• Luna in Socks: THE SCULPTURE

    I think we have hit the epitome of this mini-meme.  We have plushies, art, 3D renders, a borderline clopfic, comics, and flash videos all dedicated to the topic.  I'm not sure what else we can fit in here!

    I'm pretty sure the only thing that could top this is Luna in socks in Season two.  

    Confound these socks...


    1. This has taken the pony sock meme to the extreme, and I love it. ♥

    2. You really had to mention clopfics? god damnit

    3. You could have just said shipping fic

    4. You people seriously need to get over the existence of clopfics and the like. Like, deal with it.

    5. Her left leg is a bit too long but other than that... *ahem*


    6. @KmScMT

      How about no. shits disgusting and we shouldn't be bringing that shit up here. keep that stuff to the cesspools of the internet

    7. Hmm... Luna in socks in the second Season... anyway!

      This is very adorable. I do love Luna in her pink socks. :)

    8. @KmScMT

      Also it ruins a perfectly innocent post. I'm sure the creator of that sculpture loves that seth brought up something so uneeded

    9. An actual clopfic is the logical next step. Dear god I hope that I don't hear about that.

    10. Next step: Luna in Socks: The Movie
      Then: Luna in Socks: The Musical

    11. Perhaps the next step should be an entire day devoted to Luna in socks... I get the feeling someone, somewhere is already organizing one...


    13. Waits for all out clopfic about socks

    14. the word clopfic was said and triggered a shitstorm? I feel so bad for you Seth

    15. @Anonymous
      "People aren't catering to my personal desires and that makes me angry."
      Ugh, please stop this nonsense.

    16. Wow seth is going to need political consultants to check everything he writes in order to avoid controversy in comments.
      I just want to say that small innocent comments like this make this page more friendly and engaging that just straight facts or news without comments.
      So, Seth please don't hear them they are just jealous.

    17. whats these peoples problems with clop fics, it's just like anything else out there that you know exists and may or may not agree with/like, bringing up the word doesn't automatically make it a vulgar/disgusting post, as best said by modlestia

      “A reference guide”
      Step one: Nothing.
      Step two: Stop looking at it.
      Step three: Move on with your life.

      Anyways, ignore these fools who can't handle the acknowledgement of things they don't like, Seth.

    18. God this Luna in Socks thing needs to stop. (Outside of shipping) I thought this place was above sexualizing an innocent children's cartoon.

    19. @Anonymous
      ...They're just socks. You know, the things you put on your feet? How is it "sexualizing" anything?

    20. @TheguywithZeldasprites
      More so, socks are worn by horses in real life as well surprisingly enough. They are primarily used to help with arthritis problems and for preventing insects from biting the animals in a place they can't easily reach. Socks on horses and ponies are no more weird than people wearing socks.

    21. @Anonymous
      You know, I always thought everyone was kidding when they said, "You learn something new every day". Guess they showed me... wait. That means that Luna either has arthritis or is haunted by insects! :p

    22. Luna in Socks on the actual show = True Fanservice (nonsexual kind)

    23. @TheguywithZeldasprites
      Same for all the other ponies since they have all gotten the same treatment.;)

    24. sculptor here; firstly the intention is cuteness :D and if any-pony brings more than that to it that's up to them,
      secondly I'm still learning how to sculpt but this piece is one of the best so far, I'm working out a way to be able to cast replicas of my sculpts but that's fairly tricky at my current skills.
      my favorite character in the Fandom is Luna I really very much hope she is presented well in the show. anyway glad very much you all like her and i hope to bring more good work out soon

      peace and love to all of you

    25. This can be topped... Mark my words... It. Is. Possible.

      Anyone ever see the Boston Dynamics "Big Dog" robot. It's designed to imitate quadrupedal animal like walking gaits to function as a robotic pack mule. Someone must acquire one, make a plush Luna body cover for it, and put socks on it...

      THAT would mark epitome of the meme!

