Fiiiiiirrrrrrssssst! Getting bored, count the firsts. One first, two firsts, three firsts...getting bored of firsts. Want to go back to no firsts. First's are boring.
#1 Joking aside, that pony on the left in the first picture makes me thing of Dialga for some reason.
#6 Poor Celly, nopony wants to hug her. Not even Fluttershy.
#7 The first thing that went through my head. "I pity the foal!"
#8 I'll be honest, I think candy canes are more Pinkie's schtick.
#11 You would not believe how long it took me to figure out what Celestia's hands were. At first I thought Fluttershy grew white/golden hair.
#12 Someone needs to make a miniature Celly plushie. Seriously.
#16 "The Ponies are coming, the PONIES are coming!"
#19 Celly plushie. I mean it.
#20 I'd watch that show. I imagine that Twilight's wishes go wrong because her wishes are too specific instead of too vague like Timmy's.
#1 Like it, looks really cool. Also makes me think Halo. #3 Guessing this is a Tron reference. lol Tron and ponies equals awesome. :D #6 Isn't this a repost? Could have sworn this was in the Drawfriend the other day. Either way though, it's freaken adorable. Oh Molestia, you so sly. But also so cute here. #7 Hah, remember seeing this one a little back. Of course she would try this. lol #8 Wow, really like the art style on this one of Rarity. Also has that old style charm to it. Very nicely done. #9 Brushie, brushie, brushie. Hah, cute. #10 Aww, poor little Winona. She's just a little puppy. I'd give both her and little AJ a huge hug. Adorable. :) #11 "Your Country is Needed, and we want it." Lmao. I'd gladly join the Pony Reich for Nurse Fluttershy. :D #16 Another one, nice. This one is really awesome too. #17 Snails being Snails. 'Nuff said. lol #20 Now that is simply awesome. I love it. "OddPonies, Fairly OddPonies. Wands and wings. Floaty crowny things!" #21 I dunno, they can't take up too much room, right? *rimshot* lol Cute thought. Eeeyup. #22 Aww, Twi and Nyx. This is real adorable too. :)
#20...yeah, yeah, I know they were the only ones who had wings, but seriously, how could you not have figured out a way to put Rarity and Pinkie Pie as the godparents? They would've been perfect...
#16 When I realized that was Stephen Colbert, I laughed so hard. It's not often I actually laugh out lout at something on the internet. Colbert's expression is just brilliant!
#22 After reading all 16 chapters of Past Sins in about one day and catching up with everyone else, I can safely say that Nyx is now the best pony. And this picture just helps prove it.
...Now if you excuse me, I must go have a heart attack from the cuteness overload...HNNNNG--
I don't really have time to comment tonight... BUT I have to express my heartmelting because of number 22. ALOT OF EPIC PICS! But Twi and Nyx did it. NEW BG for me!
#7 - Hahaha...trying to buy beer with a phony obviously phony one. The picture is a smiley face anyone could draw and some letters are written backwards...and what the hay is that word that's supposed to be her name?!
#10 - "Uuuuhhhh...It was Winona! SHE did it! BAD Winona!"
#16 - Stephen Colbert rides Applejack...seriously, now that we got drawings of Stephen Colbert with the ponies, could someone consider drawing Jon Stewart with the ponies?
I know #6 is a repost. i commented on it a drawfriend or two ago. I also still stand by my comment regarding the odd bulge between Celestia's rear legs. It looks like she's been looking at those spells Twilight got mixed up with during her "Dusk" incident? (Rune 63)
Gets even worse if you swap which pony speaks the last two lines. Keep the order, just swap who speaks them...
Takes it from awkward no hugz 4 Celly to pure Molestia.
If you look closely at source 11 and 20, you can see SS lightning bolts in the pawprint next to the WJS used in the pictures :(. otherwise the pictures are really good. I liked 10.
96 kommentaari:
not first
VastaKustutaaww goddamnit
Getting bored of space.
Sources 7 and 18-XD
VastaKustutaSource 22-Nyx T_T
Not first
VastaKustuta#2 I see what you did there.
VastaKustuta#20 I would watch that
#22 fffffff now I'm sad :c
My heart exploded at #22 D:
VastaKustutaA little shorter this time, but great haul overall
VastaKustutaDAMMIT NYX!
#22 just cute...
VastaKustutain't Nyx a bit too little?
Meant source 16...freaking Colbert.
VastaKustuta#7 Looks legit.
VastaKustuta#2 is perfect.
VastaKustutaMan someone beat me to it!
#7 So that's how she got her mark!
VastaKustutaAwesome, Esuka's Nyx picture got in.
I think 6 & 9 are reposts…
VastaKustutaNumber 6 reminds me of Raven and Estelle from Tales of Vesperia for some reason...
