>mfw Seth poked his head into my office last night and told me to do an event. So, here, have an event!
This event will last for ONE HOUR ONLY. Hence, a 'flash event'. That means if you see a post above this, time's up.
Here are your instructions:
- Go here, to General Zoi's pony generator.
- Hit 'Random' only once.
- Write a short bio for your generated pony. By short, I mean under 200 words.
- Send both things to [email protected] with your name and the header 'OC PONY'! I don't need a Google Doc with your bio- just a paste into the email is fine.
I'll compile the results sometime tonight if I'm not too busy playing Human Revolution.
108 kommentaari:
Well this is interesting..
VastaKustutawait wut
VastaKustutaYou can still play Human Revolution today, Cereal. I've seen cases where Steam games become available to play a couple hours early.
VastaKustutaI'm personally not into OCs, but good luck to everypony else!
An event that I actually caught early enough to be a part of? Yay~
VastaKustutaInteresting. I'd do it,but I suck at writing of any kind.
VastaKustutalol mine looks like he has skin disease
VastaKustutaIm not one for actually writing Bio's or anything like that, but will be interesting to see what the results of this are.
VastaKustutaWell, this is certainly an interesting little event. Kinda cool though.
VastaKustutaA flash event that requires flash which doesn't work on my phone.
VastaKustutaThis is going to be glorious. I can't wait to hear folks' explanations for broken horns and fillies with goatees.
VastaKustutaMy pony looked like an abomination
VastaKustutaso I named it Abomination :D
its so...cute....looking
VastaKustutaI hit the 'random' button, got a tie-dyed filly alicorn, and decided to up stumps and retire to the pavilion. Good luck to the rest of you, though!
VastaKustutaDone and sent, that was kinda cool actually!
VastaKustutaI expect vast amounts of giggles when this is over.
VastaKustutaMine is an alien pony, it looks kinda scary.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaName as in MuffinShy(here and DA), right? :o
VastaKustutaOf course this happens as my flight is boarding. I definately woulda participated too.
VastaKustutaPrintscreen it, crop it in paint of something.. and save it from there.
I got a monster too, but I MADE IT HAPPEN!
VastaKustutaGametrailers throw you off too?
VastaKustutaOCs everywhere!!!
VastaKustutaGoing to love to see how creative some people get with their random ponies.
Entered! This is actually a really cool idea.
VastaKustutaYou can actually just go to Pose and select Export Pony Image; no need for print-screening anymore.
Sent mine in! :D Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Cool, very interesting.
VastaKustutaMine's is some tall, lime-green pony with a swept-back light blue mane that looks kinda like a hang glider. I think she (I think it's a she) kinda looks like a rock star, but I can't get anymore creative than that at the moment. So I'll sit this one out.
VastaKustutaWhat will you do with these monsters and gibberish? 6_9
VastaKustutaI clicked random.
VastaKustutaI have a pink unicorn with green cloven hooves and a green sorta-beak muzzle, purple mane and tail, glitter-wings, and a purple mustache like the sports pony from Stalliongrad.
Trying to work up a post for this made my brain hurt.
Was thinking about it, was like hmmm, if i get a good one ill try, hit random, got the most ugly looking pony all that came to mind was kill it with rainbows.
VastaKustutaDamn, I am actually here for an event, and I've got to go to class soon. Well, at least I can see what my pony would be.
VastaKustuta...Okay, screw class, my pony looks badass.
I've entered! By the sounds of things, I think my pony was relatively straightforward, if rather psychadelic.
VastaKustutaI know what you mean, those bastards lied to me too. I have to wait till TOMORROW to play Deus Ex.
VastaKustuta...I think I broke it.
Damn this is pretty darn hard, i just want to ditch mine to the nearest waste disposal
VastaKustutaI'm liking this idea.
