Wow, that just seems... wrong. I can't imagine watching American shows in any other language... especially My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm glad I get to expirience the show the way it was meant to be. Also this opening seems, terrible. Terrible as in it does not match MLP opening... well assuming it is the opening song and not just for the commericial. I would love to listen to it myself, but I can't imagine listening to it for 32 seconds every time I watch an episode. I just love the new one! I used to hate it but I got used to it... maybe I would with this one too? Besides, for those who don't know the original, maybe it'll sound allright?
Why do... Italian and Spanish comertials always have a dude talking instead of... Oh I don't know... Actual dialogue from the show? Is there some kind of standard in place that doesn't alow that?Why do... Italian and Spanish comertials always have a dude talking instead of... Oh I don't know... Actual dialogue from the show? Is there some kind of standard in place that doesn't alow that?
This is...creepy. Anyway here's a translation for those of you who don't understand Italian:
Man: Spread your wings to a wonderful, colourful and magical world. From Monday at 8:20am: "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". First run on Italia Uno.
Nothing special but... it seems so different. Celestia help us!
No worries... this isn't the opening for MLP-FiM, only an advertisement for it. Announcers like this are pretty standard on Italian TV regardless of the type of show.
Usually Italian cartoons are just dubbed over the US ones, and they don't always dub the theme songs.
A rough (lazy) translation of what our Italian friend is saying:
"Fly in for a world connected by beauty and magic! Starting Monday at 8:20(am) premiering on Italia Uno."
Actually, we're gonna have our own MLP opening song - made up entirely for the show. Links will follow soon as we get the series broadcasted, next week.
There's alot of thurmoil between italian bronies, many not liking the idea of having a new intro song but hey - it's a brand new song about ponies! :D
On a sadder note, Pizza the Pony was found dead earlier today in the back seat of her stretched limo. Evidently, the notorious gangster became locked in her car and ate herself to death.
@Roy nudity is not allowed on our TV what the hell >_>"
Anyways the song excerpt you can hear there says - more or less...
"Fly n go, my little pony, if you want to meet new friends, fly and go, listen to your heart and you'll be able to face many adventures... fly n go, my little pony..."
@Taliesin No wonder why the theme sounds so anime-ish, it's because looking at Christina d'Avena's Wikipedia page she has sung nearly 120 Italian anime themes.
I could have sworn it was! In fact, here's a clip from a news program with Emma Bonino discussing how the Vatican is to blame for nudity on Italy's TV:
To quote the Washington Post: "In Italy, the Communications Authority ruled in 2002 that every "adults only" TV program must air after 10:30 p.m. and be announced as unsuitable for children. Films shown on television also contain a color-coded rating regarding their suitability for youths.
Despite that, daily Italian TV is full of examples of scandalizing shows. Earlier this year, a new show featuring people undergoing plastic surgery called "Scalpel! No One is Perfect" stunned many viewers. It featured a flat-chested young woman baring her breasts to the scalpel for implant surgery. The knife sliced through flesh, blood spurted, and viewers deluged the network's switchboard with calls of protest. Consumer groups urged Rome prosecutors to consider obscenity charges, but the show has not been fined or suspended."
Yes, the italian opening will be different, and make with different Lyrics and song, altrough many italian bronies have mixed feelings (for some is ok, other alredy hate it). In italy the airing is next monday, and I will record the full opening that day.
The singer have done many openings for children cartoons, she also sang the '80 italian My Little Pony opening ( ). Also, we discover that the music is a remix of this song: The Italian dubbing team seem pretty good, altrough we don't see for now nothing (except the spot) of FiM in our language.
For "Anime opening impressions": you right, but in TV italian channels anime have a lot of space. I think our FiM intro is done to get attention from young audience, and the lyrich to attrach older female audience (My Little Pony still very know here, and lyrics have strong connections with older MLP cartoon).
Sorry, but you're all stupid. That opening song is great, honestly I prefer it to the American opening. Italian always sounds nice and it's a catchy tune. Reminds me of the Italian music from Winx Club.
Summing up, yeah the opening sounds animeish because they remake some openings when they aren't in a familiar style they can work with, and most cartoons here are anime, you do the math.
The song may be botched as you wish (I especially miss the 'train of thought' of the original song, replaced by generic 'Fly with us, listen to your heart' etc.), but openings here can last upwards of 2 minutes, so I'm hopeful. Plus that didn't stop me from having goosebumps all over at the idea of having FiM finally on TV.
