• Luna Orchestral Series

    I have posted these Luna orchestral tracks across a few threads over the past few weeks.   This post compiles them, and adds the final one.  You can find them all below!

    21 kommentaari:

    1. The first one takes you to the Blogger dashboard, the rest are pretty good.

    2. Love luna music, and Yay! My pic!
      Woot, (still the crappy version though...)

    3. Oh wait, white background, this version actually does work better here. My bad.

    4. You oughtta use that picture for all future [RUMORS] posts...

    5. First link sends ya to the Blogger dashboard. ^^; Already heard the rest though, and they've very good! :3 Resolve is my favorite.

    6. I liked them all up until Luna's Resolve, which was my favourite, but after that... I dunno. I'm not going to be too critical, because I couldn't compose music if my life depended on it, but I just didn't like the latter half so much. The vocals on the last track, especially, just sounded off.

      Still, nice work. I always admire musicians 'cos music is a complete mystery to me (failed my Grade One Piano \o/), and the sheer, raw emotion they can pull out of the aether like that is astounding.

    7. Why can nobody draw a good treble clef?! D:

    8. @TheBigCupODirt

      That was the placeholder one that was only there for a few hours!
      The final one looks so much better!

    9. Just a point with the album, if you want to get extra things, you'll have to get it from there. Soundcloud has all the orignal songs, but not the other stuff i'm leaving on bandcamp. You could say i'm a *puts on sunglasses* capitalist. YEAAAAHHHH

    10. @ TheBigCupODirt
      Artistic interpretation?

      -Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria

    11. needs warning sign like BEWARE : DOGS but with Octavia?

    12. The writing seems more than decent, but even now I can't quite feel satisfied with orchestrated music not being played by an actual orchestra. It's a personal failing, I know, but the drums and trumpets just didn't work for me.

    13. @Atiarotias

      "Beware of Cellist"


      *gets chased out of the orchestra pit*

    14. Yay! They sound pretty good. Keep it up.

    15. I'm here to remind you to "hang in there". ;)

      Some of these I didn't like a whole lot, to be honest. But some of them are pretty good too.

    16. You sir are just amazing i love orchestral Works of art and you have got some serious talent. *Brohoof*

    17. So it's fanon now that Octavia bites? I'm okay with Octavia being a biter. Probably bit her teachers when she was a young 'un, because they kept telling her the Raggedy Doctor wasn't real or something. Though how he could have been raggedy without clothes I have no idea.

      I wish archery Rarity would have caught on past that one awesome comic.