VastaKustutaColgate ^.^
VastaKustutaso wish I could wright or draw=[
But once again anther great buch of pics=]
Stephen Colbert riding Applejack?
Stephen Colbert is riding Applejack;
Your argument is invalid.
8: Wow... That Rarity pic is REALLY REALLY good...
VastaKustuta16: O____O Colbert is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! XD
#2 Cutie Mark Crusaders Holy War YAY!
VastaKustuta#7 Why is Mr. T working the Convenience store?
#16: Threat down: Ursa Major!
6 is ether a repost or i saw it on DA
VastaKustutaFiiiiiirrrrrrssssst! Getting bored, count the firsts. One first, two firsts, three firsts...getting bored of firsts. Want to go back to no firsts. First's are boring.
VastaKustuta#1 Joking aside, that pony on the left in the first picture makes me thing of Dialga for some reason.
#6 Poor Celly, nopony wants to hug her. Not even Fluttershy.
#7 The first thing that went through my head. "I pity the foal!"
#8 I'll be honest, I think candy canes are more Pinkie's schtick.
#11 You would not believe how long it took me to figure out what Celestia's hands were. At first I thought Fluttershy grew white/golden hair.
#12 Someone needs to make a miniature Celly plushie. Seriously.
#16 "The Ponies are coming, the PONIES are coming!"
#19 Celly plushie. I mean it.
#20 I'd watch that show. I imagine that Twilight's wishes go wrong because her wishes are too specific instead of too vague like Timmy's.
Number 2. On second thought, let's not go to Canterlot. Tis a silly place.
VastaKustuta#8 is
VastaKustuta#10 and #14 have my love. So adorable. (:
VastaKustuta#22 Damn Nyx, Y U So Cute
VastaKustuta22: Ack, my heart!
VastaKustuta#7- seems legit
VastaKustuta#14- for some reason seeing derpy flying around with dinky on her back always brings a smile to my face
Umm... I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but can somepony explain to me who Nyx is?
VastaKustutaCharacter from the Fic Past Sins
#20 Ship Twilight with Trixie.
I LOL'd at #10
VastaKustuta6 is a repost seth
VastaKustutaAn OC pony from a fanfiction called Past Sins. Basically Nightmare Moon reincarnated. The fic in question is...quite popular here.
In after the obvious "SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!".
VastaKustuta#1 Like it, looks really cool. Also makes me think Halo.
#3 Guessing this is a Tron reference. lol Tron and ponies equals awesome. :D
#6 Isn't this a repost? Could have sworn this was in the Drawfriend the other day. Either way though, it's freaken adorable. Oh Molestia, you so sly. But also so cute here.
#7 Hah, remember seeing this one a little back. Of course she would try this. lol
#8 Wow, really like the art style on this one of Rarity. Also has that old style charm to it. Very nicely done.
#9 Brushie, brushie, brushie. Hah, cute.
#10 Aww, poor little Winona. She's just a little puppy. I'd give both her and little AJ a huge hug. Adorable. :)
#11 "Your Country is Needed, and we want it." Lmao. I'd gladly join the Pony Reich for Nurse Fluttershy. :D
#16 Another one, nice. This one is really awesome too.
#17 Snails being Snails. 'Nuff said. lol
#20 Now that is simply awesome. I love it. "OddPonies, Fairly OddPonies. Wands and wings. Floaty crowny things!"
#21 I dunno, they can't take up too much room, right? *rimshot* lol Cute thought. Eeeyup.
#22 Aww, Twi and Nyx. This is real adorable too. :)
Cool, mine got put in, it's the cutie mark "crusaders " one.
VastaKustutaOnly found out about this site 2 days ago. It's good
I thought Spiral Knights at the first one... Darn colour scheme...
VastaKustuta#20, How is Pinkie Pie not Cosmo!?
VastaKustutaIs that filly Berry Punch using a fake I.D.?
VastaKustutaNyx... too cute.
VastaKustutaHaha #16 is just so awesome!
#7: Oh you~ <3
VastaKustuta#10: Hah, looks like someone's in trouble!
#13: ... Oh man, she's so cool!! :O
22# Is it just me or is Nyx a bit too small?
VastaKustuta#3: yes tron Celestia we need more tron Celestia(and other troned ponies)
VastaKustutaasfghkjh my Celestia chibi is on Equestria Daily. My day has been made <3
VastaKustuta1: What the hell is the thing on the right?
VastaKustuta22: Nyx FTFW (For The Fucking Win)
As a European, my first reaction to 2 was to grab a mace.
VastaKustuta... What do you mean, it's not that kind of crusade?
#11 an obviouse homonage to the conversion burea
VastaKustutais that....berry punch?
Only just twigged to what 2 is. Cutie Mark Crusaders.... Crusaders! Yay!
VastaKustutaOh that's so awesome.
Is there a way for the editor, owner? to change a drawing here to a newer version? Just noticed something wrong with my drawing.
VastaKustuta> Twilight Sparkle is Timmy Turner
Seriously, I do.
At least I finally got him off my back. Darn hairless apes, think they can sit on anypony...
VastaKustutaWoo! Great drawfriend!
VastaKustutaLove 8
Haha at 16
1 reminds me of those Space pokemon gods for some reason.
That last one. Is that a fan art of a fan fiction? So...that would make it a fan fan art?
#20...yeah, yeah, I know they were the only ones who had wings, but seriously, how could you not have figured out a way to put Rarity and Pinkie Pie as the godparents? They would've been perfect...
VastaKustuta#3: Do it, Celly. That mare's just beggin' for a derezzin'.
VastaKustuta#16, Colbert rides for Celestia, neigh! Come Jon Stewart, for Luna!
VastaKustuta#9: If nopony minds me asking, where did the whole "Brushie brushie brushie" thing come from?
VastaKustutaaww. still no creepy rarity
VastaKustuta#16 When I realized that was Stephen Colbert, I laughed so hard. It's not often I actually laugh out lout at something on the internet. Colbert's expression is just brilliant!
VastaKustuta#22 After reading all 16 chapters of Past Sins in about one day and catching up with everyone else, I can safely say that Nyx is now the best pony. And this picture just helps prove it.
...Now if you excuse me, I must go have a heart attack from the cuteness overload...HNNNNG--
I don't really have time to comment tonight... BUT I have to express my heartmelting because of number 22. ALOT OF EPIC PICS! But Twi and Nyx did it. NEW BG for me!
VastaKustuta#6 Tales of Equestria?
VastaKustutaNyx!! Dawwww!
VastaKustutadid somepony say space
VastaKustutaI love space
Short but awesome. #22 makes me happy.
VastaKustuta#7 - Hahaha...trying to buy beer with a phony obviously phony one. The picture is a smiley face anyone could draw and some letters are written backwards...and what the hay is that word that's supposed to be her name?!
VastaKustuta#10 - "Uuuuhhhh...It was Winona! SHE did it! BAD Winona!"
#16 - Stephen Colbert rides Applejack...seriously, now that we got drawings of Stephen Colbert with the ponies, could someone consider drawing Jon Stewart with the ponies?
#22 is Full of WIN to my inner self of this Cuteness /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaWhere are all the Rainbow Dash ones? Hardly any Rainbow Dash here except for #20.
VastaKustutaI dont see how Celestia is like raver though...
VastaKustuta#2: We are the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS......CRUSADERS
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who's noticed a fish bone in the garbage can of a family who are supposedly vegetarians?
VastaKustutaIn number 10, by the way
VastaKustuta#8: s-c-fowlie
VastaKustutaI know #6 is a repost. i commented on it a drawfriend or two ago. I also still stand by my comment regarding the odd bulge between Celestia's rear legs. It looks like she's been looking at those spells Twilight got mixed up with during her "Dusk" incident? (Rune 63)
Gets even worse if you swap which pony speaks the last two lines. Keep the order, just swap who speaks them...
Takes it from awkward no hugz 4 Celly to pure Molestia.
I suppose Applejack is the most American pony...
VastaKustutaTron Trixie, awesome!
VastaKustutaSpace just got 20% cooler
VastaKustutadrawfriends appear to get shorter everytime i watch them, have you got an idea on that, watson?
VastaKustutaHasn't #13 a;ready been in a previous drawfiend edition?
VastaKustutaI sware i already have that picture on my hard drive.
#22 just actually killed me.
VastaKustutaIf you look closely at source 11 and 20, you can see SS lightning bolts in the pawprint next to the WJS used in the pictures :(. otherwise the pictures are really good. I liked 10.
VastaKustutaKeep the OCs out of the regular Drawfriends...
VastaKustutaThese are all brilliant, but #22 is just too cute, i have a weakness for cute drawings of nyx. d'aww
VastaKustutaThe right figure in #1 is... a peagsus, in space-armour. More specifically, they're royal guards of Celestia and Luna respectively.
VastaKustutaNever thought I'd see pony fanart from Heroes V. But there we are.
VastaKustutaNever thought I'd see pony fanart from Heroes V. But there we are.
VastaKustutaI was just listening to "Derezzed" when i saw #3. My jaw dropped. My mind was blown.
VastaKustutaPrincess Celeron and T. R. X.
11. ahh Wolfjedisamuel...
VastaKustutaLuv his work
#16 Needs to happen in real life!