Cele is a freakin bad-ass edition!
Firefox yells at me when I type "badass", but splitting it into bad ass kind of kills the flow. Is the - the correct way to do it?
Anyway have some art!
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(I can't wait for this game..)
Source 11
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(huge resolution! )
Source 13 megasweet
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Source 17
I...wait what?
Source 18
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Source 23
I really like this pony style. Usually I prefer their canon forms over everything, but I could roll with a show using these.
Source 24
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Source 26
Madmax Pony! She breaks the rules and dances while doing it.
Source 27
Source 28 Virgil Pony
Source 29
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95 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaAlso, forgot the break.
Why did this fully load on the front page?
VastaKustutaSoarinPie: The show's one Canon Ship.
VastaKustutaFor some reason this is showing up in full mode on the front page. But its still awesome! Also first?
VastaKustutaSeth, I think you derped the page break.
VastaKustuta@wackyteen Seth missed a page break again. It'll be fixed soon enough.
VastaKustutaIgnore Firefox. Badass is badass.
VastaKustutaFourth! Also forgot the page break!
VastaKustuta2 - Roseluck!
6- Luna scrunchy face!
24 - Dash! On a bike! Fuck yeah!
#13- "Commence Rainbowdash suicide attack!"
VastaKustuta#15 Hey This is fun!
VastaKustuta#16 Oh dear...
Wikipedia sez badass & bad-ass are both correct.
VastaKustuta#21 aww poor scootaloo
VastaKustutaSeth! You Derped the Break! xD
VastaKustuta@Madmax Pony:
Rarity bitch-slapping other ponies?
VastaKustutaHell Yes!
#10 I really hope Fighting is Magic will turn out how we expected it to be.
VastaKustutaForgot the break, didcha, Seth?
VastaKustuta#6: Looks like Luna's been on the receiving end of the Pinkie Sense...
VastaKustuta#8: Really? REALLY?! What is wrong with you?
#10: Rarity is insulted by your pick-up line! *SMACK*
#14: Fluttershy is so cute...
#15&16: TWO Fluttershy+Fan pics? YAY!
#17: Hmm... Pika-loo? No... Scoota-chu! Yes. That is awesome.
#19: White Rainbow Dash? Did she achieve the Super Pony state or something?
#20: Lol, Macintosh's face...
#28: Chicks dig Scootaloo as much as they do Dash. Are we SURE those two aren't related somehow? :P
Source #19
VastaKustuta(Screw my "My Little Pony & Sonic the Hedgehog" fanfic referral)
This is fucking awesome!
#14- K-On and MLP. Huh... you know what? This works. I'm not sure if that's surprising or unsurprising, but now I demand a Yui and Pinkie Pie picture!
VastaKustutaSilly Seth you forgot the page break.
VastaKustutaSeth, you really do need sleep don't you, you forgot the break...
VastaKustutaOMG! my first no break. its awesome!
VastaKustutaPage breaks are for quitters!
VastaKustutaForgotten break edition, again.
VastaKustuta#19: WHOA!!! How in Equestria did she become white?!
VastaKustuta#19... Well, the idea's finally out there, at least.
VastaKustutaThanks, Seth.
>afk for 15 minutes
VastaKustuta>Blog breaks
Nothing new there I guess!
Also, #10... wow... it's strangely fitting with Rarity. "I'MMA SLAP YA, FILLY!"
VastaKustuta#7: Octavia Forever.
VastaKustutaWhen I try to open the first image, I just get a new blank tab; I had to go to the dA page to download...
For #23 I think the art style looks good as a still image, but it would be an absolute nightmare trying to keep it that detailed while animating. Still, I especially like the work done on Rarity and Pinkie's eyes. Sort of reminds for the the Power Puff Girls Anime for some reason.
VastaKustuta#1 More epic pony badassery. Love it!
VastaKustuta#10 Lol, shit that is one hell of a left hoof bitch smack Rarity has right there. I can't wait for that game!
#24 Seen this one already but it is one of my all time favorites. I hope that artist does more ponies on bikes in this style, it just works so well.
#20 - This is why AJ is the Apple bucker and Big Mac is the cart puller.
VastaKustutaTesting Solar Flair post one more time... still won't work. I made like one post with that blog. Did I get blocked by EQ Daily o.0 for making one upset post?
VastaKustutaRarity... bitchhooves people for an attack? Fitting.
I absolutely would love it if some chicks thought Scootaloo was their mommy :3
VastaKustutaI really think Octavia is the best background character design. Just me.
VastaKustutaYou say no OC ponies,SETH!!!
