Because it's Scootaloo day.
Have some art.
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Source 4 fiarel
Source 5 palestorm
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124 kommentaari:
Starburst wins! Flawless Victory!
VastaKustutaScootaloo day is best day so far.
VastaKustutaI guess Nightmare Moon doesn't like Bananas.
VastaKustutaHaha #27 Do you like bananas?
VastaKustutaHa, 27, do you like... hmmm, BANANAS! TOO THE MOON!
VastaKustuta16 = awesome, 5 = cool
VastaKustutaNightmare Moon is a bitch who likes bananas!
VastaKustuta#27 ON THE MOOOOOOOOON!!!!
VastaKustuta#27 oh god, LOL
VastaKustutaA Celestia sundae? I am too d'awwwwed from #13 to think of a name for such a flavor.
VastaKustutaHa Nightmare Moon was sent to the MOOOOONNNNAAAA!!!
VastaKustutaNo, The stars aided in her escape. BANANA STARS.
VastaKustutaso i herd you liek bannanas
VastaKustuta"TO THE MOON!"
#5 has me dieing of cuteness, i cant take it.
VastaKustuta#11 This call for retaliation *looks down at #12* yes that will do just fine make them think twice about pranking fluttershy.
luna finally figured out that she doesn't like bananas.
VastaKustutaluna finding a new friend is always both awesome and tragic.
Bon Bon on shaky legs. Soooo cute.
VastaKustuta#22 is very well drawn, definately saved
VastaKustutaand I couldnt stop laughing at #27
@Roman500 FUCK YEAH IT IS!!!!!
VastaKustutaIn #22, Pinkie is breaking the 4th wall . . . again
VastaKustutaAlso, 22 is awesome. Someone needs to make one of the confrontation at the castle now.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWhat the hay is going on in #3...
VastaKustutasource 10 made me shit my pants. and the clopfic for that more that likly exists.
VastaKustutaon a lighter, non disturbung note...
who is that dragon in 26. i. must. have.
#6: Aww, that's adorable.
VastaKustuta#12: BURN GODDAMN YOU!!!! (Spontaneous Combustion)
#6*** damn fatty fingers, wrong number
VastaKustuta3. >Rarity's face
VastaKustuta4. at first glance...
10. Luna is participating in this? oh my
11. Pinkie's gonna have to teach this bitch another lesson I see
15. Bon-Bon doesn't look stable
16. leet
23. I like the new look Trixie
24. this doesn't look promising
27. bitch that likes bananas
Trixie! Who made you an admin?? You can't post Drawfriends, that's Seths job...
VastaKustuta#14 reminds me of the Goron Boss from Zelda: Twilight Princess.
#26 made me giggle. The voice sounded like one of the demon sorcerers from Jackie Chan Adventures (totally watching it right now, but torrent is taking FOREVAR)
#27 I smell a new sequel plot for who stole Donkey Kong's banana's in Donkey Kong Country Returns 2 THE MOON.
VastaKustutaThat doesn't strike anybody as Well, okay then.
#5 = Creepy Luna is creepy. I love it.
VastaKustutaThis whole thing was pretty great! ^^
VastaKustuta#24 though... is someone going to eat Celestia??
#27 Just- put- a- banana in your ear!
#22, 23, and 12 are just all pretty dang epic :3
#10, 11, and 7 are hilarious!
#6 and 9 Are just so cute!
#2 Winter... start up?
VastaKustuta#22 .. both reminds me of the storybook intro from the first episode, as well as the opening sequence of Zelda: Wind Waker..
VastaKustutaWonderful art all around as always though!
VastaKustutaDeathwing, from World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
@Solar Flair
VastaKustutaForgot to mention that awesome high speed spitfire! That's just win.
#21 is mine :D :D :D So much fun to draw.
VastaKustutaSome great pictures to help commemorate a great milestone!
VastaKustuta#3: I LOLed, especially at the thought of Rarity trying to make all 9*10^9 snowflakes on her own. She's already going Derpy eyed at just 4?? Oh dear...
#4&6: Fiarel is quickly becoming one of my favorite artists. I love the black and white with just a small splash of color.
#7: Poor Pinkie Pie, she is sooooo doomed!
