Happy Luna's Super Magically Fun Storytime Adventure Challenge
Results Post!
Look at that Luna, doesn't she look like a happy Luna? She does! And it's all thanks to you awesome, awesome bronies and your fun-filled fics of fabulousness. In a remarkably short space of time, you flooded my inbox with 61 fics and bought me a ticket all the way home to the controlled chaos which is the EqD headquarters in Canterlot. I presented the Princess of the Night with a stack of paper so high I believe it is officially a mountain. Some of my minions are now scaling the north face. If it had been 40, it would have been terrible. As it was, it was friendship.
Not all of them are what would ordinarily be posted, but I'll be fair - Here we have for you (and don't let your eyes glaze over) everything I got sent. Because ponies. I want to thank everypony who put quill to parchment to make this happen. The ones at the top are mine or my minions' favourites, but don't let that stop you from exploring the whole batch. I promised some weekend reading and by gum I'm going to deliver.
Some of these demand their own post, and I think they deserve it.
To everypony who wrote something, even those I didn't post (for not meeting EqD general posting standards), thank you! If I've forgotten you, let me know, I'll see what I can do.
Midnight's Favourites
These stories are ones that struck me as being right in the Goldilocks zone for a fic. They hit the right notes as stories, they executed their plan well, they incorporated the requests and they left me wanting more. As always, not all ponies will agree on what tickles their fancy, but with such a wealth of options I'm sure you'll all find something.
Title: Tonight I Shall Be Laughter
Author: Cloud Wander
Google Docs Link: Tonight I Shall Be Laughter
Description: Luna decides to work on her Element of Laughter. The Commander of the Lunar Guard gives chase.
Tags: Comedy
Additional Tags: Happy, Luna, Pinkie Pie, Comedy, OC Ponies, YourObedientSerpent
Midnight's Notes: This had me genuinely laughing out loud at the antics of both the misunderstood Princess of the Night, and her faithful if somewhat ox-headed guard, Bucephalus. I wish this was an episode. It would be Celestia-tier.
Title: Giggling Moon
Author: Featherwings
Google Docs Link: Giggling Moon
Description:In an attempt to learn friendship and make up on a thousand years of lost happiness, Luna visits ponyville for a day with Twilight Sparkle and her friends! But the mane six have their own ideas about who Luna is; can they move beyond their assumptions to discover the real Luna, or will everyone end up covered in tree sap?
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Feel-Good, Episodic, Giggling Luna
Title: Eso SĂ Que Es
Author: WTFHIW
Google Docs Link: Eso SĂ Que Es
Description: Luna and Celestia share some rare private time, discuss the highlights of Luna's tour of Paddocksburgh, and somehow get their hooves on some socks. Silliness and photography ensue.
Tags: Normal, Comedy
Additional Tags: Living up to my pseudonym
Title: The Sock Swap
Author: ProBrono
Google Docs Link: The Sock Swap
Description: Luna's been pretty gloomy for most of the year since her return to the palace, but when her favorite holiday appears on the horizon, she gets excited for everything it might mean for her and her sock collection. However, when Celestia starts having doubts about the Sock Swap, she makes a secret request to Twilight and her friends to make sure it's truly a day for Luna to remember.
Tags: Normal, comedy
Additional Tags: socks, bunnies, rainbooms, redemption, socks
Midnight's Notes: From my minion: "11/5 For its length I wasn't expecting it to be so solidly packed with fun and humor. It has a pace to it as opposed to mile-a-minute gags. I wonder if brony meetups will take to including sock HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME SHUT UP AND TAKE MY SOCKS, MY ANGER, AND ALL MY SORROW."
Special Mention
Title: Of Packages and Punches
Author: Bastard King
Google Docs Link: Of Packages and Punches
Description:Princess Luna is encouraged by her sister to participate in a charity, only to wind up with a huge problem due to some severe miscommunication. Now the Elements of Harmony must work together to help Luna overcome this obstacle
Tags: Normal, Comedy
Additional Tags: long, sports, funny, OC ponies, abacus
Midnight's Notes: This fic is over 33k words long! That's almost a novel! In the words of one of my faithful minions, this is a 6/5 fic if the author is prepared to go back over and fix up the second half. As it stands, it's an excellent, detailed, enthralling story. And it's 33k words. Good grief.
Title: Accidental Bliss
Author: Kara/ThyPony
Google Docs Link: Accidental Bliss
Description: In her attempts to escape her loneliness during her stay on the moon, Luna tries to make a friend with magic but gets an unexpected result...
Tags: Normal, Comedy
Additional Tags: Touching, Uplifting, Cheeky, Cute, Happy
Midnight's Notes: This fic popped up in my inbox mere hours after the challenge went out. It shows the newness of the author, but it's genuinely funny and - what tickled my fancy - it expanded on canon very believably.
Title: The Worst Bakers in Equestria - Luna's Soup Adventure
Author: Bob from Bottles
Google Docs Link: The Worst Bakers in Equestria - Luna's Soup Adventure
Description: Princess Luna learns of the Worst Baker in Equestria Competition and wonders if she has what it takes to compete. She decides to practice in the royal kitchens and the chefs soon learn just how bad of a cook she can be.
Tags: Random, Comedy
Additional Tags: Luna, Competition, Baking, Discovery, Bad luck
Midnight's Notes: I sincerely hope the author writes more of this, I genuinely want to read more. Wins a rubber ducky prize for sneaking in "Baking" through sheer bravado and sneakiness. This builds on Canon in an intriguing way...
Title: The Socks of Wrath
Author: Dubs Rewatcher
Google Docs Link: The Socks of Wrath
Description: As you probably know, Celestia is the foremost expert on the subject of friendship. But, when she ends up violating one of her own sacred philosophies, it takes Luna and a very bizarre piece of clothing to show her the light.
Tags: Normal, Random
Additional Tags: Socks, Battles, Fear, Baking, Insanity
Midnight's Notes: Not all In Medias Res stories pull it off. This one does. This stuck out for it's sheer silliness.
Title: A Birthnight To Remember
Author: RainicornDash
Google Docs Link: A Birthnight To Remember
Description: Pinkie Pie is planning a party for Luna's birthday, but will her party be a hit or a flop? And what exactly is Luna up to? Rumors fly about the mysterious princess.
Tags: Normal, Comedy
Additional Tags: happy, episode-esque, shenanigans, party, funny
Midnight's Notes: With a 5/5, my minion said "It kept the beats going and had heaping helpings of humor. I giggled IRL. The references and shout-outs were neat."
Title: The April Foals report
Author: blader4411
Google Docs Link: The April Foals Report
Fanfiction Link: The April Foals Report
Description: To commemorate her first April Foal’s Day back from the Moon, Princess Luna attempts the biggest prank she’s ever thought of. Her helper and friend? Pinkie Pie. Her target? Why, her dear older sister Celestia of course! Let madness ensue!
Tags: Comedy
Additional Tags: April Foals, Socks, Strange Happenings
Midnight's Notes: I genuinely laughed at this one. It's so easy to write "april foals" stories that come off as only forced. This had me giggling.
Title: A Year to the Day
Author: DJLowrider
DeviantArt Link: A Year to the Day
Description: It has been exactly one year since the defeat of Nightmare Moon and the return of Princess Luna. As preparations get underway for the Summer Sun Celebration once again, Luna is called upon to fulfill a promise she made to the very ponies who saved her from the Nightmare.
Tags: Normal, Comedy
Additional Tags: Princess Luna meets the CMC
Midnight's Notes: 5/5 from my minion, "The opening is a bit slow, but after that it becomes heartwarming and genuinely funny. It's exactly what I hoped this contest would produce."
Title: Party Fever
Author: GWFan
Fanfiction Link: Party Fever
Description: Princess Celestia suggests that Luna spend an evening in Ponyville to get reacquainted with everyday ponies. Twilight wants everything to go smoothly.
Tags: Comedy
Additional Tags: Happy Luna, party, outbreak, mishaps, flowers
Midnight's Notes: This is another excellent fic which would really fit the bill as an episode. Hits most of the scenes and lines, and incorporates them flawlessly. Also, Derpy!
More Happy Luna!
