Have some art!
Source 1 xanaeth
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4 need
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
I thought it was mud!
Source 8
Source 9
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Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Colt dash!?
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
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173 kommentaari:
Samus Aran pony? YES!
VastaKustuta#7 Ewwww
VastaKustuta#21 I´m coming Luna, hang on!
WTF is going on in #7?!
VastaKustutaWoohoo! Octavia and Twilight duet, epicness...
VastaKustuta#15 ...What? Just, what?!
VastaKustutaWHY would you -post- that in the Drawfriend?
Um...7? I...I don't know... Just leave me alone... I want to be alone.
VastaKustuta21 is the most adorable sad thing ever.
VastaKustuta#3 was great
VastaKustuta#7 has me...confused? is that the right word? I'm not really sure what it made me, but it's certainly not normal.
VastaKustutaI'm saying WWHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY?!? AT #7.
VastaKustutaThat goddamn thing's one of the worst things. Like. Ever.
#7: Before I clicked on it, I just assumed that was mud. Ewww.
VastaKustuta#20: Spitfire be bangin'.
No kidding, #7 needs to be removed. Its not appropriate at all.
VastaKustutaOn the other hoof, I really like the Octavia and Twilight duet. Some musician better make it happen.
VastaKustuta#11 A decent-quality Samus-pony image, must have more
VastaKustuta#23 I would attend that concerto
#2 Dawwwwww
HAH Trollestia
VastaKustutaWhy post a picture about pony poop?
VastaKustutaSamus is a pony.
I posted it on the Samus Aran Facebook page.
7# I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hope that's just dirt... and not... yeh...
VastaKustuta...I thought #7 was mud until I read the rage comments. That is disturbing.
VastaKustutaAnyway, I like some of the things on the list in #3.
"Get hammered"
"Shank you flank"
#7: What the frack, kid?
VastaKustutaOh, #15.
VastaKustutaThat's all I have to say.
Going to say that I really hate that there was so much shipping in this one...
VastaKustutaNot that 16 isn't cute (it is), but it still doesn't sit well with morals.
#15 - I think Fluttershy either won a bet, or used the stare. ;)
VastaKustuta#3 is sooooooooooo old. It's only just now showing up in Drawfriend?
everyone read Celestia's to do list on #3. its great
VastaKustuta@KShrike:............ and what morals would those be? I don't see anything wrong with shipping.
VastaKustutaYou're not a homophobe, are you?
4, 7, 15, 16, 20, Wtf is this sh*t? Why would you post that?
VastaKustutainb4 #7 shitstorm jokes
VastaKustuta#7 Is shit. What the hell? Why choose that one?
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie with wings?
VastaKustutaHow will Dash ever escape?
Trollestia strikes again.
VastaKustutaAnd that Gilda is way sexier than it should be... Confusing...
VastaKustutaI'm not a huge fan of it myself but how is it so inappropriate? Cause you don't like it?
Seth, I request that you please, for the love of Celestia, take down #7 NOW. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but that's not mud or dirt. That's fecal matter, and you should be ashamed for approving this being on this site. Take it down.
VastaKustutaOh, and besides all the ewww of 7 most of the art on this drawfriend is absolutely excellent. I particularly like the first one.
VastaKustutaI like the 8th line
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaIt seems that Gavalanche(#7) isn't even trying anymore.
VastaKustutaUm... in #7...
VastaKustutaSeth, I dunno if you realized it... but I think that's shit she's tracking around the boutique, not mud. The little "Prrrrrrrt" sound effect gives it away.
If it were mud, yeah, it'd be cute and funny but as it is... you PROBABLY should remove it.
VastaKustutaI'm not a homophobe, I just believe shipping between the mane 6 is out of character.
#20 also known as Berry Punch's new home.
VastaKustutalmao at #7
VastaKustutaYou must be new here...
ummm, yeah, gonna go with EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE and ask why on earth did you post #7???
VastaKustutaalso, couldn't stop laughing at #3
Um, yeah. Get #7 out of here. x_x
VastaKustuta@Dusty the Royal Janitor
VastaKustutaOne could also hover the curser over said image and just read the name of the link... :D
*puts on sunglasses*
Looks like the defecation just hit the oscillation.