    26. Seriously though. This sculpture is SHO AWESHOME!!! ლ(益)ლ

      or classic hoof version


    27. I seriously don't understand the obsession with Luna, or with socks :/

    28. @Every grumpy Anon who whines like a toddler deprived of sweeties when people bring up sexytimes:

      Leave it out, chaps. We're supposed to be about love and tolerance. You love some elements of the fandom and you tolerate the others. Clopfics are an excellent example. Sure, they can occasionally be creepy, but look at Cupcakes. Sure, they're all about sex and cartoons shouldn't be sexy when market at young children, but *coughcoughBettyBoopcoughsplutter*. In all, remember the tolerance in "I'm gonna love and tolerate the shit outta you" and calm down.

      Here. I made you this cup of tea. Drink it and listen to some Otis Redding.

    29. You know what they say about the furry fandom. Do you guys really not give a buck about us getting the same name? With all the drama generated when someone calls us bronies furfags, I would have thought our reputation was at least somewhat more important to people here. But with this kind of apathy, you might as well call it yiff from now on instead of clop or shipping.

    30. Furry reputation is basically the result of media sensationalisation, and the same will likely happen to Bronies at some point, because the media are whores.

      It's not like you can stop Rule 34, either. Some artist, somewhere, will inevitably sexualise anything, be it for shock value or as a legitimate fetish (unusual or not). So unless or until people in general society start to realise that (a) different people have widely varying tastes, (b) the media exaggerates these things, and (c) the media themselves stop sensationalising these things for ratings, we're probably going to have to put up with some stigma, whether we attempt to sweep this aspect of the fandom under the carpet or not.

    31. I'm amazed that some of you guys are so far up your own asses that all Seth has to do is say a word in jest for you to freak out and act like the entire fanbase is immediately going to go to shit.

      Even the Sonic fanbase manages to not be that pathetic about people not having the same opinion.

    32. @Anonymous

      And the rest of the internet is completely spotless and perfectly free of such fics, is that what you are saying?

      The existence of clopfics is not a poor reflection on us - it's a side effect of the existence of pony fandom itself. Clopfics, or the equivalent, exist in any suitable fandom.

      Do you know the main reason why people hate furries? People hate furries because other people hate furries. Some original group decided they deserved ridicule, and everyone hopped on the bandwagon. To hate furries is culturally accepted and even encouraged in less tolerant circles. We've escaped that particular kind of bandwagon hate, more or less.

      Instead, we get hate thrown at us for different reasons. Over-exporting ponies and shoving it in everyone's faces, apparently, although thankfully only a minority are taking up that hate banner.

      The clopfics, meanwhile, remain firmly within the fanon - I've never seen a clopfic referenced outside of brony circles. (I've rarely seen any fic referenced outside of brony circles, in fact, but that's only tangentially related.)

      I am not a reader of clopfics myself, but I do not see them as a dagger in the flank of the fandom, as you clearly do. Perhaps you should just learn to tolerate them.

      tl,dr; As said before me, love and tolerance.

    33. WHY?!
      Why must you continue to post such awesome things that I want so bad it hurts?

    34. I am currently working on writing a song about this subject. :3

    35. I will never understand all the furry hate on the internet. At the end of the day ppl are attracted to different things for a variety of different reasons. In fact, I find the ponies attractive in the sense that they have good personalities, big anime eyes, they're slightly anthro, and they have very good voice actresses. They have human intelligence and spike's already proven that interspecies attraction strikes ponyville. lol.

      As far as socks being "sexualizing" that's largely dependent on ppl's fetishes. Lets take, for an example, if someone has a foot fetish. Lets say I post a picture of a girl sitting on a beach, barefoot. If you have a foot fetish you might find that erotic, however, 9 out of 10 ppl are just going to be like "oh, it's a girl sitting on a beach." It's all in our respective heads.

      I feel bad that this great sculpture isn't getting the praise it deserves because ppl have to get so butthurt about something seth said in the comments. It's a great sculpture and it's very cute.

    36. Oh im tolerant allright. It's not about me or my opinions but about responsibility. Collectively we can prevent happening to us what ive seen up close happen to the furry fandom. I've already been called a furfag often enough to have stopped caring years ago. I thought people here would care but obviously I'm wrong.

      But you might as well drop the pretence and call clop what it really is, porn, so that at least parents of kids who visit here know what kind of site this really is instead of thinking this is a family friendly blog.

