Midnight Shadow here, on the moon again.
Actually, about that. I was recently accused of a heinous crime, the crime of stealing Luna's muffin from the breakroom. There will be no further comment on this tale of confectionary confiscation but appeasement will be necessary before I can once again breathe the sweet air of Canterlot and trot through the halls of Equestria Daily.
So, here's where you come in - yes, you!
Event rules after the break!
We want you to write some fanfics, but not just any fanfics - we need happy fanfics wherein is a happy Luna. Being happy.
The plot can be about anything, include anypony, it doesn't even need to have Luna as the mane characters - but she does have to play a major part. She can be sneaky, adorable, sock-wearing, pranky or sassy. She can be on the moon, in orbit or in Ponyville - it's up to you! The only other stipulation is it must have, as a part of the story, at least one of the following:
Lines of Dialogue:
- "I hate socks."
- "I can still fix it!"
- "It. Is. ON."
- "Don't give me that look."
Scenes or Situations:
- Best night ever
- Covered in tree sap
- Pinkie Pie throws Luna a party
- Two (or more) ponies racing
- A miscommunication causes problems
- Luna baking
- A bunny stampede
It can have any one or a multiple of the above - bonus points for more than one!
You can write any sort of story that suits you, from Random to Silly to Adventure to Shipping - the only exception may be Grimdark, but if you think you can pull off a feel-good Grimdark then my hat is off to you.
* Happy Luna! Sad Luna need not apply!
* 3500 words minimum, excluding the title and any author's notes.
* Deadline: Sunday August 14 at 11:59 PST.
* Bonus points for it being episodic - something you'd like to see in season 2+ - but don't let that hamper your creative spirit!
* make sure it has at least one of the scenes, situations or lines of dialogue.
* If it needs heavy editing, it may not be accepted. You're allowed to send updated versions up to the deadline, but re-reading a fanfic several times does not a fun experience make. Perfection isn't required, but please make sure it's ready.
* All other usual rules of submission to EqD apply.
* All accepted entries will be posted.
* The top three will be listed in order with a short review of said fics, in their own posts!
Email all entries to: [email protected] with HAPPY LUNA in the Subject line, using this template:
1.) Grimdark/Normal/Crossover/Random/Shipping/Sad/Comedy/Sci-fi Tag
2.) Title
3.) A Description of the Story
4.) Link (Docs/DA/Fanfiction.net)
5.) Characters in the story
6.) 5 Words you would use to describe your story
7.) Author Name
Complete stories ONLY
They will be judged by a specially prepared batch of eager minions and the winning fics will be posted for the world to see by August 19th!
Happy Fanficcing!
PS: If there are any issues, let me know in comments and I'll do what I can to help.
190 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaOh boy!
VastaKustutaIM NOT FIRST.
Fine. Socks.
VastaKustutaWho cares if you're first, second, or third to comment?
Challenge accepted.
VastaKustutaima try to incorporate all of those.
VastaKustutaI love Happy Luna. Can't wait for the comp post!
VastaKustutaImminent happy Luna fics is good. Very good.
VastaKustutaAlso, I laughed way more than I should have at the title of this post.
Okay, I'm a bit tempted to try this. We'll see.
VastaKustutaWho took my muffin?!
VastaKustutaLooks like another fun challenge. School starts soon before the deadline, so this should be interesting.
VastaKustutaAlso writing something happy should be a challenge.
Awesome! I've had an idea floating around that would be PERFECT for this. =D
VastaKustutaOooooooo I think I get to write 2 stories now!
VastaKustutayay happy luna makes for a happy reader!
VastaKustutaI managed to write a vague storyline that has every line of dialogue and scene mentioned. Not actually gonna write anything for the contest though. I just needed to prove to myself that I could do it.
VastaKustutaAh, I do love these writing challenges! Time to get cracking...
VastaKustutaI might give this a shot. I've got something I want to write first, though, not to mention WTG stuff.
VastaKustutaHappy Luna?! Blasphemy!
