Celestial Warrior edition!
Even a princess can look badass in armor.
Even a princess can look badass in armor.
Source 1
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Source 7 - uhh I miscounted.
Source 8
Source 9
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I used to play the hell out of this game.
Source 12
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Source 15
Source 16
I should probably find time to read this past chapter four some year!
Source 17
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Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Sorry trixie =[ Maybe next season?
Source 27
Source 28
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Source 30
Source 31 lulubell
Source 32
Now I want pizza.
Source 33
Source 34
Someone's busted.
Source 35 need
You guys will ship these ponies with anything.
Source 36
Source 37
92 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaOh God what
That pizza pony, ohgod. also filly twlight stealing cookies is D'aww. #22 has creepy lyra face again. i like #23. #30 lol luna's face in #30
VastaKustuta32: Pizza The Hut
VastaKustutaLol yaya :D
VastaKustutaAlright, who was it? Step forward now and I might take a year off your banishment!
VastaKustutaoops, that was a bit disjointed. need to read what i type more carefully.
VastaKustutaAll thanks to The Great and Powerful Trixie for this Drawfriend it would seem :P
VastaKustutaSource #3-One of the greatest games gets ponyfied.
VastaKustutasweet stuff as always
VastaKustutaHoly awesome! I love the Twilight ones! And we need more Dash "dressing in style" like #13
VastaKustuta#35 SPYRO WTF
VastaKustutaLove the space theme.
To the stars! You know they really aren't so far...
VastaKustuta*dons hipster glasses, "Though I did see this on dA earlier..."
Also, NYX!!!!!!!!!!!
#32 ...I am both hungry and disturbed. Good job, artist! XD
VastaKustutaPrize grabbers are the best game ever. You can win stuff
That space marine is impressive. It's hard to get power armor to look natural on anything, much less shape it for a pony!
VastaKustutaThat line with the angry Trixie pic don't work, the latest rumour is that she's going to appear in Season 2, remember?
VastaKustuta"Even" a princess can look badass in armor? Seth, I think you misspelled "especially."
what the... interesting pizza pony lol
VastaKustuta#23, yes please, I want to shake your hoof... then hug you mucho princess luna!
go Ditzy, Go ditzy, Go Dizty, Go dizty!
/continues cheering!
#32: You just can't be serious
VastaKustuta@chinlamp Actually those rumors were deconfirmed
VastaKustuta17: Lyra is most pimpingest pony.
VastaKustuta#32, Pizza OC pony is best OC pony
VastaKustuta"No. The Rapist Said Y'all Were a Dream."
VastaKustutaStupid Celebrity Jeopardy.
22: If pony Lyra acts like a human how does sea Lyra act? Pony?
VastaKustuta28: Further proof Fluttershy is BEST pony and SCARY pony. You have to love her...
32: New fic I smell coming soon about how ponies are turned into food?
VastaKustutaThat entire rumor set was disproved! Trixie has no reason to come back in season two, so for now its up in the air!
If you're wondering why Lyra is a seapony, she wants to prove that Applejack has in fact met the mythical creatures known as "humans".
VastaKustuta#32 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33n-IS8a1S4&feature=player_detailpage#t=84s is all I could think of. Careful what you eat ;3
VastaKustutaGotta love #3
VastaKustutaOooooOOH Celestia! The pills aren't working!
VastaKustutaOutside that she is a little weak IMO ( No offense, unless she was under pressure and unable to cast anything significant with the ursa infront of her ), they set her up to being the best pony to become Twilight's Rival in season 2.
Remember now, if Celestia has a personal student... Luna can have one too =P
35 why just why
sooooo many cute fluttershy pics.....daaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww
VastaKustutaIf only #8 wasn't a smurf and was a Black Templar or a Space Wolf it would be so much better.
VastaKustutaBah, stupid thunderstorms. Had the usual ton of stuff typed and the electricity went out. :( Oh well.
VastaKustutaDon't feel like typing it all out again. So lots of nice pieces as usual.
17 looks ... interresting; now we know why she's always sitting that way.
VastaKustutaAnd nice post i like (nearly)all of them
lol at number 3.
VastaKustuta#17 Yes! And so it was that mobster Lyra came to rule over all of the Equestrian underground.
VastaKustuta#17....Lyra be pimpin big! I always knew there was something special about that Pony. The pimp hoof, its strong with her.
VastaKustuta#3 is complete and total bawss.
VastaKustuta#11 - Pinkie looks pissed. Ditzy must be winning.
#16 - I've been meaning to get around to reading this sometime...
#18 - I can see that happening in an unreleased Vinyl Scratch tape.
#19 - nice, saved as a wallpaper
#21 - as if Dash needed to get any cooler... ^_^
#26 - I never really cared for Trixie. Bite me, Sethisto.
#28 - ...Flutterrevenge?
#18 is my favorite of this group. I really like the Octavia-Vinyl Scratch duo.
VastaKustutaTrixie quit hi-jacking the site (and Seth) for your own gain ;3
VastaKustuta#34 Celestia help you Twilight.
VastaKustuta...wait, not even Celestia will help you now. You're doomed.
