It looks like Brazil got an entirely different Mcdonalds toy pony set. They light up when you press a button. I wonder if these will ever find their way to other countries?
You can find the website for them here!
Thanks to Lucas for the Heads up!
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93 kommentaari:
Ahhh Seth? It's Brazil. Not Brazeil. Go rest man you need it.
VastaKustutaWelp. Someone better put these on ebay.
VastaKustutaHa I need to get one.
VastaKustutaI WANT THEM!
VastaKustutaGoddamn Brazilians.
VastaKustutaLivin;' in goddamn Brazil.
With their goddamn light-up ponies.
Yeah, I got nothin'
It's bad enough they get all the hot women now they get the light up ponies!?! lol
VastaKustutaThese are kinda... Ugly. Sorry Brazil, but Twilight and Dashie's eyes... =/
VastaKustutaCool that you got somethiong new, though~
DUDE! They've got wallpaper you can download! Sweet!
VastaKustutayay <3 want now...
VastaKustutaI don't want toys, I WANT THE SHOW HERE, NOW!
VastaKustuta... ok, the toys are fairly amusing, but no Rarity or Fluttershy (or Derpy) = FAIL!
They light up!
If the Rainbow Dash one doesn't blast rainbows all over a ten mile radius then I will be very upset.
VastaKustutaLucky ducks!
VastaKustutaSo that's it! McDonalds near my home, McDonalds near my work. I find myself LUCKY!
VastaKustutaWell, I know what I'm doing this weekend; Getting my 2 brony friends for a roadtrip and hitting every mcdonalds in brazil for the whole set.
VastaKustutaPop Quiz! 10 internets to whoever correctly states the main language spoken in Brazil.
VastaKustutaThose toys are disturbingly creepy. Their eyes, always watching...
VastaKustuta~ I am so going to McDonald's now! *_* ~
VastaKustuta@FlutterguyPortugese is spoken in Brazil.
VastaKustutaAlso I really want one of those.
@Brain Thought
VastaKustutaI know they speak Portuguese, but I tried to use my limited Spanish skills to try to read some of the text.
My head promptly started to hurt.
Protip for all you bronies out there: If you take 5 years of foreign and still can't hold a conversation in that language, then you're probably destined to only know your native tongue FOREVER.
Those lucky Brazilians. I bet some will find their way to Ebay of course. But they'll cost mucho dinero. lol
VastaKustutaThose should have been in American McDonalds yesterday
VastaKustutaOkay, WTF is up with Hasbro's marketing? This is just getting freaking ridiculous.
VastaKustutaAnd currently in US McDonald's? Ben 10 and Twinkle Toes by Skechers! Get excited!
VastaKustutaSkechers? Really? Poor girls.
And we didn't get these,....................BECAUSE????????
VastaKustutabuck yeah, i'm brazilian!!
VastaKustutaFinally, now all i need to do is man up and go buy one.
VastaKustuta@Artsie BeeI agree their eyes are really ugly.
Light up ponies.
The only pony that ever actually lit up was Twilight Sparkle-- and the she was either channeling the Element of Magic or so insanely frustrated that she caught on fire.
There are ponies... and then there is the absurd.
Especially since I live th Georgia in the USA and can't get one myself. PHOOEY.
"I wonder if these will ever find their way to other countries?"
VastaKustuta>implying that bronies won't find a way to get these things regardless of cultural, international, and/or monetary boundaries
Oh, you.
AppleJack and Pinkie Pie are AWESOME looking! Sorry Twilight and Dash....they managed to mess you up royal. :(
VastaKustutaI'm rolfing at the comments! I'm so going to Mc Donalds tomorrow! I swear I never really liked their hamburgers this much but I can do this sacrifice...
VastaKustutaOn second thought... they DO look a bit.. off?
Well, I suppose it's better than the Smurfs they've been selling forever now...
I wish they had Rarity and Fluttershy too...
VastaKustutaSpanish is very close to Portuguese in fact, but allow me to translate those:
On the "Personagens" (Characters) section:
Twilight Sparkle: Her symbol is a star. Very educated e intelligent, is up to answer any question.
Applejack: From faming origins, prizes honor and honesty. Carries with her the apple shaped symbol.
Rainbow Dash: The only with multi colored wings and mane. A fan of adventure, atletic, likes to fly really fast. Her symbol is a thunder.