VastaKustutaThe Nocturnal Princess should always be presented in a hammily angsty manner!
11 days? Finally, a writing challenge where I can have plenty of time come up with a coherent plot! (Don't get me wrong, I love speedfic challenges, but I couldn't get any ideas for the last one, haha.)
VastaKustutaIt. Is. ON!
VastaKustutaThis tickles my writing bone.
Also, the timing is perfect on the conclusion of the contest. I'ma be hip deep in a home remodel by that point, so a sudden influx of 'Happy Luna' stories is exactly what I'll need to stay sane >.>
Aww, a Luna fanfic challenge. And involving something with socks of course. Or speaking of, anyway. Because it isn't Luna if there isn't at least some mention in there of socks. lol
VastaKustutaI'm looking for someone to co-write a story for this challenge with me. I've actually got a decent plot laid out that we can start with.
VastaKustutait your at all interested hit me up in IRC (name's Ryex in there) or shoot me an email @ [email protected]
August you have redeemed yourself to me!
VastaKustutaI'm going to enjoy the results of this challenge. More Happy Luna fics are a good thing!
VastaKustutaI'm kinda hoping for some Luna/Big Mac shipping.........but the odds are slim :( Oh well.
VastaKustutaHappy luna? That's so out of character though!
VastaKustutaMaybe if it were set after one of the fanfics where she gets over it though...
the end result of this event will be awesome
VastaKustutaI love you seth...
I concur. Luna is what the bronies see in her. you can't just say "I want to change it, here's a contest to make you do it." Even if bronies respond, your trying to malform somepony's emotional connection to that pony. She's always been built up from being sad to happy by the end of the fic. That's how everyone connects with her, It's why we love her.
VastaKustutaDue on my birthday?! FFFFFFFFFFFFFF-
VastaKustuta@everyone who is saying "but luna is supose to be sad"
VastaKustuta1. why would you want an event full of sad luna
2. that is what makes this a challenge
Man, it's totally possible to do Grimdark within those criteria. I'm probably not going to, though.
VastaKustuta*cricks neck* Challenge Accepted, Brony.
VastaKustutaOh man, I can't wait to reap the joyous spoils of many a middle aged man writing about a happy moon goddess.
VastaKustutaI wait with baited breath
Challenge Accepted.
VastaKustutaTime for one happy Luna.
VastaKustutaI've been in need of something to break up the monotony of the recent massive fic I've been working on. This will serve that purpose perfectly. ^_^
3500 word minimum? Crap. Better get started...
VastaKustutaWhere's Thy ? :D
VastaKustutaI eagerly await reading a feel-good grimdark Luna story. I know there must be somebody out there who will rise to the challenge.
VastaKustutaI thought Luna being sad and lonely was a defensive reflex of hers.
VastaKustutaSo you feel the uncontrollable urge to give her hugs and feed her sweets.
Happy/Grimdark is too easy, "Who's the pony with a big smile while Equestria burns?"
Happy Luna is best Luna :D
VastaKustutaYou wanna know my issue!? Here's my issue!
VastaKustutaYOU ATE MY MUFFIN! You ATE it, even though it clearly said, 'Luna's Muffin, DO. NOT. TOUCH. That includes you, Ditzy! HEY! What did I just say about touching my muffin!?"
Now, I demand compensation! I demand a new muffin, and it better be fresh, it better be flaky, it better be fruity, it better not have any raisins because I'm allergic to raisins, you better not have licked it!
Or else, the next place you'll end-up is a moon in the Andromeda galaxy!
Are you allowed to submit more than one story?
VastaKustutaWhy not
VastaKustutaHappy Luna? Why not? Just be aware though, constant happy doesn't make for a good fanfict. So I'm going to make her work for the happy. I'm going to make her a Detective and have her enjoy solving mysteries.
VastaKustutaWhat mystery will she solve?
How will she go about it?
and What do Socks have to do with it?
All this will be answered in "Case of the Cereal Snatchers"
@Altherix Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Happy Luna + GrimDark = Nightmare Moon wins.