Title: A Simple Little Party
Author: Chris
Google Docs Link: A Simple Little Party
Description: Why wasn't Luna at the Grand Galloping Gala? Because she didn't want to be there, of course! But not attending has its own consequences, and now Luna's expected to throw a party of Twilight and her friends. With Pinkie Pie's help, can the Princess pull it off?
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Party, Episodic, Pony Puns, Abacus-less
Title: The Misadventures of Luna
Author: Communist_Colt
DeviantArt Link: The Misadventures of Luna
Description: Princess Celestia decides to take the day off and show her little sister around Ponyville. What will happen when Luna meets her saviors?
Tags: Normal, Light Shipping, Comedy
Additional Tags: Surprise Visit, Socks, Humorous Encounters
Title: Between the Dusk and the Dawn
Author: Caerdwyn
DeviantArt Link: Between the Dusk and the Dawn
Description: Being a Princess has its perks. But what is a royal pony to do when she wants to take in the nightlife, and just go dancing? Obviously, the only solution is to seek out the most stylish sophisticate she knows, and hope that a royal designer can deliver.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Dancing, Fashion, Music, Scandalous, IDEAAAAAAAAA!
Image: http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/art/They-Love-the-Night-210065160
Title: Luna's Learning and Lessons: A Literature
Author: TGaP Lalian
Google Docs Link: Luna's Learning and Lessons: A Literature
Description: Tired of her sister's shadow, Luna decides to take a personal hoof in leadership and assisting her sister. Will she prove herself worthy of ruling by Celestia's side, or is she bound to her past weakness?
Tags: Normal, Happy
Additional Tags: Luna, Celestia, Learning, Ruling, Happy
(has an image)
Title: Happy Luna Has Chill Day
Author: ScyStorm
Google Docs Link: Happy Luna Has Chill Day
Fanfiction Link: Happy Luna Has Chill Day
Ponyfiction Link: Happy Luna Has Chill Day
Description: Princess Luna makes a surprise visit to Ponyville to spend some time with the girls who freed her. The royal pony's incredibly cheerful demeanor quickly leads to much confusion and amusement among all parties involved.
Tags: Normal, Random, Comedy
Additional Tags: Silly, Fun, Friendship, Slice-of-Life, Luna-is-Adorable
image: http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/#/d42s8gx
Title: Twilight Writes a Story
Author: MetalGearSamus
Google Docs Link: Twilight Writes a Story
Description: Twilight Sparkle has done many things with books, but the one thing she has yet to try is actually writing one. She finds it more difficult then expected, and seeks help from her friends.
Tags: Random, Normal
Additional Tags: Random, Writer's Block, Pseudo-Shipping, One-Shot, Comedic
Title: Clash of the Heavenly Titans
Author: Ciroton
DeviantArt Link: Clash of the Heavenly Titans
Description: What do you do when living goddesses start pranking? HIDE!!!
Tags: Comedy
Additional Tags: Princesses gone wild, raining muffins
Title: Happy Birthday, Luna
Author: meh
Google Docs Link: Happy Birthday, Luna
Description: There's only one thing Luna wants for her birthday, and that's her sister back.
Tags: Normal, Sad
Additional Tags: Bittersweet, Luna reminisces, gets better
Title: It's a Luna thing
Author: The Owl
Fanfiction Link: It's a Luna thing
Description:Twilight Sparkle is called to Canterlot where Celestia gives Twilight an improbable and very original task: Teach Luna the magic of friendship.
Tags: Comedy
Additional Tags: Baking, Trollestia, Letters, Socks, Short
Title: Slander
Author: Foxmane
Fanfiction Link: Slander
Description: When Princess Luna is hounded by the paparazzi and Equestria begins to doubt her fitness to rule, the Moon Goddess tries to hide away from the world, a certain pegasus shows her the value of a friend. Written for the Happy Luna competition on EQ Daily.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Light Comedy, Friendship, Paparazzi, Cute
Title: The Magic of Harmonies
Author: Deathaura40s
DeviantArt Link: The Magic of Harmonies (Ch.1) (The rest are linked at the bottom)
Description: Princess Celestia, tired of her sister's self enforced isolation, sends her to Ponyville to help Twilight and her friends with the plans for the Grand Galloping Gala. However, unbeknown to them all the Gala will feature a music competition, and the Elements of Harmony, along with Luna and Spike are to form bands and compete for the title of Equestria's best music group!
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Music friendship Gala heavy metal
Title: Forget the Moon
Author: Lord Derpington
Google Docs Link: Forget the Moon
Description: Six months have passed since Luna was freed from the form of Nightmare Moon, time she has spent recovering and getting accustomed to a world changed almost beyond recognition. The day of a festival celebrating a solar eclipse is the perfect time for her to officially take back control of the moon, but a crisis of confidence makes her doubt her own readiness. Can she find the strength within to decide her own future?
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Winter, Festival, Canterlot, Self-Discovery, Friendship
Title: Luna's Stars
Author: Lady MacDuff
Google Docs Link: Luna's Stars
DeviantArt Link: Luna's Stars
Description: When Luna comes home, much has changed. She's friendless, unhappy, and unable to raise the stars and moon like she used to. But with the help of our favorite ponies, she rediscovers the meaning of friendship and learns something about herself.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Happy, Struggle, Loneliness, Making Friends
Title: Luna's Super Happy Fun Time Show
Author: Cat Eats Dog
Google Docs Link: Luna's Super Happy Fun Time Show
Description: Luna, The Great and Powerful Trixie, and Gilda must team up to make a lot of things dead. Confusion and violence ensues.
Tags: Grimdark-War, Random
Additional Tags: Short, Weird, Violent
Title: One Wish
Author: Starcrosser
Google Docs Link: One Wish
Description: When Twilight wishes on a star, Luna sees an opportunity. Twilight and Luna wind up living each other's lives for the day.
Tags: Normal, Shipping
Additional Tags: Luna and Twilight swap bodies
Title: Pinkie Tries to Make Happy Luna
Author: H3llpon3
Google Docs Link: Pinkie Tries to Make Happy Luna
Description: Celestia hires Pinkie Pie to throw a party for Luna to help her out of her depression, knowing pinkie, chaos ensues.
Tags: Random
Additional Tags: Pinkie fails at Luna Party
Title: Kidnapped in Canterlot
Author: Mr. Boltitude
Google Docs Link: Kidnapped in Canterlot
Description: Luna goes with Applejack and Pinkie Pie to buy some apples, but they're kidnapped and forced to race in an illegal pony racing circuit!
Tags: Normal, Adventure, Comedy
Additional Tags: Race, crime, adventure, gala, fighting
Title: The Incident
Author: 0011010000110010
Fanfiction Link: The Incident
Description: Faster than light travel has been achieved, but the maiden voyage leads to an unexpected place.
Tags: Sci-Fi
Additional Tags: It's not a self insert
Title: Wishes, Dreams, and Parties
Author: El-Bronio
Google Docs Link: Wishes, Dreams, and Parties
Description: After wondering out loud about Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle and her friends receive a very unexpected invitation to a private party, hosted by the Princess herself.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Short, Letters, Parties, Pranks, Dancing
Title: A Thousand Candles
Author: Wafflepan
Google Docs Link: A Thousand Candles
Description: Pinkie Pie is given a task by the highest authority - throw Luna a birthday party! But when she runs out of candles, can she find more in time?
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Party, Episodic, Favors, Helping, Candles
Title: Detective Luna in: Case of the Cereal Snatchers
Author: Glaber
Google Docs Link: Detective Luna in: Case of the Cereal Snatchers
Description: Princess Luna takes an interest in becoming a detective, but can she prove herself to be more than a simple reader of Mysteries?
Tags: Normal, Light Mystery
Additional Tags: Contest entry, Sequel, Side story, Fannon Crossover
Title: Rain
Author: HyunSu
Google Docs Link: Rain
Fanfiction Link: Rain
Description: Still saddled with guilt over her actions as Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna has not stepped out of Canterlot's walls since the Elements of Harmony redeemed her one year ago. But when the capital’s only rainstorm of the year forces everypony else indoors, the younger alicorn takes the chance to venture outside -- and it's all according to plan.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Medium, Princesses, Responsibility, Reconciliation, Reflection
Title: To Dream When the Spell is Lifted
Author: Nightbreak
Google Docs Link: To Dream When the Spell is Lifted
Description: An insomniac Rainbow Dash gets banished to Canterlot, then put in a dungeon in the place where she's been banished to. The rest should do her good, as will a visit from the Princess of the Night herself.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Sleepless, dreamscape, Luna's realm, Rainbow Dash
Title: Prancing in Paris
Author: Pen Pal
Google Docs Link: Prancing in Paris
Description: Luna is forced to go on vacation to Paris, France by Celestia. Shenanigans ensue as she meets up with the Mane Six, and learns a little about redemption and being a stronger pony.
