I want to watch a movie from a cloud...
Art time!
Source 1
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Source 8
Source 9 nekosammsi
Source 10 need
Source 11
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Source 13
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Source 15
Source 16 need
Source 17
Source 18 Hardway_Bet
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Fluttershy playing soccer is pretty awesome actually.
Source 27
Source 28
Source 29 valcron
Source 30
Source 31
Twilight screwed up a spell
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34
Source 35
Source 36
Source 37
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132 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI love that first pic!!
VastaKustutaMoar please
VastaKustutaLots of adorable Twilight in this set. Plus Dreatos' double filly Scratch whammy.
VastaKustuta#29 and 30 - Hooray for Vinyl Scratch
VastaKustuta#35 looks like LEGO...
VastaKustutaDO WANT!
This Drawfriend is pretty awesome in it's entirety.
VastaKustuta29 is hypnotic...
VastaKustutaI need a ponified Snoozer from Hamtaroo XD
VastaKustutaAnyway, that Spinning filly DJ Pon3 is funny, I love it!
and of course w00 to all the Luna pictures!
Poor Nyx, :(
VastaKustutaAnd Scratch is making me dizzy!
Lots of Twilight cuddling in this collection. Since there's no edition name, I nominate "Cuddling Twilight Edition".
VastaKustuta"You spin me right round, filly, right round! Like a record, filly! Right round, round round!"
*adds "watching a movie from a cloud" to the list of things Nam wants to do, but is unable to do so"
VastaKustutaHmmm... Just wondering, but what's the protocol for submitting an image alone (without a fanfic/story)?
VastaKustutaShould I just email it as an attachment with a title in the subject line?
>Trixie as a Hamtaro hamster
VastaKustutaCuteness... is too much...
...heart attack inbHNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
#29 ...Can't... look away... what's that Vinyl Scratch? Convert the nonbelievers? But it's kinda late and I gotta do homewor... huh? Now? I must? Well, if you say so... I'll get the Friendship Army ready to love and tolerate THE WORLD.
VastaKustutaIt is magic.
Hamtaro Crossover, check.
VastaKustuta#15: TOTALLY hearing Twilight singing Rather Blustery Day
VastaKustuta#31 HAMTARO TRIXIE?!?!?!?!? Why do that and #8 work so well?!
VastaKustutaA note on a couple of pics...
VastaKustutaSome of these are colorations of others' line-art. Linking back with an additional "source" to the original artist would probably be a good thing to do. (Yes, the original artists are linked by the colorist on their own page, but no indication that multiple artists are at work is evident here. You'd have to already know to look.)
Credit where credit is due!
OHOHOHOHOHO..... The DJ is giving me the diabeetus! ><
VastaKustuta#9, #10, #11, #34
VastaKustutaPast Sins fanarts
honestly, there should be a DFS just for Past Sins, considering it was just completed :D
Also, they are awesome.
VastaKustuta#7: All this crazy Lyra stuff is... well, crazy.
VastaKustuta#10: Great. Just what I need to see after finishing Past Sins. /sarcasm
#14: Is that jet-pack made of cardboard? And it's WORKING? Yeah, bro-hoofs are definitely in order Twi and Ditzy.
#26: Yes Seth, this IS awesome. Are there more soccer-ponies?
#29: She is having ENTIRELY too much fun on that thing... :)
#30: CUTE
#31: Ya sure it's a messed-up spell? Could just be some Great and Powerful cosplay.
Why has nobody made a Trixie-Fluttershy ship?
VastaKustuta#3 - 4.0 is for noobs.
VastaKustutaI love all these compensations for Scootaloo's lack of flight. Hot air balloons, sky diving, cloud cars, and now jetpacks.
VastaKustutaThere's a lot of Past Sins fanart, but not a lot of Fallout: Equestria fanart ever makes it into Drawfriends. I call shenanigans.
VastaKustutaSomeone has. It was called Kindness's Reward if I remember correctly.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#31 THE GREAT AND POWERFUL HAMSIE! Watch in awe as she pulls sunflower seeds from hr hat! There's not a Ham-Ham anywhere that has the magical talent to even compare!
VastaKustuta... I couldn't resist
@Pedro B. For the sake of avaoiding an unnecessary crapstorm Let's not and say we did.
VastaKustutaI really want to see #29 to "you spin me right round"
VastaKustuta#29: HHHNNNNNGGGG
VastaKustutauh hehehe. it say 1"69". Ooooo, more drawfriend!