VastaKustutaI accept this happy grimdark challenge. Without Nightmare Moon's influence.
VastaKustutaI've got it! Mua ha ha! Now let's hope I can work with a deadline now. This is going to be awesome!
VastaKustutaBeing my favorite pony and all, I'm tempted...
VastaKustutaHow on my bright moon did you know I love mysteries?
What about sad Luna becoming happy? where does that apply?
VastaKustuta'Cause I've had a story like that in mind for a while now...
I bet ditzy framed midnight.
VastaKustutaCould it be more ON? It could. Theoretically, maybe in a perfect vacuum. But on Earth? No, it simply could not be more ON. If it were more ON, that would be rough.
VastaKustutaGood luck everypony!
Oh man, I may have to suspend work on the next chapter of MLEnterprise to write one of these. Luna's endearing because she's depressing, but it makes me feel so sad for her. Thank y'all for bringing the challenge of happy Luna!
VastaKustutaOh, it. is. ON! I am SO entering this! I've never done just a short story before, so this is an EXCELLENT challenge! You'd better bring your A game, bronies, because I'm not goin down without a fight!
VastaKustutaTell you what, if you can manage more than one story of decent length and quality with the right criteria, send it in!
VastaKustutaeeeyup, sad luna becoming happy is allowed!
So what do we win? :)
VastaKustutaI got one! How about a confused Luna solves the mystery of HER MISSING MUFFIN! How about that? Then she can EAT HER MUFFIN. then she will be happy.
VastaKustutaOh and Socks on marble flooring is not very fun.
VastaKustutaI might give it a try. Even though I know I'll lose, it'll be fun!:D
VastaKustuta3,500 words? Oh dear oh dear.
VastaKustutaSo do we need a Lines of Dialogue AND Scenes or Situations, or one or the other?
VastaKustuta- "I hate socks."
- "I can still fix it!"
- "It. Is. ON."
- "Don't give me that look."
I'd love to get in on this one. Let's see if I can make the deadline on this one, and still incorporate what I want... Yeah probably not. Time to do some idea cutting. Luna, you'd better come out happier than you've ever been before
VastaKustutathe more the merrier, but at least one thing from at least one category (bonus points for multiple categories).
It's easy to just fit in a line of dialogue or two, but they're good jumping off points.
VastaKustuta...you forgot the happy luna. and the plot.
VastaKustutaI wish I had prizes to give, but eternal gratitude and undying fame may have to suffice... ;)
YAAAAAAY! my favorite pony is happy many times!
VastaKustutathank you thank you thank you!
Hey peoples. I thought this looked fun. Wrote one last night, hope you like.
VastaKustutaEuro I've never posted here once so I have no idea why you're asking where I am. Regardless, I'm here. Hallo.
-thy (need to figure out account making :/)
I saw this yesterday and thought "oh I am so not doing this"
VastaKustutaAnd then I went "IDEEEEEA" just now
That made me so giddy
*prances off*
I'll have to give this a try.
VastaKustutaJust to double check, she can start out normal, become sad because somepony did something, and then be happy at the end, right? It's allowed as long as she's happy at the end, right?
VastaKustutaOh boy. This might be fun.
VastaKustutaChallenge accepted.
I do have a question. Do we HAVE to have a link to DA or fanfiction.net? I'd rather not make extra accounts if I don't have to.
VastaKustutaAre the requisite dialogue/situations either/or or must the story have one situation and one line?
VastaKustutayep that's allowed, as long as there are enough warm fuzzies to go around by the end of it!
dont forget the other requirements!
VastaKustutaI'll be pretty lenient here, but I would recommend against emailing me documents as I then have to put them up somewhere.
If you want to write a document, I'll upload it to my account on google, but I'd recommend just getting an account yourself with one of the many we have.
fimfiction.com, fanfiction.net, dA or even pastebin all work, as do google docs and skydrive.
VastaKustutaany one or more of the above! You don't have to use all of them, try to work them in naturally - the story should flow regardless.