Pinkie Pie: Has pink body and mane, and her symbol is a globe. A great friend and is always full of energy.
** Yeah, I kinda think some of those are a bit off (A globe? multi colored wings?) but fair is fair, at least we finally got any toys
Still 2000% better than the brushable bullshit hasbro puts on the market.
VastaKustutaAw buck... there's still one fault on those.
VastaKustutaApplejack IS STILL without the hat :(
Now I need to man-up and go buy those².
@MarCelo I think it translates to "balloon," not "globe."
VastaKustutaSo, they will be available Sept 1st.
VastaKustutaI could never go and buy one straight-faced, but I guess I could buy one, or all, for my sister.
Anypony in Brazil, email me at [email protected]. It's time to play "let's make a deal"!
VastaKustutaApplejack needs her hat
VastaKustutaWhat's up with McDonald's toys and their cutie marks?
VastaKustutaWANT...step 1 remove light, step 2 remove button for micro on off switch step 3 add LED and long life micro battery..step 4 add rainbow chainging led to dashie
VastaKustutaOh Hasbro, you so silleh.
VastaKustutaFinally I'll have ponies of my own o3o
VastaKustuta@Purple Tinker Well if anyone else wants I can make a deal XD, I'm so getting them all in one buy today or tomorrow.
VastaKustutaBack in June, the American McDonalds had Pokemon toys, at the same time, The Japanese McDonalds had Pokemon toys, and their toys were COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the American ones (and in my opinion, 20% cooler)
VastaKustutaAt least these McDonalds toys don't have a PINK colored Celestia, but it's awesome that they light up!
Bronies? Here in Brazil? Well... Didn't expect that. Still, no Mc anywhere near my city, so no chance of me getting one.
VastaKustutaWell, that was a veritably pleasant surprise. I shall pay a visit to my local McDonalds in the near future.
VastaKustutaAnd I shall do it without an ounce of shame! Walk in, ask for ponies, walk out with said ponies. Like a boss.
VastaKustutaIf you do that, sir, than you're a mith.
@Pixel Coder
VastaKustutaThe worst is.. it says "globo" instead of "balão" or "balões" so... yes... it is "globe".. goddamit what do they think she is? A geography teacher pony? I *WISH* my teacher was like Pinkie XD
And suddenlly.. Brazilian bronies! I'm not alone!
I feel subversive intentions of TV Globo...
VastaKustutaI'm not the only Brazilian Brony! WOOT
VastaKustutaI'm scared to go to McDonalds and ask for a pony, im gonna say thats for my sister :/
But now I have to find a way to go there without my parents or friends...
Algum brony BR joga TF2 ae? :p
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaMother of Celestia, I am not alone! Finally, PONIES.
VastaKustutaNow I'll just have to find the perfect opportunity to get my hooves on one of those...
@BluR .-.
Edit: Oh, and on the second page about ponies on the McDonals page says her cutie mark is a baloon.. but the first still says globe.. *mindblown*
@MarCelo Add eu então no Steam: sunrisedarkness ou BluR
VastaKustutaI though I was the only brony from Brazil, silly me :D
My Little Bronies Brasileiros, me adicionem no Steam.
Brohoof, brohug, I'll go to McDonalds when I get the chance.
Too bad I can't read Portuguese
VastaKustutaI'm brazilian. U jelly?
VastaKustutaFrom college:
VastaKustutaI got the happiest meal today and right now I treasure an Applejack on my dA bag.
I'll flood Seth's mail and add my fellow Brazilian ponies later when I get home.
Rock on!
Oh god. This made my day. Now i know i´m not the only brony here in Brazil.
VastaKustutaYES! I´m happy for that. We should have a steam community or something, team up, stay together.
VastaKustutaÉ a terceira vez que eu tou escrevendo isso por causa dos meus colegas trolls que ficaram apertando alt+f4, então vou ser bem rapido.
1. Fui hj no mcd, não tinha, a moça falo que vai ter amanha, pode comprar o brinquedo sem precisar de comprar mc lanche feliz, a moça falo que custa 7 reais.
2. Me adicionem no msn: [email protected] quero criar um site de bronies brasileiros (ou um forum) preciso uma ajuda com nome e o resto.