Tags: Normal, Comedy, Shipping
Additional Tags: Funny, Redemption, Slice-Of-Life
Title: Party. Sleep. Repeat.
Author: A Pony Farce
DeviantArt Link: Party. Sleep. Repeat.
Description: Scratch and Luna fight the forces of mediocre dance music.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Clubs, Music, Rivalry, Dancing, Sneakery
Title: Goodbye to Socks
Author: Cole K.
Google Docs Link: Goodbye to Socks
Description: Princess Celestia sends Luna to Ponyville to get a report on friendship from Twilight Sparkle, but it’s Luna who ends up making some friends.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Episode Fic, Loneliness, Happiness, Solitude, Parties
Title: Luna's Longing
Author: Astridax
Google Docs Link: Luna's Longing
Description: Luna may be a royal princess, yet she doesn't feel like it. Nobody could appreciate the former Nightmare Moon could they? Luna reveals some long lost desires in this story. Co authored by Mask of Data, author of The Sun is Tired and others. Proofread by my Mum, she's awesome like that and Quill, author of Luna's Best Night Ever.
Tags: Normal, Comedy, Cute
Additional Tags: Luna reveals her deepest desires
Title: Cantering Around Canterlot
Author: Tales
Google Docs Link:
Description: Luna surprises Celestia with a gift on her birthday. But Celestia decides they're going to celebrate Luna's birthday instead! A thousand years is a long time to be away from Equestria. Times have changed, and with that, technology. Can Luna manage to fit into a world that she no longer recognizes? Princess Celestia hopes that a day in out Canterlot is just what Luna needs, and Luna finds some unexpected birthday fun.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Luna, Princess Celestia, Canterlot, socks, fun
Title: Luna’s Exciting Day
Author: EHeroFlareNeos
Google Docs Link: Luna’s Exciting Day
Fanfiction Link: Luna’s Exciting Day
Description: Luna receives an invitation to a party and decides to make cupcakes for the occasion. Can she avoid ruining her confections, or will things simply not go quite as planned?
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Episode, Luna, Socks, Baking, Race
Title: Luna's Ascent
Author: Fluttershy Oakley
Google Docs Link: Luna's Ascent
Description: After Luna is freed from Nightmare moon, she is forced to fight against the insecurities she had before. With a little magic, maybe she can finally accept being happy, this story is directed at the hope that she can.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Happy, Hopeful, Tender, Reserved, Warming
Title: Downtown
Author: 14-Spades
Google Docs Link: [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ]
Description: After a set of spotlights in downtown Canterlot catches Princess Luna's attention, she is brought to the Canterlot Ballroom for a rock concert. There she gains two new friends, the brash Vinyl Scratch and the experienced stunt mare Spitfire. They have a few highlights in their night, like a 'Headbanger's Makeover', racing griffins for honor, and generally, the best night ever with the best friends the goddess of the moon could ask for.
Tags: Random, Comedy
Additional Tags: thrashing, adjustment, friendship, disjointed
Title: Luna versus First Date
Author: Patricia "Pinkiederp" Weber
Deviant Art: Luna Versus First Date
Description:Big Mac finally asks Luna out on a date and Luna goes all over town to make the date perfect. Unfortunely, things do not go as planned... or do they?
Tags: Normal, Light Shipping, Comedy
Additional Tags: BigLuna, Socks, Maple Syrup, First Kiss, Miscommunication
image: http://bigponymac.deviantart.com/art/Luna-vs-First-Date-252730440
Even More Happy Luna!
Title: Luna's First Day
Author: waffen337
Google Docs Links: Prologue | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ] | [ 6 ]
Description:Celestia decides that if Luna wants to have all the tasks that comes with ruling, first she needs to go to school. Twilight Sparkle helps her but when she learns that she also needs to retake her semester she's dragged along with Luna, but not if a white unicorn with a stage light cutie mark has anything to say about it!
(Thanks so much for pariah1165 and pinkie pie for their incredible help!)
Additional Tags: Creative, Unique, Medium Sized, Humorousness, Happy
Image: http://i.imgur.com/GycTT.jpg
Title: The Moon Dancers
Author: Archmage Ansirt
DeviantArt Link: The Moon Dancers
Description:Nightmare Moon is defeated and princess Luna takes her rightful place as co-ruler of Equestria. When a glassmaker pony falls head over heels at the sight of the lady of the night a quest to earn the right to be at her side begins. Still, nothing is ever easy, other than fighting back embarrassment, there is also a strong desire to fly at her side... which doesn't come easy, or cheap! To make things more difficult, Eclipse also makes a new friend at a nightclub...
Tags: Shipping
Additional Tags: Luna, love, sentimentality, sad, flight
Title: Colts and Mares
Author: DJnickbeta
Google Docs Link: Colts and Mares
Description: Celestia has big dates planned for Luna, but what happens when the colts that she picks out don't live up to her expectations? Can Luna find love on her own, or will she let 'big sis' make her decisions for her?
Tags: Normal, Shipping
Additional Tags: Dating, Colts, Arranged, Luna, Love
Title: Sister Sun's Celebration
Author: Typewriter Ribbon
Google Docs Link: Sister Sun's Celebration
Description: Princess Luna wants to throw a birthday party for her sister Celestia, but requires the help of some old acquaintances. With some ponies unable to put past sins behind them, will Luna succeed in her wish?
Tags: Normal, Sad, Silly, Random
Additional Tags: Luna gets sad then happy
Title: A Few Good Friends
Author: VozDeSuenos
Google Docs Link: A Few Good Friends
Description: Nopony ever thought how hard it might be for Princess Luna to come back to Equestria. After too many days alone in the Royal Library, Celestia decides another pony needs to get out in the world and make friends. Who better to show her than Twilight Sparkle and her friends with a Pinkie Pie party?
Tags: Normal, Comedy, Light Shipping, Long
Additional Tags: Pinkie Pie and Luna Party!
has an image!
Title: Luna of the Rising Sun
Author: John Perry
Google Docs Link: Luna of the Rising Sun
Description: It’s time for the Summer Sun celebration again, and Ponyville is playing host to Princess Luna at a party honoring the anniversary of her return. Twilight Sparkle is determined to make the princess feel welcome, but what is the true purpose behind Luna’s visit? What lessons in friendship could the two learn from each other?
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Princess visits and hijinks ensue
Title: Luna's Gift
Author: ROBCakeran53
DeviantArt Link: Luna's Gift
Description: Luna is rudely awakened one morning to find her sister presenting her with a magnificent gift. What follows after, however, is the consistent shenanigans of an omnipotent older sibling.
Tags: Normal, Comedy
Additional Tags: Trollestia, Playmare, Socks, Stud Muffin, Sisterly Love
Title: Moon Princess Adventures In Ponyville
Author: Solar Flair
DeviantArt Link: Moon Princess Adventures In Ponyville
Description: Luna, after moping about the castle for months, is convinced by Celestia to go on a trip and mingle with some ponies.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Worry, Late, Acceptance, Welcome, Party
Title: A Night To Remember
Author: GlassAlicorn
Fanfiction Link: A Night To Remember
Description: The mane six plus Spike are stuck in Canterlot for a night after the Gala, and end up having a slumber party with Princess Luna. This totally is going to end without disaster...right?
Tags: Random, Comedy, No-Shipping
Additional Tags: Cute, Amusing, Random, Silly, Odd
Title: Luna Gets a Cupcake
Author: Ziosify
Google Docs Link: Luna Gets a Cupcake
Description: Luna finds herself in a place where she is respected, but she feels like something is missing. After finding herself in an unexpected situation, how will she react?