    37. I don't want to feed the parasprites here, but I do want to clear up a few points. As a community, we need to get over the fact that clopfics exist. I don't like them, but this is the internet, it's going to happen when you get any community this size. We just need to learn to tolerate it.

      To all the anons making the furry comparisons, both here and in the signed pony comments, I'd like to point out that EqD has 193 times as many views as Equestria after dark. The vast majority of bronies have no interest in rule 34 or clopfics, and they can actually test their tolerance. As for Luna in socks, I'm not seeing what the issue is. Nothing saucy is happening here, just a bunch of d'aww.

      tl:dr more love & tolerance

    38. So basically ppl are worried about other ppl thinking they are furries. It's like this:

      Brony: I actually love that show MLP FIM.
      Hater: FAG!

      Brony: sigh.... why does everyone have to be so mean.

      Furry: Hey, I like MLP FIM too!

      Brony: Yiff in hell you lousy furfag!

    39. I'm a furry, I like MLP, but I hate clopfics and porn of it. Don't like it? Don't interact with me.

    40. @Anonymous The way I see it, they are more of two separate groups. You can be in one, both, or neither. We just want the content to stay in the proper group. We don't want rule 34 here, but we don't go to their sites and tell them what they can do. As for Bronies raging against furries, they are actually much more tolerant than elsewhere. Most just don't want the negative reputation to stretch to them without reason. Your "Brony" above sounds more like someone off of 4chan.

    41. @krazykatboy
      I'm waiting for 'Luna in Socks: The Movie: The Game'

    42. @Hardbeat Acolyte That would leave us with just about everything but actual 'Luna in Socks' toys.

    43. So



    44. @Hardbeat Acolyte'

      a game would be nice :P thou unlikely "LOL"

      you ponys are silly arguing about something like the existence of clop in the fandom also silly is it seems to happen *everytime*

      of course someponys gonna write/draw stuff like that and of course regardless of the creators intention someponys gonna like it a lot...

      i really dont think any amount of posting ones own distaste for such things is gonna stop it. I also doubt comparing the negative perceptions of the furry fandom to pony fandom is gonna stop that aspect of things remember furrys got a bad start in public perception from a poorly researched badly spinned tv show episode that for some reason a lot of people took as a report of some type.

      giggle at the ghosty's ya'll

      because no matter what we do or say the uninitiated are gonna tend to think we are some flavor of creep because we are adults that adore a kids tv show.

      tolerance does not mean i have to accept every ugly thing people want to show off in my face, but it does mean i should accept that some folks like (or dislike) things differently than i do.
      If something says on the cover its grimdark *for example* i dont have to read it. However im not going to go to the authors page and rant about how she/he should not put the characters into horrible situations that is just silly. he/she has the right to write what they would like to see, whats in their head or whatever.

      Sometimes i will draw or write or sculpt something because the idea *WILL NOT LEAVE ME ALONE* until i express it. That does not mean its something I'm proud of or would like to create but as a creator of some experience i have learned that sometimes one really dont have much choice as to whats in their head. 90% of the time if i find the creation tasteless, i wont share it. that's how i choose to handle that problem.
      some people need to share the idea to seek validation, or they just don't care if others are gonna be offended. that's their choice as well. and as long as its marked properly. and not deceptively i'm not offended cause i did not look.

      sorry for the long post had a lot to say there and ... well ya


    45. Quoting Eaglehooves: "As for Bronies raging against furries, they are actually much more tolerant than elsewhere. Most just don't want the negative reputation to stretch to them without reason"

      I've been warning against getting that negative reputation for exactly this reason. Because not everyone is too happy with that. Raging against furries is pretty much useless, if your fellow ponies "NOT FURRIES ZOMG" are working hard to give that same reputation with clopfic, shipping fic and risque artwork. Stretching that negative reputation is not without reason.

      You cant have your cake and eat it too - Either we all work hard to keep the fandom clean at least in appearence (if you want your clopfic, go to places kids *wont* visit so easily like here); or do as furries do, and stop giving a damn even when you're being called a furfag.

      I don't give a hoot personally about who calls me what or what people think. I just cant stand hypocrisy.