VastaKustutaPinkamena Zagi?
VastaKustutaXD at the Hamtaro crossover.
VastaKustutaAlso, there's never enough Nyx art. In fact, anyone else thinking we should have a Past Sins Banner to celebrate its completion?
That spinning Vinyl Scratch is way too adorable.
VastaKustutaFor the love of God no!
29 + 30 OH GOD I CAN'T BREATH SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!!*chokes on the d'aaaawwww*
There you go ^^
@joetraincool I like the story myself but there are people very vocal who don't like the story for the sake of the site it's a bad idea.
VastaKustuta1. how sweet
VastaKustuta29. filly Scratch is the cutest awesome thing ever
30. see above
VastaKustutaXD I had a feeling that someone would (very quickly) announce their disagreement with my suggestion.
I assure you I meant it as a joke, of course Seth wouldn't do something like that.
VastaKustutaDamn, beat me to it. Oh well.
spinning... vinyl...
VastaKustutashes so adorable!!
#5 I know that feel bro
VastaKustuta#7 Sea Lyra canon yet?
#29 Stared at for a good 3 minutes. Will probably stare at even longer after I post this.
Lots of PS fanart here maybe separate DF since it completed? Or will that cause a shitstorm from haters?
The Vinyl Scratch ones are just too adorable!
VastaKustutaA lot of good stuff, but I just have to say DeeJay F1ll3 stole the show ^^
VastaKustutaAm I the only one you get's the Tales of Vesperia ref?
I had a feeling that was the case.
You should give Fiarel credit for the PJPinky coloring, not myself.
VastaKustutaAll these earth ponies sitting on clouds! That's unpossible!
VastaKustutaSorry, someone had to say it.
A lot of good ones and some nice d'aww, but plenty of wtf!? Didn't like this one.
VastaKustutaFilly DJ P0N-3 made my night, it's just too cute.
VastaKustutaAlthough, I have to be honest, I don't really understand the hate on OC's. Its not like Nyx is just some random character with no background or personality, like the facsimile I use on blogger, this is one with a well developed background and a great personality, and a 21 chapter story to back it up.
Same goes for LilPip (I know I'm not spelling that correctly), it seems to me when a character, canon or no, has received such recognition by the fanbase, a little nod here or there wouldn't hurt.
VastaKustutaWHY OH WHY does it HAVE to be that!? After seeing that one video of that going horribly, horribly wrong...
Oh, Lyra. You're not 'sexy', you're adorable.
Two completely different things.
You spin me right 'round,
baby, right 'round,
like a record, baby,
right 'round 'round' round
Hello, all my lovely, faithful followers of the night and star gazers, to the first monthly meeting of the Night Owls!
#26 here. That makes two drawfriends~
VastaKustutaSomeone please draw more soccer ponies?
Screw the internet. Valcron just won the entire freakin' universe. Spinning Scratch is the happiest thing I have ever seen. EVER.
VastaKustuta#29 - "you spin my head right round, right round"
VastaKustutaShe Spins ^.^
VastaKustuta#29: I'm getting dizzy just watching her spin, spin, and spin yet it's just so adorable to not look away.
VastaKustuta#29 alternately- I thought I told you that we won't stop, I thought I told you that we won't stop!
@joetraincool They have gotten some nods and what not but the amount of controversy for a banner for said OCs would cause the crapstorm of the century on EQD. Considering there are those with an intense aversion to OCs.
VastaKustutaBut getting back to your question on why the hate against ocs. Many feel it brings attention to the persons' Universe or character instead of the original universe per say. That and people don't like the way they look and how some turn out to be Over Powered Mary Sues etc.
But I digress,Ocs can be good if written/drawn well. But their tendencies in the past as I have listed a little bit will always bring some sort of debate when they are mentioned/seen.
18: Quite right, Miss Doo. Now for the last item on the agenda, whose turn was it to bring the muffins? That's right! General Tim Fillery, it was your turn.
VastaKustutaWhat? You brought Toast and Jam!? This is the Posh Muffin Appreciates society! We spread fruit goo on burnt bread on our own time!
Ditzy Doo, do you have anything to add, eh wot? "Muffins!" indeed Miss Doo! Luckily for you, General Tim, Chairfilly Miss Doo brought extra muffins today in her top hat, and is willing to share!