Tags: Normal, Random
Additional Tags: Static electricity, in disguise, some shipping, music, cupcakes
Title: Twilight's Twilight
Author: Chris (mark 2)
Google Docs Link: Twilight's Twilight
Description: The royal sisters discover something ominous about Twilight, and fix it using the best birthday present ever.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Birthday, Magic, Friendship, Explosions, Flight
Title: Luna's Flower of Happiness
Author: Sara Lostaglia
Fanfiction Link: Luna's Flower of Happiness
Description:Happy, if only unwittingly
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: Happy, sad, adventurous, suspenseful, touching
Title: A Night for the History Books
Author: Anne
Google Docs Link: A Night for the History Books
Description: When Luna asks her big sister for a festival in honor of the longest night of the year and her sister accepts Luna suddenly realizes she'll have to work hard to make sure it's the best festival ever on the longest night, but the question on everyone's mind is who she's doing this for.
Tags: Normal
Additional Tags: It's sweet from the start
Title: Looney Luna
Author: Brady
Google Docs Link: Looney Luna
Description: Princess Luna comes to Ponyville for a visit. But all is not what it seems...
Tags: Normal, Sad
Additional Tags: Friendship, Parties, Royalty, Forgiveness, Regret
Honourable Mentions
for being tardy or tiny, but otherwise not too bad, these didn't make it in...I tried hard to be mean, but these ponies have got this big watery eye thing down pat...
Title: T.L.I. Fridays
Author: Miaplacidus
Google Docs Link: T.L.I. Fridays
Description: On the night of the Gala, a lonely princess convinces a stranger and her friend to break her out of the castle.
Tags: Normal, Random, Comedy, Fuzzy
Additional Tags: Friendship, Fuzzy, Sneakouts, Injuries, Apologies
Title: Firesky
Author: Tales
Google Docs Link: Firesky
Description: When Princess Celestia takes Princess Luna to a Wonderbolts show, Luna finds more entertainment then she was looking for...
Tags: Shipping
Additional Tags: Luna, Spitfire, Firesky, Shipping, Crackship
image: http://canterlot.com/gallery/image.php?album_id=19&image_id=82&view=no_count
god that's a lot of luna!
ReplyDeleteRead them all just now. Nice.
ReplyDeleteCan never have enough of Luna
ReplyDeleteSo many fanfics !
ReplyDeleteHappy Luna...Is The Best Luna :3
ReplyDeleteso...much...Luna! Have to read it all!
ReplyDeleteConfound these ponies, they drive me to read! Oh well, It's not like I needed sleep anyway...
ReplyDeleteO.o You know, you guys are just making it hard for me now! I now have 61 more stories to add to my list of fanfics to read.
ReplyDelete"Luna's Learning and Lessons: A Literature" lacks a link.
ReplyDeleteMust...Read...Luna Fics!
ReplyDeleteDAT LUNA
ReplyDeleteGot to read them all...well there goes my sleep
ReplyDeleteI don't know which is more amusing. That only I created an "abacus" tag, or that someone else created an "abacus-less" tag.
ReplyDeleteso much....HAPPY LUNA¡¡¡¡¡¡ must read ALL of it
ReplyDeleteI think that no matter what Luna's personality turns out to be once Season 2 comes along, we can all agree that happy Luna is the best Luna.
ReplyDeleteinb4 the Hub writes a character that is not like the Luna we've been writing.
ReplyDeleteLUNA OVERLOAD. DOES...NoT...CoMpUtE....buzzzz.
Well. I guess I'm not going to sleep tonight.
ReplyDeleteI'm the one who wrote "Luna's Exciting Day". I only wrote it in two days, so I know it's not as good as probably a lot of the others here and I know the title is kinda meh. I wish I had a better story.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I hope it's at least okay. Stretching my thin plot to 3500 words was hard.
If the rest of them are anything like the first one, this is going to be a very enjoyable few days!
ReplyDelete-Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria
I'm not surprised that "Tonight I Shall Be Laughter" was included among the favourites. That story should win on the "And as in uffish thought he stood, a manticore ambushed Captain Bucephalus" line out of nowhere alone. It's really a quite intelligent story all around, so kudos to the writer.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, there are a good lot of stories all around from what I've read, especially given the time frame! Although, I do notice a pattern: working from the descriptions, it seems as though purely comedy stories were regarded more highly in this competition than ones that took a more serious bent. Probably this is the same phenomenon that causes certain styles of wines to do well in lengthy competitions; after so much reading, the palate gets a bit fatigued and longs for something with big fruits (to mix a metaphor).
Still, though, I'll be a happy little shut-in this weekend with all of this reading to catch up on.
Got the first one down! It was a beautiful story, loved it! I just love reading about happy Luna, makes me feel great inside! Yay Luna!
ReplyDeleteSo much Luna... I just started reading fanfics so supplement my pony fix, and since I was already swamped in 5+ star suggestions, I think I'll have more than enough to last me to season two. Only issue is my new reading glasses don't come in till Tuesday, so I'm either going to have to wait or look like Derpy trying to focus.
ReplyDeleteSo much happy Luna! Also yay mine didn't get rejected. Hurrah!
ReplyDelete61 Luna fics, you say?
ReplyDelete*turns all the lights off and grabs a few 2-liter bottles of Mt. Dew*
My body is ready.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh /)*3*(\
ReplyDeleteThat's totally me at second from the top! I can't believe it!
Now to bask in the massive amount of happy Luna!~
Hello all! I'm the writer of Moon Princess Adventures In Ponyville. (Having some issues with my normal account for EQ Daily.) I just wanted to say a few things quick!
ReplyDeleteFirst, I sorta screwed up! So I made a version 2 just this very morning. Here's the direct link to that...
Just check the info at the bottom for more details.
Second, thank you to EQ Daily (and its minions!) for putting my lil' ol' fanfic up with the others despite what may have been a clumsy attempt on my part.
And finally, I will be adding to MPAiP over time, so keep an eye out!
Now, I DO believe I've got some reading to do ^.~
So much happy Luna! And Happy Luna is best Luna... well, besides maybe Ninga Woona. <3
ReplyDeleteHey author of "Luna's Gift" here, awesome I made it on the list! As everyone else has pointed out, there is A LOT of reading to do, so...
ReplyDelete*cracks knuckles*
Let's kick this pig!
Writer of T.L.I. Fridays here! Hope u enjoyed it. Can't wait to read Everypony else's fantastic works!
ReplyDelete"tawdry: cheap and of poor quality" I'd say that despite big watery eyes you succeeded in being mean to them anyway, since you posted their stories with an insult attached. I understand that you want to point out the ones that are particularly good, but singling out some as particularly bad isn't very nice, imho.
ReplyDeleteWriter of "The Socks of Wrath" here! I'm honored to have gotten honorable mention.
ReplyDeleteBut please; CRITIQUE ME. I need it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWriter of "Tonight I Shall Be Laughter":
ReplyDeleteI never thought of this as a competition, but as a challenge. It was great just to stretch my wings and write. I hope everypony enjoyed participating just as much as I did.
ReplyDeleteBravo to you, sir. I loved your fic. :D
Alright, time for mini-reviews! Since Midnight already left notes
ReplyDeleteon the first few, I'm going to skip ahead down to the rest
(starting with "More Happy Luna"). I'll read, I'll comment, and
everyone goes home happy.
1. A Simple Little Party: Oops, this one's mine. Um, go read it
and tell me what you think!
2. The Misadventures of Luna: First-person Celestia, eh? Not the easiest style to write in, but you've done a more than serviceable job, though Celestia did seem a little...credulous, especially in the section where she meets Pinkie. LOTS of shoutouts to other fanfics in here, but you certainly win the award for 'most original interpretation of Octavia.'
3. Between the Dusk and the Dawn: Having Celestia be more straightlaced than Luna is a clever inversion. You paint a very vivid picture of Luna in 'costume,' and and your interpretation of the moon-goddess's personality is equally clear. Very well-done.
4. Luna's Learning and Lessons: A Literature: At first I thought there was no link, but eventually I found it! Jumping back and forth each paragraph proved a major distraction for me, even with your explanation at the start. You took a chance with a nonstandard stylistic choice, but...well, it wasn't unreadable or anything, but I think I'd have enjoyed the story more presented more traditionally, with lengthier 'frames' to each character separated by breaks. Also, the fact that your stylistic choice required you to use the same paragraph for multiple speakers' dialogue made the story difficult to read in places. I did like the idea of exploring Fillydelphia's parasprite infestation.
5. Happy Luna has a Chill Day: No time for videos! To many fics to read! Present tense stories generally feel kind of gimmicky to me. I'm not sure why you chose to write it that way (unless watching the video would have explained it), as it doesn't seem to add anything to this story compared to past tense. Still, thank you for not switching tenses on me. There's a lighthearted silliness to your story that I find endearing.
6. Twilight Writes a Story: You have a very dry writing style which, while not unpleasant, doesn't always mesh well with your light and fast-paced story. The story challenge-within-a-story challenge was clever, to say the least. Jeeze, I knew Twilight couldn't write a friendship report to save her life, but her fiction writing is just painful. I can already tell that meta-Pinkie will be a recurring theme in these stories.
7. Clash of the Heavenly Titans: Boy, I didn't realize how long these were going to be. I've already been reading for more than an hour, and I'm only to #7... anyway, Pink Celestia just about killed me! The humor in this piece was top-notch.
8. Happy Birthday, Luna: If Celestia's this oblivious as a matter of course, it's easy to see how she ignored NMM's warning signs 1000 years earlier. Of course, she DID, so I suppose that makes sense :) Very cute, thoughtful story.
9. It's a Luna Thing: I opened this and thought, "Oh good, a short one!" Then I saw all the chapters... "Chapter 7: The Tedious Part where they Chat Some," natch. Like your titles. The ending, though abrupt, was absolute comedy gold.
10. Slander: Wow, this was an absurdly good story. I love your characterization of Ditzy, the reveal at the end was surprising but well set up...I have nothing bad to say about this.
Alright, ten down, a bunch to go. More reviews as I continue reading...
I think people hated my fanfic... kinda sucks for me cuz i worked real hard on it. Tough crowd.. And it also got called tawdry and tiny. >_< GAHH!
ReplyDeleteWriter of "Slander" here, which I suppose I ought to have mentioned earlier. I know of quite a few errors in my own submission, but I would be interested to know what everypony thinks of my writing style as applied to this universe. I had hoped to use this story as a test of sorts to see if another pony-related writing project would be worth pursuing, so if anyone sees this comment and has read my story, please just leave a note in the reviews section at the Fanfiction.net link posted. Danke!
ReplyDeleteHey, I wrote "Misadventures of Luna." I've been at band camp all week, so I'm not losing any sleep over this, but I'm excited to read through all this Happy Luna!
ReplyDeleteAlso CC would be appreciated, as always.
@SprintF Totally with you on that one! I enjoyed writing mine and it just means there were tons of awesome ones out there.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit interested in who vectored that luna drawing, any sources avaiable?
ReplyDeleteOh My Luna, I'll be up all night reading this.
ReplyDeleteWhich, actually, should make Luna happier.
I wrote "Goodybe to Socks." The title and description suck because it was a last minute thing. Just ignore both if you're reading it.
ReplyDeleteAuthor of A Year to the Day here. I'm honored to be in the special mention group, and I look forward to checking out some of the other stories this weekend. ^_^
ReplyDeleteMan I'm loving ever one of these stories
ReplyDeleteI applaud all the authors ever story so far has made me giddy.
I didn't know a story could make me so happy but each one I read proves me wrong and for that I thank every author who time to write a story.
ReplyDeleteI think the blog ate my previous comment...
At any rate, this is the author of "Slander" writing. I read over your submission and found that I enjoyed it immensely. The episodic form is frightfully difficult, but you've pulled it off admirably with some genuinely hilarious moments that could very well fit into an actual episode of the show. I briefly considered the episodic form for my own submission, but my writing style and the demands of the story as it was being written precluded that option. And unlike most of the writers here, you and I seem to be in agreement that Frustrated Luna is the best Luna. Take care, and thank you for your kind words on my own piece.
The Sock Swap was very well done. Many humorous moments, with an insane Pinkie Pie and Luna duo performance. Highly recommend that one, it's 6 star material imo
ReplyDeleteThis made me read the Sock Swap, and it was fantastic.
Haha, reading Tonight I Shall Be Laughter made my night. Specifically these two quotes for sure.
ReplyDeleteBucephalus took advantage of the opportunity to reassure the gathered citizens that yes, there really is a Lunar Guard, that no, his silver armor was in no sense "gnarly, dude," and that yes, indeed, Princess Luna was most assuredly replete with "awesome sauce."
"Best knight ever!"
Hmm... I don't see me anywhere. Are you sure I'm in there?
ReplyDeleteSoo much random/comedy. SO. MUCH.
Kudos to My Super Happy Fun Time Show for mixing it with Grimdark.
And a mystery! Yay! My favorite!
Okay, back with ten more mini-reviews. Here we go...
ReplyDelete11. The Magic of Harmonies: Another amazingly good story. This contest seems to have produced more than its fair shair! I'd hate to have been in charge of picking winners. Anyway, your musical knowledge really shows in this piece, without being distracting.
12. Forget the Moon: "I think hitting her with a snowball counts as treason!" The way you mix seriousness with levity is appropriate and rarely jarring--good job on a difficult task.
13. Luna's Stars: Luna's only slightly better at delivering morals than Twilight, I see. Still, a very well-paced, well-written story.
14. Luna's Super Happy Fun Time Show: Those tags, coupled with the title, are giving me some very strange vibes going in... I think it's safe to say I didn't 'get' this fic. Is it parodying some movie or videogame? Well written, but like I say, the whole piece just didn't work (for me).
15. One Wish: Let me quote the third sentence: "However, what I,
and most others, call hard work, is in no way the same." Sadly, that sort of comma abuse was not an isolated incident. Good story, but needed more editing.
16. Pinkie Tries to Make Happy Luna: Another poorly edited story. Neither this nor One Wish are unreadable by any stretch, but poor sentence structure and comma usage really stick out when the overall quality of writing in this competition is so high. Lots of potential, but it needs some help first.
17. Kidnapped in Canterlot: As an aside--shouldn't ponies say 'foalnapped' instead? I mean, we say kidnapped because it's stealing children (that's the entymology, anyway). So in Equestria, only goats would say 'kidnapped,' right? --Anyway, to your story: it looks like your space bar was giving you some trouble, but otherwise the editing looks pretty good. Again I must ask: is this a parody of something I didn't read/see/play? If so, I'm sure I missed a lot of the humor; otherwise, a pony named "Pimp Slap" seems like it's going too far.
18. The Incident: *Looks at additional tags* I'll keep that in mind as I read... Heh, Neil Aldrin. Every pony is exactly the right level of OOC for this kind of story. The only problem was that there was a bit too much technical mumbo-jumbo--the story bogged down in sections where (given the kind of bizzar trip it is) it really couldn't afford to. Still, funny.
19. Wishes, Dreams, and Parties: The idea of making pony servants shoots way, WAY over my 'creepy as hell' line. That's Twilight-Zone material right there... All the ponies seem well in-character.
20. A Thousand Candles: It's like a Rube Goldberg Puzzle, but of favors! Excellent writing, feels like an episode. One complaint: for a Luna-centric challenge, there's hardly any Luna in it!
WOW, these are all so long! Oh well, at least they're also good. I mean, it's not like I'd be reading them all if I didn't enjoy pony fanfics in the first place, but there's a lot of high-quality stuff here. More reviews to come...
Aw, I didn't make it into the winning fics. That's okay, I didn't expect to with 61 freakin entries. :O I'm pretty close to the top of "rest of Luna" list, so hooray! I'm glad I made it into the 61, regardless. Thanks for the great contest, Midnight, I really enjoyed writing my story.
Thanks a lot for your little mini-review. I really don't know what's so offensive about present-tense to some people! I've never thought it as a gimmick, it's just a way I've always written stories. I'm glad you noticed I didn't switch tenses at all, I'm careful about that. :) Also, watching the video won't give you any more insight on my fic, so no worries there!
I'm glad you enjoyed the story though. Hopefully I'll get featured here on EqD again. Maybe even with a past-tense story. ;)
I just realized, both my story and Bob from Bottles' have the same setting for our first part
ReplyDeleteHi, "Between the Dusk and the Dawn" author here...
I see Luna's personality as very teenage-impatient-short attention span. However old she was at the time of the Nightmare Moon incident, mentally she was in the all-nerve-endings "you're not the boss of me" state, which is what led to her becoming (or becoming infected by) Nightmare Moon. The thousand years of exile are just lost time, and she's basically taking up where she left off, with the addition of an important life-lesson in humility and compassion for others. As for Celestia... yeah, she can be a stick in the mud. Very nice, but needs to let her hair down. Well, more down. I have plans for that particular princess, yes I do... stay tuned for the sequel.
Oh my god that's a lot of Luna. Well, it's not like I needed sleep this weekend...
ReplyDeleteWriter of "Kidnapped in Canterlot here. Please tell me what you all thought and how I can improve in future stories. Please be especially harsh about grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and all that other fun english stuff
ReplyDeleteIn regards to Chris' review, no the story was not a parody of anything. The name Pimp Slap was just a name I thought would be funny and threatening at the same time. Also, when adults are abducted there still kidnapped, aren't they? And yeah I realized after I had posted the story about the spacing issues, but I'm too lazy to revise it
ReplyDeleteAm I really the only one who attempted a Grimdark story? I could have sworn others also accepted this challenge...oh, well...not like I've never stood out in a crowd before...for all the wrong reasons...lol
Thanks for the Kudos.
The game you are looking for is Gears Of War but I threw in a tiny bit of Warhammer 40k when designing Gilda's character. Sorry that you didn't get it. For the most part my main goal here was for the story to be funny. If you so much as giggled or even smiled at any part of it then my mission is accomplished. :P
~ Cat Eats Dog...saved the world no less than three times...but no one noticed.
Author of Luna's Longing here. Wow, am I surprised I even managed to finish that fic. A one day write is a hard thing!
ReplyDeleteThis is more now aimed at either Midnight or Seth. Will these be uploaded to the EqD fanfic section under separate posts sometime? It really would be nice to have ratings and comments.
Hello all. I'm the author of Luna's Soup Adventure. This was my first of, hopefully, many fanfics. It was great fun participating in this event. Now to read all of these Luna stories and then get back to writing more of my own.
ReplyDeleteOn and on and on we go, where we stop is, um, at fic #30. For now. More mini-reviews!
ReplyDelete21. Detective Luna in: Case of the Cereal Snatchers: Hint: if you're going to use italics to show a character's thoughts, make sure that you chose a different font for your story. This really does feel like the Progress stories, so kudos on capturing that author's feel in your writing. Although it wasn't exactly a problem, I have to ask: why are two pages and half of a sentence in red writing?
22. Rain: It's easy for stories like this, which focus more on character interaction than on plot, to become deathly dull and/or maudlin. This story, thankfully, is neither. Both princesses are very deftly written.
23. To Dream When the Spell is Lifted: The 'sleep spell' is just silly enough to be from an actual episode. Still, the rest of the story has a heavy, but not unpleasant, sense of somberness to it. This story was a real pleasure to read.
24. Prancing in Paris: I thought there was a law that all cities in Equestria had to have pony-pun names. Mare-is, maybe? Cute ending, but I personally felt the shipping was unnessessary--there was more than enough going on in this story without adding in romantic entanglements. You used Paris as both a plot device and (in a sense) as its own character very well.
25. Party. Sleep. Repeat.: Well, your description has me sold... Although this is about as far from 'episodic' as anything, it still FEELS like MLP, which is (IMHO) what's really important. Scratch reminds me a bit of a ponified Zaphod Beeblebrox, in a good way. The canon tie-in at the end was excellent.
26. Goodbye to Socks: Very good, non-intrusive use of vocabulary in this story, both in the service of description and humor. That said, there were some editing probems: homophones (Enquired for Inquired early on, and a couple others) and sentence structure were the source of occasional, but persistent, errors. The story itself was well-written and enjoyable, though I do have some questions about the whole NMM bit.
27. Luna's Longing: Not many people share their pony obsession with their 'Mums' (British, I'm guessing?). Good on you and her for sharing your interests! There were some sections of the piece that were clearly better edited than others (I assume the bits your mother saw), but overall the document was still quite readable. Though I do like to imagine that Luna did indeed 'simile' when confronted with Derpy being Derpy...
28. Cantering Around Canterlot: Another tiny link to click, but it can't hide from my mini-reviews! The plot hook leading to Luna's 'birthday' celebration was clever and funny. For me, this story hit all the right notes.
29. Luna’s Exciting Day: "Now I really want to meet these people for myself." Ponies, perhaps :) Some of the dialogue was a bit stilted, but the story was well-concieved and executed without the sort of excess frills that can so quickly bog down simple little tales like this.
30. Luna's Ascent: Another first-person story! The style of writing reminds me a lot of the PBS version of Gormenghast. Of course, I didn't LIKE the PBS version of Gormenghast (I've never read the books), but there are definitely worse things you could be compared to. There were a few cases of tense slippage, a pet peeve of mine. I have a feeling that a certain sub-sect of fic readers will absolutely adore this story, and that the rest of us (sadly including myself) will be forced recognize its cleverness without really enjoying it.
Well, that's about halfway (less the winning fics). Back presently with more mini-reviews.
I wrote 'Downtown', a story I duct taped together in the course of eight days. Never will I write a story so quickly again D:
ReplyDeleteHmm... My favorite two were To Night I Will Be Laughter and Party. Sleep. Repeat. Socks of Wrath were a close Runner up.
If anybody else wants an in depth critique, let me know.
Bob: Just finished your fic. Enjoyable!
ReplyDeleteGuy who wrote "Party. Sleep. Repeat." here.
Thanks. My entire goal in writing my stories is to make them feel like things that could really have happened in the show's universe but that you wouldn't actually see on the show itself, so I guess I'm doing my job there.
And now that you mention it, I do kinda see the Scratch/Zaphod thing. I like to think she's a bit less of a jackass, though :p
ReplyDeleteBless you for doing all these in such quantities tonight. :D
I wrote "To Dream When the Spell Is Lifted", and thanks for your comments. :D
@Chris Wow, I can't believe I missed that! Then again, I wrote and edited it hastily in two days, so I was bound to miss something I guess. But anyway, thanks for the review. It's words like that that encourage me to write more and participate in these events. I wish you luck with reading the rest.
ReplyDeleteThank you, and I'm glad you enjoyed!
@Scy Storm
For myself, I find that first-person stories (with certain obvious exceptions, such as stories in diary format) are less engrossing because they force the reader to acknowledge the story as a vehicle. That is, I KNOW that I'm not actually Princess Celestia, and when I see her referred to as "I," it serves as a constant reminder of the medium. As such, it becomes difficult to lose oneself in the story. Because "I" don't (usually) exist as a concrete entity in third-person writing, this barrier is less noticeable.
That's my take on the matter, anyway. I don't claim to be an expert, and I do know there are plenty of people who enjoy first-person stories, and many more like myself who find them affectatious for one reason or another.
@Cat Eats Dog
Ah, I see. I've no personal experience with either, but I "So much as giggled or smiled" a couple times regardless, so good job on that front.
Okay, now to go read some more stories. For real this time.
Hey, Typewriter Ribbon here, author of Sister's Sun Celebration. I'm just glad I didn't get disqualified :P Hope to hear the reviews of my first ever fic XD Nice to have the exposure, and I hope to hear from your critique. Working on another piece of fiction, maybe it'll end up on EqD :D
ReplyDeleteSure, hit me. Again, mine was "Kidnapped in Canterlot"
Dude, "WTFHIW" wrote a fic for this? Well thats gonna be a must read. That dude really need to finish Luna's Goodwill tour. that Story is amazing
ReplyDeleteNothing witty to read here, no sirree. Just more mini-reviews coming down the pipe...
ReplyDelete31. Downtown: Although your vocabulary serves you well in the narration, I would consider toning it down in the dialogue. Luna we admittedly don't hear much of in the show, but Celestia's sudden loquaciousness is very out of place. The other characters are pretty well voiced, though. The number of shoutouts to both canon and fanon are astounding and usually pretty funny.