#19: Yay Berry Punch! Love the one one the left.
#22: Awesome piece, looks like right from the book Twilight was reading in episode 1.
#26&27: I LOLed again on both of these.
Oh god, #24. It's because she's a marshmallow.
VastaKustutaAlso, loled hard at 27. ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!
#21 Filly Colgate!
VastaKustutaFangirl squeal ^.^
#19 - The one on the left reminds me of Suika Ibuki. The Touhou ones have usually been cool to see.
VastaKustutai wish he wud post my paintings up
VastaKustuta#10 Well, that's certainly one way to get a cutie mark.. ouchies. :<
VastaKustuta#11 Oh Gilda, you troll you. Poor Fluttershy, run!
#14 Twlight seeking an audience with the "Firelord", aka Ragnaros, to ask him to stop burning down crops and forests.... Guts. Twi has them.
#15 Aww, well, at least Bonbon is trying. I like Lyras pose and really happy dancey demeanor in this. Rose is a cute tough too. :)
#22 Really like this pic and the style. Cute too.
#24 The song Pour Some Sguar On Me suddenly popped into my head with this one. I wonder what Celestia tastes like in that... inb4 "raisins"
#26 How did they even fit Deathwing in the tree in the first place? o.O But Deathwing smoking a hookah. I have friends who would think this pic is simply epic.
#27 Do you like mmmmmm bananas? It doesn't seem like NMM is enjoying her bananas... on the way to the MOOOOONNNNAAAA!
I don't understand #5... Why is her cutie mark dripping? What's with the eerie feeling that's radiating from this image?
VastaKustutawhy thank you my good stallion.
totaly agree bro. its just...suggestuve.
5: Took me a minute, but that's an awesome picture. The subtlety makes it that much better... And creepier.
VastaKustuta9: Don't like the style, but the premise is cute :3
10: What the hell!?
11: Gilda... Thats not right, subjecting that poor dragon to Fluttershy.
12: The mare climbed over the mountain, the mare climbed over the mountain, the mare climbed over the mountain, and what do you think she saw?
16: OP Twi, my favourite!
22: Very well done.
24: My new favourite dessert, the Chocolate Sunrise. Yum.
26: I laughed.
There's something about arsonshy that I find oddly appealing.
VastaKustuta#28: YAY for kits making it onto drawfriend!
VastaKustutaI love Pinkie in #22!!!
VastaKustutaThese are all great, but #22 is my favorite. AMAZING! (And Pinkie Pie . . . LOL!)
VastaKustuta#21 DAWWWWWW!!! Why does every character look so cute as a filly? I'm not even a huge Colgate fan and I still couldn't help myself.
VastaKustutaFluttershy and InuYasha made my day. I LOVE InuYasha!!! Also a lot of awesome pics again, laughed hard at NMM fleeing/escaping wkth/whatever with the bananas..... xD
VastaKustutaNow that I think about it, #1 makes a lot of sense. No wonder they never show Scootaloo's mother, I don't know how well they'd accept seeing a giant bird. It also makes sense why she's so fond of Rainbow Dash now, being a flier and rainbow colored just like Scootaloo's mom.
VastaKustuta#9 makes twilight look Asian
VastaKustuta#21 Oh god, not that, anything but that. Tiny Colgate. Too...much.....d'aaaaaaaaaaaaaw.
VastaKustuta#26 is epic for so many reasons if you know all the lore on Deathwing....
VastaKustutaStill have no idea how he fits in that tree though
#4 And thus, Twilight Sparkle edged a few inches closer to taking over Rainbow Dash as my favourite pony.
VastaKustuta#5's hidden subtext makes the image that much more awesome. also, mmmmmm bananas
VastaKustutaNumber nine was my favorite.
VastaKustutaThe huge bird thing has one of those dangly red things on it's chin! It's a Giant Chicken!
VastaKustutaAlso #23 reminds me of "Of Mares and Magic"
Everything is so awesome, and Nighmare Moon with the bananas, hahahaha.
VastaKustutaI wish I understood #5...
VastaKustutaLove number 3.