VastaKustutaFor one thing, and I fully acknowledge this could just be me, I have a very low tolerance to things of scatological nature and thus when I realized what was going on in that picture I literally threw up. Its disgusting and while I am sure stuff like this happens in real life with babies and young children, you don't see people posting pictures of it all that often, now do you?
Awwwww #5 is adorable, good morning AJ :3
VastaKustutaOn #7... face it people. That is exactly what horses do-- and probably immature fillies.
VastaKustutaSTILL a bit offputting, but...
#1 Nightmares. We has them.
VastaKustuta#3 Oh Trollestia, you. "Have alone time with Twilight". Bow chicka wow wow.
#4 Mmm, Fluttershy's wing, nom nom nom.
#7 WTF?! Lmao. I know I shouldn't have, but I giggled at this.
#8 More soccer ponies. Twi is going beast mode here.
#9 D'awwww, the cute! So much cute.
#10 Of course, Lyra won the competition by default. As no other ponies were able to do it at all.
#12 NOW we know where all those missing socks go!
#13 Dem derp faces. "I claim this castle in the name of the Cutie Mark Derpers!"
#14 Why is she strapped to the pillow with a ribbon? :P I guess if her horn pulls her in some direction again, at least she won't loose her pillow. :)
#15 Dat maid outfit. Good one Fluttershy. Dash would hit that like a freight train.
#20 All that epic flying can really stress you out. Spitfire's kicking back and getting totally wasted tonight.
#21 Awwww, don't cry, Luna. You're breaking my heart. :'( Like the theory of Luna's tears turning into the stars though, cute.
#22 Oh, I like it. Very nice and good contrasting colors. I think Rarity would approve too.
#23 My cello is looking extra fancy today. This is my special performance one must be. And Twi plays a mean violin. :D
VastaKustutaThat's fair enough and while I personally found it a bit tasteless, I wasn't too offended. Some were, and that's fine. The only thing I really don't like about it is I think this Drawfriend has some real grade A art and I hope that 1 pic doesn't get all the attention.
How the hell do you miss what's going on in #7 but include a source link that clearly spells it out in the URL?
VastaKustutaPretty sure 16 is just supposed to be playful; the title is "Grrr!" and the artist said he doesn't like the face he gave Dash.
Not particularly fond of number 20... this interpretation works when the quality of the art is high, but here it's just a pretty standard pose of Spitfire with an odd expression and booze slapped on with a poor background. Tacky.
VastaKustutaAlso, there is level of quality control when it comes to the fics that get posted to this site, so why we can not ask for the same thing when it comes to art as well. I'm not looking to offend anyone, just stating my opinion.
#1: This is a sequel image to the Nyx one from the last Drawfriend, isn't it?
VastaKustuta#11: O__O Dude. Awesome.
#12: I thought we were done with socks...
#14: Hmm.
#21: Poor Luna slipped off her perch and nopony's around to lend a hoof...
"I thought it was mud!"
Damn. Double wingboner. Is that a record?
VastaKustuta#7 oh my. oh dear. that stains. poor Rarity. at least real horse poop tends to be ... more solid, at least from what i remember. very fibrous.
VastaKustuta#7 OH GOD NO
VastaKustuta7 is gone, I honestly didn't notice it. I do these drawfriends pretty quick.
VastaKustutaYes! More bed hair ponies with the "just woke up" look!
VastaKustutaSo sue me. I have a thing for that.
Oh silly Seth... Now we are free to continue our comments carefree and joyous!
VastaKustutaThe worst part about 7 is the fact her dookies look like Whoopers Candy...
VastaKustuta... what? they do. Though I thought unicorns pooped marshmallows. Now I'm confused...
#7 is blank. Now we'll never know.
VastaKustuta... i thought it was funny ...
#7: When I realised what it was I was simultaneously disturbed and laughing way more than I should have.
VastaKustutanot sure what the big deal is with #7 it's just horse shit, though I'm not surprised by the reactions you bronies can be so damn sensitive
VastaKustutaYes, we will never know...until people's curiosity exceeds logic and somepony posts the link...
#7 HAHAHA!! Oh my, that was funny.
VastaKustutaThis DOES beg the question of Why exactly we have not seen any toilets in Equestria. Someone has almost certainly addressed this, though. What was the common consensus?