#18 Clearly Scratch had just got done DJ'ing it up and is still partially deaf, much to Octavia's chagrin, and just assumes she was talking at a normal level when she almost blew up Octavia's drums with her greeting :P
VastaKustutaI keep saying, Spyro's world canon can mesh with Equestria's with little to no trouble. So why haven't I read that crossover fic yet?
VastaKustuta#24 Hasbro made little filly Trixie cry >=[
VastaKustutafucking lol'd at #3.
VastaKustuta#21 is the best one out of all of these imo.
VastaKustuta*blinks* So ah can see...
#34.I steal your cookies Princess.
VastaKustutaPlease don't be mad at me...
Holy crap this just in! Sea ponies took what was suppose to be Trixie's return episode! NEWS AT 11!
VastaKustutaOk enough of this it's raid time =s
Here's hoping we get to start working on some new heroic this week... *thinks back to Alysrazor H* -sigh- take care everyone
1. wrong eye for Celestia
6. I don't play Starcraft, but...Fluttershy = Kerrigan? wat
17. clearly Lyra is the boss of sitting
21. it's Super Soni-err, Super Rainbow Dash!
22. wat
26. lol'd at the picture of Sethcube
28. people sure do like portraying Fluttershy out of character
32. fuck
#1 is less Badass and more Adorable
VastaKustutaAw, stop hatin' on Skylanders Spyro, guys! He's cute in this post. ^^
VastaKustuta@Conner Cogwork Oh man, I'd LOVE to read that crossover. I've been a fan of Spyro since I was little and I'm not stopping now. ^^
VastaKustutaOh God, PIZZAPONY.
VastaKustutaRun, Silvermane, RUN
VastaKustutaAll I could think about was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33n-IS8a1S4
At #24 I involuntarily whimpered. This is something I've never done before.
VastaKustutaI would say she does, to wrap up her arc at least and see if she's learned anything.
#17 Awww yeeeah xD
VastaKustutaTWILIGHT IN MATHMAGIC LAND! I have to do it!
VastaKustuta#15 Is epic. Although shouldn't their helmets be on?
>MFW I drew #17 and it got here.
VastaKustutaPretty awesome! xD
#26: Trixie doesn't cry, she weeps FIRE!!!
VastaKustuta#20: They look too much like stallions to me... Besides that and the shipping, though, nice drawfriend. Saving a few of these.
VastaKustutaLove #3
VastaKustuta#18 - I expect the answer to the question is "Preparing to bite you"
Oh god oc, oc everywhere
VastaKustuta18 is great XD
VastaKustuta15- We are Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. And we can breathe in space.
17- Yes, this pleases Lyra. Also Derpy sexy poses best <3
8- Really neat. I get the feeling this is influenced by something but I don't know what.
2- :3 daww.
#20: Is Pinkie not worthy of stained glass?
VastaKustuta#9: Impressive!
Oh, Fluttershy, you so dirty!
VastaKustutaDammit, Lyra! Now you're just abusing the system! It's a good thing you're a girl!
VastaKustuta18: What the filly?
VastaKustuta21: WHAT THE FILLY?!
37: Eager look for Twilight.
I don't know why, but I just love #30. It's so cute.
VastaKustuta#3 is taking Swantavia to a whole new level!
VastaKustutaWoo I got 3 in this drawfriend! #24 and #34
it may not be much but oh wow for #9, AJ portrait-ish pic
VastaKustuta11 and 24...nuff said
VastaKustuta#17 The Background Ponies Mafia is here!
VastaKustuta#15: Dash and Twilight are prepared for if Celestia tries to send them to the moon.
VastaKustuta#3: All my YARRR's. Shut up and take them!
VastaKustuta#2 Awwww
VastaKustutaLol at #18 Octavia and Vinyl interacting.
#20 looks badass, reakistic ponies drawn with style.
#28 :o
#30 *squeal*
#6 ... muta's are parasprites! its all so clear now!
VastaKustutaHey guys,
VastaKustutaI'm the artist of #37. The source is:
Thanks for another drawfriend!
Well I'll be damned a quick doodle and it makes it to ED. Glad people like it :D
VastaKustutaTrixie's not in season 2?!
#35 you said the same thing in another drawfriend when somepony shipped Dash with one of those teapot from beauty and the beast. Wait it was Dash right.....?
VastaKustutaRecently, I saw a comment on a Flutterrage video saying that Cupcakes was written about the wrong pony.
VastaKustutaThen, I thought about how Fluttershy was the only Mane 6 who wasn't a main protagonist, victim or villian in any of the side stories or alternate endings.
Then I saw #28.
My claws aren't that big.
VastaKustuta*Clicks on #20* @_@ *goes to Sakuyamon's DeviantArt page, clicks on download link* Oh. My. God. Who Art Celestia. *saved*
VastaKustuta> Twilight is oh so beautiful in this one.
> Oh wow the patterns. I wonder if I can get my car painted like this.
> How come Pinkie doesn't have a column ^h^h^h^h window?
> "Because she would break it?" is the answer. Oh. Still OUTSTANDING.
Loved the Ponycraft II and DDR ones.