32. Luna versus First Date: Another Progress-inspired story, eh? Sadly, this one could do with another round of editing. Missing words, comma abuse, awkward sentences...it's not like it's unreadable, but it is distracting. I kind of want to know what happened to Caramel, both short- and long-term.
33. Luna's First Day: Jeeze, another many-chaptered monstrosity... I mean that in the best way, of course :) Another story that could use an editor, sadly. I'd just like to point out that the very same Midnight Shadow who hosted this event also has a writefriend Training Grounds thread over on Ponychan where you can take stories in need of editing or story help. A great resource for writers without pre-readers!
34. The Moon Dancers: First person AND OC AND OC/Luna shipping? Ambitious, but well-handled. Not my favorite story, (not being a fan of romance as a genre, I found it a bit dull), but you've taken a very challenging premise and spun it into a finely-crafted tale. The prose has something of a violet tinge to it, but of course it's supposed to.
35. Colts and Mares: "Are you the princess?" "No, I'm some other alicorn..." You took a subject that could have been awkward and creepy, and instead made it light and entertaining. Very nice.
36. Sister Sun's Celebration: Not to step on everypony's skepticism, but didn't Pinkie throw Luna a massive party to celebrate her NOT being NMM? She, at least, I wouldn't expect to be so distrustful... Other than that, every pony seemed to be in-character, and the cuteness was rampant without being diabetus-inducing.
37. A Few Good Friends: Brother, you can go ahead and put a 'long' tag on that if you want, but let me tell you--you aren't even in the top ten for tonight. Probably not top twenty... Hmm, more of this NMM suspicion. I think this is the first story in which Gummy plays a prominent role--I love how every story compilation finds the strangest side characters to feature! Overall well-written.
38. Luna of the Rising Sun: I felt like this story was too long for its own good. Although I appreciate the importance of setting the stage, I was more than halfway through the document before anything resembling a plot began to emerge. For a plot-driven story (rather than a character profile or somesuch, which this clearly isn't) that's just too much setup. Still, the writing was crisp and clear.
39. Luna's Gift: Sergeant Stud Muffin must have had a rough childhood with a name like that--or a really really excellent one. Very, very silly story, and thankfuly never explicit.
40. Moon Princess Adventures In Ponyville: I wish you'd split up speakers by paragraph--as it is, parts of the story are hard to read. Other than that, there's no major editing problems, and the story has the general feel of MLP (although it seems a bit more serious in tone than the show itself).
Oof. Well, one more set of stories, it looks like. Last set of reviews are coming!
ReplyDeleteDectective Luna Author here. If liked Case of the Cereal Snatchers (Set up by Dash's Breakfast) you can expect a follow up case. But Will Luna do it alone, or will she have help? Find out next time in Case of the Truck Stoppers.
Oh, and even though I didn't win, it's enough just to have my story posted.
ReplyDeleteoh lawd, that's actually the wrong word. I was looking for *tardy* which is just...late.
Apologies all around before I get sent back to the mo-
ReplyDelete2 and a half pages in red? oops.
I copied over the list of stuff to use including the text in red, but i didn't notice the text color was still red. I'll go fix that, and the font issue after some sleep. (don't want to edit while sleepy)
Silly Chris! XD I am the author of Moon Princess Adventures in Ponyville, good brony.
ReplyDeleteIf you had caught my post earlier you'd see that I already owned up to and tried to fix the speaker per paragraph issue. I put up a version 2 this morning- http://olafpicknpepper.deviantart.com/#/d473l2r
I hope it is an easier read for all! Or if anyone preferred the first version, let me know!
Anyway, Chris, I appreciate the review a lot. Can't be easy to read and review this many stories. I'm glad you felt I captured the general feel of MLP.
I suppose it may come off a bit more serious... I guess that I felt it was necessary for me to get a plot going. There will be more humorous antics coming with the next update as Luna sets about accompanying ponies on their daily routines!
> ask for 3500 word stories, smug in the knowledge there won't be too many
ReplyDelete> get a flood in the last day
> realize some of these are *way* over the minimum
> realize I've got 60-odd, 3500-word stories to post about
> mfw
> get sent back to the moon anyway.
ReplyDeleteDon't get your hopes too high... If asked, I'd say that my entry's only unique contribution is the inclusion of the words "prostate gland".
...As an accusation.
...Directed at a mare.
I was in a weird mood last Sunday. ;-)
Last of the mini-reviews! And none too soon, either--I've been enjoying Luna's night quite long enough, thank you.
ReplyDelete41. Very light, very silly fare. Feels more like a collection of scenes than a coherent story, even with the slumber party motif. But then again, so do some episodes of FiM, so maybe that's not really a critisism.
42. Luna Gets a Cupcake: Tense slippage--my old nemesis. Although I realize it isn't really a story critisism, the choice of font was distracting. The standard text-body fonts are standard for a reason; the effect here is similar to writing your story in all caps. The story is far from terrible, but I think you'd benefit from having a pre-reader or two take an in-depth look at this.
43. Twilight's Twilight: Another Chris? I suppose it was inevitable... That's what I get for not picking out a pony-name for myself. Your punctuation needs work--again, I'd look for an editor to help clean this up, especially the dialogue. I'll give you points for 'Flank Herbert,' though; if nothing else, you clearly have a knack for the pony puns on which the show thrives.
44. Luna's Flower of Happiness: Unwittingly happy? Interesting choice of tags... There seems to be a run of stories needing further editing here at the end. The hook was clever and poignent (also, squirrels!); I think this could have been one of the top stories with some (significant) cleaning-up.
45. A Night for the History Books: Editing, dialogue...I think it must be deliberate that these stories are all at the bottom. No offense to any of the authors, but there's work to be done on them before they're ready for mass consumption (or whatever fanfic readers count as, if not a mass). It's not unreadable, but there's quite a bit here that needs to be addressed.
46. Looney Luna: Editing, yadda yadda (though it's better than the few above it). Maybe it's the fact that I've read 45 other happy Luna stories in the last few hours, but nothing about this one really grabbed me. I think there needs to be a stronger hook--something to get the reader invested in the story.
47. I admit there was nothing earth-shattering about this fic, but I'm not sure why it didn't warrant inclusion with the others. I'm pretty sure it was long enough, it was at least as well written as several stories that did qualify... oh well, luckily I wasn't the one deciding which stories did or didn't make the cut. Celestia's dialogue was wonky, but Derpy was cute.
48. Firesky: Yeah... definitely not my cup of tea. At all. I'm not a big fan of shipping to begin with, though, so maybe someone else would like it more. Switching to present tense halfway through was unnessessary.
...Aaand we're done! Tomorrow I'll come back and read the winners, but I probably won't comment on them (unless one of the authors really wants me to say something about theirs) since Midnight already left them their little notes. Congratulations to everyone who submitted a story--I can tell you all from firsthand experiece that there are a LOT of high-quality stories in here, and probably half or more are good enough to warrant there own post. Of course, if that happened, we'd have nothing but Luna fics on the front page for a week, but my point remains: there was a tremendous outpouring of talent here, and all of you should be proud.
Author of The Magic of Harmonies here.
ReplyDeleteWell, writing the fic destroyed last week's revision, and plowing through this lot will destroy next week. I'm going to fail my exams, but it will be glorious :D
@Solar Flair
ReplyDeleteAh, oops. My bad not reading the 'corrected' version. Looks like you pre-emptively took my words to heart! I look forward to these updates of which you speak.
@Chris It's fine, you read the version I submitted, lol. I'm guessing that reflected on the positioning in the first place, so it makes sense to review it with that in mind.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to more readers like you!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed my fic :D It's far too easy to get crazy technical when writing about something you're knowledgeable and passionate about, so I'm glad to hear I got the balance right. I took a bit of inspiration from K-ON! when writing it, trying to get a bit of musical detail in without it taking over and ruining the story.
Needs more shipping! Shipping is always happy!
ReplyDeleteread ALL the Luna fanfics!
ReplyDeleteAuthor of "The April Foals Report", a bit confused.
ReplyDeleteWho are the "winners" of the contest?
Midnight's favourites or the special mentions?
Or has the plan changed from actually having winners, and I'm out of the loop?