Now i want to see what #7 was link pleaaase
VastaKustutaI read as much of Celestia's 'to do' list as I could and I laughed harder than I should have. Wish my art was good enough to get drawfriend. <:(
VastaKustutaHmmm. Maybe we need pre-viewers for the arts before they get put up, to avoid this kind of thing later on.
Caught #7 seconds before it was pulled. Why was that pic even made that's my question.
VastaKustutaWow, I logged in here just before #7 went bye-bye. I feel like I missed out on a grand and wonderful experience...
VastaKustutaNot really. Not to knock you Seth at all, but maybe having a screener or three for Drawfriends would be a good buffer against... special... pictures like these slipping past the radar.
@Rex Ivan
VastaKustutaThat sounds complicated :p
I didn't manage to see what #7 was...
VastaKustutaAlso, Nyx is epic in #1!
VastaKustutaI Like complicated plans.
Seth: "I thought it was mud!" Lmao. XD
VastaKustutawow, no im curious what #7 was (asides for horse shit)
VastaKustutaLate to the party...
VastaKustuta#7 "Huh? What was it?" *Reads comments* OH! Yeah, I'll just assume it was mud too.
#15 Is that Fluttershy I spy and did she use, "The Stare" to get revenge?
#21 almost one of those motivational posters, "Hang in there!" then you see the tears...
Didn't get to see #7, but from what I've read here I shouldn't bother.
VastaKustutaWhat was #7?
VastaKustutaAs to #7, folks should give Seth a break. He works really hard to bring us the Daily, and even amazing admins make mistakes.
VastaKustutaAlso, as to #1, I though it was just Nightmare Moon but then I found the picture on Ponibooru and FurAffinity, and was told out right it was Nyx, and it makes sense since she has no cutie mark.
And again, if find myself wondering, "Oh Lord, what have I brought to this fandom?"
I wish I had caught #7 before it was taken down, seems to have caused quite the stir xD
VastaKustutaSpeculation for #3's missing words.
VastaKustutaHave a mas(sive bitch fit)
Get very very (fat)
Do sw(imsuit calendars)
Cause a ri(ot)
(Te)ll Twilight (she's a nerd)
Banish (Seth) <---Hey that partial letter looks like an S!
Wild-haired Applejack is cute. ^^
VastaKustutaI'm genuiniely scared about #7 now... Thanks for removing it, Seth.
VastaKustuta#4,#6 and #9 are adorable
#11 It finally happened!
#21 Gave me diabetes
#11 Wheres the hoof cannon?!?!? #21
VastaKustutaWhy so much hate for harmless light shipping? I don't understand it.
VastaKustutaLots of awesome pics this time around, though I'm glad-sad I missed the shitstorm around pic #7, apparently.
#5 is lovely. So cute.
Nobody else wants to have a go at #3? This is funny stuff!
VastaKustutaThen morality has nothing to do with it.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#21: *hugs Luna*
VastaKustuta#23: YES!!!
And people are still on #7. The sooner we stop talking about it, the sooner the memory goes away.
VastaKustutaIf not, there's always brain bleach.
Yeah. I'll take some brain bleach.
@Pen Stroke Eh don't worry about who knew the story would blow up that big that fast.
VastaKustutaAnyways how about 18? I love the dusk lighting in it?
@Pen Stroke
VastaKustutaYou brought a wonderful thing, Past Sins is the best fanfic ever. XD And Nyx is the most adorable filly ever!
The rest of the world may never know about #7 lol
VastaKustutaDammit, now all I can think about is what #7 was, I need a link!
VastaKustutaTrollestia strikes again...
VastaKustutaAn aderpable Derby
Rarity & Rainbow Dash /)^3^(\
Samus pony
This is my favorite drawfriend so far.
I'm epic curious as to what 7 was.
VastaKustuta#22 need to be made into a 1080p wallpaper.
VastaKustutaUm... I mean... if you don't mind......
If you think 7 was bad...
#9 Mispronunciation inducing adowabol
VastaKustutaActually. . . I CAN see Rarity developing an affection for Rainbow Dash, seeing as how Rainbow saved Rarity's life.
VastaKustutaI don't know about #7 and I think I don't want to know...
VastaKustuta#14- RARITY IS GENIUS. I imagine that this quite possibly did happen. And her horn might even do this to her to this day.
