• FiM Dating Sim NOT Cancelled!

    Apparently the cancelled dating sim on Fimchan last night was actually a different project. The current one is still in progress. Have some Copy paste below the break! If you are too lazy to read it, at least hit up the Poll. They are asking for community feedback on a few different additions to the game, including TRIXIE! Don't let me down!

    My Little Pony: Love is Magic” is a dating sim set in the colourful world of Equestria. You have woken up on the outskirts of Ponyville, without any memory of anything whatsoever. Along with the mane cast (and Princess Luna), you try to regain your memories, and maybe find some romance along the way...

    This fall, take your first step into Ponyville with Love is Magic: Day 0, and see what the first encounters with the ponies of Ponyville will be like before the true beginning comes.

    The game will feature the Mane six plus Luna as possible romances, and you’ll play as a colt. Currently there are no plans for a human version or a rule 34 version. However, we would like your opinion on the possibility of more features via poll.

    We Want Talented Artists!

    We need them right now, and we would love to have you on our team. Just send an email to GhettoGarden1@gmail.com. Have it include your name, what or who you want to draw, and an example of your work. Plus, if you have a Deviant ART account, put it on your resume. If you don’t have one, make one.

    Also, please note that if we are to add more characters we would probably need another writer. Contact us at GhettoGarden1@gmail.com if interested.

    Check out our Tumblr page for example art at: http://notmlpvn.tumblr.com 

    Our current team:

    Sergio Solorzano (BLAMEY0URFATE)--Twilight and Main character
    Fleetwood Filterman--AppleJack
    Spencer Baird--Rarity
    Matthew Nunez (Rated-R PonyStar)--Luna
    Brayden Zetuche--Pinkie Pie
    Jeff Cimmino (GhettoGarden1)(Also team leader)--Fluttershy
    Tyler Carson: Rainbow Dash

    Emil Björnfot

    One Two
    Rainbow Danish


    1. Welp, this is good news.

    2. >no plans for #34

    3. What the hell is wrong with us?

    4. @KShrike
      Exactly my thoughts.

    5. @KShrike
      IKR. Still voting for a The Great and Powerful TRIXIE! though. Even if I won't play it.

    6. Awes-I mean *ahem* I don't care >_>

    7. Good to know that its not canceled, but 'no rule34' saddens me. Oh well, I guess I should break that habit anyway.

    8. And everypony breathes a sigh of relief.

      Before facehoofing.

    9. Oh god. Date Luna. Amusement to no end!

    10. my god we need human versions EVERYONE VOTE FOR THAT ONE

    11. Wow Trixie owning all other options.
      Look who is next Rule 34. Well ok. WHAT is the next option. Being able to play as a filly. If I understand this correctly then things are getting pretty bad. Or I am mistaken w/c probably I am.

    12. I'm feeling... conflicted... about this news. On the one hoof it sounds like a fine project, and on the other hoof WHEN DID I GET HOOVES

    13. I still can't believe there is a demand for this. Do you people just like this ironically, or are you actually devoid of self-respect?

    14. @nathandash
      Sim as in simulation. It's a dating simulation...only you date imaginary equines

    15. Omgomgomgomg why am so giddy over this? Confusion time!

    16. i dont know whether to be excited or scared...

    17. My hopes are saved! Fluttershy, here I come! Um.. that is.. I-if you want me... nevermind.

    18. get some of those cloppy flash animators that I've seen on e621 (I think his name was poke something or the other.) Yeah, a dating sim would be great! would love to see the characters get it on hahaha.

    19. I probably won't play this, but I feel the need to vote for Trixie.

    20. So do you choose the race of the main character? Serious question.

    21. Must... Resist... Urge to play...

    22. I actually like the fact that there are no plans for a Rule34 version AND that the poll results set it quite low.

      Trixie is at 30% leading the poll!!! MORE VOTINGS!

    23. @Anonymous We like to throw out our opinions and thoughts, so buck you...

    24. @Josh
      After some debate, we decided that the main character is only an earth pony.

    25. @KShrike
      The fact that adding fillies was an option just upped the squick factor by at least a magnitude of 4

    26. Actually looking forward to this, although I'd really love to see Trollestia in there too.

    27. Ah, well that's cool. Glad to hear it wasn't cancelled after all. I voted in the poll as well. Helping the game, yayy~ Trixie is at 30% right now. A Rule 34 version is at 20%. lol

    28. I just hope that if they DO do a Rule 34 version, it's the humanised version. We get called furries to much as it is.

    29. at anon.

      More like Molestia then :D

    30. This game is heterosexual? Eww...

    31. I think by "play as a filly" they mean a female, not an adolescent. In which case I don't see what the big deal is or why everyone's freaking out.

    32. @Lupus Albus
      I knew it! I was wrong for the 42nd time. Thanks for clearing that up.

    33. @Into the Sky Why? Fillies are the girls/female like Twilight, Rainbow Dash, etc. Colts are the guys/male.
      (young adults)early twenties?

      Stallions and Mares are like adults men/women (25 and up?)

      and foals are the kids.

    34. Huzzah. I, an apparently straight, thrity one year old white male can at long last play a Dating Sim as a pretty young female horse.

      I'm excited.

    35. I wonder how they'll characterize Luna. Will it be like the Progress-verse, or one of the other variants of her?

    36. @Anonymous I doubt anyone would like to get hanky-panky with a horse, if that's what you mean. Rather, we're at a shortage of content and most people can ignore the sexual themes just so they can interact with the characters. In case you haven't noticed, it's pretty much impossible to watch the show without getting attached to them.

    37. Trixie just steamrolling other options like a boss!

      FUCK YES!! Still not gonna play it though.

    38. @Anonymous

      I think content shortage is a perpetual situation in a fandom like this!

    39. Given the nature of the game, I fully support releasing both a clean AND a Rule 34 version separately, as well as giving the options to be able to play as either male or female and be able to romance both genders. We live in the 21st century now, there are bronies of all stripes who would want to play this game and it should be made to be inclusive to *all* fans whatever their orientation or gender may be.

    40. :/

      Please tell me there's no '34 present in this...