Have fun!
"Don't give me that look."
VastaKustutaI can see Luna saying that to Abacus.
Even on the moon eh?
VastaKustutaSpace man:Aeiou!
Luna:John Madden!
One question, where did "cover in tree sap" some from. o.O
VastaKustutaProbably Episode 23: The Cutie Mark Chronicles.
When Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle go ziplining and fall into the trees, where they get covered in tree sap and pine needles ("...but no Cutie Marks").
...The moon!
man it took me four hours to complete a 7210 word entry for this... And I even cried at my own ending knowing what I wanted to do
VastaKustutaI suppose what I was trying to say with my last post was simply this BEST FOUR HOURS OF MY LIFE
VastaKustuta@Midnight Shadow
VastaKustutaNot sure what just happened, but is MLP:F iM Fan Fiction Archive approved for uploading?
This may be the greatest contest of all time.
VastaKustuta@Grym Zero
VastaKustutaYour so silly "may be" isn't how you spell "is"
I'm all over this.
VastaKustutaMan, I was all ready to finally start taking my first steps into the terrifying realm of writing fanfiction, and I had this grimdark story planned and everything.
This is all your fault, Seth.
What about something a little more... bittersweet?
VastaKustutaSo long as it has war fuzzy parts in, of course.
VastaKustutayo icefox - it certainly is. You can use any place that you want, you can even send me a file if you really must, but a third party website (gdocs, fimfiction, ff.net, the archive, da, fa, etc) is probably best.
VastaKustutaa warm-fuzzy bittersweet...hmmm. Hard to say without reading it, but it does need to have a happy Luna!
VastaKustutaIt's your fault for adding more to the grimdarks. Dx Happy Luna is bestpony!
Glad it's a minimum word limit and not a maximum one...I only started in the middle of the afternoon and I'm already 3 chapters in at nearly 3200 words...
VastaKustutaGah fanfic writing is addictive...I still feel like I'm in the introductory phase, and I'm past 5300 words. This is gonna be an utter beast to finish before next Sunday.
VastaKustutaIm in, I was going to have a blast at writing some ponyfic anyway and this can match up with the story i had in mind :D
VastaKustuta2300 words in alredy, just getting to the important bit.
I hope my writing dosent suck!
Bah! I have the perfect idea for this, but it would fall waaay short of the 3500 word requirement.
VastaKustutaI'll read everything sent in, even if it's under the limit...if the limit's a problem it could potentially be lowered but I wouldn't want to meddle with the setup prematurely.
VastaKustutalet's say 2000 words for at least an honourable mention ^^
Just started.
VastaKustutaI accept your challenge to write grimdark. And it shall be glorious.
I, along with many others, absolutely love Luna, even though she only got two minutes showtime.
VastaKustutaFor the New Lunar Republic!
Just a quick question, isn't the personification of Luna up to the writer's interpretation? I've read a lot of comments saying how sad she usually is and how this is out of character, but my picture of Luna has always been a happy one. Like, I never pictured Luna as spiteful after she stopped being Nightmare Moon. Can we just paint the picture of a happy Luna doing happy things?
VastaKustutais it normal to have a wing boner???
VastaKustutais it normal to have a wing boner???
VastaKustutaI'll read everything sent in, even if it's under the limit...if the limit's a problem it could potentially be lowered but I wouldn't want to meddle with the setup prematurely.
VastaKustutalet's say 2000 words for at least an honourable mention ^^
When you state the location *On the moon, in orbit or in Ponyville* does that mean she can't be anywhere else at all? Say, if Luna were to begin in Canterlot and be in Ponyville afterwards (i.e. for the majority), would that be deemed acceptable?
VastaKustutaThanks for reading.
VastaKustutaOh fluttery one, she can be anywhere you wish, in any setting you wish. It's freely up to you.