VastaKustutahmm, Sure. OK. I always liked that pony-creator. well, A while back, it's been a while-
*randomizes again*
...Why'd they update it?! Every pony I generate looks HORRIBLE! D:
My OC was actually really tame in comparison to what I was expecting. :P Hopefully it's alright for what I gave it though.
VastaKustutaThis is my first time entering an event here and my first time doing an OC. My pony looked like The Creature From the Black Lagoon, so I tried to do something with that. I think I did well for a first go.
VastaKustutaI'm...not sure what gender my pony is. o.O
VastaKustutaMine looked like a fairy! XD That was fun!
VastaKustutaI was all for this...until I saw the monstrosity that was created when I hit the random button. It was as if Celestia herself coughed up a moldy hairball and then shaped it into a Pony. Who was Subsequently HORRIBLY burned and disfigured in a chemical fire then run over by a passing milk truck (Why milk? Cause I like cheese....)
VastaKustutaSo to avoid being struck down by the deity herself, I choose not to post that horror story. It's better for everyone...
I just sent mine in.
VastaKustuta...what have I done?
Posted mine, then realized that I went slightly over the word limit.
Wow mine is weird XD
VastaKustutaI am willing to bet that we are going to get an extremely large number of alicorns (as in about four times as many as all other kinds combined) due to the way the randomization works.
VastaKustutaThe rules said "only once", but even after a hundred tries it didn't come up with anything that could possibly be called a pony.
VastaKustutaMine wound up being the worst sort of Mary Sue. Oh well, sent her in anyway. Don't blame me, the random number generator made me do it! :)
VastaKustutaSent mine in, don't know if I did it right though.
VastaKustutaBut if it appears later you can bet the bio is interesting.
What would you get if you cross Rainbow Dash with Zecora?
VastaKustutaI don't even know.
Sent mine in!
VastaKustuta... and there is now another post above this one, even though the hour isn't up! Please say that it's the hour that is important, not the lack of post above this one!
Ha ha! I am done! My purlish-green pegasus will rule over the OCs! Eh...it was a lot of fun though! Had to go through the process of exporting and cropping though.
VastaKustutaGah! Missed it. :P
VastaKustuta@Laurence Brown
VastaKustutaYeah I was about to comment on the same thing. I think I got mine in a minute before that went up but lets hope its the hour.
When I hit random, I got Nyx from Past Sins, minus the wings and her hair and eyes like when she was in her disguise. True story. Here's the code for the pony: 13230011001A1A1AFFC49D0000100BB96UN1837000000000W157008900E4FF1X01573F8A004CB2
VastaKustutaAnd the accessories I used to put her in her disguise: 066CC66152004B066CC66152004B066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C752004B055004B655004B066CC6
VastaKustuta... My god.
Whooooo! Sounds fun!
VastaKustutaI've just sent mine. He's a rather dashing stallion for a random agglutination of random pony parts.
VastaKustutaAnd he's a Pegasus! It's as if the fates have all agreed to make my random pony my favorite race of Equine!
And... EqD has an office? You guys must be more legit than I thought in the first place.
Just sent.
VastaKustutaI hope your body is ready.
I received a frog turned into a pony...and made up a lovely little story for the creature.
VastaKustutaAh ummm, I accidently posted mine as 'WTF IS THAT?' Instead of OC pony, If you find it that ones mine and looks very odd.
VastaKustuta@Stephen Cawking i know rite, we have an office in Fillydephia and cloudsdale
VastaKustutaWhat happens is there's a 50% chance of getting a unicorn horn, and a 50% chance of getting wings, or a 25% of getting both at once.
That was... a little unexpected.
Ill give it a shot.
VastaKustutaSent :P
I sent a really weird guy that just screamed 'Flamboyant, insane, constantly-failing villain of a children's show' to me.
VastaKustutaWell, I sent it, and now I instantly regret it. Curse my hubris!
VastaKustutaAlso, did anypony else find it humorous that this was a flash event based on a flash based animation, with ponies created in a flash?
VastaKustuta(Better that than us flashing other people, anyway! Nopony deserves to be subjected to that kind of horror from me!)
I was going to enter, but I couldn't figure out how to send the picture from the game, and Photobucket didn't want to upload the screenshot.
VastaKustutaAh, well. Now I have a grey alicorn with metal things on its wings with yellow hair and Rainbow Dash's tail to use for a story or something.
Welp, I sent mine. Hope I wasn't too late.
VastaKustutaDONE! Complete with panicked edits and rampant misspellings!
VastaKustutaAn alicorn. Dammit.
VastaKustutaCelestia really gets around!
Darn I never bothered to make my own..
VastaKustutaYou're all insane.
I'm picking ten good ones. Is that okay?
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaI'll take that as a compliment and yes.
Silly Cereal. Games don't come out on mondays. lol
VastaKustutaand looks like it's too late to start... damn you International time zones
VastaKustutaMine almost looks normal....almost not sending it as it's well past the deadline at this point.
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaHaha, how many did you get?
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustuta1) What, you didn't learn anything from the speedfic challenge?!
2) Of course it is! As long as you don't mind us unlucky ones posting our pony codes in the comment section with our brief bios so that those who want to see them still can?
@Laurence Brown
VastaKustutaApparently I learned nothing, no. I swear, I'm going to hunt down Calamari and get his code from the Training Grounds so I can do these properly.
Oh, and 150+ entries.
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaEpic :D
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaAwesome. XDD
^What the heck happened to my name? See, this is what happens when you don't let me be anonymous! :P
VastaKustutaPony I wanted to be my random: 2Z1S0P41207CABDDFEC89E0000100FE08UN1837200000000O0A30000FF7FFF0M107F3FCC004CB2
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaSweet Celestia, that's amazing..! And rather terrifying, actually.
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaso on average more than one every 24 seconds.
wow, that's a lot of random ponies.
Hope my email went through. It would be a shame for me. I hope using my Deviant Art account as my name is alright. Better than saying anomynous!
VastaKustutaThis would have been a really Cool McAwesome event to participate in, had I not missed it :P
VastaKustutaI just read through the comments, and realized that I wasn't able to grab my pony's pose code before I close the tab. T_T Ah, well, I still have the picture, I'll hopefully be able to recreate it later.
VastaKustutaI also just realized that I forgot to include my name in the e-mail. I sent in the samurai pony.
VastaKustutaYou should post ten normal ones, but then a gallery of all the horrible, disfigured ones (after getting a good one, I enjoyed green-nosed, bat-winged, unshorn-hooved, purple monstrosities.
VastaKustutaIronically I missed this by playing at making my pony with said creator!
VastaKustutaNo lie.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaMine actually turned out pretty much normal looking. I didn't accessorise him or pose him, and I did not know about the code feature until it was too late, so I had to cap it, crop it, and put it on my photobucket to send him in, which took me past the deadline. (I did send in the first email before then though.) So I suppose it's okay if I'm already disqualified. The bio was pretty silly. I had fun with that one.
VastaKustutaCRAP! I knew I forgot something!!
That's interesting... there's a virus on the Pony Creator page.
VastaKustutaIt's called Win32/Pdfjsc.RF by the way.
VastaKustutaMight be coming from one of the advertisements. On the page I didn't get any warnings from the page but I have an ad blocker.
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaSo I think you should do this a few more times, for those of us who didn't get a chance. Yknow, busy, or was sleeping. For me, I had to do some college stuff. Application and shit yknow.
It'll be heck a lot more Ponies submitted then.. too much to handle on your own
VastaKustutaAw, missed this one. Sounded fun, too.
VastaKustutaYay, I can't believe a picture from my blog was used in here! I feel so honored :).
VastaKustutaWhy does it have to be random?
VastaKustutaWhere will the results be? :P
VastaKustutaAw man. *kicks a dirt clod* I just had a chance to check my backlogged rss and see this and I missed it.
VastaKustutaI got an Alicorn too.