    41. "I think we just entered another interdimensional portal, Spike."
      "Why do you say that, Twi?"
      "Because everypony here's a dike."

    42. @Sandman
      My impression is that fillies comprises the children of Equestria, most notably the cutie mark crusaders. Thus, personal squick.

    43. @Anonymous Oh, and my self-respect went out the window a couple months ago.


    44. Do people realize that the poll probably isn't a "The option that gets the most votes is the only thing we'll add" kind of thing?

    45. I find it hilarious that there were multiple dating-sim projects that could be mixed up.

      Not that I'm interesed in such things...
      *votes in poll for G&PT*

    46. Pony-Fix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU9o8cN39BQ&feature=player_embedded

    47. @Into the Sky

      Given its use throughout the show, it depends on the context. There are some times when "filly" and "colt" is used in the literal sense of referring to child ponies, but there are plenty of other times in the show where they are used in more general terms of just defining the gender of young adult ponies. Example, the mayor of ponyville addressing the crowds as "Fillies and Gentlecolts" despite there being ponies of all ages present.

    48. @Icehawk
      Valid point. I suppose I haven't been paying close enough attention.

    49. Yeah, it's great to be reminded that there are people in this fandom who wanna do cartoon horses. [/sarcasm]

      I mean, humanised I'd be okay with, for obvious reasons.

    50. Tsundere Trixie? I'd could go for that.

    51. What has become of us, this fandom, as a whole.

      Anyone remember when anything even remotely "saucy" about ponies caused some heated arguments and most, if not nearly all bronies simply wanted cute ponies doing cute things.

      Now, everywhere i turn all i see is shipping and rule 34 images of these adorable little equines.

      I am disappointed in you, pony fandom

    52. @Anonymous
      >Father I am clopping
      >Fandom, I am disappoint.

    53. Oh boy, my forum's going nuts about this. Why.

    54. It's sad how many people picked dirty rule 34 version. . . I voted for Trixie.

    55. Not playing = not voting, 'cos I don't have a right or an interest, but if the G&PT gets in, there had damn well better be a way to bring her an ursa minor.

    56. Hey maybe you shouldn't pimp this on the main site if you want to keep getting stuff from Hasbro.

      Just a thought.

    57. Pony simdate.... do want :3

    58. Should I feel bad for voting for the R34 one? (as well as the rest of them)
      I perfectly understand WHY people don't go for the R34, but I don't see why so many get angry/upset at its mention...

    59. Really people... Really? I mean, i dont mind, but for fucks sake.

    60. @Icehawk
      Totally agree with you!
      A clean and R34 would be perfect for everyone :D
      Y U SO SMART!?

    61. >Programmer: Emil Björnfot
      >Emil Björnfot
      Anyone who tunes in to Brony Movie Night probably shares my fears xD
      (I <3 you Bjornfort you crazy techno viking)

      Humanised would probably be quite nifty, as would an 18+ version, but you knoww, I wouldn't want work on that to degrade the end quality of the game. Also: people who're arguing against those things I just spoke positively on, remember this is an /mlp/ dating sim. Not much has been left sacred in the first place :3

    62. @RainBroDash
      Sure by the 2% of perverts that are into that sort of thing.

      I object to your absurd and unfair generalization. It shows you lack perspective on the fandom as a whole.

    63. @Anonymous

      I'm sorry, but I feel you are being ignorant and insulting to the fanbase with this sentiment. I don't ever remember this fandom or any other fandom in existance being like what you are describing and I have been a brony for a while now.

      All of us still love and will always love the fun and innocence of the show, but a lot of us also wish to sometimes see more depth from the characters we love than simple childish innocence all the time and so having content with relationships, sex, and or violence is just a part of that reality and you are going to have to learn to live with it. Nobody forces you to look at the content you do not wish to see.

      Despite what you might think, it IS possible to have a mind that occasionally likes to dip into the darkness and gutter as well as fully appreciates and loves fun and innocence as well. It's called being human.

    64. Sweet jesus, no #34, we must retain what inocence it has left. Of course make it moddable I suppose to those who want rule #34 I guess.

    65. What, no R34 version? Screw that!
      jk, I hope this game is completed and not dropped like so many projects of this kind end up doing

    66. Once again, the hate for anything mature is brought up.

      -Mature content happens. Deal with it.
      -You don't have to look at it and I'm fairly certain if they did make a "rule 34" version that they'd make a clean one or at least a mature content toggle in game so that you could then play.
      -No this doesn't involve everyone as a group. This involves you who are picking it up and playing it. What other people play it for is for the makers to worry about.
      -It won't affect you that other people like mature content unless you make it your problem.
      -Doing so just gets you angry and nobody anywhere.
      -The same can be said about the thought of sex content/scenes for the ponies. Yes, you may not like/agree/want it, but you were not forced to be a part of it.
      -Learning to just ignore it and move on is far better than complaining that there's something you don't like that isn't being forced on you in the first place. That seems a bit much.
      -Better to have a choice of many over having nothing to choose over at all, right?

    67. @Icehawk

      Different anon here.

      I think you'll have a hard time just finding a piece that doesn't use "The (color) filly/colt/species" every few paragraphs, let alone one that does not reduce the characters to objects, and even less likely still would be one that actually uses sex in a manner that might actually be believable to someone who's had it before.

      The "depth" argument almost never holds water.

    68. @Fallin' Winter

      regarding "It won't affect you"- Hasbro is a major conglomerate and is extremely unlikely to send content to a site that pushes porn of their intellectual property.

    69. @Anon

      Well knowing Sethisto, he doesn't actually post anything past "saucy" so it wouldn't even be linked to on this site. He would most likely post the clean version download or if the "rule34" switch is in the game itself just link to the page possibly.

      I agree that if the mature content is within the game itself, that it may be a problem for Seth or the blog itself, but if dealt tactfully I don't see that it would turn into a large problem unless people make a big deal about it like they've been doing.

      I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, definitely Hasbro has been working to accommodate us and been far more lenient on things as a whole compared to other companies, but once again, I think how they react is more dependent on how the blog handles mature content which I think they've done a fair job so far.