The dubbing roster is pretty promising, but again, Italy has a long history of making the best dubs, a thing I had sadly seen falter a bit recently, but who knows, maybe they'll get everything right again this time.
Ad announcers are mostly male here. Specifically, this guy does most of them on Italia 1. And yeah, nudity (the fetish of the female body, more in general) in TV is pretty bad. I blame Berlusconi mainly.
I love how people aren't all super excited, and in fact seem disappointed, in the comments here for a commercial that actually: >uses cool music >shows actual funny/action scenes from the show >has a manly voice instead of a girly one advertising it
when like every other official commercial (aside from I guess Equestria Girls and pony for that) *lacks* those things and people complain about THAT. I'm starting to feel like pony fans are becoming just as impossible to please as... well, the rest of the internet.
Sorry, but can't stand it. First of all, I find the theme song really (and I mean REAAAAALLLLY) cheesy. And trust me, you DON'T want to hear the italian voices of the mane6 >_>... The only one I liked was Pinkie Pie, which is pretty similar to the original. All the others was too high pitched, squeaky..don't know, but I barely managed to love and tolerate them. I love my country, but HOW on earth did it manage to turn this awesomeness in a show for 6 years old girls ç_ç?
74 kommentaari:
That deep mans voice sorta give the wrong impression
VastaKustutaWait I wanna see the alternate opening!
VastaKustutaAt least you found a way to use that pizza pony...
VastaKustutaCongrats, Europe! You're catching up, a little bit at a time!
I liked the first 5 seconds. >:P
VastaKustutaPoor Luna never gets any love.
VastaKustutaSo when can we expect their modified opening for season one?
Also i can just see Germany now, remixing the theme song with a bunch of techno beats
Feel bad I want to eat that pony.
VastaKustutaEh, I'm not a big fan of it myself. Seems a bit off as an opening to a show. Though it's more dynamic than the normal opening because of that.
Twilightsan and Friendzu.
VastaKustutaWhoa. Epic music, bro.
VastaKustutaMagnifico!!! hahaha
VastaKustutaI kinda want to hear that opening without the man voice covering it up, though. It sounds nice.
Wish there were captions...
VastaKustutaSurprised I'm not the only one who wants to eat pizza pony.
VastaKustutaAlso did anypony else instantly think of Mario ponies when they saw the word italian?
Am I the only one who thinks the opening sounds like an anime?
VastaKustuta@Soulspony I thought so too.
VastaKustutaAw, I'm hungry now
VastaKustutaHoly crap, is that the Italian opening I'm hearing?
VastaKustuta>.> Dat voice.
VastaKustutaNOPE i did too, you stole my comment!!! XD
is it me, or does the song playing in the ad sound a little anime-ish? and what's with the suave male announcer?
VastaKustutacertainly doesn't seem targeted towards children over in Italy
My'a Leetle Pooni
VastaKustutaI kind of agree. When it comes out, someone better upload the opening.
Wow, that just seems... wrong. I can't imagine watching American shows in any other language... especially My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm glad I get to expirience the show the way it was meant to be. Also this opening seems, terrible. Terrible as in it does not match MLP opening... well assuming it is the opening song and not just for the commericial. I would love to listen to it myself, but I can't imagine listening to it for 32 seconds every time I watch an episode. I just love the new one! I used to hate it but I got used to it... maybe I would with this one too? Besides, for those who don't know the original, maybe it'll sound allright?
VastaKustutaSo I just ordered a pizza and this pops up! Brony hivemind FTW!
VastaKustutaWhy do... Italian and Spanish comertials always have a dude talking instead of... Oh I don't know... Actual dialogue from the show? Is there some kind of standard in place that doesn't alow that?Why do... Italian and Spanish comertials always have a dude talking instead of... Oh I don't know... Actual dialogue from the show? Is there some kind of standard in place that doesn't alow that?
VastaKustutaMaybe its my own corrupt mind, but Pizza Pony looks so... R34...
VastaKustutaI find it hard to believe Cereal didn't post this one...
I can just hear Spike say "You look so Delicious..."
