I thought it was very good, but it definitely sounded like a fandub, not something professional.
How do I know this? Because if it was up to whoever casts voices in anime, Fluttershy's voice would have been stereotypically 'shy moeblob' rather than soft-spoken, and Rainbow would have been much more shrill and genki. These voices here make them sound realistic, and you know we can't be having that in our cutesy anime, riiiiight?
Y'know, I know Fluttershy sort of owns the bank when it comes to being adorable, but I consider Rainbow Dash a near second. Seriously, I know she's the badass, but she's just so cute with that feisty attitude and the way she tucks her hooves and pouts and... I'm not alone here, right? She's precious.
This show is to traditional notions of masculinity what penicillin was to syphilis.
When I first saw the pic, I thought seth had decided to allow the more cloppy side of the fandom to be on EqD and had posted the more explicit version of that pic. Thankfully, the clopfics shall remain separate (really don't need that material on such a general blog where all it would do is cause flankhurt).
This is definitely very well executed. One thing that I pay special attention to whenever I watch any fandub is the syncing of the mouth movements to the actual VA work, and how well they match up... and wow, it was pretty much perfect. Much props to you, fandubber person. Much props.
Depends on what kind of stuff you like. I doubt many people who like the R34 stuff would be thrilled with the prospect of artists putting mosaic censors on pony art.
I still prefer the english version. For some reason, i find japanese really annoying when they start yelling for example. I mean, it's as if they already always yell in this language.
I would watch the rest of this episode right now if I could. Anime is what kept me interested in animated works for quite a long time while the American productions were, for the most part, crap. Also, I'd love to see us get them hooked on something for a change.
I for one want the show to become popular in japan for the japanese memes. Like "Get down" and the thing with the convenience store.
The second reason is even though we already make alot of edited openeings they completely redraw the openings. I've seen the Tales of Abyss op redrawn with FF7 and Persona 3.
The Anon ^ before me has a point about the openings. The TF:Animated inrto was mindblowing awesome when it made it over there, made alot of us hope they'd make an extra season by themselves just to use some of the imagery it showcased.
Wow, that was pretty close voices. They sounded similar enough. I'd definitely watch a japanese subbed version just because. For some reason, I always imagine Fluttershy with Yuuko Gotou's voice though. She's acts a lot like Mikuru.
You guys realize it isn't a Japanese person voicing these, right? It's painfully American. I can tell from the pixe- wait, wrong meme. Anyway, being half-Japanese grants me the super-useful *cough-cough* power of being able to tell this.
I've been learning Japanese for a while now and something kinda confused me. Rainbow Dash was saying "Ookii" which means "Big" in japanese. The actual word for "louder" in japanese is "Ogoe de". It sounded like a good dub though! I can't wait till they get an official dub over there.
Um... I don't speak Japanese, but have seen the scene enough times to understand it. Hell... I could watch the whole episode in Japanese and know exactly what they're saying... is...is that bad?
I, personally, didn't actually like it. Most because RD is a little off. She needed more energy and if RD is not energetic enough then is not good -o-"
Weird, English speakers wanting to hear MLP in JPNese, but a Jap here not wanting to hear any in JPNese. I mean come on, I find it extremely out of place. (I can't imagine any fitting voice for AJ, for her Southern accent n all, it can't really be recreated in JPNese) I wouldn't mind translating some of the words to more "realestic" JPNese but I still dunno about this...
Ah...haha...Haha...Not sure if I should like this or not but...Fluttershy sound cute in Japanese and Rainbow Dash almost sounds how I would imagine her in Japanese
Sure there's nothing wrong with a japanese dub, official or otherwise. The truly worrisome idea is that there's a good chance Japan may remake FiM into just another generic anime series, like they did with Powerpuff Girls. Look it up, if you dare. I shudder to the thought.
ookii is indeed "big', but unlike in English it can refer to sounds (meaning "loud").
By the way, I've never been 100% percent sure whether FS says "lots" or "loss" of control, though I lean towards the latter. This dub offers a third option: "a whole bunch of politics" (takusan no seiji). ^_^;
84 kommentaari:
Oh no, this is one animated show they can't have.
VastaKustutaI'm second...yay~
VastaKustutaSomehow, this dub made the scene cuter.
VastaKustutaEee, so cute~
VastaKustutaGood, but Rainbow Dash is too quiet.
VastaKustutaThat was indeed, close to surpassing the amount of cute my body can withstand.
VastaKustutaIt's the fifth fandub of this scena I see...How many will there be?
VastaKustutaI like how that picture you posted has a clean version and a more sexy, awesome, rule 34 one.
VastaKustutaI thought it was very good, but it definitely sounded like a fandub, not something professional.
VastaKustutaHow do I know this? Because if it was up to whoever casts voices in anime, Fluttershy's voice would have been stereotypically 'shy moeblob' rather than soft-spoken, and Rainbow would have been much more shrill and genki. These voices here make them sound realistic, and you know we can't be having that in our cutesy anime, riiiiight?