      I can't rule out the entire possibility that for the blog's reasons they would simply state that due to it's mature content, they've preferred to stop adding news to it and say that if you wish to follow it, visit their own site for now.

      I'll retract the statement that it does not affect everyone as a whole due to the possible ties being cut between ED and Hasbro, but the rest of it still stands, as long as you act maturely. Simply yelling and trying to make the content go away isn't really the right way to go about it. They need to realize that just because we are a niche community surely, that there are more than one smaller niches within our community itself and that not all of them will cater to them.

    70. This comment has been removed by the author.

    71. This comment has been removed by the author.

    72. @Fallin' Winter

      I would point at IceHawk as an example of how it could affect people who have nothing to do with it. He's so deep into the tiny fetish aspect that he thinks everyone is a part of it.

      What do you mean by "they" in your last paragraph? Hasbro, or the people who don't like porn about a little girl's cartoon show?

    73. To expand a bit more on what I would actually like to see in the game, I don't expect there to be "rule 34" art or descriptions per-se, what interests me more is the ability to go past dating and expand on that, even marriage or the like.

      As done in Mass Effect and Dragon Age (Both Bioware, go figure) they had the ability to fall for one girl (or guy) or more than one (but those don't really end well) they are able to imply it without showing anything most people are "squicked" about.

      Even Fallout: Equestria does a good job at making it's sex scenes not sex scenes, but leaves enough in that it creates the atmosphere without having to go very far.

      Perhaps the implied sex, the ability to go that far, and saucy at best picture to follow would be enough of a middle ground to satisfy both parties?

    74. @Anonymous

      By "piece" are you talking of other dating sims? or just other shipping fiction? If games than there are plenty of japanese "dating sims" that have good stories and characters of which there is both a clean version and a version that includes hentai routes within it. There is no reason why it should be any different here. "Air" and "Kanon" and "Kimi ga Nozomu Eien" just to name a few.

      If you meant shipping or cloppy fics, I have read enough that aren't the low trash you seem to be claiming they all are. But then again your standards may be different. MetalHooves writes some good clop and shipping, same with Buttersc0tchSundae. Whether you think they portray sex realistically or not doesn't really matter since it is all fantasy anyways.


      I'm sorry, but Hasbro has proven itself to have more of a backbone then you give them credit for. They haven't shown any interest on coming down on anything this fandom has produced, rule 34 or otherwise.

    75. @Florentine

      I'll point out here that you've gone out of your way to make other people feel bad and then posted about it.

    76. @Anonymous

      I'm sorry but where did I ever say I think "everyone" is a part of a fetish now?

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    78. This comment has been removed by the author.

    79. @Florentine

      Thank you. Just sitting here with nothing to do at 12AM and felt a good debate would pass the time while playing Pokemon.

      To others: No, this does not mean I'm attempting to troll anyone and I mean what I say. Also, for the record, I didn't vote for "Rule34" content, although what I describe as the "Middle Ground" would be preferable.


      I've all ready retracted my statement as to how it may very well affect us, but overall, if it wasn't for the fact that we were "in" with Hasbro to put it bluntly, it shouldn't matter.

      I mean "they" in my last paragraph as those who seem to think that the world should be an utterly pure place and there shouldn't be any mature content. I understand if you don't like it and say so. It's another thing when they claim it's the blight of the fandom or community and think it's pure evil. (For argumentative reasons, no, nobody has said this specifically, but they do tend to make it sound as if they mean this)

    80. @Icehawk

      Japan's "dating sim" market is quite large, yes. Yes, some can be good. Yes, the very vast majority are simply trite. Yes, you are avoiding the point of the post and pointing at an entirely unrelated thing to lend credibility to something that has effectively nothing to do with it.

      I think I was quite clear and only slightly slanted in my post. No, MetalHooves does not write "good" cloppy fics. He still writes "the (color) (species)" stuff, everyone slips out of character, etc. In addition that's ALL he writes. Everything is simply an excuse to porn. Surely you could have chosen a better champion of your fetish than MetalHooves?

      The suggestion that Hasbro would taint its IP(which is marketed at little girls) by supporting a porn site is laughable. Japanese companies do not do this in Japan. Why would Hasbro do it anywhere else?

      More importantly if you think Hasbro would, then why wouldn't they just make a porn site themselves and take all the money?

    81. @Anon addressing Icehawk

      I know you weren't directing this at me, but I think that everything you've mentioned in your post has been addressed in my posts at least to some extent.

      -I do not read clopfics, and if I did, it'd be because the story premise around it was interesting. In short, I would read a good story with clop scenes added and not the other way around. If they were to avoid rule 34 art in the game itself and just imply it like Fallout:Equestria, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect, there's no porn involved, it was to build on the story and relationship and not the porn itself and most people get some part of what they wanted.

      -I also mentioned this and I agree. I doubt Hasbro would continue to keep ties to ED if we blatantly started adding only clopfics and rule34 drawfriends, but we've kept it at a minimum and haven't really broken any borders (Cupcakes being the only thing that comes to mind that may cross any lines)

      -The thing is, that the mature content may be fairly often (grimdark tag), but that's not really used for anything other than really depressing or really violent or somewhere in between. Clopfics aren't allowed. So I don't see how this is a porn site, more possibly a "Mature" site which is expected to some extent given the fact that we're mostly consistent with the other untargeted audience that doesn't contain the children.

    82. @Florentine

      "getting a little pleasure out of seeing it annoy people"

      You are doing it specifically to make others feel bad. You have said so repeatedly, though I see you have deleted those comments. I'll take that as a tacit apology and move on.

    83. This comment has been removed by the author.

    84. @Fallin' Winter

      It shouldn't matter, but it does. I agree that it's mostly irrelevant though.

      I understand the frustration of being in a shat-upon niche, and so I must also point out that you are doing exactly that by treating everyone who mention that they dislike r34 etc as though they are also some repugnant thing. Tolerance should not go just one way.

    85. This comment has been removed by the author.

    86. @Anonymous

      You may think you were quite clear but you were in fact very vague as I still have no idea what you mean by the phrase "the (color) (species stuff)". We'll just have to disagree on whether characters slip out of character or not, I haven't found them to be that out of character in the fics I have chosen to read. MetalHooves was just one example and while he does largely focus on shippy clop, he does have other works that aren't that. "A Dark Sky" being an example.