VastaKustuta♪Autumn Wrap-Up
Autumn Wrap-Up
Let's start up our holiday cheer
Autumn Wrap-Up
Autumn Wrap-Up
'Cause tomorrow Winter's here
'Cause tomorrow Winter's here!♫
#9 and 10 made me :3 and :D, in order.
VastaKustutaI love it!
#27 SUDDENLY, BANANAS... thousands of them!
VastaKustutaI just realized something...
VastaKustuta#24 + #27 = Alicorn Banana Split Sundae
VastaKustutalol #27 what was the name of that video I saw it and I forgot it's title now I can't find it again!
VastaKustuta#5 & #6
VastaKustuta#5 OGOD The wonderful friend, is it drugs? Tell me its just ink or something.
#6 Molestia...
VastaKustutaAlso, the original Poison Joke farm source is a lot less yellow if anyone wants to +fav the real source.
#10 The thought has crossed my mind... >_<
VastaKustutaWhat is this doing here.. oh
#22 is awesome
VastaKustuta#27 made me chuckle
and I give up, what is #5 referencing?
I saw #5 on my 3DS while out... I saw the drip, I could barely read the text... When i got home and saw it on my computer... that EYE... That's a bittersweet image. She looks so happy... she won't feel happy for a millennium now. Oak-ki'id
VastaKustuta#22 I LOVE this image. Props to the artist for having Pinkie Stare at the viewer of the image, and not Nightmare Moon! I fully back the "How Equestria Was Made" fanfic in the implications it suggests... It only makes sense! Oak-ki'il :D
#27 Wow... That was such a cheesy video, but it was hilarious! BI-YATCH don't like bananas! TO THE MOON! Oak-ki
#22 is nothing short of absolutely amazing. Love it love it love it!
VastaKustuta#4 & 6 the art is really cool here, but... what?
VastaKustuta#5 Oh man, I love this.
#10 what the shit man? That said, the look on Celestia's face made me chuckle.
#22 Very cool.
#27 Trollestia -would- spam bananas like that.
Wow... People still don't see #5... Look at the eyes... Poor Luna...
VastaKustutaThis drawfriend needs more orange chicken.
VastaKustuta#22 Outside of the fantastic artwork, this reminds me why Pinkie is best pony. I literally laughed out loud.
This was an interesting bunch of pictures.
VastaKustuta#09 is cute.
#10 is something. I don't know if I want to know.
#15 is just plain adorable. Lyra is the best.
#27 is hilarious.
#27 NMM is a mmmmm BEYETCH who likes mmmmm BANANAS!
VastaKustutaWait.... "Posted by The Great and Powerful Trixie?" Since when?
VastaKustutaFluttershy used the Stare too hard and the forest started on fire.
VastaKustutaFilly Volgate. FUCKING HNGGG
VastaKustutaI meant Colgate...
VastaKustutaWhat's with all the inuendo?
mattfirstar DA
#24 and #26 the 2 winners for me :D But the others are are very well done aswell!
VastaKustutaFor some reason, this drawfriend was uninteresting to me.
VastaKustutaIt still had some really nice works though.
Scootaloo Day?! Ignoring the wise-ass bird remark, that's awesome! Scootaloo should have days more often, considering, you know, that Scootaloo hasn't ever been mentioned at the beginning of a Drawfriend post until now. >_>
VastaKustuta#5 is awsome, creepy Luna indeed
VastaKustuta#9 is Cute, Twilight looks so happy.
#15 made me laugh, Bonbons face especially.
#26 was brilliant, Spike looks so annoyed.
#1 Is that the chinese zodiac rooster? or maybe an adult form of a phoenix?
VastaKustuta#3 Summer Wrap-up, summer wrap-up...
#10 The REAL story behind cutie marks. Is that really an Alicorn colt?
#15 SO good to see a pic of Lyra an Bon-Bon getting along. Too much focus on conflict between them lately.
#26 Haha, as if Deathwing is really the cultured one out of that pair. How is he even fitting inside the library? It bends my mind...
VastaKustutaWoke up this morning, check EqD.
See picture here.
5,10,19 r the best lol
VastaKustuta*gasp!* #10 Its a male Alicorn! The origin story of Discord ALREADY REVEALED!