      "The way I see it, they are more of two separate groups." That just made me laugh. Technically, whether you see it as such or not, this is a subculture of the furry fandom. you can be a furry without being a brony, but sorry to say, can't be a brony without being a furry too. Twist and turn and wordsalad it any way you like, bronies are fans of anthropomorphic animals. Just like furries.

      Anywho, time for me to stop wasting time. As I said before, fine if you don't care about this fandom's reputation. Just a protip: explaining to haters that you're not 'that kind of brony that clops to ponyporn' wont work.

    46. @Eaglehooves:

      "To all the anons making the furry comparisons, both here and in the signed pony comments, I'd like to point out that EqD has 193 times as many views as Equestria after dark."

      What is your point? It seems almost as if you want to indicate the difference between bronies and furries, but you're not actually saying anything with this.
      So the majority of bronies is not into anything adult. Do you think that makes any difference? Has it ever worked for furries to point out that furry is not all about porn for comparison?

    47. my money, take it, take it all.. infact *checks ebay* if its not enough, it turns out my mother is worth three grand in spair parts, add that to the tally.

    48. /)^3^(\ SO AWESOME!

    49. There appears to be more anti-clopfic counteractions than actual clopfic complaints. And besides, its just borderline. Could be worse O_o

    50. Seth, you have yet to realize..
      The epitome of any meme is a myth.
      This is no where near the end.
      And damn me if I somehow do not contribute to the socks.

    51. @Anonymous "Furry" has a deeper connotation than just being a fan of anthropomorphic animals. Go anywhere on the internet and you'll see. While we do qualify for the textbook definition, the internet definition is the connotation and community that I see us as separate from. I do care about this fandom's reputation, but acknowledging the existence of content and promoting it are two different things. All he did was use the word "clopfic".
      As I attempted to say with pageviews, it is a small part of the community, applying it to everypony at this point shows a lack of understanding of Bronies and the internet as a whole. On the internet, that kind of content exists for any topic. Thinking it means that Bronies don't care about their reputation or support it as a group ignores large parts of the community.

      As a conclusion, I'd like to mention anons at 5:41 and 6:18 am. They said a lot if what I've been trying to throughout these comments.
      Due to all the anons trying to troll today, I must unfortunately engage my rule regarding only replying to names and URLs. If you want to have an intelligent conversation, I'd like to have a name to call you.

    52. Well shit, I came here to find out the name of the fic for um, research purposes and there is a full blown shitstorm in progress.

    53. I really dont like this all that much. The snout could be a lot better. I personally hate the head in general.

      Also, why is ponies in socks so sexual? Socks are just those things we put on our feet. It is the same for them. Why is it sexual?

    54. @Anonymous "Furry" has a deeper connotation than just being a fan of anthropomorphic animals. Go anywhere on the internet and you'll see. While we do qualify for the textbook definition, the internet definition is the connotation and community that I see us as separate from. I do care about this fandom's reputation, but acknowledging the existence of content and promoting it are two different things. All he did was use the word "clopfic".
      As I attempted to say with pageviews, it is a small part of the community, applying it to everypony at this point shows a lack of understanding of Bronies and the internet as a whole. On the internet, that kind of content exists for any topic. Thinking it means that Bronies don't care about their reputation or support it as a group ignores large parts of the community.

      As a conclusion, I'd like to mention anons at 5:41 and 6:18 am. They said a lot if what I've been trying to throughout these comments.
      Due to all the anons trying to troll today, I must unfortunately engage my rule regarding only replying to names and URLs. If you want to have an intelligent conversation, I'd like to have a name to call you.

    55. @eaglehooves While I don't want to fuel this argument, I was not home at 4:43 Equestria time, I've been out from 3 till now. Who ever used my URL for a double post, that wasn't very nice.

    56. @eaglehooves While I don't want to fuel this argument, I was not home at 4:43 Equestria time, I've been out from 3 till now. Who ever used my URL for a double post, that wasn't very nice.

    57. @eaglehooves This is getting silly. I'm on blogger now, so anything "I" post without a pic should be ignored from here on.

    58. If they put in Luna with socks in S2...My brain will explode. Twice.