So... much... happy... Luna...
ReplyDeleteWelp. Not like I have anything better to do most of this Saturday I guess...
ReplyDeleteNot wanting to just force my opinion on everypony, the "midnight's favourites" were actually those rated highest by multiple minions...and they'll be getting their own posts :)
It wasn't so much a contest as a challenge though, so I hope everypony had fun :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLet me try that again!
Yes writing a fan fic at 2am-7am before the deadline (8am in my time) is never a good idea. Thank you for pointing out that mistake, so many of these errors go unnoticed to a sleepy eye!
What parts did you think were well edited and what parts not? I can now go back and brush them up. I agree some parts I was more happy with than others, but since I submitted the fan fic three minutes before the deadline, I really didn't have much time to check XD.
Oh and yes, I am British and yes, my mum did check over it. However she was similarly tired. So the start was far more thoroughly checked over than the finish, she didn't even read the finish until after it was submitted. Oh and I had to come up with some plausible explanation of what I was watching on youtube XD, hence why Mum had to know.
Out of interest, avoiding the minor spelling mistakes, what did you think of the plot line? Also did you notice anything about Dr. Whooves?
I just finished "The Sock Swap", which was a fine way to start off a Saturday morning. I rather wish now that I had attempted something a bit less dreary or had made use of more of the challenge stipulations; stories like this put a foxy to shame.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review, Chris (I wrote Forget the Moon) - much appreciated, and you picked up on precisely what I was most concerned about getting right, the balance between the fun bits and the more serious overall structure. I actually junked most of a first draft of chapter 4 after I thought it was getting too heavy. I pretty much interpreted the contest/event as writing about Luna finding a reason for being happy, rather than simply writing her into fun situations. I'm still unsure about whether I took it a bit too seriously for what was meant to be a fun contest, but I had fun writing it and exploring her character anyway. Can't wait to see how they write her in season 2.
I've got to say I really enjoyed all of the stories-Not a one failed to get a smile out of me. So great job everyone!
ReplyDeleteAnd it is just ego talking but I liked the references to my own humble fanfiction in a number of them. Glad to know I've made a bit of an impact. Until next contest then.
oh boy, this is going to take a while. :)
ReplyDeleteI assure you, the last thing I want to do with my fics is make anyone feel bad about their own work. Before I encountered the MLP fandom, I was uninspired and didn't have enough confidence in my writing skills to attempt something like this. It was seeing the community's incredible creativity and different takes on the show that made me decide that every creative work has value, which in turn made me want to start writing fanfics.
Actually, I suppose the Sock Swap itself was a semi-unintentional metaphor for the MLP community for me. And I am like Luna, inspired by seeing the different things people do with MLP--fanfics, fanart, fanmusic, PMVs, and everything else--to connect with others by making my own contribution, finally redeeming myself for that time when I tried to blow up the sun and wait this metaphor is terrible
Foxmane, I read your fic and, although it might not have purely fit the "no-worries" theme of the contest, I thought it was well-written and really sweet. I also thought it was innovative to explore the idea of how Luna might become friends with Ditzy Doo. I like stories that are bittersweet with feel-good endings, and I like it when people aim for uniqueness or variety; it would've been boring if everyone went the pure comedy route, so I'm glad you wrote the particular story that you did.
I wish I could be a saint like Chris and give everyone a mini-review, but I just don't have the energy for it. So instead, let me just generally say to everyone to keep doing what you're doing, because I think it's really cool.
ReplyDeleteThanks Chris, I'm glad it did appeal to someone's funny bone. It wasn't meant to be much really, just a little bickering between the two royal sisters with some laughs.
And I purposely made it non-explicit, that would have drawn the attention away from it.
ReplyDeleteWriter of T.L.I. Fridays here.
Thanks for the review! I worked hard on it, glad you liked it. The reason it didn't get in is I accidently confused the posting date with the deadline and posted the story two days late.. :P But I'm glad you liked it!
I think 'Slander' wins the prize for Best Use of A Background Pony. Dinky scribbling on the night sky is just too adorable.
ReplyDeleteI wrote Accidental Bliss and am thrilled with how I did for a mad dash like that ^_^
ReplyDeleteAuthor of "Wishes, Dreams, and Parties," here. I was aiming to keep the Mane 6 as in-character as possible, so I'm glad that Chris thinks I succeeded. I actually toned the creepiness of the servants down, since in the original draft they all had the same Cutie Mark, and Luna actually said that their purpose was to serve her. That would have sent the story straight into Grimdark territory though, so I cut it. I just can't seem to write anything that doesn't have at least a slightly disturbing edge.
ReplyDeleteDetective Luna Author here again. The Red text issue has been fixed. moving on to the thought text issue now.
ReplyDelete@Midnight Shadow
ReplyDeleteHey Midnight, I was wondering what's going to happen to the fics now - will they get their own individual pages in the archive, or will they be archived in a single page of links?
There are SO MANY SOCKS in these stories! Overall, a great collection of heartwarming and enjoyable fics. Maybe I can find enough inspiration to add to them myself, someday.
ReplyDelete-Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria
@Desert Rose I almost did that myself, but I caught it early on. That's pretty unfortunate.
ReplyDelete@Midnight I too am curious what will happen to this story collection.
My guess is that they just stay in this post unless the authors submit their stories through the normal process.
ReplyDeleteAre we even allowed to do that?
ReplyDeleteHey, writer of "Goodybe to Socks" here. Wow, thanks for taking the time to read all of these, and thanks for the critique! The editing problems were probably due to the fact that I didn't edit it - I only finished it five minutes before the deadline. If there's another challenge like this in the future I'll be sure to pace myself better so that I have time to get it edited and proofread.
ReplyDelete@Dubs Rewatcher
ReplyDeleteI don't see why not. Some of the Speed fic fictions were resubmitted and got their own posts, but then again i didn't make the rules for this challenge.
Either way though, Case of the Truck Stoppers will need Case of the Cereal Snatchers in the same post anyway as it's part of a series.
One thing about "Of Packages and Punches" The length was impressive, although a lot of the good ideas were used early in the story, it lost a bit towards the end. But the mention of "Midnight Moon" seriously confused me. I thought for the longest time this was some fairy tale character or something, before I realized you meant Nightmare Moon. How did this slip in? Or did I miss something here?
ReplyDeleteI now claim this shipping, Firesky!
ReplyDeleteTo Chris (mark 2):
ReplyDeleteYou asked for feedback, and your story was pretty amusing. However you Really need a proofreader.
I'm not a native English speaker, but even I could instantly spot dozens of spelling errors throughout the fanfic. It really detracts from it. So before you submit more stories, do try and get a proofreader or two first :).
I know it's a bit of a late call, but if anyone would give me a critique on my fic (the magic of harmonies) I'd be very grateful. Going to start writing a sequel, and would appreciate a few pointers etc as to what I could do better next time.
ReplyDelete@Acriaos: Oh whoops! You see, that's what happens when everypony refuses to talk about it for fear of getting sent to the moon. Now I gotta spend, like, 1 minute replacing all references to "Midnight" with "Nightmare".
ReplyDeleteWhat the- there's three pages of nothing here, why-
ReplyDelete"THE GAME"
Nice one WTFHIW
Hey Chris, writer of "Luna of the Rising Sun" here - thanks for doing all of those mini-reviews! I appreciate your commitment to getting through all of those! Anyway yeah, in retrospect I really wish I had taken the time to edit down the setup a bit. Kinda ashamed I submitted it now, but there you go. :P
ReplyDeleteOh well. It was a first-time effort and I was on a deadline. Que sera, sera.
Lol sock swap. It was... Nice.
ReplyDeleteWriter of "The Moon Dancers" here.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I knew that an OC shipping fic would cost me some points, but I just... felt like it.
I wanted to beat the "sad Luna is lonely" theme that had been so prevalent in the drawings I saw. I wanted to beat it over the head.
I know I painted the prose purple, but I just couldn't help myself... sorry for any inconveniences.
Still, I hope it at least made someone smile. Or cry, but that's usually just me.
I'm late but will there be another competition this year?
ReplyDeleteI noticed that, oddly, the link for Cantering Around Canterlot is missing. Here's a new one: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/10692/Cantering-Around-Canterlot .