In summary, great job.
Now they truly can be called moeblobs
VastaKustutaY'know, I know Fluttershy sort of owns the bank when it comes to being adorable, but I consider Rainbow Dash a near second. Seriously, I know she's the badass, but she's just so cute with that feisty attitude and the way she tucks her hooves and pouts and... I'm not alone here, right? She's precious.
VastaKustutaThis show is to traditional notions of masculinity what penicillin was to syphilis.
20% cuter!
VastaKustutaWhen I first saw the pic, I thought seth had decided to allow the more cloppy side of the fandom to be on EqD and had posted the more explicit version of that pic. Thankfully, the clopfics shall remain separate (really don't need that material on such a general blog where all it would do is cause flankhurt).
If this show ever makes it to Japan, I get the feeling that the amount of fanart we see will more than double just from the Japanese output.
VastaKustutaMissing that booming echo effect for LOUDER!, but I guess the crew didn't have the means available to add it. Very cute, though.
VastaKustutaI'll stick to this one then, my heart's not ready for rule34 on ponies...
ONTOPIC: The scene is even more lovable when you DO understand what they're saying without subtitles. <3 being a japanese language student
It's stuff like this that made me obessed with cute thing. It's tough being a manly and loving stuff like that
VastaKustutaso Kawaii!
VastaKustuta*Me Gusta*
VastaKustutaVery well done! I hope they can dub a whole episode or two soon :)
ugh... i came here to get AWAY from weeaboos.
VastaKustutaThis is definitely very well executed. One thing that I pay special attention to whenever I watch any fandub is the syncing of the mouth movements to the actual VA work, and how well they match up... and wow, it was pretty much perfect. Much props to you, fandubber person. Much props.
VastaKustutaJapandash likes soda.
VastaKustutaalso in before "derp anything to do with the Japanese language whatsoever means weaboo LOL I don't really know what the word means".
VastaKustutaoh wait
VastaKustutaOMG Fluttershy´s perfect in Japanese, KAWAII Fluttershy-chan!
VastaKustutaDon't you love it when Ponies cross over with other fandoms and a lot of Bronies become overly critical about it? I didn't think so.
VastaKustutaTo be honest, I felt that MLP: FiM was very anime-ish to begin with. I mean look at their eyes!
Also, whenever fandoms cross, isn't their always the possibility of fans themselves crossing over? Wouldn't this only be a PLUS for MLP?
VastaKustutaCelestia smite us when Japony caughts the fever! :D
Now, RD needs to be more genki and less teacher-like/sempai (and Fluttershy is older LOL wouldn't be adorable?) Fluttershy needs MOAR moe (yes, MOAR)
On the technical side I heard like 4 spikes of clipping and obviously the missing "LOUDER!" echo.
For a rough draft I say it's pretty good.
There's a slight American accent, but it's not too noticeable.
VastaKustutaThat was cute.
VastaKustutaSo so cute. We need more japanese dubs :3
VastaKustutaFor your sake, and the sake of "anything Japan is weeaboo faggotry", they'd BETTER get it. Bronies like you are why we can't have nice things.
@Xain Russell
VastaKustutaDepends on what kind of stuff you like. I doubt many people who like the R34 stuff would be thrilled with the prospect of artists putting mosaic censors on pony art.
VastaKustutaBut nopony can ever beat Fluttershy's overly adorable original yays.
Kawaii desu neeee~!
VastaKustutaSoda! x)
VastaKustutaI realllllly hope they don't make this weird. They better not kill my pony.
Rainbow sounded better than Fluttershy (Sounds a little too Forced & Muffled), so not bad. :)
VastaKustutaThey can have it, but not ruin it. Oh, crap. Pony Hentai. THE HORROR!
VastaKustutaPeople implying their isn't already pony R34. *Rolls eyes* This fandom sometimes...
VastaKustutaBut anyways great Fandub. I hope to see more of FiM love from our pals in Japan. ^_^
I would love to see MLP dubbed in Japanese or made anime style.
VastaKustutaThat was a really great job, well, at least, considering that is a fandub.
VastaKustutaOn brazillian official version, Fluttershy has a normal voice. That's a shit :/
I still prefer the english version. For some reason, i find japanese really annoying when they start yelling for example. I mean, it's as if they already always yell in this language.
VastaKustuta@Joe England
VastaKustutaI would watch the rest of this episode right now if I could. Anime is what kept me interested in animated works for quite a long time while the American productions were, for the most part, crap. Also, I'd love to see us get them hooked on something for a change.
VastaKustutaI for one want the show to become popular in japan for the japanese memes. Like "Get down" and the thing with the convenience store.
VastaKustutaThe second reason is even though we already make alot of edited openeings they completely redraw the openings. I've seen the Tales of Abyss op redrawn with FF7 and Persona 3.
I'm kind of impressed with how well the voices match the characters. Well done.
VastaKustutaMeh. original is cuter.
VastaKustutaThe Anon ^ before me has a point about the openings.
