome. Your not alone, jarhead.

    185. I mean, SOME of us mean only well.

    186. @jongyon7192p
      even if you are just trying to get that out its just going to re-antagonize everypony dammit.

    187. Dang, I was wondering why this post had so many comments. I thought that seemed odd for this type. Now I see why.

      Guess I'll just quote a lot of things that have already been said previously. It's true, most people aren't the super attractive type. And that's fine, the "average" person isn't. Not everyone can be blessed with great genes. I can understand where some are coming from with the "being unkempt" comments. But unless you were there and could actually smell that someone hadn't bathed or such, you can't say. Yes, some people have glasses, cargo shorts, facial hair. But that's at their discretion. I'm certainly not going to try and force someone to look and wear what I think looks good. As long as they take a bath and all, I think that's enough. I'm sure most if not everyone there took one before the meet. It may not always look like it, but some people just naturally look scruffy. Big deal. I think they look fine myself.

      I'll also note that yes, many people in this community, as well as most fandoms as a whole, are the nerdy and geeky types. That's to be expected. Trekkies, furries, anime, Bronies. All of them have many types of people, and that includes the nerdy and geeky types. I'm also kinda a geeky type myself. Yes, Octavia is a little geeky herself. Fandoms just attract them. And that's fine, most of them are both clean and very pleasant people.

      I've been to a couple Brony meets as well and as a whole they are just fun little events. People go to have fun, not to put out some beautiful image of themselves or the community. I do realize in a way they are representing the community. But like I said, as long as they shower and don't smell, I'm fine with them. These meets are a lot of fun and the people who attend them have a lot of fun. And that's what counts. Don't let the people being blatantly rude scare you from attending these. Sure, they are maybe a little awkward at first I'll admit. Most of these things tend to be since no one has met each other prior. But after getting to know others, people warm up and that awkwardness fades away.


    189. Earth to trolls, we don't live in a network TV show where everyone is cast for their looks, we live in the real world where people come in all shapes and sizes. The MN meetup people look exactly like any other person I see every day working with the public. Perhaps leaning young and geeky, but there's nothing wrong with that.

    190. is this tread just going to regurgitate and spew forth the same opinions exponentially? lets all just move to /co/ if we want to fight. haha kidding

    191. @Purple Tinker

      I'm sorry, but doesn't love and tolerate mean love of a good, tolerate the bad?

      it doesn't really sound like you're doing the latter, so I guess that motto doesn't really apply to you.

    192. @Anonymous

      *love the good*

      Freaking typos...

    193. My Not-So-Little Bronies: Sit-ups Are Magic

    194. Okay this is really getting out of hand now, it's even spread to ponibooru. If this were ponychan I would have reported it by now. Post nice comments or not at all!