      You are also blatantly lying about my position by claiming I think Hasbro would ever support a porn site when neither I nor anyone else here for that matter ever said or implied anything of the sort.

    87. This comment has been removed by the author.

    88. @Anonymous

      I don't see anyone calling you repugnant. We are having a mature debate. That, on the internet, is something to be proud of. Overall, I really don't see the problem with two versions of the game, one clean, on R34. If just the idea that R34 of My Little Pony exists repulses you, I got some bad news: It's not going anywhere. And that's nothing to be ashamed of; there is, by definition, Rule 34 of everything. Any serious group on the internet that claims to be completely innocent and R34-free is kidding themselves. R34's never going away, so the best you can hope to do is just not watch it.

    89. This comment has been removed by the author.

    90. @Fallin' Winter

      pont 1: That's not really what we're talking about here. Or at least what I'm talking about.

      points 2 and 3: The subject was really about porn sites, not EqD. It's been sort of abstracted a bit from this site as it is now and gone to Hasbro supporting a Porn Site. It is kinda drifting off topic but I don't see much harm in continuing in a silly direction for the sake of it.

    91. Of course it is not canceleld silly.

      Clopping is a HUEG part of this fandom and it can't wait.

      Eveything will be done.

    92. Oh sweet, sweet Celestia more comments and anon's showed up before I posted.

      My comment at 4:20 AM was intended for the Anon at 4:04

      @Anon at 4:19 AM

      I understand what you meant about the first point, just that I don't read clopfics where I could pull one as an example, I'm guessing you're referring to the fact that while in the said clop scenes they just state "the red pony did this. Then the white pony got up and did this." versus adding context and little things in that make them characters instead of just "pony a" and "pony b" having sex because the author wanted ponies to have sex.

      Well there's not much to say about the "porn site" topic considering that what needed to be stated was said, "Hasbro wouldn't support a porn site" = Agreed, but so far, ED does not equal porn site.

    93. This comment has been removed by the author.

    94. Urgh, you know what, I have had it. All above posts deleted, draw what you want from reading through if you like. This is annoying me way more than it ought, but whatever:

      I apologise. I should not have involved myself in this discussion, at all. While I do not appreciate the anonymous poster implying that I would do anything with the specific intention of hurting another's feelings (and I am still of the opinion I did not do anything with that specific intent, and rather upset it was suggested), I should not have commented at all on the possibility that my voting choices would have the side effect of annoying someone.

      So yes, I'm sorry, I'm going to try and keep out of this conversation, and that's that.

    95. @Icehawk

      Oh, sorry. "The (black) (gryphon)" etc. is poor writing when you have the character's name already.

      Yes, everyone knows what you meant. The portion of the fanbase that enjoys clopfics etc is extremely small. Perhaps less than 5%, based on the relative number of works. It's almost worrying, but then maybe I'm just used to higher levels.

      Also you posted "Hasbro has proven itself to have more of a backbone" which given your other posts and the context of the discussion taking place is rather easily interpreted as "If there were porn on EqD they'd still send it content".

      I apologize if this is not the case.

    96. Thanks for the input and support Florentine, your posts were helpful to the discussion and you shouldn't feel the need to delete them.

    97. A.) Gross
      B.) For the love of Celestia, please please PLEASE never make human or rule 34 versions :C

    98. I wonder if I'm going to get any Let's Play requests for this game and how much I will fail while trying to do the video because I don't usually play Dating Sims.

    99. ...And then the blogger ate my comment that my comment @ 4:27 AM is referring to. Which I'm not getting back.

      Okay, TL;DR version time.

      @Anon at 4:04 AM

      If I came off as being untolerant or rude, then I'm sorry. It's hard to convey things like tones of voice through the internet. I said in an earlier comment that I don't mind those who speak their opinions of whether tehy like or dislike something. The problem is with those that think they have to insult someone in the process.

      To be short:

      "I'm glad rule 34 isn't in the game. Not my cup of coffee."

      ^He simply states he's glad it's not in the game, yet no insulting goes on.

      That is far different from

      Anonymous said...
      I still can't believe there is a demand for this. Do you people just like this ironically, or are you actually devoid of self-respect?

      ^Insults them by calling them devoid of self-respect just because it goes against what they think.

    100. @Anonymous

      A.) I find this gross.
      B.)For the love of Celestia, please please PLEASE make human and rule 34 versions but don't make me play them :C


    101. @Fallin' Winter

      Yes, but it can be more complex than that while still missing the point of sex as part of a story. I've read vanishingly few fics where sex advanced or added to the story at all. Published works get it right more often but it's still a low number.

      Don't worry about it too much. It's the Internet, and these are the comments. On the Internet.

    102. Anonymous said...

      A.) I find this gross.
      B.)For the love of Celestia, please please PLEASE make human and rule 34 versions but don't make me play them :C

      See? That is what I'm talking about. They state their displeasure, but they don't have to insult someone to do so. Heck, they even asked for multiple versions to fill other people's interests even if they don't play them.

      (Sorry for talking about you as if you're a third party or something anon, I appreciate you thinking about others)

    103. @Fallin' Winter

      > EqD is not a porn site

      Oh really? Have some: http://www.peeep.us/24f4d6ff

      Second comic he posted.
      Many saucy pics.

      don't make me laugh.

    104. What the f-
      Seriously what.
      People, you need to.. ugh
      I'll just get out of here

    105. @Fallin' Winter

      That was a corrected one, but I feel I must again point out that this should go both ways. If someone is disturbed by something they should be tolerant towards those that aren't, and those that aren't should be tolerant towards those that are.

    106. >No plans for a rule #34 version

      Thank Celestia.

    107. @Anonymous

      Sorry about not being clear, Mom.

      A.) I find this... actually not really gross when I stop kneejerking. A lot of my favorite stories have shipping in them. I still find the idea of playing a love starved pony slightly abhorrent though. You know, because it's CREEPY.