VastaKustuta#15- Dat Griff centric plot.
#4 & 17- Daaaw.
#5- I'ma save that one. That is a beautiful distraught AJ. Or maybe it's morning AJ? Not sure, but I like it either way.
#2's pretty sweet and I like that scarf.
#3- Yes. I can only imagine this will be referenced on 'you are now Celestia' day if it isn't the pic used for it.
Pole vault Lyra is great :3 and there's a lot o' quality artwork there too for the rest!
Ok, I found it, just go on DeviantART and you should be able to find it.
VastaKustuta@Solar Flair Silly me, I meant #21, not #17.
VastaKustutaO my Celestia and Luna...
Why would you post something so dirty?
I think my laptop needs to another "douche".
VastaKustutaI can't believe I followed that link.
LOL'd at #7 just from imagining Seth's face when he posted the Drawfriend, went and did some other stuff for a bit, and then came back and checked the comments and went "OHFUCKDELETEDELETEDELETE".
VastaKustutaTo eveypony curious about #7. It wasn't that special. It was a pic that tried to be shocking, and it really wasn't. I'd still like to know what the artist was thinking when deciding to make the pic. Was it drunken whim, was it a try at trolling, or did someone bet the artist five bucks that it wouldn't be done? that is what I want to know.
VastaKustutaWell, at least Seth can be confidant that he has an innocent mind if he didn't see anything wrong with 7.
VastaKustutaI wish I liked Samus Aran pony more. For some reason I'm just not that fond of it.
despite the general "WTF!?!? DIE FOR POSTING THAT" response to number 7.... god am I interested now that I'll never see it and its gone.
VastaKustuta3 is all kinds of win (Clop! Clop! Clop! bit was hysterical)
8: oh god the INTENSITY
Found #7...*sigh*
VastaKustutaI hate crappy jokes.
@Solar Flair
VastaKustutaOh I don't know. #17 could be dawww, depending on your point of view.
VastaKustuta@pmcollectorboy Oh, it's definitely a nice piece of art, I just misspoke is all.
VastaKustutaIts because the artist literally seems incapable of drawing anything else.
#15 Fluttershy be Fluttertrolling.
VastaKustuta#11 *Pinkie gasp* SAMUS IS A MARE!
VastaKustutaI want to see what #7 was.
VastaKustutaWOW!!! Cutie Mark Crusaders Shitstorm Rocketeers!
#4 - Kindness's Reward fanart? Such a cute fanfic!
VastaKustutaWell done averting another disaster Seth. Well, almost, but still, caught it early on...
VastaKustuta#9 - I find myself at a loss for words. Oh Derpy, why you so cute?
#10 WOOOOOOO! Embrace your human side, Lyra!
#3 A lot of sexual things on that list Trollestia. Busy night?
#23 I can imagine them playing a song from Legand of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Yes. Very nice.
#20 Oh Spitfire, you and Berry would make quite the team!
#21 Please don't cry Luna! I say goodnight to you every day, and I'll be there when you take over the world, for sure! ...What? I KNOW you all do it too!
"Source 7
VastaKustutaI thought it was mud!"
#7 - It seems it was a SweetyPoo pic-- some parts of the fandom have her be .... mentally challenged, and not to long ago they added "shits herself" to it.
VastaKustutaI only just found out the context in which the word "shipping" is used around here and ya, I could do without that. Can't they all just be really good friends without getting all... creepy about it?
VastaKustutaI don't see a #7; did it get taken out?
VastaKustutaAlso, that Nightmare Moon has no Cutie Mark. doesn't that technically make it Past Sins fan art?
@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaYeah, and to me it looks like art of the scene where she destroys the evil part of herself that was trapped in Spell Nexus.
Hell yeah Samus pony
VastaKustuta@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaIt is Nyx and she's fighting off that Shadow that came out of S***l N***S if I'm looking right
Bah, I really need to check the site more regularly around drawfriend time. So often I miss one that gets taken down. No matter how bad it might be, the curiosity really gets to me!
VastaKustutaSame, I guess we´ll never find out...
Phew, I'm glad I didn't come in time to see what #7 was, judging from the other's comments…I have a pretty good idea.
VastaKustuta#11 Yeah!!!
#18 Finally, a decent vision of what RD would look as a colt.