VastaKustutaHow'd that happen o_O
This is...creepy. Anyway here's a translation for those of you who don't understand Italian:
VastaKustutaMan: Spread your wings to a wonderful, colourful and magical world. From Monday at 8:20am: "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". First run on Italia Uno.
Nothing special but... it seems so different.
Celestia help us!
No worries... this isn't the opening for MLP-FiM, only an advertisement for it. Announcers like this are pretty standard on Italian TV regardless of the type of show.
VastaKustutaUsually Italian cartoons are just dubbed over the US ones, and they don't always dub the theme songs.
A rough (lazy) translation of what our Italian friend is saying:
"Fly in for a world connected by beauty and magic! Starting Monday at 8:20(am) premiering on Italia Uno."
Actually, we're gonna have our own MLP opening song - made up entirely for the show. Links will follow soon as we get the series broadcasted, next week.
VastaKustutaThere's alot of thurmoil between italian bronies, many not liking the idea of having a new intro song but hey - it's a brand new song about ponies! :D
On a sadder note, Pizza the Pony was found dead earlier today in the back seat of her stretched limo. Evidently, the notorious gangster became locked in her car and ate herself to death.
VastaKustutaWow, that theme song was awesome!
VastaKustuta'course it could just be the fact it's in another language, but still.
Can somebody translate the theme song?
VastaKustutaSounds like an anime opening.
The italian bronies community will deliver translations soon as the full opening theme is out. Stay tuned.
VastaKustutaWait, Italian cartoons are introduced by girls in bikinis? I'm strangely okay with this! It suddenly explains why Italians have little youth violence!
VastaKustuta"Wanna go rob the candy store?"
"No way! Transformers is about to come on followed by My Little Pony!"
Though since nudity -IS- allowed on Italy's tv... This theory may not be so far fetched!
Pizza Pony is freaking me out... I would be quite satisfied if I never saw it again...
VastaKustuta@Roy nudity is not allowed on our TV what the hell >_>"
VastaKustutaAnyways the song excerpt you can hear there says - more or less...
"Fly n go, my little pony, if you want to meet new friends, fly and go, listen to your heart
and you'll be able to face many adventures... fly n go, my little pony..."
Ezio Auditorea is pleased....
VastaKustutaAh by the way, the lead singer for that song is Cristina d'Avena, a bitch who sings opening songs for toons here in Italy since like FOREVER.
VastaKustutaAnd her voice never changed in like 30 years... wtf.
My first thought was of Pizza the Hut! as a pony!
VastaKustutaNo wonder why the theme sounds so anime-ish, it's because looking at Christina d'Avena's Wikipedia page she has sung nearly 120 Italian anime themes.
VastaKustutaI could have sworn it was! In fact, here's a clip from a news program with Emma Bonino discussing how the Vatican is to blame for nudity on Italy's TV:
To quote the Washington Post: "In Italy, the Communications Authority ruled in 2002 that every "adults only" TV program must air after 10:30 p.m. and be announced as unsuitable for children. Films shown on television also contain a color-coded rating regarding their suitability for youths.
Despite that, daily Italian TV is full of examples of scandalizing shows. Earlier this year, a new show featuring people undergoing plastic surgery called "Scalpel! No One is Perfect" stunned many viewers. It featured a flat-chested young woman baring her breasts to the scalpel for implant surgery. The knife sliced through flesh, blood spurted, and viewers deluged the network's switchboard with calls of protest. Consumer groups urged Rome prosecutors to consider obscenity charges, but the show has not been fined or suspended."
Hi, I'm the uploader of the TV spot.
VastaKustutaYes, the italian opening will be different, and make with different Lyrics and song, altrough many italian bronies have mixed feelings (for some is ok, other alredy hate it). In italy the airing is next monday, and I will record the full opening that day.
The singer have done many openings for children cartoons, she also sang the '80 italian My Little Pony opening ( ).
Also, we discover that the music is a remix of this song:
The Italian dubbing team seem pretty good, altrough we don't see for now nothing (except the spot) of FiM in our language.
For "Anime opening impressions": you right, but in TV italian channels anime have a lot of space. I think our FiM intro is done to get attention from young audience, and the lyrich to attrach older female audience (My Little Pony still very know here, and lyrics have strong connections with older MLP cartoon).
VastaKustutaAlso eating pizza now! Sorry random pizza pony, but you're just too tasty.
VastaKustutaLol only Shima fully hates it anyways.