      B.) People shouldn't clop to ponies. Yes yes, my opinion and all that rubbish. But no seriously I'm right on this one.
      Don't clop to ponies bro

      I guess if people are going to make this unfortunate game, they may as well make a humanized version. *Shrugs* It's only slightly less creepy.

    108. @Anon at 4:47 AM

      I get what you mean, there are few that do so in a way that it's more than just a sex scene, but usually when they're done right (at least in my opinion) it's to further show their affection for the other party and leads to the two becoming closer, which sadly would be a bit hard in a dating sim considering the sex scene is normally the end sans a bit of "three months later" scenes or something.

      Thus the problem (once again in my opinion) is that to show the worth of a sex scene, it can't be the climax (pardon the pun) of the story. It needs further development after so we can see how they get along afterwards, whether it's for better or worse.

      @Anon at 4:50
      I admit I didn't see that second comic. It never loaded and showed nothing (both times I saw that post) so I thought Seth was just being derpy again and posting air.

      That aside, it does not show anything more than saucy. Yes, it was implied (much farther than normal I have to say), and considering sex was the story itself, I must say it's mature content.

      But he did say it was saucy and kept it hidden. Just like there's an M rating and an AO rating for video games, there's a line of Mature and Porn which it comes very, very close to crossing, but technically doesn't.

      As I've mentioned before in my posts, it's one thing to skirt around the actual depiction or description of sex yet manage to imply it so that it's never really seen but still able to be used to get some point across (Mature) and then there's blatant pictures or stories devoted to it. (AO)

    109. @Anonymous

      It was definitely not the case, but apology accepted and I see what you meant now.

      I would have to disagree on the amount of the fanbase that views clopfics or R34 type stuff though. It is definitely a good chunk larger than 5% thats for sure given the amount of whats out there and just human nature in general. The poll linked in this article alone has 21% in support of R34 of this game and I recall another old poll on this site months back where of the thousands who voted, over 20% were in favor of clop when asked what parts of the fandom they partake in.

    110. I feel so dirty for wanting to do fluttershy... ugh.

      Yeah, keep rule #34 off, they are too innocent... well... maybe minus Rainbow Dash. We all know she is no virgin.

    111. I'd also just like to:
      1. Apologize to the people of the dating sim for making their post into a debating ground.
      2. Say that this is quite fun to have these fairly unheated arguments which are more like discussions with people. Good fun. No sarcasm whatsoever, I mean it.

      @Anon at 4:59

      The problem with this all being that either those who enjoy (insert here) will tolerate the ones who don't by ignoring them. Or those who don't want (insert here) accept that it's not what they want and move on. If one side doesn't let up it's just a large circle of reaction and effect over and over again.

      To me, it's more beneficial that those who don't like it to just move on, but more than not it doesn't happen so yes, us just ignoring those who don't agree is usually the quicker end to the infinite loop.

      Ironically, me not ignoring them is what caused this discussion in the first place, but I suppose that's because we were both willing to talk it out and listen.

    112. >No rule 34.
      I'm ok with this.
      I wouldn't have minded a little bit though, after that is part of romance...

    113. Why can't you go back and change your vote? I really do want to select that other option now and suggest the middle road and just have implied intercourse with only saucy picture ala Mass Effect/Dragon Age w/o actual depiction or description. I think that'd be best, well aside from making two entirely separate games, but that may be a bit too much effort on their part.

    114. @Anonymous

      Fuck you. It it not!

      Seriously, and people wonder why I fucking hate people like you.

      Once this fandom becomes like this, I'm outta here.

      Stop acting we are a bunch of fucked up people like you are.
      Clop to ponies, but don't project it on others.

      You make me fucking sick.

    115. I hope they mean mare and stallion rather than filly and colt. If they don't it would be quite disturbing.

    116. @Anon at 5:34

      I'm fairly certain it just means a female character. Filly and Colt as mentioned in the comments, can just refer to a male or female (aka "Fillies and Gentlecolts" by mayor mare talking to all the ponies at the summer sun celebration in episode 1)

      It's kind of like us referring to a woman as a girl or man as a boy.

    117. @Pegasi

      You could be a lot more polite about this. See my post above for example.

      Tolerance, brony. Explain and ask and discuss and try not to release all that emotion all at once.

    118. They need to try to get as many characters into the game as they can. People enjoy choice so the more there are the more people will like it so include some of the background ponies such as Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, Dr. Whooves, etc.

      Try to have both hetero and s/s options for both playable genders. Also maybe put in some ponies that you can talk to that will you in your pursuit of they relationship like talking to Granny Smith about Applejack and Big Mac to find out what they like; or going to Lyra and Bon Bon for advice if you are a filly going after another filly and this would give you a boost on the next activity you do with the filly you are trying to date.

    119. @Pegasi

      I know you've said it before, and you don't have to tolerate as the motto has become, but would it hurt to say it a little nicer?

      I'm sure people get the point more willingly and quickly when spoken to instead of insulted and yelled at. At the least, it'd be nice to try the approach first before resorting to harsher methods.

      Before you say that I am defending him, I am not. He should not make false claims of whether the community is mostly into "clopfics" or the like. However, just because he's rude, doesn't mean it's right to be rude back.

    120. @Anonymous

      Sorry I cant help it. It really makes me sick. The fact that some people do it, is already disturbing enough. But yeah, it's the fucking Internet.

      But what really pisses me of are people like the Anon I replied to. They act like the majority of this fandom are perverted weirdos, like they are. Seriously I had a discussion with cloppers on ponibooru. They honestly claimed that over 50% of all bronies were in fact cloppers.

      This is whats makes me mad. I don't want this to happen. They act like their fucking sick fetish, which only applies to less then 5% of this fanbase, would be defining for the entire fandom.

      I seriously don't want to relate to these people.

      Sorry, but I am officially butthurt.

    121. @Anon at 5:41 AM

      This is what happens when I can't go to sleep. I make really, really, long comments. -.-

      I agree that more characters would be fun considering all the fanon background ponies and their personalities, but there also lies some problems with that.

      The more characters they intend to put in would mean either less time put in as a whole on each character and then the stories for all the characters would be shoddy, less detailed, and of lower quality. However, if they can manage good, quality stories and still place more background ponies in as candidates, then sign me up.