Okay, somepony needs to take #29 and put it up on Youtube to "You Spin me Right Round." Like now. Srs.
VastaKustuta@The Linker
VastaKustutaWait, never mind, there's only one. My bad! Pinkie's always excused when it comes to Laws of Physics.
Ohmahgawsh #29 is so cute!
VastaKustuta...During some rare instances I take a step back to look at what my brony side just said and think "Wow. I am so manly."
I still mean every word of it what I said though! So cute!
#1 I guess that would work, since there aren't any cars around. Though there are carriages. Also, those cheese fries look really good. Now I'm really craving cheese fries.
VastaKustuta#3 Twilight would play RP games such as D&D and such. I could see that.
#6 Aww, poor little scared Twilight. :(
#7 Oh no, not again! lol Seapony Lyra, goodness. Poor seapony Lyra isn't human and sexy enough. Also, shoo be doo!
#8 Kinda cool. Like the outfit and colors. Perdy.
#10 Aww, Nyx is cold and scared. I'd wrap her up in a blanket and cuddle her.
#12 Lmao. I love how RD is simply like "Yeeeeah... that's pretty disgusting, whatever" and starts walking away.
#14 Derpy! And Twilight brohoofing, wat? lol That chicken seems to be getting smarter. She will fly somehow. And RD in the background. <3
#17 Little butterfly pony, d'awww. Cute.
#18 Quite! /monocle
#19 Darnit, Fluttershy! Stop being so damn adorable! I don't think she can smile any wider though.
#20 Gilda be looking kinda evil and even meaner than usual in this.
#21 This is very cute for some reason.
#26 Fluttershy playing sports period is an interesting concept of course. Bet she'd be good too if she taps into that flutterage.
#29 Yay, animooted. Way too dang adorable. Bet that's a lot of fun too.
#30 Another simply maximum adorable filly Vinyl. Wanna hug her. <3
#31 Wow, I'd say. But no no no! This is not Great and Powerful!
#32 Filly Twilight has some serious raep face on for that book laying there.
#34 You better not hurt cute Luna NMM. >:(
#35 I'm friends with the person who did this one, very cool to see one of his pieces here.
#37 For The Lunar Republic!
VastaKustuta#30 D'awwww
Yay Twilight! WHY WUB YOU
VastaKustutaGo Vinyl! It's your birthday!
VastaKustutaFluttershy at #19: I think my cheeks are stuck
Aha I knew it 12# is Tales of vesperia
VastaKustutaPinkamena is Zagi
Dash is Yuri
Applejack is Flynn...((If you saw the last picture the artist did))
#5 Up all night reading? Yeah, I've been there infact it's 4:30am now stupid books.
VastaKustutaSpinny filly Vinyl is just too much for this cold hearted jer.
VastaKustutaI want to clarify that Nyx-Nightmare Moon doesn't have her cutie mark as of thus far, so any fan art with Nightmare Moon with a cutie mark (with or without Luna) is either artist error or not a Past Sins fanart piece. I'm not hating on Past Sins or anything else, It is just a common mistake that kind of annoyed me.
Now that is out of my system, I want that spinning Vinyl as an icon. I can't get enough of it.
Vinyl is the best pony.
*scrolls down*
#30 .... my previous statement is redacted to be used here. *SQUEE!*
The dawwwww factor on #30 just made my head explode.
VastaKustuta#32 - I know I'm not the only one getting "Neverland Ranch" vibes from this pic. *shudder*
VastaKustuta#12 - Oh Dash. You never see it coming.
#37 - "Ponies of Equestria, first order of business is changing the name of this country. It is now called Bannanarama and the National Anthem is 'Venus'."
#29 I have never, NEVER EVER laughed from cuteness. Ever.
VastaKustutaUntil now.
VastaKustutaThe people wanted to see it so I made it! You spin Scratch round!
#14 Is Fun. Pretty Ingenious if you ask me.
VastaKustutaAwe man someone beat me to it! oh well.
VastaKustuta#7 Will somepony please explain this to me? I'd seen like one sea pony comic prior to this, and I think I've seen like one comic where Lyra had robotic hands, but for the life of me I have no idea where they're coming from or why they even exist.
VastaKustuta#34 Anypony else see this and think about FF4?
#8 Is that a pony version of Stocking?
VastaKustuta#11 is Beautiful
VastaKustuta#29 is awesome
#30 is Da'ww
This Drawfriend is really good.