VastaKustutaThat was fast.
For everypony wonders who that GIANT BIRD is,
VastaKustutait's a Simorgh, or also labeled as Saena Bird:
Time to expand your mythological common knowledge, bronies !
@Dat Fucking Writefag
VastaKustutaThe Wikipedia article you're pointing at depicts The creature as having the head of a dog or possibly a human face.
Doesn't seem to fit the picture quite as well as mythical giant birds from other cultures.
The creature is actually a Coatyl, a close relative of the Phoenix. Very rare. It's an Aztec representation of a dragon.
VastaKustuta#27 so Celestia was will find bananas on the moon.
VastaKustutaAww, I was really hoping it was the Zodiac rooster. I makes sense since Scootaloo is headstrong, likes to show off and is also part chicken.
VastaKustutaAre you a bitch that likes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bananas?
Glad that people found my banana picture funny.
VastaKustutaThe video by the way is "friendship is magic bitch" for anyone who forgot what it's called.
@Pony In Chief
VastaKustutaIn case you haven't noticed it, the commission title says SIMORGH.
@RainbowLeader 510
It was depicted as a half-dog-half-bird, but during Medieval times it seems to have turned into a giant chicken.
RainbowLeader 510,%20Sam%20and%20Simorgh%20on%20mountain%20l-%20Houghton.jpg
VastaKustutaSo #6.
VastaKustutaShipping + sisters in the name.
Yet for some reason I like it.
#9 Idk if I approve of hooves on Twilight. Still cute.
VastaKustutaSo you´re a beeatch who mmmm loves bananas?
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#24 - saucy :3
VastaKustuta#5, so awsome XD
@Dat Fucking Writefag
VastaKustutaOooh! It's the Simurgh!
I'm not familiar with the original mythology, but I read Xanth, and Simurgh is fairly important in those books.
Holy shit, I thought I was the only one who knows Xanth.
VastaKustutaI hadn't read all books, but they are nice.
Come on, Pinkie. You're the master of time and space. Surely a mousetrap is no problem for you.
2-Luna is partly see through?
VastaKustutaI also liked:
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSo apparently checking the source helps - it IS fanart for Of Mares and Magic.
VastaKustutaI feel honored!
#23 is so fanart of Of Mares and Magic! And my favorite picture in this Drawfriend <3
VastaKustutaIt's a crying shame Hasbore isn't allowing Trixie back into the series... they clearly don't read enough Trixie fannon fics xD
Geez the possibilities she had as a character for the show... boo Hasbro! boo! *throws tomato's at Hasbro's writers and whoever turned her down for a reappearance in s2!*
Number 15 though made me happy for no reason other then it made me happy just seeing Lyra so happy! SHE IS THE EMBODIMENT OF HAPPINESS!
#26 Don't matter what it is Deathie rules are rules and there is no smoking of any kind in a Library =[
#4 "..." was my expression. Someone needs to make a flash out of that. I don't like soda but if I saw this as a real commercial I think I'd be hooked.
Man! I pull the best pranks on Fluttershy.
You should have seen the look on her face before the thing ate her.
*Laughs but slowly dwindles away*
#5 Maybe I just look at things far too darkly, but... is this implying that Luna's new "friend" is Nightmare Moon?
VastaKustuta#11 Sorry Fluttershy, but I lol'ed. I wish there was more Gilda in drawfriends, but then I'm probably the only one who likes her, so...
#25 is an interesting juxtaposition (as well as being *TOTALLY AWESOME!!!*) because Inuyasha and Fluttershy are such diametrically opposite personalities -- Inuyasha being a brash, loud always-looking-for-a-fight type (i.e. closer to Rainbow Dash -- and, give him his due, just as loyal to his friends!); while Fluttershy is, what else, shy and retiring. And the art style is cute as hell too!
VastaKustutaThanks for liking me...
Fluttershy tooka leaf outta Cave Johnsons's book.
VastaKustutaDragon gave her lemons, she burnt his house down.
VastaKustutaI think so, but that still doesn't make sense of why her cutie mark is dripping. It especially doesn't explain why it appears the ink or whatever is running down both sides of her leg.
It is probably supposed to be a thousand years ago when it all started.