      The other problem with background characters is that they'll be angering some fans at the expense of others. A fanon character means that it has no official personality and most of the background ponies have more than one. This means that some personalities might be different from others' images of the characters.

      This is why I think that they've worked on the mane 6. They've all got defined personalities and while their stories still vary in the background details, they have something to go on. Even Luna is currently a fannon character, but she's been confirmed for season 2 so at least she'll have something to go on. Same for Trixie to a lesser, one episode, extent.

    122. ...and so, in one of the most unsurprising revelations in history, the Brony fanbase is revealed to be comprised of mostly (or, at least, a sizable amount) of people who just want to copulate with cartoon horses.

      Well, to each his own I guess. As long as this tripe stays out of the actual show I'm fine with it.

    123. This Rated-R PonyStar. Now I've been looking over all the comments and here are a few things that I'm going to clear up for you guys in case you are confused.

      1. The ability to play as a Filly is the same age as the main cast, not the age of the CMC. So you would be a adult mare.

      2. While I personally do not want a rule 34, our job is to make the best game for the overall audience like any gaming group. Meaning if a majority of you want to have a Rule 34 version or a human version, that's all up to you guys and not us.

      If such a thing does pass we will make the two separate for you guys. Our real job is to make a game that all of you can enjoy and like.

      That being said if you have any questions I'm sure me and the others can answer them for you.

    124. Do you get to choose whether you're a unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony?

    125. At the moment we are going with Earth Pony. It might change to choice, but it seems very unlikely.

    126. Alright. It would be best if I killed off alot of beliefs here. Yes, I am the Jeff on the Ad up top. So let me clarify this article.

      First: There is no Rule 34. Maybe in another version, but we are keeping it clean for this first installment.

      Second, think of it as a fanfic. That is basically what it is. A fanfic with art and decisions.

      Third, for some of you saying " OMGEEEEZZZ PUT IN B0NB0N AND CELESTIAZ! MUST HAVE DR. HOOVES!", I'm sorry. We will try the best we can, but we would need a massive amount of writers, but no, the stories wouldn't deteriorate in quality, because we have an almost perfect system worked out, in which proofreading becomes required.

      Fourth: The way the polls function, is we will have a meeting at a selected date, and we will then proceed to decide on what got enough votes to be implemented.

      That is all I can think of that needed to be debunked right now, so good day.

    127. @Rated-R PonyStar
      If you wanted a genuine look at what your fanbase wants(because you certainly can't claim the numbers or randomness of polling to represent the fandom as a whole) then you would have asked for suggestion e-mails instead of posting such a limited poll.

      It's okay to want to make a porn game, just please don't project your desires upon everyone else.

    128. @Jeff
      Oh, it looks like I responded to a phony. That'll teach me to refresh before posting. Ah well. Words to consider anyway.

    129. @Anonymous
      If you had responded to Rated R Ponystar, he is on the team too, I didn't notice he had already made a post.

    130. Txixie gets my vote, and i'll argree with many other that rule 34 should be kept away.

    131. @Anonymous

      Your presumption that the people who want to play this dating sim also want to screw cartoon ponies is completely baseless. Answer me this: Do people who play first person shooters want to go out and kill people?

    132. One thing, HASBRO has nothing to do with EqD other than the license of mlp, They won't care! (They are relatively okay with sharing though.)

    133. @Pegasi

      I agree with the part about people acting like more than 50% of bronies are cloppers, and people who claim that they are. The problem comes when you call it a "f*cking sick fetish." Seriously, as long as people aren't hurting anybody, can't they enjoy what they want to enjoy without having insults thrown at them? It's perfectly fair to hate the stereotype of all bronies being cloppers, but it's not fair to call cloppers sick. We mustn't turn on each other- that will jus cause bad feelings. And bad feelings are bad.

    134. @Oswald Newscap

      The argument was that, should EqD go full porn, Hasbro would stop sending stuff.

      Speaking of porn and its taint, I hope anyone working on the ephemeral r34 project is comfortable never listing it on their resume. This is a thing that happens. You don't even have to have anything to do with the production- porn related work is toxic.

    135. @Anonymous

      Calling it a stereotype is giving it too much credit. The false notion is limited almost entirely to people who are already quite far into the perverted niches.

    136. Ok, mofos. I've updated the poll. Replaced "filly" with "female" and added a popular request as an option: Human in Equestria.

    137. Fallin' Winter again, just using my phone and too lazy to sign in.

      I'm cool with no explicit scenes. As long as the story is still good, I could care less. (As much as I joke, I watch and read things for the story, not the "plot")

      Do you guys know whether it'll be one path/ending or have different endings based on their affections or the like? (Good end, Bad end, True end, etc.)

      I look forward to this greatly, I hope you all see this through till the end.

    138. @Anonymous

      In case you want to know: Sethisto runs a rule 34 MLP blog...

      What could possibility happen, if Hasbro finds that out?

    139. @Fallin' Winter
      There will be different endings depending on the choices you make.

    140. @Pegasi
      Everyone knows about that already. I even mentioned it. I don't think it'll be an issue as long as it's not merged in any way with EqD.

      One site is not another, after all.

    141. And thus we crawl a little closer toward becoming the Sonic fandom.

      I hope you're all proud of yourselves.

    142. @Anonymous

      It's still run by the same guy and even the same account. Hasbro would not like this.

    143. @Anonymous

      Dude, the moment this series started you had Ponies on all the furry sites. Furaffinity, Fchan, Pawsfu, Rule 34, MIFchan and more. it's already there. So it's not the new Sonic Fandom, it's already like the Sonic fandom. And I bet Hasbro even already knows this. Come on their not stupid.

    144. I don't mind suggested sex. Heck. The old Golgo 13 Nintendo game had it. And I've got one clean dating sim called Tea Society of a Witch. Nothing wrong with them. They're just interactive novels.