If you felt like doing a happy luna crossover with her being a pirate captain aboard the black pearl it would be acceptable...as long as there's a happy luna in the end at least :)
@Midnight Shadow
VastaKustutaI'm halfway through my fic, but dang if that doesn't sound more appealing. XD
VastaKustutaLol, sorry to prod your muse!
Keep 'em coming folks!
VastaKustutafluttershy&&luna:happy flower time :D
VastaKustutaWill there be any kind of confirmation that you've received our entries? Just curious. I sent my submission in a couple days ago and I want to make sure it was received.
VastaKustutaI've been letting folks know I've got their stuff, and yes I have yours :)
sorry for keeping you on tenterhooks.
VastaKustutashe's had like 2 lines total. You have no idea what her character is, unless you're trying to say that people should accept fanon as canon.(which is bull)
Cool beans, thanks man. I was really stoked when I submitted. This was a tremendously fun challenge to write for. ^_^
VastaKustutaWhoop, utter fail. Nearly finished, then I decided to check the normal EqD submission rules, discovering that basically all of my chapters are too short. I see fun times ahead combining and editing :P
VastaKustutaI'm sorry Luna! Mistress of the night *hoofkiss* I'll set everything right! *hoofkiss* Please let me go home...there's no bathrooms up here!
...it was a tasty muffin though.
There was a recent story here about Pinkie Pie confronting the darker side of her psyche which was really feel-good. Granted, it was just a [Dark] tag instead of [Grimdark], but I thought it was really good anyway. :)
VastaKustutaT_T my computer ate about 1/3 of what I'd typed so far.
VastaKustutaIs it okay to turn in part of an ongoing saga? Like, say, my story plans on Luna visiting Ponyville for awhile. If I get through 2 days and she's happy, is that fine? Just wondering incase I don't get this all done.
Sent mine in now, awaiting response.
Incoming story ACTIVATE.
VastaKustutaMine may wind up missing the dead line.
VastaKustutaEagerly awaiting the results. I have a very good feeling about mine...
VastaKustutaIf you can leave at a place that COULD be complete, but leaving the readers wanting more, then sure!
It just has to be self-contained within itself and make sense.
VastaKustutaIf you sent it to [email protected] then I got it!
It's been a busy weekend, and I'm making sure I've got them all setup for reviewing so if I haven't responded, you probably don't need to worry.
I'll be going through them in a few hours and responding to the sudden flood of entries :)
Oh snap! Just came back from holiday now and I see this!?
VastaKustutaMUST WRITE!!! I already have some plans. Oh god, I love Luna and happy Luna is even better!
I can even shape how the happy Luna will be! SHE HAS NO PERSONALITY IN THE SHOW!
I mean... I will most definitely partake in this most noble task, fulfilling this part of my job as an author and writer. I am indeed quite disquietude that I will not make the deadline. I would be most indulged to see my work as a part of this, gratified to have it on the top three as well!
Onward with writing!
Whoo, finished and submitted at last!
VastaKustuta@Midnight Shadow:
VastaKustutaMy "sent" folder has listed it as being sent to that Address, so you should have it.
It's my comedy fic, titled "HAPPY LUNA" for the e-mail.
Eagerly awaiting confirmation,
Alright, I sent mine in...hope you all like it.
VastaKustutaIf you guys still portrayed her as Twilight+Fluttershy i'll come to your houses and rape you in your sleep so you don't even enjoy it...
VastaKustutaAnd now here's what i'd really do, i'd select a group of professional people to form a team for defining Luna's personality for the next 2 months or so...Really now, Luna's real persona is around the corner...
Wait a half day, is that 11:59 am or pm?!
VastaKustutaIf it's AM I can't make it at all, if it's PM then I have a chance
VastaKustutaPretty sure he meant PM, obviously.
VastaKustutaDeadline has come and gone. Good luck to all!
Hm, scratch that. My sick days away from work have screwed up my sense of time.
VastaKustutaRegardless, I'm sure he meant PM. Basically, you need to submit before the date rolls over to August 15th in Pacific time. You guys can do it!
In that case, I can still make it.