3. Depois se tudo da certo quero fazer um encontro de bronies aqui no SP para fazer amigos e falar sobre ponies, mas primeiro quero saber a opinião de vcs de onde como e etc.
nas duas primeiras versões eu ia escrever uma tradução para todos os gringos aqui... infelizmente... não quero fazer isso agora xD
Sorry guys, this is the third time I'm writing this because one time my friends close the window and the other time the browser crashed. I was going to write a translation for you guys to not feel left out but I'm too lazy to do it. Don't worry though, it's nothing too important for you foreigners (:
VastaKustuta>being vegetarian
>McDonald's selling ponies.
Well, I'm a brazilian bron... pegasister? Or whatever you call a female brony anyway.
@Felipe Martins Fontes Why you´re all in SP?! I need bronies here in RJ. AHHH!!
VastaKustutaI used to live in RJ, haha. Though I'm originaly from MG and currently live in SP.
@Felipe Martins Fontes
VastaKustutaAqui onde eu moro (Macaé RJ) já tem e eu ja comprei minha Applejack :3
Tenho parentes por parte de pai em Macaé (mas eu não gosto deles =(((( )!!!
VastaKustutaEu não sabia que tinham tantos brasileiros aqui. Nossa, estou impressionado.
VastaKustutaEu costumava ficar também, mas tive que acostumar, hahaha. Todo canto da internet que vou descubro que tá overflowing com BRs.
@Vellure A mais pura verdade.
VastaKustutanah, eu quero organizar aqui em sp porque eu moro aqui... não porque tudo mundo ta aqui xD
VastaKustutaamanha de manha vou comprar os todos (:
P.S. Steam: martinsfontes, quem quiser me add, já tou falando aqui num group chat com varios bronies.
VastaKustutaEu ainda tenho que ver se eles tem os bonecos aqui no Rio. *R$7,00 é meio caro*
VastaKustutaBrazucas, uni-vos!
VastaKustutaVou passar amanhã na McDonalds e ver se consigo os bonecos. Essa de poder comprar bonecos por 7 dilmas vai ser bem útil pra mim \o/. Espero que ache.
7 dilmas... Eu adoro isso.
VastaKustutaSó tinha visto isso no (infame) forum do uol jogos.
VastaKustutaQuantos bronies brasileiros *-*
VastaKustutaprecisemos de um grupo no Steam
@BluR .-.
Isso! Eu acho que já tem um pessoal fazendo o grupo, mas é uma boa idéia de qualquer forma.
VastaKustuta*steam ID: Maj.Freekles*
Gente... já tem um grupo des de 27 de agosto. Eu ontem a noite dei search Bronies BR e achei um grupo chamado literamente Bronies BR já com 40 members...
VastaKustutaDã. Valeu Felipe. Como eu nunca procurei isso antes?!
Coleção completa :D
VastaKustutaO primeiro foi a coleção minha e de meu amigo. Outro brony convertido por mim xD
VastaKustutaA segunda foto é minha real coleção.
VastaKustuta(yes, i'm brazilian, and bronie!)
So many brazilian bronies, awesome, too bad I'm probally the only brony in Brusque... Damn, this city sucks, there isn't even a McDonalds here.
VastaKustutaWait, I am a brony and I live in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, and I havent seen any of these. Which is partially the reason why I still have some money (not for long). If anyone know where I can find these, in Brasilia, please let me know. Need ponies, cant go on.... (very dramatically?! yes quite :3)
VastaKustutaGoddamn here have commercial about these toys but don't have episodes, Damn brazil (yea im brazillian)
VastaKustutaI want to put them on Ebay. I have AJ and Twilight.
VastaKustutaThey're unopened, soemone's interested?
they are really cute!! got the full set yesterday. not commom for mcdonalds toys, still find all so much time after launch, but kids are not crazy about them, they´re not on tv here in Brazil.
VastaKustutaI'm a Brazilian Brony in RJ =3
I've completed my Collection! Yee-haw!! X33
VastaKustutaToo bad MLP:FiM ain't that popular here in Brazil yet =/
Few people even know there is a new Generation. In fact, the commercial for these McDonalds toys are Deceiving, and you know why? THEY USED SCENES FROM FRICKIN' GENERATION 3.5 FOR MAKIN' IT!! COME ON, THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY'RE SELLING! HOW CAN MCDONALDS BE SO IGNORANT?
My friend just sent me 2 sets of these ponies! SO HAPPY! We will keep one set and sell one...