VastaKustutaAlways love these Drawfriend stuff, Usually get atleast 10 pictures a day!. Picture count somewhere over 1.6k and it keeps growing!!!
VastaKustutaHoly crap!!! Awesome Drawfriend as ALWAYS Seth!! :D
VastaKustuta#8 was too hot for my normal pony folder, had to drop it in the clop box. Otherwise, awesome!
VastaKustutaAt first I thought 10 was a case of I slap you with my mind. but then I noticed the leg movements.
VastaKustutaNumber 14 isn't the first time I have seen K-on crossing with Mlp.
#17 wow that one is old. Also I'll see your pic, and raise you one:
Two Drawfriends in a row?! Really?
VastaKustutaThat settles it. You must not have gotten the email. That's okay. I'll just resend it.
So, ponies with fans will be the new ponies in socks?
why.jpg.png indeed.
Coming this summer:
VastaKustuta"Equestrian Pie" starring Soarin' and Apple Pie
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#1 - The only thing more epic than this is the rest of this brony's DA page. I hope he considers making some art for the potential MLP metal compilation album in the works, because this is some fucking METAL artwork right here...
VastaKustuta#6 - I don't have a definitive preference between happy/sad Luna, but SHY Luna is ALWAYS best Luna!
#9 - Awesome Scootaloo is awesome. I always wonder how/if they're gonna work her previous generation's butterfly cutie mark into her current FiM personality...
#7 & #11 - I will be a sad pony if Octavia doesn't at LEAST make a BG apperance in season 2. All the awesome fanart and fannon around her now has really endeared her to me.
#10 - I know that feel, Seth...
#17 - Scootapikallooachu? Pikascootachualoo??? Too many...syllables. braian...stutting... dwn..,.,.'/
#28 - No wonder poor Scoots put on that Pikachu costume! Obviously it was to detract from that chicken stigma that will now follow her to the end of her days!
These are cool. I always look forward to the new drawfriends.
VastaKustutaThe front page picture... perfect for my fanfic... too bad I can't draw.
VastaKustutaThis is easily one of the best Drawfriends I have seen in some time.
VastaKustutaWho made number 2...
VastaKustutaIs Awersome!
#1 Another very nice and dynamic piece from this artist. Love it.
VastaKustuta#6 Aww, poor Luna. Hope no pianos or anvils or carts fall on her. :(
#7 Looks very nice. Like it as a nice clean side shot too. Always look so down in these though. I guess I am the angsty artist. :P
#8 lol "Oh apple pie, you so silly."
#10 I most definitely concur. I can't wait to play it as well.
#11 I am playing left hand-.. hoofed, in this one. Which is fine, because I am left hoofed. Well, technically I'm ambidextrous. Very nice pic.
#15 & 16 Fluttershy being her usual cute self. But seems she's a little scared of it still, aww. *sqeak* Like this cute fan series.
#16 It's a chicken... wait... it's a Pokemon... it's a chicken pretending to be a Pokemon. Oh, those sneaky sneaky chickens...
#20 Haha. Yeah... maybe you should just stick to plowing Big Mac and leave the bucking to AJ. For the trees sake. :) And Bloomberg's dad?! Noooooo! Poor Bloomberg will be devastated. :'(
#23 It's a really nice style. And it's even cuter than the normal one. So much sugar-coated cuteness. Give me many cavities.
#24 Badass. And that's one hot custom chopper, Dash.
#28 Aww, looks like the little chicks found their mommy. So cute. Especially the one that has tucked itself into her tail. <3
Pretty much everything was great today.
#4 That can't smell very good
#5 Meanwhile Vinyl Scratch is out defeating an Ursa Major in unarmed combat cause that's how she rolls
#7 I love the style of this one.
#8 John Joseco is now the master of pony shipping
#9 I also love the style of this one.
#15 Wheeee it's like I'm back at flight camp
#16 Wait I hated flight camp
#17 And then Scootaloo got her otaku cutie mark
#20 I find it oddly entertaining that, judging by the bucket location, Apple Bloom knows exactly which apple she's aiming for
#26 I hope we don't get too many complaints about OC ponies because this is awesome
Number 16. The fan stopped and her hair got stuck like that.
VastaKustuta#8 wat.
VastaKustuta#10 BUCK YEAH! Take that, ruffian.
#11 'TAVIA!!! <3 <3 <3
2. Screw the rest.
VastaKustutaMy eyes shot open big time at #10. Any news on that game makes my day (or night).
VastaKustuta#1 reminds me of the painting "Battle of a thousand Pillars", by Alex Boyd.
VastaKustutaRarity's Bitch Slap Attack...?