VastaKustutaHowever, even if I do miss, I'm submitting the story to Equestria Daily anyway.
I'm not sure what the time it got put at is, but send it to me and try your luck if it's ready.
VastaKustutaIt should 11:59pm PST iirc (so midnight sunday 14th in amareica for all you over on that side of the pond).
You've got a while yet! Short while tho!
Hello, it ends today, this is a great day in history! :D
VastaKustuta@ Trolzor- Eh, may have a little. I don't think so. More to the Fluttershy end by a fair margin if so.
Anywho, I sorta wish the minimum was 3,000. I had a lovely stopping point around then. As things are now it might not be the greatest, most self contained, piece of writing.
I just managed to finish this fic by the skin of my teeth and thanks to a lot of writing at the last minute. 2,500 words to 6,700 in one horrible day of writing without much inspiration, and the reviewers on fanfic.net still love it! YAY!
VastaKustutaWell, that's done it then. I've just submitted my entry at 13.5k quite dull words and hopefully introduced myself and my work to the brony community. I'm nowhere near satisfied with the story, unfortunately, but that's what happens when working to a deadline sometimes.
VastaKustutaThere's quite a few of them popping up! The deadline looms, so keep 'em coming :)
VastaKustutaI don't think I'll be able to participate. I could whip something up but I'd prefer to finish the next part of Progress. Just so you know.
VastaKustutaOkay! Submitted! Let me know if you got it please Midnight Shadow!
VastaKustutaWhew... might not be my best work, but I'm proud. Hope you folks appreciate it too because I had to fiddle around with making a DA account and learning it's submission quirks.
10:06 PM over here in the Eastern Timezone. I may have to break the story into 2 cases.
VastaKustutaI must admit, my story wasn't as fluent as I liked it to be (crammed everything in 4 chapters), but it was good practice for college. The deadline was tight for ne, but it kept me focused. No problems. :)
VastaKustuta> don't sleep well
VastaKustuta> clear all happy luna entries before bed
> wake up, stagger out of bed, sip coffee
> check email
> "MORE!?"
Well done ponies! *facehoof* for knowing these'd all be in last minute... :D
Time check!
VastaKustutaI'm attempting to finish things up now.
>Spotted this post for the first time last night.
VastaKustuta>Brain wouldn't let it go
>Been working on ridiculous story all day
>Less than two hours left before deadline
Sorry, Midnight... Looks like I'm gonna be one of the "last minute" poster kids. :P
The last day. I wonder if one of the winners did somthing related to being covered in tree sap. That would be both cute and hilarious.
VastaKustuta@g1 - Sindiewen
VastaKustutathere have been a number using many of the differing scenes, ideas and lines of dialogue all at once - and yep, hilarious :)
SENT. It's a bit light on the mystery but it does leave room to build on for a sequel.
VastaKustutaJust submitted mine. After working on it nonstop for two days, I hope it gets accepted. I tried to write it like an episode of the show and managed to incorporate just about every single thing listed.
VastaKustutaWhile I was going to try this, I unfortunately failed. I got writer's block before I could even get to Luna's first appearance, so no entry from me for this one.
VastaKustutaI think it's now T minus TEN MINUTES...
VastaKustuta@Midnight Shadow
VastaKustutaJUST SENT! Did I make it?
Bwahahah so last minute XD
VastaKustutaJust sent mine in. Wrote it in three days - that was difficult. Barely had time to edit.
VastaKustutaRighty-ho, barring email screwups, submission should now be closed!
VastaKustutaThank you everypony for your entries! I'll be letting you know I got your entries soon if I haven't already!
Now to plead sick for a week so I can actually read all these fanfics...I'll be getting my minion bullwhip ready for the judgerating.
Ach so tired. I just finished mine with 3 minutes to spare. I even sent it twice, just in case he didn't get the email.
VastaKustutaI want to read them... :I
VastaKustutaEverypony who posted a story should now have got an email confirming that I received their entry.
VastaKustutaIf you didn't, something went wrong...