    145. @Rated-R PonyStar

      "2. While I personally do not want a rule 34, our job is to make the best game for the overall audience like any gaming group. Meaning if a majority of you want to have a Rule 34 version or a human version, that's all up to you guys and not us."

      okay. i'm not into furries that much, so please don't yell at me but i'm upset what you said. "our job is to make the best game for the overall audience like any gaming group" i was happy when you said that but then you go and say "Rule 34 version or a human version, that's all up to you guys and not us" i'm confuse? you said that you(and rest of the team)are going to make everyone happy(furries/34 fan as well, since the overall audience is the fandom, which has furry/34 ppl, yes those fans are in the fandom, so deal with it to anyone who says they're not part of this fandom) but if we want 34, then its up to us to vote for it??? ...huh? it makes more sense just to make a clean and dirty version. like any other dating sim out there. if i read your post wrong, then sorry but what i said about being two versions of the game,is true, there should be two.

    146. @pmcollectorboy

      .. Okay I can't stay out on that one. Besides, 'best I say before someone less kind does.

      As much as I would very much like to play the English version of tea Society of a Witch (it looks adorable), I found out recently that, like many other 'officially' localised Japanese visual novels.. it's a stripped down hentai game, and in its original language was an adult property. Not that I would say this makes it in any way worse, but it does undermine its usefulness in the above example somewhat, I guess.

      Now, CLANNAD on the other hand.. a work by people that generally do make H-Games, some of the most moving stories in the industry, too - was not an adult piece. It's also beautiful and stands as a testament to how amazing the romantic/dating sim/visual novel genre can be. It was almost a key text in my dissertation.

    147. ... Actually, thinking about it, Tea Society of a Witch originally being a hentai game, and yet getting praise despite all the damage was done to it in localisation/making non-adult (several removed paths and sudden endings and so on, by my understanding)..

      I think that might rather make the example better.

    148. @Anonymous
      thank you for pointing that out. the only thing that's wrong with the sonic fandom, is that the old fans bitch about the new sonic look. that's why i'm happy that the older fans of MLP aren't like that toward us.

    149. okay. this freaking dumb. the poll is a good idea but why have TRIXIE in it? its just one character and its wasting space on the poll. its not really that important. i hope they're not just doing that just to pleased seth or something...

    150. To everypony still bitching about rule34 or furries or whatever:

    151. Well I never said Tea Society was one of the better games. The game itself is actually pretty dumb and the writing delves into "modestly cute romance hijinks", which is the kind of stuff I like. I'm well aware of the original version, too. Which is why I bought a mod chip for my Dreamcast. Uh... >.>

    152. We need Trixie because every dating sim needs one of those emotionally distant types for challenge. Even the Harvest Moon games have those types.

    153. Oh for the love of god no rule 34. why must we defile everything like that? don't entertain notions of the sick perverts who can't control their urges.

    154. @Pegasi

      He doesnt actually run it. hasnt been updated for months. its dead. He just doesn't take it down. Which is pretty dumb IMO.

    155. @Pegasi

      Wow. I'm not even angry anymore. I am genuinely upset.

      I'm speechless. Really, Sethisto? Pastel-colored, cute little horses? You get off to THAT?

      This is why we can't have nice things. This is why NO ONE can have nice things. People like this will always ruin it for you.

      They will take over. It happened to the furries. Soon, all of us bronies will be frowned upon by the world... It is only a matter of time.

      Mark my words.

    156. @Anonymous

      If I confused you I apologize for not being clearer about it.

      The thing is we weren't sure if we were going to have a rule 34 or not. Some didn't think it was needed(Me being one of them) while others did. We know there are many who like Rule 34 stuff and of course they are part of the community as well.

      The poll was made to help us see what the audience wanted such as "Mare mode" and other characters they wanted to see as romance options in addition to seeing if they wanted different versions of the game.

      We are going to have a "Clean" version of the game first and that is what we are focusing on right now.

      As for the "Rule 34" version, if many people want it we will make it but it will be separated from the clean for those who don't want to play it.

      We, overall, want to make a game that everypony can enjoy. That is our overall goal as a group. We want you guys to have fun.

    157. @Rated-R PonyStar

      For the love of go please no rule 34. Why would you put reproductive organs on cartoon ponies? Don't let all the freaks rape our beloved characters. How can they defile a show they love so much? How can they destroy everything that makes the show great? its like they get off on destroying the innocence of it all. They might as well be Pedophiles

    158. @Anonymous

      The way I see it, Rule 34 is a sect.

      If they want it, they can have it.

      I just won't be happy making it.

      I feel that it is wrong fapping to pastel colored pony girls.

      We are, at least I am, (I don't know about the others) making this for the people out there, who want a game about ponies for a slightly more mature audience. If you can't handle a mature concept, don't play it.
      The game isn't operating on the following model:
      I am going to fu-k that>
      The game is going to be deeper than that.
      Just wait to see it before you judge it.

    159. @Anonymous

      Dude. Look. I get it.

      You don't like it. You don't like the idea.Okay, I respect that. I respect all the opinions that have been posted.

      I didn't want a rule 34 one either. I just wanted a clean version.

      But I respect the opinions and wishes of not only those who I work with, but those who I make the game for too. There are people who want a rule 34 one just as there are those who do not.

      Nothing has been decided yet on that topic, so there might not be one at all possibly.

      But The fact remains is that there is a possibility that it will happen (IF not by us, then somebody else).

      And it's already been done. I've seen hundreds upon hundreds of pics, fics, flashes, and more of MLP porn already.


      Everyone from the cartoons, to the movies, to the games, to anime and more. There is porn of everything and there is no "Innocence" in any fan group. It's just a part of life you have to accept.

      You many not agree with it and you don't have to like it. But that doesn't mean you have to insult everpony who doesn't agree with you.

      Because then aren't you betraying the true premise of bronydom?

      Love and tolerance for all?

    160. @Anonymous

      ppl like you make me sick! calling 34/furry fans pedophiles. its me sad that ppl like you, force us furry/34 fans to stay out of this awesome community.

    161. @Rated-R PonyStar
      thank you for explaining it better.

    162. Because I thought I saw this at some point in a pic, would you be able to romance Spike? And would it be with both a male or female character if so?

    163. @Bashfluff

      No. Spike is not an option. We're SO NOT going there.

      You will develop a close relationship like a brother or sister, but nothing romantic.


