Over on the official halo website, the screenshot of the day just happens to be pony. I am not sure how they choose these, or why this one in particular was chosen (Other than being awesome), but it looks like we have spread to yet another major company.
Thanks to everyone that sent it!
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39 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaOk, this is just amazing. I've never been a big fan of the Halo series, but they're fun games, this just made Halo 20% cooler.
VastaKustutaCredit where credit's due, that's pretty badass.
VastaKustutaNothing to say but WOW
VastaKustutaRainbow colored Halo!
VastaKustutaLovely! But I guess it's unlikely many non-bronies will catch the reference.
VastaKustutaVery nice!
VastaKustutaAwesome ponies aside, it still deserves screenshot of the day for how time consuming it must of been to get that rainbow effect.
VastaKustutaOkay. We've officially taken over everything.
VastaKustutaSo if a Banshie is Rainbow Dash what vehicles represent the others?
VastaKustutaI vote gause hog for Rarity and Rocket hog for Twilight lol
BLoody patient peple who set this up
VastaKustuta*People not peple (actually it should probably be ponies)
VastaKustutaI was wrong Rarity would be a ghost cause it is sleek and stylish
VastaKustuta@crazyredemuI'm thinkin twilight would be a Gauss Warthog, since it's pretty high tech, then I guess Fluttershy could be a ghost, since it's quiet and called a ghost. Applejack would probably be a scorpion since it has a lot of bang for its buck, and Pinky-Pie could be a Forklift since she's so random!
VastaKustutathats funny
VastaKustutabtw apperently H&M has MLP hairclips legit too they were made by hasbro! bought some for my bros daughter, i dont know if they were featured or not so yeah now you know :3
ha! You guys would be how surprised how many Halo fans are bronies, it's NUTS, the ratio...
VastaKustutaI LOVE this screenshot.
So we've assigned vehicles to the main cast...time for weapons.
VastaKustutaTwilight Sparkle - DMR. Tactical, accurate, to the point.
Applejack - Shotgun. Of course.
Fluttershy - Plasma pistol. Easy to underestimate, shockingly lethal when placed in the right circumstances.
Rarity - Needle rifle. Pretty to look at and a little weaker than Twilight, but still requires precision and a delicate touch.
Rainbow Dash - Sniper rifle. If you can see her, it's already much too late.
Pinkie Pie - Rocket launcher. Call it annoying, call it amateur, call it damned near impossible to aim, but wherever this sucker lands, shit's gonna go down.
And finally, Derpy - Needler. Because the only people who use it are the cross-eyed ones who can't shoot straight otherwise. :D
@Angel Heart
VastaKustutaYea, I agree. Fluttershy could also be the copter thing cause then you could have a white sparten in the gunner seat, named Angel
I don't know about that weapon list
VastaKustutaFluttershy-Spartan lazor, simular to the stare
Applejack-gravity hammer brute force
Rarity-Needle rife cause it's precise
Twilight-Needler cause it's not as precise but there is a lot more of them
Dash...that covenant concussion gun thing cause it's fast and colorful and loud and big and so on
Pinkie Pie is not aloud to have a gun
VastaKustutaI miss Halo...
VastaKustutaBut I miss ponies more.
Imagine when season two gives us more to have fun with.
Hmm, looks like I now have a reason to dust off Halo 3.
VastaKustutaSonic Rainboom!
VastaKustutaNow that's an awesome screenshot.
VastaKustutaIf you'd like to join, I'm the founder and admin of the only pony group in bungie.net. We have cookies:3
You assigned an ugly thing like the 'Hog to Rarity? When you had a perfectly good Revenant to give her? For shame.
VastaKustutaThe source for this is:
Just putting that out there, so you can see the comments on it, and the tags. And yes, it's definitely intentional for it to look like that.
Ooh, it actually includes the "sonic ranboom" title on the official site! This guarantees at least a few new bronies when they google it :)
VastaKustutaIt was only a matter of time!
VastaKustutaWhy didn't you provide a link, Seth? Here is the official post:
And Amaru linked to it on the community site 2 comments above mine. Be sure to Like it there if you're on Bungie.net!
PS: this was done in Halo Reach, not 3. Also, all they did was place multicolored spawn points everywhere. Nothing to go crazy about, though it did require skill and some time.
VastaKustutaCan't wait for anniversary remake.
Wow........ Never liked HLo games, and thats only cauze I'm patnetic and my cousin keeps killing me..... >:\ This looks pretty sweeflt though, and for sure a lot of halo-turned-pony fans will besold when they see this!! Now we just need something good for other fans thdn we'll have taken over for reals!!
VastaKustutafavorite game series + favorite TV series = HNNG
VastaKustutahalo is now 20% cooler!!!
VastaKustutayea! i love halo and mlp, and now they r combined! best pic ever!
@Skylark Torch This.
VastaKustutaAs an ex-Halo 3 screenshot reviewer, I can say that there's much better stuff out there.
Still rainbooms are rainbooms.
Rainbow Dash should be Energy Sword.
VastaKustutaThat must've took ages. o_O
VastaKustutaBnet Brony here.
VastaKustutaWe have had a group on Bungie.net since February.
And EQD was founded in January. We didn't really "Spread" we were kind of there.