VastaKustutaThe TF:Animated inrto was mindblowing awesome when it made it over there, made alot of us hope they'd make an extra season by themselves just to use some of the imagery it showcased.
This sounds so much better than a lot of the official European dubs. Those are just awful... O.o
VastaKustuta^I agree. The none of the other dubs can seem to get the cute factor right no matter how good the voice acting is.
VastaKustutaOh, those silly Japanese. lol But I must say I absolutely adore cute little yayying Japanese Fluttershy. <3
VastaKustutaAnonymous @ 18:19, it's unlikely that you'd hear an American accent underneath the Japanese since the person who recorded this is British!
VastaKustuta(Well, actually, she's Japanese, but she lives in south-west England)
VastaKustuta"ugh... i came here to get AWAY from weeaboos."
Sorry Anon, all kinds of people like My Little Pony, even people who like things you don't. Probably best to get over it sooner than later.
I demand that we dub the whole thing in Japanese so I can listen to it with subtitles.
VastaKustutaI, for one, welcome our japanese (pony) overlords.
VastaKustutaCan we get a transcript of what they're actually saying? I think Fluttershy actually said "passion", but I can't tell if she's saying "yeh" or "yes".
VastaKustuta"Now, what did I teach you?"
"Lose control."
"Shouting and shouting more."
"Ayeup. And the #1 point?"
"Exactly. So now that you have learned how to be a cheerleader, lead a cheer."
"Ugh, you call that a cheer? Shout."
"....did I hurt your sense of balance?"
Heh, I wouldn't be surprised :D
Oh god, I'm JPNese and what on Equestria is this??
VastaKustutaWow, that was pretty close voices. They sounded similar enough. I'd definitely watch a japanese subbed version just because. For some reason, I always imagine Fluttershy with Yuuko Gotou's voice though. She's acts a lot like Mikuru.
VastaKustutaif anyone of you say kawaii your a weeaboo and your dead to me
VastaKustuta@Anon at 4:51
VastaKustutaJust because someone knows how to say cute in Japanese they should be dead to you?
Just because you didn't use "your" instead of "you're" I don't think think you're dead. Why would you do such a thing mister?
@Anonymous It's OK. We will love and tolerate the ever-loving applesauce out of you, even if you won't.
VastaKustuta@Fallin' Winter
VastaKustutaSee? Even I make mistakes, I meant to put "you're" instead of "your" not the other way around.
Thanks to the Blogger doing maintenance for an hour, I couldn't fix it though.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutai didn't think it was possible, but they made fluttershy sound cuter...
VastaKustutaWelp, there's my daily dose of uncomfortable.
You guys realize it isn't a Japanese person voicing these, right? It's painfully American. I can tell from the pixe- wait, wrong meme. Anyway, being half-Japanese grants me the super-useful *cough-cough* power of being able to tell this.
VastaKustutaI've been learning Japanese for a while now and something kinda confused me. Rainbow Dash was saying "Ookii" which means "Big" in japanese. The actual word for "louder" in japanese is "Ogoe de". It sounded like a good dub though! I can't wait till they get an official dub over there.
VastaKustutaUm... I don't speak Japanese, but have seen the scene enough times to understand it. Hell... I could watch the whole episode in Japanese and know exactly what they're saying... is...is that bad?
I, personally, didn't actually like it. Most because RD is a little off. She needed more energy and if RD is not energetic enough then is not good -o-"
VastaKustutaWeird, English speakers wanting to hear MLP in JPNese, but a Jap here not wanting to hear any in JPNese.
VastaKustutaI mean come on, I find it extremely out of place. (I can't imagine any fitting voice for AJ, for her Southern accent n all, it can't really be recreated in JPNese)
I wouldn't mind translating some of the words to more "realestic" JPNese but I still dunno about this...
VastaKustutayou have anime all to your self so just leave us alone
Ah...haha...Haha...Not sure if I should like this or not but...Fluttershy sound cute in Japanese and Rainbow Dash almost sounds how I would imagine her in Japanese
VastaKustutaSure there's nothing wrong with a japanese dub, official or otherwise. The truly worrisome idea is that there's a good chance Japan may remake FiM into just another generic anime series, like they did with Powerpuff Girls. Look it up, if you dare. I shudder to the thought.
VastaKustuta^Nopony cares you damn weeaboo troll.
VastaKustutaThey could remake it as a live action movie, nobody except the weaboos would give a fuck.
VastaKustuta^Nopony cares you damn weeaboo troll.
Nobody except the weaboos would give a fuck about wether or not they remake it into anime.
Damnit, why are weeaboos so damn stupid?
inb4 Tsundere Rainbow Dash
VastaKustutaAnyway, it's sounds pretty good ^^
VastaKustutaookii is indeed "big', but unlike in English it can refer to sounds (meaning "loud").
By the way, I've never been 100% percent sure whether FS says "lots" or "loss" of control, though I lean towards the latter. This dub offers a third option: "a whole bunch of politics" (takusan no seiji). ^_^;
Japan barely accepts foreign animation these days.