If you've been done by technical difficulties let me know and I'll see what I can do, but otherwise that's all folks!
@Midnight Shadow I didn't get a confirmation email
VastaKustutaOut of curiosity, how many submissions were there?
VastaKustuta60 entries!
and that's friendship!
(one of them is over 33k words long, good grief!)
VastaKustutaMy bad, I added you to the submission list but totally missed sending the email! sorry!
Thanks for this challenge. Speaking for myself, I've enjoyed it tremendously! ^_^
VastaKustutaCan't wait to see the other entries! Writing my story for this contest didn't seem to scratch that itch though...now I'm starting to think of other things to write and submit to EqD...
VastaKustutaI tried, I really did, she just didn't want to be happy. *doffs hat* You will be missed, Luna.
VastaKustuta*dons hat and begins to leave*
And with a chainsaw and a pair of coconuts too...never would have seen it coming.
VastaKustutaI know exactly what you mean - before the challenge I had a couple of ideas, but no real drive to write. Now I've got a ton of ideas for new fics, just no time to do them (can't really afford to put everything on hold for six days again...)
"(one of them is over 33k words long, good grief!) "
VastaKustutaYeah, I might have been a bit to eager to write. =P
VastaKustutaAnd I thought mine was bad at 23.5K...well, more Luna is more awesome at the end of the day :D
Happy Luna's Super Magically Fun Storytime Adventure: A Novel
VastaKustuta@ ProBono
VastaKustutaIf all the entries were compiled in an anthology it'd be a hell of a book I'm guessing.
So besides the top three getting their own pages, are you going to simply compile the others into a single page? or Document? Cause I know I'd like to read several others other than my own I sent in.
VastaKustutaI'd have assumed there'll be a single page with links to the 57 non-winning fics. Can't wait to see the story archive page with 60 new fics under Luna/NMM.
Incoming a thousand grimdark Luna stories, just cause you put that challenge out there :/
VastaKustutaI don't know how people can say that she's supposed to be sad, or she acts that way in defense. She's been given no character in the show, so there in no set "way" she's supposed to act. Also someone said that constant happy makes for boring fics. I find that to be very untrue, only boring writing makes boring fics. just look at the fic 'life with derpy' its always happy but very entertaining and still has character development, and was probably mush harder to write then the thousands of grimdark/sad fics out there.
VastaKustutaMaking a fic grimdark or sad is taking the easy way to make it dramatic or to give it a false sense of depth.
mine came in at about 8k words, definatly not top 3 material but good therapy and hopefully ill get some feedback on it.
VastaKustutaLuna in the show is defined by her circumstances, i think everyone has picked up on the fact that there is scope for all kinds of conflict from Luna, and not all of it needs to be miserable.
Im hoping for a ream of 'unhappy Luna becomes happy' stories because i <3 redemption. also happy Luna is adorable.
Why does there have to be conflict? She doesn't really have a reason to be sad any more. She's no longer controlled by Nightmare Moon, she's no longer imprisoned in the moon, in the age she returned to, there are a lot of ponies that apprieciate her night, and in fact there is an active night life. She never actually hurt anyone, or covered the world in darkness.
VastaKustutaThis is a show about friendship and love, there's really no reason for her to be conflicted or sad. Some people write Luna as a worried sad pony, and that she's worried people will hate her, but there is no reason for them too, she didn't do anything.
Luna in the show is shown for like 30 seconds, and in those scenes she is forgiven by her sister, and then given a celebration by everypony. That shows pretty clearly that they like her and that she knows.
Did you say Luna baking? As in... baking Luna? Alive?
VastaKustutaso when do we find out the results
VastaKustutaThe original blog post said today, but I guess it'll be either later today or delayed (no one was expecting 60 entrants).
VastaKustutaThe post...she is a monster! I'm slogging through making sure I have everypony who made it in. The post derped at one point. You have no idea how loudly I screamed when I realized.
VastaKustutablogging is srs bzns.
later today, ready for teh weekend...cross your hooves.