    165. If I may add my two bits to the rule 34 debate:

      If you want to eventually include sex as part of the story, make it implicit. That is, when you want to imply that sex is to happen, you might want to go as far as verbalizing and illustrating the object of the player's affection giving the player the green light. Tease the player with non-explicit pre-sex activities (deep kissing, unmistakable poses and words, unambiguous come-ons, etc.), then fade into white.

      At this point, you may want to investigate whether having an explicit verbal passage describing what happened is desirable, acting as a stand-in for animated fucking, which usually either is of poor quality itself or takes away from the quality of the rest of the game. I don't know whether players will like that; maybe do one as an example and give it out randomly to play-testers or something.

      Anyway, after the sex is to have been done, fade in from white to some suitably sexy but non-explicit scene that would happen after sex. The meme based on screenshots of Twilight waking up from "Bridle Gossip" that's been floating around image boards is a perfect example. I don't know; use your imagination.

      Anyway, the point is, imply sex, maybe describe sex, but don't show sex or naughty bits.

    166. @Anonymous
      you mean this?

    167. @Rated-R PonyStar

      Eh, I don't think it would be THAT bad. Spike has been shown to have inclinations towards romance as well as a maturity equal to the other characters. Whatever his age in dragon years, his level of intellect and maturity suggests a similarity to the mane cast in that way.

    168. That way being pony years.

      Aren't some (or perhaps all) the mane cast technically underage anyways, just more mature?

    169. It isn't that I'm incredibly interested, but limited your options for such an unfounded reason just strikes me as unnecessarily limiting yourself.

    170. ...not sure if want...

    171. Sounds like a really good project to me I cant wait.

    172. @Bashfluff

      Well we wanted a character who the main player could talk too like a bro to bro kind of guy and spike seemed perfect.

    173. Why not use a less important character. I mean, with so few male characters, limited romance options for male characters is already a proble, but purposefully limiting options, especially a popular mane character, seems silly.

      There are other characters, maybe Snips or Snails, which no one seems to like anyway, or background ponies.

      Why make Spike that character if it results in eliminating a popular, and one of the only, male characters, the one who we see the most, from romance?

    174. If you can romance Steven Magnet then my life will be complete.

    175. @Bashfluff

      When you do think about it is kind of silly that we are limiting ourselves by who you can romance. We have so far the Mane Cast and Luna, but their all females. It would make sense to have one male character to romance.

      Some did want Spike as an option, but others were afraid that because Spike is underage that it would lead to complications, especially if we made a Rule 34 version of the game.

      Characters like Big Mac or Caramel seem safer to do. We'll see what happens. Rest assured we are reading all your comments and we are going to discuss about them both on this site and on the poll

    176. @Anonymous

      Lol I never said furry. But i would aprrecitate it if people like you left the fandom. There wouldnt be any arguing over rule 34 or clopfics if nobody was around to talk about it or bring it up. would be perfect

    177. Will the player be faceless OCs or will we be playing established show characters?

    178. @Rated-R PonyStar

      Lol love and tolerance. this fandom isn't about that. used to be to ward off trolls. but its not a practice here anymore. Being a brony means your a fan of the show. also don't respect the opinions of those seeking to destroy what you love. might as well be respecting the opinions of rapists and pedophiles. I'm more of a true brony then you. I try to protect the show I love. the people here just sit by and let it be raped and destroyed. Good luck to them living with that

    179. If the ability to choose genders exists, I don't think I'd want to see romancing of Snips or Snails. There's a wide variety of background stallions in the show. Like Doctor Whooves. Or, lol, the cyclops pony.

    180. Oh brother. Here we go. The "no true scotsman" defense.

      The show will always be the show. That's not going to change, and it's still going. But we can't pretend these characters aren't adults and live in a stylized world that resembles our own. Even Lauren said that the babies in the show were made the good old fashioned way. To imply that certain bronies are on the level of rapists and pedophiles is sick. Don't like the subject material? Look somewhere else!!

    181. It's still going to be innocent, I meant to say.

    182. @pmcollectorboy

      I knew someone was gonna bring up that defense. I doubt she would have said that if she knew what it would be used for. but hey if you wanna go exactly by what lauren faust says then the maturity level of the mane six are between "12-17" have fun clopping to CP guys. btw if your argument for making porn of them is that they reproduce like mammals then I guess its ok to make porn of the little mermaid. and it wont be innocent if people who dont want to see the content are exposed to it. which happens quite a bit here on EqD. How am I supposed to get that saucy pic of Vinyl scratch out of my head? everytime I see a pic of her it brings it up. Every bit of content I see slowly errodes the innocence of the show

    183. This is fucking stupid

    184. Never Trim a beard, never trim a beard, potions that I'm mixin are bioengineered.

    185. The problem with that is all the mane 6 have a maturity of teens. Sone, arguably, are still there. They only changed the age of the charactrrs to keep parents away, and even then you coukd de-age them a few years abd they would still. act the same. If you're going to play safe, dont make it gay or have a clop option, because a lot of people make drama over both.

      Spike is a key mane character, and the most developed male, so not allowing romance with him for such a silly reason seems unreasonable, and youre shooting yourself in the foot.

      The problem with having a token gay charactet us simple: this game us. aimed.at the brony community. I dont think the straight males represent most of us. It should be e.joyable by all.

      Romance.games are about variety. You could.nt make a romance game with only one option, so why only give the gays one?

      Im not asking for a ton of male characters, but have a little variety rather than shoehorn one character in?

      And what of females? They want some male options other than pretending Twight has a penis. V

    186. @Bashfluff

      "Romance.games are about variety. You could.nt make a romance game with only one option"

      Sorry to keep leaping in with these observations buut... Planetarian begs to differ XD

      That said, I've seen a 'token gay character' done right in a more varied game before.. even if it was played for comedy. But still, CLANNAD's Sunohara path was just plain awesome.

      Not that I don't agree multiple options would be all the better of course.

    187. >No plans of rule 34 so far

      Please keep it that way. I don't really like rule 34 ruining my poni addiction.

      Aside from that, I'm looking foward to seeing more info on this :D