YAY for filly Vinyl!
VastaKustutaFrom all the MMO-Champ bronies:
Love you and your filly art Val!
So much awesome Past Sins fanart. I approve!
VastaKustutaAlso the spinny Vinyl Scratch filly is simultaneously adorable and makes me dizzy. @.@
Now how does Pinkie sit on the cloud with RD? She's not a pegasus pony.
VastaKustuta# 12: I would love to see a fic in which Pinky goes full Cupcakes but no one takes her seriously and due to cartoon physics and a G rating she finds herself completely frustrated at every attempt to do any kind of harm.
VastaKustuta#26 - Digging the Super Mario Strikers boxart style. Or Hotel Dusk: Room 215/The Last Window, style, if Cing is more your video game thing.
VastaKustuta#31 - inb4Hamtaro crossover fics.
#29 Nothing prepared me for how awesome that was.
VastaKustutaBest. Drawfriend. Ever.
VastaKustutaPomf =3
Spin Vynil Spin!
VastaKustutaD'awwwwww at #10
VastaKustutaKeep it away from Rarity lest it give her an aneurysm!
VastaKustutaYes, it looks to be so. Now all we need is a pony version of Panty, Garterbelt, and Brief (and sure, why not, Chuck too). I've already seen someone do pony versions of Scanty and Kneesocks (prolly on Ponibooru). After that, could Corset be far behind?
10- Some of the best art for that since the actual cover art. I'm impressed
VastaKustutaBiggest Drawfriend in a while.
VastaKustutaDamnit, Nyx! Why are you so cute?!
Brilliant and lovable post. Nice sharing.
VastaKustutaWatch Movies Online
VastaKustutaIm the creator of this one. I just made a panty one. Thanks for featuring one of my works btw. :)
(Please tell me I'm not the only pony to actually be worried about this...)
Oh Wider Fluttershy
VastaKustutaYou so unintentionally inappropriate
Oh wow Scratch..... @_@ whoa okay yeah *scrolls dken to stop looking at spinning Scratch* Can't do it. Ao totally awesome but I just can't do it.....
VastaKustuta@Ike Jager
VastaKustutawith the final chapter goin up yesterday, she did get her cutie mark. :)
Here's source 16
VastaKustutaI just listened to a 14-minute loop of the chorus from "You spin me right round" while watching 29.
VastaKustutaThis is now one of my favorite things.
Y'know, original strip for #29 actually had her spinning around in the opposite direction...
VastaKustutaI remember my days back when I watched hamtaro, great show, too bad cartoon network cancelled it.
But I could totally see someone continuing this until it is a sub-meme like ponies in socks
Filly Scratch is just freaking adorable :3
VastaKustutaI think #16 is pretty awesome
VastaKustuta#31 Hey guys! The artist for some reason can not post on here but she wanted to let you know she is only 38% done with the hamsters, she has 30+ more to go. You can view all of the complete ones ate
#19- This style gives me diabetes every time.
VastaKustuta#37 FOR THE NEW LUNAR REPUBILC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaSHE SPINS!
VastaKustutaAnd i find it very entertaining for some reason.. could watch it going on and on and on..
VastaKustutaOh well then, there ya go! I'd love to see it once it's done. Was always a fan of Banana Hair... er, well, I guess in this case she'd be Banana Mane.
What's so special about #8? It's just Twilight standing there.
VastaKustutaYou should specify the images and provide the links in your comment. 8^) It seems to me that blog-masters here are loath to go back and add links that people that go to the first source are likely to find for themselves.
VastaKustutaAnd that's how DJ Pon3 earned the nic-name Vinyl Scratch. 8^B
7: Nice.
VastaKustuta13: I DISAPPROVE.
33: Fantastic.
Why do I look so evil in Source 20?
VastaKustuta#5 i've actually done that before :/
VastaKustuta#12 ....what? im not disgusted or anything, just confused.
#29 <.< /\./\ >.> \/.\/ <.< /\./\ >.> \/.\/ <.< /\./\ >.> \/.\/ <.< /\./\ >.> \/.\/ <.< /\./\ >.> \/.\/ <.< /\./\ >.> \/.\/ <.<
idk if it's been said before but #29
VastaKustuta"I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!!!"
6 and 32 are soooo cute
VastaKustuta#29 SHE SPINS!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOREVER