Swanlestia edition!
Also short edition...slackers
Source 1
Source 2 theshadowbrony
What are these a crossover with? People keep sending them but no one responds when I ask!
Source 3 theshadowbrony
Cause they are pretty creepy.
Source 4 need
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
I think you missed the ice cream bowl Twilight
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13 recycletiger
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Never did play the newer megaman stuff
Source 18 Spitshy
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
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123 kommentaari:
Wierd stuff this time. Love the battle Spitfire one, though.
VastaKustutaNumber 12....
twilight covered in thick pony cream....WAT
VastaKustutaToo short, Seth!
VastaKustutaAt least 30!
VastaKustuta#14 this enplanes EVERYTHING
VastaKustuta#13 cute =3
#6 is now my new TF2 tag
#19 - I can see this being an epilogue to "Nocturne." Awesome :)
VastaKustutaSource for #4: http://fav.me/d46l2k7
VastaKustutaI thought the porno ones were supposed to be hidden.
VastaKustutaWhat's number 7 doing in plain sight?
Hey, Twilight? Mind if take some'a that whip cream off'a y'ur... uh... hooves?
VastaKustuta#19 That is just too perfect.
VastaKustutaIt's whipped cream...
VastaKustuta#7 uhm.....what the....
VastaKustuta#13 and #19 made me d'aww though.
VastaKustutaHoly **** Sweetie Belle! Abusive much?
'DAT #7.
VastaKustutaI don't know if #18 is supposed to be referencing something, but it is pretty awesome.
Kevinsano #7: So this answers Rarity's question: Ponies wallow in whipping cream. DreamWhip when they can get it.
VastaKustuta#14: It all makes sense now!
VastaKustuta12 was interesting, though I would have preferred Twist in place of Sweetie Bell.
VastaKustutaHaha it wouldn't be so short if you'd "remember" to put in my art, Seth. =p Ya know, the ones you promised 20 drawfriends ago.
VastaKustutaI'm really glad the whipped cream can was in plain sight in #7. Nice pic, but deserves a saucy link. Or maybe just chocolate sauce.
VastaKustutaJaw dropped on the last two! Just awesome.
VastaKustuta#2 i found the pony's DA account earlier and all it said in the description for twi's pic was that she was i corruption armour but not any kind of crossover
VastaKustuta5. ...does this technically count as Tsundere?
VastaKustuta7. Ur doin it rong.
14. ...Doesn't even BEGIN to explain the reality bending issues...
I thought it said swastika edition, also some of the drawing you sent seth might have been deleted by blogger or whatever he uses, that's happened to me before and I had to resend them.
VastaKustutaWell Seth, It wouldn't be as short if you didn't post it so early perhaps. More time to find pictures and all.
VastaKustuta#17: Luna platz is now a pony. I'm requesting a ponified version of the entire cast now (wave forms included) I heart the star force series.
VastaKustuta#2/#3 the only thing that comes to mind is Borg but I doubt that is the case.
VastaKustutaIt's not tsundere till Night Mare starts acting all cute and cuddly and submissive/passive. Appearing disdainfully next to me being happy does not count.
Why has nopony commented on #20 yet?
VastaKustutaThat's freaking spectacular, that is.
VastaKustutaBut it's nothing we haven't seen before.
#5: D'aaaaww
VastaKustuta#12: Haterz gonna hate.
#14: All makes sense.
#1 Swanlestia! This is kinda strangely fitting. Cute too.
VastaKustuta#2 & 3 I'm not sure myself, but I kinda like them. They seem vaguely familiar. I probably know the reference, but it's just not clicking for me.
#4 Wow, this is chaotic. And I'm loving it. I see me in the window up there. I'm totally going "wtf?" lol
#7 I'd say. Where's the syrup and cherry though?
#12 Hah. I bet I know what most are thinking when they see this. Or maybe I've just got an awful mind. :)
#14 This is how Pinkie appears out of nowhere so often. Besides, y'know, breaking time and space and all.
#19 Oooh, I love this piece. Very much so. Beautifully done. Also, my eyelashes are looooong. But I quite like them like that. :)
#21 Really liking this one too. Very cool-looking. The effects are indeed awesome in this. Twi's power level is... some high number. ;)
Young Soarin and Spitfire on #15.....AWWWWWWWWWWW!