This was very varied this time around.
VastaKustutaIf any of you are still curious about #7, here's the only one of that theme that could have any kind of respectability;
@Pen Stroke Awesomeness is what you brought the fandom.
VastaKustutaBe warend though, here are the tags; Sweetie_Belle artist:gavalanche comic edit literal_shitstorm prince_blueblood scat scootaloo sweetiepoo
VastaKustuta#12: I liked this very much; the sock themes were well chosen.
VastaKustuta#18: Surely, I'm not the only one that imagines that Rainbow Dash has a brother!
oh, how i lul'd at the recovered #7 links.
VastaKustutaAnd now #7 is the code number for... "horse apples"
VastaKustuta#15 DAT GILDA |3
Finally found #7 based on clues in the comments. The link that's been posted a couple of times isn't it. Here it is for the curious:
VastaKustutaIt is indeed quite terrible, but my curiosity is satisfied now.
"I thought it was mud!"
#7: That be some funny shit!
VastaKustutaHouse, it wasn't mud!
VastaKustutaAlso, JohnJoseco is invading the drawfag articles and I don't mind because he's an amazing artist. That is all.
Number 7 is on deviantart.
VastaKustutaThe artist is gavalanche.
VastaKustutaOh OHHH!!!
(Blueblood totally deserves that though. I actually chuckled a little to my eternal shame)
#7 is the new #13.
VastaKustutaIt's so horrible, that everyone who missed it wants to see it.
@Sethisto Could you perhaps post a link to it saying it's NSFW or whatever?
VastaKustuta@Select Few
VastaKustutaAfter seeing the comments, well... no thanks.
Besides, that Princess Awesome's to do list... best part is "Read cupcakes again. Eat a lot of cupcakes." Man, now I wanna read cupcakes again.
(lol jk never)
VastaKustuta"Slap Prince Blue Blood"
Take a close look at #21.
VastaKustutaThat's just cruel, not even Luna's tears want anything to do with her and are defying gravity to take the most direct path away from her.
#1 is quite possibly the most awesome (not best, but close) piece of Past Sins fanart that I've ever seen. Was I the only person here who thought it was Nyx immediately upon viewing it?
VastaKustuta#3: An oldie but goodie.
#6: Super Saiyan Pinkie Pie (aka Surprise) is terrifying. No one mare should have all that party!
#11: Samus pony ftw!
#14: D'aww!
I sure to complain a lot but "colt" does not mean "male horse", it means "young male horse", like filly means "female young horse"
VastaKustutaGet it right, people.
VastaKustuta#7 (laughing Sweetie Belle chased by Rarity as she spreads manure at full gallop in Rarity's boutique) LOL! Funny and well drawn. Thanks for the link!
@ Typhar: I wish I could draw that well on a whim, drunk or not.
#1 Awesome image
VastaKustuta#2 I like this one, its nice.
#3 I'll have you know im not that mean! Blueblood being an exception of course.
#5 Awwww.
#8 Twi Looks angry there.
#9 Derpy is awesome in that.
#10 Lyra's human training course is rigorous.
#11 Brilliant
#12 Oh..uhm I'll just be going now *shuffles away muttering about paparazzi*
#13 Scoolatloo's derpface scares me.
#14 Rarities destiny: Directors cut, withover four hours of new footage.
#15 I spy with my little eye something beginning with creepy Fluttershy.
#17 I do like the style of this one.
#19 Yes, I approve of this.
#20 That expression is Brilliant
#21 Luna was sad enough a long time ago. she needs more happy art now. Time to banish all sad Luna.
#23 This is awesome, Twilight would probably like octavia's music.
#3 oh lawd
VastaKustutalol at #7
VastaKustutaI already know what it was without seeing it here
VastaKustutaAncient image is ancient.
VastaKustutaI lost a bet. Sadly. God, Fluttershy can be a bitch sometimes.
VastaKustutaI give a lot of people those time and time again.
Hey everypony!
VastaKustutaNumber 7 is here!
lol at #3.
VastaKustuta"Clop! Clop! Clop!"
"Shake your flank!"
Why can't Nyx be incontinent?
VastaKustutaNow I wanna see #7.
I'll probably wish I never did, if I ever do.
But I won't pursue it.
Princess Awesome's To Do List was a hoot.