PIZZA PONY best oc pony? Di- where did she go?
VastaKustutaSo, have i forgotten? I don't recognize the clip at the end with Apple Bloom and the tiny racing ponies.
VastaKustutaGlad to know I'm not the only one that thought it sounded like an anime intro.
VastaKustutaMaybe all foreign intros just sound someone who doesn't speak more than one language...
Oh gosh, the opening sounds like an ABBA song. Or yes, an anime opening
VastaKustutaWell if anything its old-school cred if the singer for the Italian version G1 show is doing the new intro!
VastaKustutaHer tail is dripping and she tastes great...yeah...
PIZZA THE HUT, *burp*!
VastaKustutaSomebody had to say it!
That's...kinda disturbing...
VastaKustutaYES! Something for me to practice my Italian on while I learn!
VastaKustutaFor some reason, I feel a kinship with you, friend.
Still, it's bothering me. What episode is the racing clip at the end from?
Am I the only one who finds all the bronies going, "Well, that doesn't seem very appropriate for the target audience..." hilarious in context?
VastaKustutaMe, I kinda like it. Granted, I'm of the mind that anything said in Italian is inherently awesome, but still.
VastaKustutai think its just you
@Razputin the Ponynaut: It's from "Call of the Cutie," from the end of Apple Bloom's training montage.
VastaKustutaSorry, but you're all stupid. That opening song is great, honestly I prefer it to the American opening. Italian always sounds nice and it's a catchy tune. Reminds me of the Italian music from Winx Club.
VastaKustutaItalian brony here as well.
VastaKustutaSumming up, yeah the opening sounds animeish because they remake some openings when they aren't in a familiar style they can work with, and most cartoons here are anime, you do the math.
The song may be botched as you wish (I especially miss the 'train of thought' of the original song, replaced by generic 'Fly with us, listen to your heart' etc.), but openings here can last upwards of 2 minutes, so I'm hopeful. Plus that didn't stop me from having goosebumps all over at the idea of having FiM finally on TV.
The dubbing roster is pretty promising, but again, Italy has a long history of making the best dubs, a thing I had sadly seen falter a bit recently, but who knows, maybe they'll get everything right again this time.
Ad announcers are mostly male here. Specifically, this guy does most of them on Italia 1.
And yeah, nudity (the fetish of the female body, more in general) in TV is pretty bad. I blame Berlusconi mainly.
Pizza pony is also adult. That isn't cheese dripping between her legs.
VastaKustutaI giggled for 10 mins at the pizza pony. Lol
VastaKustutathe pizza pony is an endangered pony!! The world has lost manny of these rare ponys do to human- over eating. poor poor pony.
VastaKustutaYeah, too bad the italian version sucks. Trust me, i'm italian. Example: They really think it's a show for little girls, and not for Bronys. Pft.
VastaKustutaI love how people aren't all super excited, and in fact seem disappointed, in the comments here for a commercial that actually:
VastaKustuta>uses cool music
>shows actual funny/action scenes from the show
>has a manly voice instead of a girly one advertising it
when like every other official commercial (aside from I guess Equestria Girls and pony for that) *lacks* those things and people complain about THAT. I'm starting to feel like pony fans are becoming just as impossible to please as... well, the rest of the internet.
Not sure if Pizza Pony is male or female...
VastaKustutaNot sure if want...
Not sure if hungry...
Not sure if a pizza cutter could be considered a murder weapon...
Woo, both Trixie and Zecora were used in a commercial!
VastaKustutaAnd I found the Pizza Pony image...EXTREMELY disturbing.
VastaKustutaI think so. Also new charachters (CMC Antagonists?)
VastaKustutaWouldn't a CMC antagonist trio lack cutie marks?
VastaKustutaWatch Call of the Cutie again. When Rainbow Dash is having Apple Bloom try all those sports.
the only thing more disturbing than his the ponies nissan comercial
Sorry, but can't stand it. First of all, I find the theme song really (and I mean REAAAAALLLLY) cheesy.
VastaKustutaAnd trust me, you DON'T want to hear the italian voices of the mane6 >_>... The only one I liked was Pinkie Pie, which is pretty similar to the original. All the others was too high pitched, squeaky..don't know, but I barely managed to love and tolerate them. I love my country, but HOW on earth did it manage to turn this awesomeness in a show for 6 years old girls ç_ç?