VastaKustuta#4 source is this one: http://fav.me/d46l2k7
VastaKustuta12. I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!
VastaKustutaWhat's up with #14? Why is Pinkie a unicorn?
VastaKustuta6. Sup
VastaKustuta7. Oh, Twilight, what ever are we going to do with you.
8. I love fanart of this game!
14. That explains so much!
VastaKustuta12: whaaaaaaat?
18: spitfire lost it i guess...(still awesome tho)
19: dawwww
20: Holy hell! run for cover!
#4: There are so many stories intersecting with each in other in this pic that I can't even keep track...
VastaKustutaSo the singer in #19....did Lyra dye Sweetie Belle to look like Bon-Bon or something?
VastaKustuta#1 Celestia is definitively a swan
VastaKustuta#4 Is Amazing, it reminds that there might be a episode where the mane 6 visit an urban town
#5 Nightmare Moon as Luna looks pretty awesome
#7 send it to the moon
#8 More story Of the Blanks, love the red-blood version of the necro ponies
#12 someone get that killed
#15 ughh...what's up with his face
#20 Awesome
#21 Double Awesome
5: NICE!
VastaKustuta7: WHAT?
12: NOT YOURS! and, why sanils?
15: so ....cute!
18: i don´t know, i like her expression
the little pony (jelly)
#2 & #3. Apparently not a crossover with anything, but those attachments look an awful lot like the plasma casters Predators use.
VastaKustutaPretty much every one of these entries is something weird or creepy... I LOVE IT!
VastaKustutaehhh not best draw friend
VastaKustutaAre 2&3 my spacial cyber pony???
VastaKustutaSwanlestia? Sounds like a new meme to me!
1. oh god someone cut off the princess' legs
VastaKustuta4. I now want a mini-arc in season 2 where they gang move into the city
21. pretty badass
#14 That explains a bit of her complete disregard for physics. Although, now I've seen Pinkie as both secretly a unicorn and a pegasus, so putting two and two together... Celestia and Luna may not have their exclusive club anymore.
VastaKustutaAlso, #16 is awesome. Never enough Luna.
VastaKustutaAnd then I brought #7 back to Equestria, just for Seth.
And Trixie.
And Dash.
And Fluttershy.
And Rarity.
And Sis.
And ...
#1 More egophiliac goodness
VastaKustuta#7 Lol, stupid tasty Twilight :P
#20 Awsome work.
Source for #4 is Shutterflye from DA in case nopony else has mentioned it.
Am I the only one who thinks that #7 is kinda saucy??
VastaKustuta#10 Did he really have to use that post as the source?
VastaKustuta#12 - It was nice knowing you Snails...
VastaKustuta#5 Is this actually the first time we've seen fanart of Nightmare Moon without the armor? And I don't mean Luna.. 'cause.. she's right next to her in that same pic!
VastaKustuta2+3: I get the feeling that its Warhammer 40k crossover. 2 looks like a tau tech crossover, and I dunno what 3 is.
VastaKustutaWHAT IS WITH THAT BOTTLE!? is that... is that her TONGUE in there or is she throwing up into the bottle? If that is Berrypunch's tongue then DAMN! that is one LOOOOONG tongue O_O; thing looks.... wow that's just something... and all that just to get every last drop of her drink she can out that bottle!
VastaKustutayay I got posted!
VastaKustutaAlso in #11, Derpy looks kinda scary.
7 - Err...something tells me she couldn't help herself with that bottle of whipped cream.
VastaKustuta12 - Snails is seriously going to be faceplanting if Sweetie Belle tells him to sit, which would be quite hilarious if anything.
5: Has a strange charm. I really want Luna to look like Nightmare Moon in season 2, just with solid hair (Celestia-like maybe) and regular eyes.
VastaKustuta7: Despite the obvious, I think it's kinda cute. Twilight trying to be seductive/suggestive is just too adorable.
where did 2 and 3 come from?
VastaKustuta#4: Just think of it as an all-pony remake of "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World".
VastaKustuta#1 They should've went the rest of the way and gave her a bird's head.