VastaKustuta#1 Is amazing, will probably be my desktop background for awhile sometime.
VastaKustuta#3 is cute
#15&16, looks like someone turned the fan up a setting.
#20 made me laugh, if applejack could banish things to the moon im sure Big Mac'd be there now.
#29 is cute, spike will probably be carrying alot more books by the end though.
#1: Overwhelming situations will present themselves fiercely, and I admire Celestia's strong fighting spirit. In other words, an amazing piece of art.
VastaKustuta#5: I don't see this happening. But, I suppose Trixie will stop at nothing to prove the merit of her magic.
#6: Even Luna is cognizant of the Pinkie Sense.
#7: Personally, I find Octavia to be inspirational. And this piece is no exception.
#8: It was really only a matter of time before something like this was posted. But, I think I've seen this somewhere before... I can't really remember...
#10: Axiomatic, Seth. I too am unable to wait for this game to be released.
#11: Even in a different style, Octavia still stands out all the same.
#13: My bet is on Rainbow Dash.
#15, 16: *Chuckle*
#17: Ah, Scoota-chu is only trying to prove she's not a chicken... Or she's looking to obtain candy during Halloween.
#20: Need a hand, Applebloom? I'd be glad to assist, but I think the results would mirror Big Macintosh's...
#24: Somepony's probably going to make pony motorcycles one day.
#25: Chicks indeed dig the chicken.
Mane 6 game is badass.
VastaKustuta(See what I did there?)
#20 Mac went for the killing blow.
VastaKustuta#23 Weee
#29 What a lovelty slice of life picture :o
anyone got a good name for the Soarin' and Apple Pie shipping?
VastaKustutaWhere are my filly ponies in socks going AaAaAaAaAaAaAaA into a fan?
VastaKustutaWe gotta peg that a-dawwww-able meter!
@Wolfe KuPo
VastaKustutaWarm. Apple. Pie.
Just that...
I HOPE that's only a costume, and nothing involving Pinkamina Diane Pie...
#8 - Soarin'/Apple Pie is my OTP
VastaKustutaEpic showdown at the top there.
VastaKustutaIt's badass.
VastaKustutaRARITY, USE DOUBLE-SLAP! SCOOTALOO, USE.... chicken dance? ._.
VastaKustutaDoes anyone have an opinion on #22?
VastaKustutaI don't that often actually click the #1 image larger, not even when my own work warranted #1 place. But that one up there just begged to be more closely observed.
VastaKustutaWhat is that chicken doing in cosplay?
VastaKustutaWAY TO GO VIRGIL!!!!!!!!
VastaKustuta@Rose Luck
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutanot the kind of comment I was expecting/hoping for...
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThis is probably the best shipping idea I've ever seen
#2 RoseLuck
VastaKustutayay for bestpony!
I want to like #4, but the anatomy is...weird. Is her tail attached to her left leg?
VastaKustutaWhy does Scootaloo have a butterfly for her cutie mark in #9?
VastaKustuta#1 I love this sort of epic MLP art. Truly awesome!
VastaKustuta#10 Hah, it's Bi*chslap Rarity! I hope Prince Blueblood shows up in the game so Rarity can do this to him.
#24 I so love Baron Engel's work; and it's all the better since he gets his ideas from lucid dreaming a pony version of himself into Equestria. And can you imagine what life in Ponyville would be like if Dashie got her hooves on that hog and went roaring up and down main street in it?
#17 Who's that pokemon? It's Scootachu!
VastaKustuta1. badass indeed. don't listen to Firefox Seth, it gets angry when I don't capitalize the T in Youtube, shows what it knows
VastaKustuta2. nice art style
8. wut
10. looks like Fighting Is Magic is coming along nicely. that's just the way Rarity should attack, quick and swift
17. a chicken disguised as a pony disguised as a Pikachu
20. lol
28. and here we see the wild chicken in its natural habitat, surrounded by its kin
VastaKustutaScootachu - Electric/Flying type
#28 "I'm not your momma!"
VastaKustutaAhh, that classic storyline... I'd love to see how an episode of MLP would make it amazing. I giggle at the thought of Scootaloo accidentally becoming the mother of newly hatched chicks, and searching for their real mother - a real chicken.
Firefox? Well there's your problem xD Ever used Chrome or Opera? They're both nice, but Chrome is more faster and I like how it looks on Windows 7 :)
VastaKustutaFirst image sort of reminds me of The Lord of The Rings its looks like Celestia is fighting of ringwraiths on the watchtower from the Fellowship
VastaKustuta23... just splendid A new Zune wallpaper for me! :D