VastaKustuta#4 This reminds me of that old Mario Kart parody game, "Mario Does the Weekly Shopping"
#5 I know it doesn't say she's tsundere, but
"(`_´)Don't misunderstand, I didn't stop trying to make it nighttime eternal for you! But I...I'm really glad that you did. (^///^)"
#7 Um, Twilight? I think you weren't reading the book you thought you were reading. The one on how to make Ice Cream Sundaes was a few shelves to the left...
#10 Is that her tongue in the second picture? Um, wow. That's impressive to say the least.
#12 I guess Snails couldn't get over being a stepping stone with Trixie. I guess it makes sense, Snails being Snails and Sweetie Belle being a little slow.
#17 Ponies make me want to replay EVERYTHING my goodness!
#18 Now Spitfire's wandering in the Everfree Forest? Man, these ponies should really avoid that place. Even Zecora's place is awfully far in.
Thanks once again for the feature on #15 dude! More on the way!
VastaKustutaFOUND IT.
VastaKustuta2: http://theshadowbrony.deviantart.com/art/Corrupt-Applejack-252948406?q=sort%3Atime%20gallery%3Atheshadowbrony&qo=0
3: http://theshadowbrony.deviantart.com/art/Corrupt-Pinkie-Pie-252934193?q=sort%3Atime%20gallery%3Atheshadowbrony&qo=1
VastaKustutaNow see I'm just not getting a 40k vibe from 2&3. The segmented armor and weapon design just don't go with tau, or any other 40k race for that matter, and the second MIGHT be eldar if you REALLY try, except for what looks like some kinda viney possession. It looks more like some sort of anime... that I REALLY want to know the name of now.
#7 Stupid sexy Twilight XD
VastaKustuta#21 UNLIMITED POWER!
Yeah was about to say, it looks like Spitfire herself has managed to stumble into Sunny Town. WITH A VENGANCE
VastaKustuta#14 would explain a lot... but I think her horn is ingrown. That also explains the crazy.
VastaKustuta#4 is the first drawfriend pic that made me say "WTF is going on here?!?"
VastaKustuta21 kinda makes me think of "Dangerous Buisiness"
VastaKustutaDare I say it, this may be one of the best drawfriends yet! keep up the great work artists!
VastaKustuta#7: Clearly someone has been getting into her sister's private stash.
#5: NYX LIVES! (Yes, I know that it's NMM from the source's own mouth, that's not the point!)
@ #7 WTF Seth? Did you run out of saucy buttons a few drawfriends ago or something?
VastaKustutaLol #1 is missing her cutie mark!
VastaKustutaShe fixed it on her devianART account, though.
#7 Dear God, TWILIGHT! You messy naughty pony |3
VastaKustuta#9 Why I'm starting to love Berry Punch more than Lyra, Octavia or Derpy?
#10 LOL SAUCE 83 (sneaky much Seth?)
#7 Sethisto dude, thats just creepy. You need to reevaluate your humor for the non-4chan world.
VastaKustutaHow the hell are people having a problem with #7, its your own minds that make it dirty :P
VastaKustutaBtw a better source for #10 is here http://kooner01.deviantart.com/#/d46o2in
Why in Equestria is Ninja Woona not in this Drawfriend! For the love of Celestia have you ponies not SEEN it!?
#1 I think she is just in deep water so you can't see her leg
VastaKustuta7. I'm at a loss for words.
VastaKustuta12. I can totally see this.
#19 Sweetie Bell joining a band with Lyra and Octavia: called it. Still really nicely done.
VastaKustuta8: The dead will bear death, the damned shall be damned, every soul of Sunny Town lost, slain without a word.
VastaKustuta@4:33PM That sounds like a cool idea. I'll see what I can do over the next few days.
VastaKustutanumber seven disturbs me
VastaKustuta#21 I love this picture. I can't wait to see what the animators will do with Twilight's power. Maybe shes even more magically powerful than Celestia?!?!
VastaKustuta#4 Ponies here in San Francisco? I APPROVE OF THIS NONSENSE! also, Source, as others posted http://shutterflye.deviantart.com/art/Silly-ponies-doing-stuff-252925495 I knew it looked familiar: Much similar to the other chaotic "Pony Bus" from the same artist...
VastaKustutaNumber 19 is so. . . frikken. . . awesome!
VastaKustutaOh Celestia...
VastaKustutaDat #7
VastaKustutaUgh, don't remind me. I disgust myself with how cute I was...
#7. Can I get a colored one with Luna? Or Trixie, that would be nice.
VastaKustutaIt does explain a lot... Of course, she already used it on her wings, and is only now getting to her horn! THAT would explain even better! :D
#8 Story of the Blanks, nice! That game was one of the scariest things I ever played.
VastaKustuta#4- Is it me or does that ring strongly of the Sonic pictures you can see in at least one of the collection games?
VastaKustuta#17- YES.
Personally I rather like the style of 2 and 3. I don't see what's creepy.
Number 7...
What in the world with the suggestive twilgiht?
VastaKustutaSource for #4:
#2 could be a cross over with Sonic The Hedgehog comics. Bunny was robotocized to that extent. Might be drawing a line with the whole southern girl thing.
VastaKustuta7... Can I uh... maybe... lick some of that... icecream off you... if... that's alright... please...
VastaKustuta#21 is making me think of the WoW crossover fic I read and that Twilight is casting Arcane Nova.
VastaKustutawtf is going on with #4? Also, gotta love #18. So badflank.
VastaKustuta#12 is cute in a weird sort of way.
VastaKustutaAnyone else think that midget Bon-Bon and Lyra were about to be wiped out by Pinkie?
VastaKustuta12... Fic please!! :DDDDD
VastaKustuta#7 is NOT Saucy at all! #7 is creamy. So, sooooo creamy! :D
VastaKustuta#2 Applejack looks bad flank like this, BUT...
VastaKustuta#3 Pinkie is crying... She's CRYING!!! This takes all the bad ass away from both images, and makes them terribly sad. It reminds me of the scene from that Star Trek crossover where they encounter a Borg Celestia on the viewscreen, in a recreation of the famous Borg Picard scene... God that part was too much for me...
I don't know what these two images are modeled after, but they remind me way too much of danged borg.
It's one thing to have grimdark ponies, where ponies are sick, or dying, or tormented, or at war... but when you take all they are and corrupt them, that is where I have to close the window and move on...
These always make me sad.
Also, Borg are creepier than anything else ever imagined that tortures, maims, or kills. Borg leave you alive but take your free will away, forcing you to do the bidding of the collective till you die. Star Trek, Y U make worst big bad evar?
0. The Swan Princess?! XD
VastaKustuta4. Pony Chaos!
16. Nice slight horse realism with Luna here.
19. Must be Blues Night. :'(
20. Like the Powderly-like Style here.
21. Super Twilight?
#7 really should be under saucy.
VastaKustutaI'm a bit disappointed here.
I love the fuzzy look on these ponies. It makes them SO a-dawww-able!
VastaKustutaFuzzy Sweetie Belle and Snails plus fuzzy AND creamy Twi... Epic cuteness!
Dem Blanks!
VastaKustuta#8: Definitely one of the best pieces of art about that game.
#4 and #6 rules
VastaKustutaActually, the 'Swanlestia' one made me think of the Pegasi from Fantasia. An entire family of Pegasi fly down from the sky in one of the earlier parts of the film, (which part specifically escapes me at the moment), and 'swim' along looking much like Celestia does in the first pic.
VastaKustutaOr it could just be Celestia as a swan. -shrug-
Same anon as just before - just realize I failed to mention the Pegasi family flew down and landed in a lake - and only the upper parts of their bodies were visible, much like in the first picture. I'm an idiot, my bad. XD
VastaKustuta#12 - "C'mon Snails, you're not getting out of this one! It's time for our WEDDING."
VastaKustutaI am not marrying him.
VastaKustutaHe's just becoming my eternal slave.
Did you really think I wouldn't marry a prince like my sister?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#7 gives me the strangest wingboner ^.^
VastaKustutaoh god #7! what is she, drunk?
VastaKustutaI do believe they are crossed over with the Borg Seth. Just sayin.
VastaKustutaYou can thank me later